Who still falls in love in the interstellar era?

Chapter 101 “Will Super AI Dream of Electric Sheep?”

Chapter 101 “Will Super AI Dream of Electric Sheep?”

Just as Wang Chao and Niya were about to continue their discussion, Liefeng suddenly said: "These people in purple seem to have a lot of opinions. It's obvious that my adoptive father is discussing important matters! Foster father, just kill them all!"

"Wait a minute!" Wang Chao held down Liefeng with his hand while speaking.

Liefeng's body has become lighter. In terms of pure strength, it cannot match the 268kg Wang Chao's body, so it can only be restrained.

Several people in purple clothes had already started to retreat, but when they saw Wang Chao holding Li Feng down, they all stopped again.

One of them asked: "Mr. Wang, we have not observed superpowers in this person, why do you want to keep her?"

Wang Chao made up a random reason: "She is good-looking."

When Li Feng doesn't talk, he does look pretty good, worthy of playing sumo wrestling.

Nimiao raised her eyebrows. Wang Chao thought she was going to say something to kick Liefeng out of the team, but it didn't happen.

It feels like Nemiao has been very cautious in using the data link since she arrived at Apollodorus Space Station. It is estimated that the default data link will be cracked by the super AI.

By the way, Li Feng didn't use the data link after arriving at this space station. This shows that Li Feng is only crazy on the surface and is never confused about major matters.

Hey, did I find another reason for Gale to stay?
At the same time, the current "Augustus" Gaius of the Senate was watching all this in the observation room at the rear.

The title Augustus can basically be equated to the supreme leader of the Senate. After receiving the title Augustus, you will also get the opportunity to change your name to a famous figure in Roman history.

The previous Augustus chose Constantine XI as his name, but he soon fell.

This Augustus chose Gaius as his name. As a result, someone proposed impeaching him that day on the grounds that he chose this name with the intention of becoming emperor.

Of course, this impeachment motion was suppressed by Gaius who mobilized all his abilities - being able to become Augustus originally meant that Gaius had a very high support rate in the Senate, and the faction behind him was very powerful.

Of course, it is impossible for the noble Augustus to come to the scene in person. He is already at the top of his power. The benefits of risking an interview with a dangerous super combat power are too low and not cost-effective.

The current reception group is all members of the Senate who hope to seize this sudden opportunity and greatly enhance their strength. Many of them are very young new members.

Apart from these people, the rest are scientists.

However, although most professors are interested in superpowers, they only send their own students to obtain first-hand information.

The only professor who arrived at the scene became the most eye-catching one, and now, as predicted by the three sages, he became the center of this contact.

Gaius sneered and said: "At present, it seems that the speculations of the three sages are very accurate. The main body of Organization Weak.”

Gaius' younger brother Julian, who is also a senator of the Senate, shook his head and also used his own vocal organ to say: "Isn't it too early to conclude that they are looking for scientists just based on their current performance?"

The reason why brothers Gaius and Julian spoke here instead of using the data connection to talk was also due to confidentiality considerations.

Voice communication is inefficient, but keeping it secret is easier than data - at least in the eyes of some people.Just build a soundproof house and make sure there are no bugs in the room, and the confidentiality is complete.

Even if the enemy's hackers have all kinds of skills, they can't steal even a little bit of information.

For the same reason, the top-secret documents of the United Star Cluster are all paper and there are no electronic documents. Such a safe can isolate hackers from intrusion, and it does not matter how many computing units are allocated to help hackers.

The person responsible for managing the safe is a carefully selected natural person.

There is no way. In the United Star Cluster, which uses super AI in large numbers, the AI's network cracking ability is too strong, and humans can only do this if they want to keep it secret.

Gaius glanced at his brother: "My brother, look at Wang Chao's reaction after seeing Professor Nia."

Julian: "Maybe it's just a normal reaction to seeing a beautiful woman. After all, it's Wang Chao."

"If you believe here that he is attracted to Professor Nia because of his lower body control, then you have fallen into the opponent's trap!

“Remember, Organization

"So the best way is not to believe the information they proactively release at all!"

After Gaius finished speaking, he raised his eyebrows and added: "The reason why the Three Sages can see through the disguise of Organization X is because they are AI and they have no psychology."

In fact, in ancient times, science fiction writers invented a kind of robot psychology, but now that robots and super AI technology have become so advanced, this science is still a matter in the field of science fiction.

Julian was speechless: "Organization X is so terrifying!"

Gaius nodded: "Of course. Maybe they have completed the 'psychohistory' that only exists in science fiction novels."

Psychohistory is something invented by the ancient science fiction master Isaac Asimov. However, after entering the interstellar era, some people have always believed that relying on big data analysis, maybe it can be as accurate as the "psychohistory" in science fiction novels. Predict the evolution of human society.

