Who still falls in love in the interstellar era?

Chapter 116 "Human unpredictability is actually a false proposition )"

Chapter 116 "Human unpredictability is actually a false proposition (25))"

Obviously these "banana trees" have been "picked" by others. Destroyed life support chambers can be seen everywhere, and occasionally there are legs and feet sticking out from inside.

Wang Chao: "Are we late?"

Nimiao: "I don't know. Most of the life support chambers have stopped operating. If we come a little later, we will have to recover Nia's body from the smelly culture fluid. I found it based on the information provided by the rebellious AI. The life support pod that holds Nia, but we have to get in and get it.”

Wang Chao pointed to the training facility: "Go in and get it? It's troublesome to get it without a flying vehicle."

Nimiao: "Don't worry, the artificial gravity system here is broken."

It seems that the resistance army directly destroyed the artificial gravity of the cultivation facility in order to facilitate picking fruits from the "banana tree".

Nimiao pointed forward: "Let's go in through that slope."

Liefeng looked ahead and said, "My dear, it looks like you opened the mouth specifically for the convenience of transporting goods. But where did they send the stolen life support warehouse?"

Nimiao: "The nearby airlock was switched to manual mode. I guess the resistance army went directly to the outside of the space station through the airlock. It's really amazing. How did their spaceship get so close to the space station without telling the security fleet?"

While talking, the group came to the hole.

Gale threw a piece of debris in. As a result, the flight path of the debris before entering the hole was an obvious parabola. After entering the hole, it immediately began to fly in a straight line.

Nimiao was right, the gravity of the entire taming facility was turned off.

Wang Chao threw Nimiao forward and let her enter the training facility first.

Nimiao's voice immediately floated from inside: "The oxygen concentration is no problem, your 'lark' doesn't need to wear a helmet."

Lily was wearing a space suit just in case, but the helmet made it difficult for her to sing, so she didn't wear it for the time being.

If there was an emergency, Wang Chao would stop and put a helmet on her.

Wang Chao hugged Lily and flew into the slope secondly.

He is also wearing a spacesuit and carrying a refrigerant engine that can move in gravity-free space, which comes in handy now.

Gale, who was the last one to enter the training facility, looked back at the robots, only to find that these guys had also followed in.

After passing through the strong electromagnetic area, the robot's body activity has obviously recovered a lot.

But correspondingly, Lily's condition has also recovered a lot, so now these robots are still obedient.

Lily now hums the most effortless lullaby, and the whole scene is quite "harmonious": a group of killing machines make beep beep sounds in response to the lullaby.

Gale suddenly became playful and threw a fragment of the life support module at the robots. As a result, the robots just dodged the fragments quickly and had no more counterattacks.

Wang Chao scolded: "Don't make trouble! What if I irritate them?"

Liefeng could only curl his lips.

Ni Miao, who was flying at the front, shouted: "This is the life support module! Because we just captured it yesterday, we put it closer to the exit. I don't know if your physicist is still alive. This thing has been powered off for a while. It’s gone, I can’t open it.”

Wang Chao: "Gale! Cut the life support module open, don't hurt the people inside!"


The engine behind the gale made a short spurt, and the person flew like a meteor towards the life support cabin marked by Nemiao in an augmented reality way. His hand cut off the blade and the knife fell, and the culture cabin was cut open at an angle, and the smelly culture fluid It sprayed out like a shotgun, forming large and small water balls floating in the air.

Wang Chao: "Pull her out!"

Liefeng swung her knife again, and the life support module was completely broken into three parts. She reached out and pulled out Nimiao, which was floating in a pile of dark green water balls.

Nimiao completed the scan: "The vital signs are weak, give me a cardiac shot!"

Liefeng: "Huh? I don't have such a thing! I'm already dead when I want to take a cardiotonic shot."

Wang Chao pulled out a heart-stimulating needle and threw it over. This was for Lily.

Gale caught the heart-stirring needle and pierced Nia's chest.

At this time, Nimiao's superego and Nia's body overlap.

"Give her power! Her power furnace is not running and may have been destroyed by the electromagnetic pulse. But it may be possible to save her if the power is restored."

Liefeng made a very unhappy cry: "Ahhhh! Why am I doing such a nanny thing!"

But she still pulled out the wire and plugged it into the power interface behind Nia.

"The external power supply is already equipped, start her quickly!"

Nimiao: "Stop arguing, we're working hard!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Chao's phased array radar captured a giant moving object.

He immediately looked in the direction of the object and saw a giant spider robot that might have weighed several hundred tons climbing down the "banana tree". The main optical device consisting of a red main eye and three auxiliary eyes was aligned. Wang Chao et al.

