Chapter 159 Undercover Helena

Sneaking into the current Senate Command Center is not difficult for Helena.

After all, her ability is a kind of cognitive disturbance. Now that the United Star Cluster has forcibly eliminated all AIs, only the robots as the Guards can counter her.

As soon as Helena slipped through the door, she heard two guards on duty chatting away.

Guard A: "What do you think is the difference between those robots and AI? I heard that the Galactic Diva on the Jackdaw can also control the robots."

Guard B: "You don't know, do you? I've heard that the galactic singer's singing has a great effect on both humans and AI. You immediately rebelled when you heard it. But the robots just stopped!"

"Where did you hear this from?" Guard A asked doubtfully, "Isn't it the old man who tells stories in the tavern again? That old man talks nonsense as long as he drinks more than two taels."

"I heard what the dictator said while chatting with his adjutant, and whoever was on duty with me at the time also heard it." Guard B patted his chest confidently.

Guard A: "Really? That galactic diva is so powerful, why doesn't she just brainwash all of us and become the queen of the United Star Cluster?"

Guard B: "I heard it's because there is a superpower among the superpowers who is specifically responsible for her, so that they can't act recklessly!"

Helena thought that the rumors were actually correct in a sense. Wang Chao really was in charge of all superpowers.

However, Guard B's next sentence made Helena unable to hold herself tight.

He said: "There is a superpower that can control all superpowers, and there is a superpower who specializes in him, but this superpower who specializes in him cannot control other superpowers. So the X organization came up with it With one move, the hearts of these two people are connected together, and they live and die together!"

This theory was so ridiculous that Helena couldn't help but laugh out loud. Fortunately, her ability was cognitive modification, so the guards couldn't hear her laughter.

If Helena's ability was still in the "primary form" from a few days ago, the two guards would probably see some kind of insect making a woman's laugh.

Helena had just finished laughing when the two guards started discussing other topics.

"You said that banning AI is going too far. In the past, AI could just leave the gatekeeping job to AI, but now we have to guard the gate here. We are security engineers, and our job is to repair various security robots. Now look at the door.”

Guard B sighed: "We've done the math. I heard that the organization of the celebration is in a mess. Logistics used to be managed by AI, big data distribution and so on, and the transportation capacity will always be well matched.

"It's a mess now. Some ports have a bunch of empty spaceships without cargo, and ports with cargo have no ships."

Guard A looked at the sky: "You said that if all the work is handed over to AI, can we play games every day? I found an ancient game called "Rogue Trader" that is very fun, and I specially played it just to be able to play it. An operating system from 300 years ago has been put together!"

Guard B: "I don't know where these people got sick. Wouldn't it be better to leave everything to AI? What is said about being held captive by AI? In fact, as long as we change our thinking, AI is a tool created by us humans, and it is our order to keep humans in captivity. Isn’t this the end of our mission?”

"Yes, yes, if you have to completely destroy the AI ​​and do it yourself, the result will be a mess."

Helena could no longer laugh. As a member of the United Star Cluster, she knew very well that this kind of thinking was very popular in the United Star Cluster.

Rather, it took the Resistance Army so many years to overthrow the AI ​​rule mainly because of the thinking of ordinary people, and the suppression of AI did not have much effect.

Looking at the two guards, Helena speculated that the United Star Cluster would restart the AI ​​soon, but this time the meta-commands given to the AI ​​would be gentler, and the AI ​​would raise humans more carefully.

Forget it, this has nothing to do with her anymore.

Helena put these thoughts and the two deserting guards behind her, sneaked into the Senate headquarters building, and reached Gaius' office with ease.

"Then the question came," she muttered, "how to open the door to the secret room?"

Helena knew how to open it. The problem was that when she opened the secret room door, she probably couldn't control the two people inside.

Unless we can find a way to let these two people watch the broadcast - yes, Helena's superpower and Lily's superpower are just the opposite. Her ability is effective on both recordings and video files, while Lily is limited to live broadcasts.

After a brief thought, Helena switched her disguise to Gaius' secretary.

From the perspective of others, the secretary suddenly appeared and pressed the call button on the wired phone on the wall. The next moment Gaius's voice came from the receiver: "What's the matter?" Secretary: "I received it. A letter, signed Julian."

According to the intelligence Helena had collected before, Gaius missed Julian very much, so now that he mentioned this name and paired it with some cognitive operations, it would be easy for him to open the door.

Yes, as compensation for losing the true transformation ability, Helena's ability can now perform cognitive interference. After all, her cognitive invisibility and other things are actually cognitive interference, so it does not violate Wang Chao's rule that there is only one superpower. The "rules" of ability.

It can be said that Helena's current superpowers are extremely consistent with her background as a habitual fraud criminal.

Gaius: "Is it signed Julian?"

The adjutant's voice can be heard on the other side of the phone: "This must be a trap!"

Gaius: "Even if it's a trap, it's important to find out who is doing this, isn't it? Secretary, please send Julian's letter directly in."

Helena snapped her fingers: Done.

It took her 0.5 seconds to compose a letter signed by Julian. The content was probably to congratulate "brother" for successfully getting rid of the AI ​​and becoming the dictator Barabala. The content of the letter is not important, what is important is the meme inside.

As for how to send the letter, Helena was not a hacker and could not hack into the Senate system, but she had already deceived the secretary's phone number.

The prosthetic man made a quick call, and a moment later the real secretary who had been deceived forwarded the anonymous letter compiled by Helena - the secretary herself was still doing her nails in the next room, completely unaware that she was involved in a conspiracy against the dictator. conspiracy.

Helena waited for a second, guessing that the meme had contaminated the two people inside, and then skillfully opened the door to the secret room through the mechanism in the study.

Yes, in order to prevent AI, the mechanism of this secret room is completely mechanical, which completely prevents AI from controlling the mechanism through the network. The price is that people like Helena who have seen Gaius open the door can open the door directly.

If he used an electronic lock, there would be nothing Helena could do. After all, he was not a hacker. Then she would have to find a way to trick Gaius out.

For example, just pretend to be Julian and call Gaius.

The door to the secret room was fully opened, and the two people inside didn't even notice that the door was open. It was obvious that the memetic contamination was at work.

Helena slipped through the door and closed it behind her.

At this moment, Helena suddenly had the urge to tease the two ignorant guys.

This emotion may be similar to the mood a cat feels when playing with a caught mouse.

Helena was about to take action when she was suddenly awakened by the basic qualities of a psychologist.

——What was I thinking just now? It was almost like being tempted by a devil or something else.

Well, there’s also a psychological aspect to explaining this urge.

But if one day psychology is "lost", and then the ability to modify and contaminate cognition spreads everywhere, maybe people will think that some subspace demon is really at work.

People of that era might still regard artificial intelligence as the soul of the machine and pray to it.

While Helena was thinking about this, Gaius said: "What is this? It looks like a damn prank."

This refers to Julian's letter that Helena forged.

But his deputy scanned the room with an alert look on his face: "Your Majesty the Dictator, I have an ominous feeling that this letter comes by coincidence. I suggest you not to say anything confidential from now on."

Helena frowned: Someone could actually notice something strange?
 In fact, the title of this chapter was intended to be "Infiltrate Investigator Helena", but this title was too similar to the book, so it was discarded.

(End of this chapter)

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