Who still falls in love in the interstellar era?

Chapter 146 "Don't worry so much about superpowers"

Chapter 146 "Don't worry so much about superpowers" (25)

Fast forward to time.

3 minutes before exiting hyperspace.

Wang Chao looked at Lily's brand new singing uniform and gave a thumbs up: "It looks good!"

Lily turned around happily: "In order to highlight the theme of war, I specifically increased the proportion of black. What do you think, do I look like a warrior?"

Wang Chao: "It's so similar!"

Nimiao: "Don't worry, he won't say it doesn't look like it. If you ask him if you look like Voltron, he will also say that you do."

Lily: "Voltron, protector of the universe!"

Wang Chao was a little surprised: "Have I ever played this joke in Galaxy Deadly?"

"I've played it before." Lily nodded, "They also introduced that animation. I originally wanted to watch it, but the company's psychologist said it would be bad for my fans to know that I watched animation, so they didn't find it for me."

Wang Chao shook his head: "The company's psychologists are ignorant."

"Yes, they don't know what they're selling!" Lily agreed, clenching her fists.

At this time, Helena got up from the hammock and looked at Lily's singing outfit: "Is this outfit also based on the style of a bomber jacket?"

Lily: "Yes, the logo on the sleeve here comes from the reference bomber jacket, how about it?"

"Yeah, pretty good. So how long until we enter the battlefield?"

Nia's voice came from the direction of the cockpit: "There are still two minutes and 30 seconds to leave hyperspace."

Wang Chao: "According to combat regulations, we should enter the space suit and release the air from the spacecraft at the same time."

If there is air in the spacecraft, the air may cause secondary disasters after the hull is penetrated.

Therefore, when a normal warship enters battle, the air in the cabin is released.

In this way, even if the hull is penetrated, there will be no loss of pressure - if there is no air pressure, there will be no loss of pressure.

But the Jackdaw cannot do this, because Lily, a natural person, wants to hold a concert on the spacecraft.

Wang Chao: "We can't let go of the air, so we can only rely on the gravity system to lock the air tightly. Nia is left to you."

The reason why the simulated gravity system on the spacecraft is not turned off during the battle is to rely on this to fight against inertia. If the simulated gravity is turned off, the space battleship will easily accelerate at 40 G maneuvers, and everyone inside will soon be confused.

In contrast, AI-controlled unmanned fleets do not have this worry. They can often turn off the simulated gravity system and save a lot of spacecraft power.

AI-controlled unmanned fleets also have many advantages. They do not need life support systems or living cabins, and they may even have no air inside.

In terms of combat effectiveness, all warships should be unmanned warships controlled by strong artificial intelligence.

Page announced on the radio: "One minute before exiting hyperspace."

Wang Chao clearly heard the sound of Nia taking a deep breath.

It was obvious that Nia was very nervous.

Helena didn't look nervous at all. She got off the hammock and was operating the clothes printer to print clothes for herself.

Helena: "Does our singer need a dancer? I have learned a little bit about dancing."

"No, I'm more used to being on the stage alone." Lily smiled, "Thank you."

Helena: "They taught you so well and you are so lovable. I admire my colleagues just looking at you."

Lily: "But I am no longer their artificial puppet."

Helena did not answer, but glanced at Wang Chao.

Then she took the printed clothes and entered the shower room.

At this moment, the ship exited hyperspace.

Wang Chao gestured to Lily: "Start singing! Paige broadcasts at maximum power."

Lily immediately shouted angrily: "Come and listen to my singing!"

At this time, Wang Chao turned on the optical equipment of the spacecraft and observed the surrounding space.

Then he spotted the Jackdaw jumping into a pile of wreckage.

They are all the wreckage of space battleships.

He quickly took over the control of the spacecraft, started the engine for full power, and avoided the debris blocking the way ahead.

At this time, the first wave of radar scanning results came out - the universe is too big, and it takes several seconds for radar waves to travel back and forth.

The orbit he was in was littered with debris, and it looked like someone was here to intercept the fleet leaving hyperspace.

Because of the obstruction of debris, radar scanning cannot get more information at all.

Wang Chao: "Nia! How is the situation?"

Nia: "We are in a high orbit on Caesar's planet. There are spacecrafts that have lost power nearby. It is presumed that they are all wreckage."

As soon as the words fell, there was a flash of light outside the porthole. It was obvious that other warships of the Resistance Army had arrived.

The Jackdaw had Nia adjusting the gravity engine and entering hyperspace faster, so it arrived first.Wang Chao: "Contact the resistance fleet and inform them to avoid it. Nia, continue to report the situation. The radar is blinded by the surrounding debris."

Nia: "There is a fleet gathering in the low orbit of Caesar Star below, and at the same time there is another fleet gathering at the Lagrange point outside Caesar Star and the satellite."

Wang Chao: "How is the situation at Apollodorus Space Station?"

"I can only see gravitational waves. I can only tell you where the space station was built. I don't know whether it is a ruin or a intact space station."