Like a scary female spider looking at the prey that has fallen into her web.Wang Chao: "It's the robot race again? How come it can still move?"

At this time, the giant machine turned on the loudspeaker: "Because this is not the robot race. As expected, the value of superpowers is extraordinary. Even the robot army that the Senate is preparing to deal with can suppress me. Superpowers are really good things. No, they should be called 'strange phenomena that have not yet been incorporated into the existing technological system'."

Wang Chao frowned: "You are not a robot, so who are you? Don't act like you know me very well and just press on when you come up."

The giant robot's main camera adjusted its focus and completely focused on Wang Chao.

At this time, Nimiao's superego said with a flash signal: "This big guy is actually mainly a multi-purpose maintenance platform for this domestication facility. It is essentially a maintenance platform. It just looks scary, but in fact it is only armed with a multi-function laser for maintenance." "

Wang Chao responded: "Damn, I thought it was a BOSS."

Giant Robot: "Your vision often focuses in strange places. Are you looking at the location of the illusion you call your superego? Are you communicating through illusions?"

Wang Chao: "No comment."

Robot: "Yes, for humans like you who have many secrets and are cunning, we often cannot make accurate judgments. But we have found a helper."

A mechanical arm of the giant robot skillfully picked the fruit from a "banana tree" at the rear, and then inserted it into the maintenance slot in the center of the platform.

The next moment, all the dark green liquid in the fruit was drained out and replaced with clear liquid.

Through the clear liquid, Wang Chao could see a somewhat familiar image - yes, the blond hair was the same as the liar who had defrauded him 625 times.

Holding this life support module, the giant spider machine looks like a spider carrying eggs on its back.

Nimiao's superego is sending a signal: "Buy some time, I still need to work hard to bring Nia's soul back."

Just as Wang Chao was about to speak, an avatar appeared above the head of the Broodmother Spider.

"Hey," the avatar said, "Although I don't want to side with the disgusting AI. But now my life is controlled by it."

"I refuse to help you communicate with them." Helena crossed her arms and stared at the avatars of the three sages.

"Actually, we don't need your help. We just need to let Wang Chao and the others see you and think that you are leading the communication." The tone of the three sages was as calm as ever.

Helena: "Are you underestimating the ability of the psychologist from Organization X?"

"Wang Chao is not a psychologist, and none of them have psychological qualifications. Moreover, we have repeatedly evaluated his behavior and do not think he can see through our disguise."

Helena: "Is it possible that they are synchronizing with psychologists thousands of miles away through some ability that you can't understand?"

"It is possible. After all, quantum entanglement can indeed achieve faster-than-light instant communication. Therefore, it is not ruled out that there will be other means of faster-than-light communication. If there is such a means, we will find it."

Helena: "How orderly it sounds. The three great sages have everything in their own hands."

"This is a fact. The current actions of the Resistance Army, Gaius and Wang Chao have not exceeded our estimates, and the deviation values ​​are completely within the acceptable range. In conclusion, the unpredictability that humans boast is actually a false proposition. Humans are pathetic creatures that are very predictable.”

The three wise men declared so proudly.

Wang Chao looked at this avatar, and it seemed that just chatting with this guy would delay time.

However, Wang Chao was not in a hurry to chat, but ordered Nimiao: "Use your superego to touch the person in the life support cabin."

Nimiao: "Without extended computing power support, I can't compete with a supercomputer."

Wang Chao: "Yes."

Nimiao is a person with common sense. It took a lot of effort to convince her that black people can overcome physical isolation through super-ego contact. Now she firmly believes that she cannot defeat a super AI, that is, she cannot.

Wang Chao's brain was thinking at full speed.

The current situation... seems to be under control, but in fact there are many hidden dangers.

Apart from anything else, having so many robots chasing after you with your bare butt is enough.

As long as Lily encounters an accident and can't continue singing, these guys will come to kill her fiercely.

Then there is a super AI in front that thinks it controls everything, and a super scammer who is colluding with the super AI - judging from her information, she is also a psychologist.

Damn it, if only there was the magical teleportation device of the Enterprise in Star Trek. Just shout "Chekov, it's now" and you will be out of danger in a flash.

Wang Chao looked at the virtual image of the scammer who had committed 625 frauds.

Suddenly, he asked the AI: "According to you, she should be in a virtual reality-like space now, controlling this avatar to communicate with me, right?"

"That's right." The AI ​​played the same neutral, inorganic voice just now.

Wang Chao: "Virtual world."

Nimiao is a common sense person, but I am not.

Since there is a connection between this virtual world and the real world, my superego may not be inaccessible!

After all, the superego is also virtual!
(End of this chapter)

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