There are even political systems that try to artificially control the direction of social evolution in this way.

That political system finally chose to scan and upload the consciousness of all members, and evolved into the current robot race.

However, the failure of one attempt does not mean that this path will not work - and uploading the consciousness of all employees to embrace glorious evolution cannot really be said to be a wrong route.

After all, humans have limits, and if you want to break through them, you have to stop being human.

Now, maybe Organization X holds another evolutionary direction.

Gaius: "Perhaps the most fortunate thing now is that we are a political system where 70.00% of decision-making is completed by AI."

Julian reminded: "Brother, we adopted the AI ​​70.00% two suggestion."

"It won't be bugged here. It doesn't matter, my brother. We are an organization where [-]% of decisions are made by AI, and the remaining [-]% are eliminated by internal friction. But facing Organization X, this is our advantage. Relying on super AI, we will definitely gain benefits in the exchange of interests with Organization nails! "

Julian frowned slightly.

Julian has long suspected that his brother Gaius may have been replaced by AI.

Maybe not that kind of direct replacement.

It is true that AI does not have psychology, but AI also understands psychology very well. The only obstacle to their use of psychology is that it is difficult for these iron lumps to build trust in human hearts.

But what if AI manipulated synthetic humans to play psychologists?
As long as the "psychologist" gains the trust of the target, AI can completely use modern psychology to control humans.

My brother trusts AI a little too much.

Obviously before becoming Augustus, he was still a neutral, believing that AI's purely rational decisions and choices require human supervision.

How come we have become an AI advocate now?

Is it just because Organization X appears that may have mastered super psychological abilities?
Julian muttered inwardly.

Fortunately, he had already made preparations. He found an outsider to investigate his brother's personal life.

This outsider is also an expert in deception.

Helena Frost sat in the room of the Lily Bar, looking at the people in front of her.

On a space station like Apollodorus where there are a large number of super AIs, a "non-digital" confidential space like this has recently become a standard feature in bars.

The mercenaries hope that this confidential space coupled with voice communication can avoid the pervasive surveillance of AI.

"I'm going to prick you," Helena said.

The person in front of me stretched out his hand: "Please. I have bio-glue."

Bio-glue is the crystallization of modern trauma medicine. No matter how terrible the wound is, once the bio-glue is applied, it can instantly stop bleeding and disinfection, stop suppuration, and allow the entire wound to begin to improve.

The advertising slogan for this thing is very vulgar: "This is your portable medical cabin!"

It's vulgar, but it effectively reflects the advantages and selling points of this thing.

Helena pulled out the dagger and stabbed it directly into the outstretched arm on the other side.

The probe on the dagger immediately extracted a small piece of tissue.

Opposite: "As for it?"

"Didn't you prepare bio-glue?"

Helena didn't even look at the other person, and focused directly on the reading on the dagger.

DNA was detected, and local scans performed during the cutting proved that the arm tissue was genuine.

Helena put down the dagger and took out another small tool: "Soul scan, if you don't take the next step, we won't talk."

The other party shrugged, took the tool's cord and inserted it into the socket on the back of his head: "It's understandable, after all, we are in Apollodorus. AI and their minions are everywhere. Some even say that the Three Sages control everyone. Street girls and street guys precisely control every movement..."

Helena: "Can you stop talking nonsense? I am the liar, why do you talk more than me?"

"Because it is said that AI will not act like a chatterbox." The other party spread his hands, "Have I passed the test now?"

Helena retracted the line: "Passed. For now, I think you are a human. So, Julian, Augustus's brother, wants to give the AI ​​a drink?"

"I just suspect that my brother has been brainwashed by AI, because recently, His Excellency Augustus, who was originally neutral, has become more and more inclined to trust AI."

Helena: "Then what can I do?"

The contact person took out a memory chip: "All the information you need is in it."

"You didn't give me a stack of paper documents." Helena teased.

Contact: "Anyway, you will immediately turn paper documents into electronic versions in your mind. We need you to investigate Augustus's psychiatrist and the people around him who may have exerted influence on him.

"As the most accomplished fraudster in the history of the United Star Cluster and a former professor of psychology at Aristotle University, this should be your area of ​​expertise."

Helena didn't answer. The flicker of her prosthetic eye showed that she was reading the information on the chip she had just obtained.

The contact person added: "By the way, before I came in and cut off the network, I received news that your old acquaintance seemed to have been in contact with that Wang Chao."

Helena raised her head: "Nia? Is this related to this mission?"

"No. In fact, your mission has nothing to do with the special envoy of Organization X."

"That's it. I've taken this information, and I will investigate the rest myself. I may find a hacker to do it." Helena stood up as she spoke.

The contact person asked: "Do you need my introduction?"

"No, I don't trust your hackers. Maybe there are AI lackeys inside." Helena showed a disgusted expression when she said this.

(End of this chapter)

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