Chapter 103
Nimiao looked at Wang Chao, with no change in expression on the surface, but her superego truthfully reflected her current mood: "I will just watch quietly to see how your performance ends."

Judging from the behavior of Lily's little rabbit, she is very worried.

Wang Chao was not afraid at all. He didn't even know he had the talent to be a liar.

Nia had no doubts at all. She asked on behalf of the elders who had become completely silent and entered a state of intrigue: "Will Organization X set up a permanent office here? So there will be a superpower resident?"

Wang Chao: "Of course not. First, our relationship is not that good yet. Second, people with superpowers are very rare, and it is unlikely that they will stay with a partner with whom we have only a shallow relationship."

Did you hear that? The relationship is still shallow.The subtext is that we also have a close partner, and even a comprehensive strategic partner. As for who this partner is, there is no comment.

Nia: "Then... you will dispatch permanent personnel who are not superpowers?"

Wang Chao: "No, we don't have such a surplus of manpower. With our current relationship with the United Star Cluster, we will hire locals from the United Star Cluster. In addition, because we have no industry within the star cluster, the Liaison Office Operations and maintenance are the responsibility of the Star Cluster.”

Nia frowned, obviously aware that something was wrong: "So you just gave it a name and established a so-called liaison office, but you guys don't pay a penny? Why do I think...I think... …”

Wang Chao: "But the information we provided is true. Well, in order to show our sincerity, our agents will conduct on-site superpower tests when they are at the liaison office to select people with superpowers.

"We will conduct preliminary training for the superpowers discovered in this process. We will not absorb these people into the organization, they will make people belong to the United Star Cluster.

"Of course, we will eventually recover the 'Tao' used for testing. When ancient ruins are discovered in the territory of the United Star Cluster in the future, the discovered Tao can be divided into three or seven."

Wang Chao meant that it was enough for us to get [-]%, but he deliberately did not make it clear. What if the other party was willing to give away [-]% for free?I'm sure everyone will accept it.

As for testing superpowers, Wang Chao doesn't know much about superpowers, so he just improves his understanding through testing. This is a typical mutual benefit.

Our X organization does what we say, and when we say mutual benefit, we mean mutual benefit.

As for those with detected superpowers returning to the United Star Cluster, Wang Chao does not necessarily want every superpower user. He will think of a solution after he finds the superpower he wants.

Wang Chao's unrestrained talk caused some of the purple elders to break their tacit silence. Nimiao immediately detected the communication and synchronized it into Wang Chao's field of vision.

The elder said: "It feels good?"

Another elder responded: "In order to compete for these tested superpowers, there will probably be a bloody storm."

"Competing for the superpowers who have been tested? No, no, there will be a bloody storm over who to send for testing."

Watching these exchanges, Wang Chao had an idea and said to Nia: "We sincerely invite Miss Nia to be the first person to accept the superpower test."

Nia: "Me? I'm just a scientist. Superpowers don't conform to scientific laws, right?"

Wang Chao: "Have you read a novel called "Roadside Picnic"?"

Nia: "I haven't watched it, but I can watch it now."

Wang Chao then remembered that she was also a prosthetic, and it only took less than a second to download the novel and read it.

A second later, Nia: "A very good novel. When you mention this novel here, do you want to emphasize that aliens' technological products are no different from magic to us?"

The novel "Roadside Picnic" is the founder of a whole genre of science fiction. It tells the story of aliens who visited the earth and left behind a lot of "special areas", which contain a lot of things that humans cannot understand, and Humans see strange phenomena that seem like magic.

For aliens, they may have just had an outing on a wild planet, a "roadside picnic", and the things they left behind were all ordinary technological products.

But the things they dropped are all mysteries to humans on the wild planet.

Just like ants encountering the garbage thrown by humans during picnics, industrial products that humans see as ordinary, such as plastic bags, appear to ants to be unfathomable and strange substances.What Wang Chao meant when he mentioned "Roadside Picnic" at this time was: These nanomachines that can confer incredible superpowers may be just ordinary technological products among aliens, just like the smartphones in the hands of humans in the 21st century.

Superpowers that seem very strange and confusing may also be so.

And Nia immediately understood Wang Chao’s meaning accurately: “You mean, superpowers may just be a kind of superb science and technology?”

Wang Chao: "Yes, maybe the aliens who left behind the Tao have been upgraded to four-dimensional creatures. For them, the three-dimensional world is just a world that can be changed with a thought.

“It’s like we, as three-dimensional creatures, can fundamentally change this two-dimensional plane by just picking up a pen and drawing on paper.

"And 'Tao' is a medium created by four-dimensional creatures to share their abilities. Although it is completely impossible to understand how they do it with our current technology, as we continue to explore, one day we will figure it out."

At this time, the old men in purple clothes in the Senate no longer cared about keeping secrets, and expressed their opinions in encrypted communication:

"So Organization X had this idea!"

"Expanding the territory of mankind? Organization X is really great!"

"No wonder they are willing to share the secrets of superpowers, because they are a group of scientists and explorers. Naturally, they hope that the more people they can explore together, the better!"

Wang Chao's scalp was numb, and he thought, stop bragging, I just made it up to fool girls, I just want to fool girls into getting on the boat!
Why did Organization X become so great and upright all of a sudden?
I thought to myself, I wasn’t bragging about Organization X, I was just fooling girls!
Of course Nia didn't know what the elders said, and she didn't have hacking abilities.

She thought for a while and nodded: "You are absolutely right. This is probably some kind of technology that we cannot understand yet. In order to understand this technology, we should actually experience it.

“Is there anything I need to prepare before I try this technology?”

Wang Chao originally wanted to say no, just sit cross-legged with your back to me and I will teach you the exercises.

But suddenly he had an idea.

Wang Chao: "I'm not familiar with you yet. We need to conduct a complete psychological evaluation on you, and then we need to provide you with preliminary training."

Hey, it would be too trivial to directly teach the exercises. The sense of ritual must be sufficient. After all, it is all deceived by the tiger-skinned trap of Organization X, so it must be rigorous.

Someone among the elders in purple couldn't help but interjected: "Wait a minute, so, do you want to communicate with Organization X? But..."

Another senator pulled the one who spoke.

Wang Chao was not polite: "You secretly inspected our spaceship, right?"

Wang Chao had known for a long time that the spacecraft would be inspected, and Wang Chao had made preparations without leaving any clues.

"Ah hahaha," the elder who spilled the beans smiled awkwardly, "Then let's open the skylight and tell the truth. You don't have a quantum entanglement communication device on your spaceship? How do you contact Organization X?"

Wang Chao smiled charmingly: "Of course I'm sending a package."

Nimiao's superego gestured: "Hey! Who will send the mail package back and forth? If no one replies, will the secret be revealed?"

Wang Chao: "Don't panic. Today we will pretend to send a mail package, and then tomorrow we will 'pretend to pass on the imperial edict.' They will figure out that we have super-light communication capabilities. Maybe they will think that the mail package is also a cover-up."

After sending out this string of sign language, Wang Chao felt that he had more and more potential to become a pyramid scheme leader.

(End of this chapter)

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