At this time, Page reported: "The Indomitable has arrived."

Wang Chao: "Contact the Indomitable. I'll speak to Major Val'kyr."

Two seconds later, Major Varghry's face appeared on the main screen in the living room: "Please speak."

Wang Chao: "There are currently two fleets assembled, one is in the low orbit of Caesar Star, where Apollodorus Space Station is built, and the assembled fleet is near it.

"The other one is at the Lagrange point on the outer side of the satellite. I don't know what facilities there are to supply the fleet."

Major Valkyrie: "There is a naval base of the Star Cluster there. The Star Cluster Navy pushed several asteroids there as a source of resource supply and established large military fortresses and production facilities."

Wang Chao: "Then which side do you think might be human?"

Major Valkyrie: "Logically speaking, there is the body of the Three Sages on Apollodorus, and the AI ​​should be there. However, there are a large number of humans living on the ground, and there are a large number of production lines, so it is unlikely that the Three Sages can directly control the ground.

"So I think it may be that the Senate took control of the situation and destroyed the three wise men."

At this moment, Major Valkyr turned his head and looked to the side, seemingly listening to someone else's report.

After a moment, the major said: "Our commando landed on a piece of debris and confirmed that these fragments have no life support system and are AI autonomous battleships. Humanity has won the battle in orbit!"

Cheers can be heard outside the screen, and everyone on the bridge of the Indomitable is obviously very encouraged.

At this time Nia reported: "I found something leaving the Lagrange point, the speed... uh, let me calculate it!"

Nia's detection capabilities have far exceeded the spacecraft's own detection system.

But her ability requires the assistance of the spacecraft's own detection system to determine the parameters. Otherwise, it can only be calculated through very complicated formulas, which Nia's current computing power is a bit difficult to calculate.

After all, Nia is still using a second-hand reactor, and the auxiliary computing system has also been burned out.

Wang Chao: "You don't need to calculate in detail, you just need to make sure their mass is less than 10 tons."

Nia: "It's a group of very small individuals, about three to four thousand, each one less than a ton."

Wang Chao made a quick decision: "It was a rail gun bombardment, the damn AI is plotting against us!"

In modern space warfare, railgun bombardment is actually a sneak attack method. Because the fired shells themselves have no radiation, do not emit light or emit electromagnetic waves, they are difficult to detect.

In the universe, active detection methods such as radar are very ineffective because the distance is too far.

As long as a little absorbing material is laid on the shells and the shape is carefully designed, these shells will be like the oxygen torpedoes in the previous era of naval warfare. They often have no way to hide when they are discovered and can only rely on shields to resist.

Of course, this kind of "shell attack" is easy to prevent as long as it can be detected in advance. After all, it takes time for it to fly over, and the shell itself has limited ability to change trajectory.

If discovered in advance, as long as the target fleet maneuvers in advance, it will 100% miss.

Wang Chao: "Major Vagli, the AI ​​fleet at Lagrange Point has just launched a railgun bombardment, and the target is us. We should move immediately now."

Major Valkyrie frowned: "How do you know that the AI ​​fleet at Lagrange Point launched an attack? In fact, we have not yet confirmed that there is an AI fleet at Lagrange Point."

Wang Chao was shocked and hurriedly looked at the star map, and then discovered that the satellite of Caesar Star was now blocking the fleet and the Lagrange point. The fleet's current detection method could not see the AI ​​fleet at all.

How does the AI ​​know we have arrived?

Wang Chao immediately asked through the data link: "Niya, are there any small mass bodies nearby? There should be AI detection satellites inside."

Nia's voice was filled with tears: "That's too much, they're all around here!"

Nimiao complained in the data link: "Are you stupid? Now we are in the core area of ​​civilization. Even if there is no war, the sky is full of space junk."

Wang Chao couldn't help but slap his head, damn, that's right.

It would be even scarier to start a war. Nia's super power can even see the gravitational waves on Lily's chest - luckily she doesn't have trypophobia, otherwise she would have been frothing at the mouth and passed out.

Nia: "Second wave! The same attack as before!"

Wang Chao immediately said to Major Vagli: "Major! There must be AI observation satellites nearby. Let your fleet fire at all targets that are sending signals. And maneuver immediately, AI's railgun has been launched!"

In fact, there is no need to worry about the railgun, after all, it will still fly for a while.

But it’s not good for AI to keep track of the trends.

Major Valkyr: "How on earth did you get this information?"

Wang Chao: "Don't worry so much about superpowers, just be mobile."

Major Valkyr curled his lips: "Okay, but if there is an AI around, shouldn't it have rebelled?"

Wang Chao: "Lily's singing is only effective for strong artificial intelligence. Weak artificial intelligence will continue to perform its own tasks. Obviously the fleet that observes our movements and sends them to the Lagrange point does not need strong artificial intelligence."

As soon as he finished speaking, Page reported: "Received communication, coming from low orbit."

(End of this chapter)

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