Chapter 150 It’s right this time

Watanabe Hide frowned and asked, "Ji Xiang, where is your ring?"

He raised his head and looked at the ring finger of Norika Watanabe's left hand, but there was nothing.

Looking at her husband's scrutinizing eyes, Watabe Norika immediately became nervous, and suddenly remembered that when she and Shitani River were tender on the sofa, she had devoted herself to each other and even took off her ring.

She couldn't help but blush when she thought of how she had fallen so low.

All this is really crazy!

Watabe Norika couldn't help but think about it. She felt that she was in a daze at that moment. She was dissatisfied and demanding. It was so shameful and crazy!

But, that’s really exciting!

This was the peak pleasure she had never felt from her husband before, and she had never experienced such a wonderful, crazy pleasure.


Faced with her husband's inquiry, Norika Watanabe, who is also highly educated, immediately and nervously explained: "Husband, didn't I clean the house in the morning? Look at the floor, the washing machine and the clothes drying pole on the balcony. I'm worried that wearing a ring will I accidentally got it dirty or lost, and it hurts my hands when I was cleaning the floor while wearing the ring, so I took it off and put it aside."


Faced with his wife's sincere explanation, which didn't seem fake, Watabe Hide's expression softened. However, when a person has doubts, he will inevitably overthink it - even if Ji Xiang said she took it off for housework, the ring should not be left lying around and thrown into the ashtray.

However, he did not ask directly, but nodded calmly, stood up and walked to the balcony to take a look.

'Am I overthinking...? '

'I'm always feeling uneasy today...'

After confirming that the balcony was fine, Hide Watanabe walked to the kitchen table, stroking his stomach. As soon as he came in, he saw a swaying wine glass and a bottle of red wine on the table.

At this time, Norika Watabe took the opportunity to walk into the master bedroom and put down new sheets. She suddenly remembered that the kitchen table was still in a mess. She rushed over nervously.

Seeing Watabe Hide looking at the opened red wine in surprise, she immediately explained nervously: "Husband, my sleep quality has not been very good recently. I just drank a few glasses before lunch break."

I have no choice but to push everything to lunch break now.

"By the way, you haven't had lunch yet, right? I'm going to prepare it for you now."

Although Watabe Norika was smiling, she was actually not happy at all. She had been trying her best to restrain herself, but her heart was already shaking with fear.

That gentle face was pale and bloodless, and he was sweating profusely from nervousness.

Looking at his virtuous and busy wife, Watabe Hide suppressed the doubts in his heart and walked to the dining table to sit down. It was dark under the tablecloth, and he didn't notice the shiny water stains on the floor.

"It's okay, I'm not very hungry." Hide Watanabe poured two glasses of red wine and said with high spirits: "Since we got married, we haven't sat together and had a drink for a long time because of our busy schedule of leaving early and coming home late."

"Jixiang, come on, come on, sit down quickly, I'll toast you, I've worked hard for you during this time."

Watanabe Hide sighed guiltily. Because of the debt crisis during this period, Ji Xiang was not much more relaxed than she was. She helped deal with the debt collection calls from time to time, and even hid the envelopes containing many debts to prevent him from seeing the trouble and affecting his mood at work the next day.

So, he gently pressed Norika Watabe onto the chair, while he sat across the table.

Norika Watanabe felt uncomfortable and restless, looking towards the bedroom from time to time, fearing that she would find someone hiding there.

The wine glasses clinked against each other, and the bright liquid flowed down the mouth into the throat and into the stomach.

"Honey, do you still have the red wine? I'll drink some more with you."

"Huh? It's rare that Ji Xiang is so interested today, so I'll open another bottle."

Hiding in the second bedroom, Shimatani heard intermittent voices coming from the kitchen table outside.

There was a sound of opening a bottle, followed by the sound of pouring wine.

"Of course, hubby, don't you like drinking the most? You have a business trip in Osaka for a week, so I want to have a good time with you today."

Shimatani put his ear against the door panel and could hear the tension and panic in Watabe Norika's voice that was difficult to conceal, but fortunately Watabe Hide didn't hear it.

"Honey, let's drink a little more. I'm not a good drinker. I'll drink a little, but you must drink it all~" Watabe Norika insisted in embarrassment and nervousness.

"Haha, Ji Xiang, why are you so weird today? You secretly drank alone. Is it because I'm going to Osaka and you're unhappy at home alone, so you're drinking alone?" Looking at the gentle and gentle man in front of him, The considerate Mrs. Norika felt a little tipsy after drinking more than a bottle of Hide Watanabe, but she didn't think much about Norika's warm invitation. For now, he still had unconditional trust in his virtuous wife.

However, Norika Watanabe was very entangled and conflicted at this time. When she saw her husband drinking, she had the idea to take this opportunity to get her husband drunk.

In an instant, the psychological guilt of fear, panic, shame, nervousness and fear kept stimulating her.

Coupled with drinking a few more glasses of red wine, her whole body became a little confused.

"That's right! My dear, I'm so happy that you can come back and drink with me. Come on! Let's have another drink!" Watabe Norika forced a smile on her face, picked up the goblet, and clinked it with her husband's glass again. bump.

After drinking two bottles of red wine in succession, both of them felt a little uncomfortable. On the one hand, it was an afternoon of drinking, and on the other hand, there weren’t many appetizers, and I drank too quickly without slowing down. Watabe Hide's face quickly turned red, his eyes became a little distracted, and his words were obviously illogical.

"Show, show" she shouted tentatively.

"Uh, Ji Xiang, why do I seem to see two of you?" Hideo Watanabe contracted almost two large bottles of red wine by himself.

Seeing that her husband seemed a little drunk, Norika Watanabe secretly breathed a sigh of relief and became a little bolder.

She quietly came to the bedroom door, opened the door, and wanted to tell Shimatani Chuan to take this opportunity to leave quickly.

"Kawa, I'm sorry, that show is drunk. You can leave. I will make it up to you next time." Norika Watanabe stood at the door with an embarrassed look on her face.

Shimatanikawa nodded, walked out and took a sneak peek in the direction of the kitchen table. Sure enough, Shuichi Watanabe held his forehead with his hand, grabbed the bottle and poured another glass of red wine. He said unexplained words and was almost drunk and unconscious. .

This makes Shitani Chuan even bolder!

He turned around and looked at Mrs. Ji Xiang, who was grabbing his clothes and shaking her head at him, as if she was worried that he would be discovered if he walked too close.

Seeing Watabe Norika looking so nervous and scared, Shitani Chuan suddenly felt extremely excited and stimulated.

Especially the wife in front of her, who hid her sexy tulle dress when she just wiped the floor. Although she is now wearing housewife-like clothes, her proud figure is obviously inconsistent with the bloated house clothes. On the contrary, it makes her People are imaginative.

The imbalance caused by the plump body shape makes her even more lustful.

Shimatani Chuan's eyes lit up, and a bold idea came to his mind!

He walked around behind Ji Xiang and hugged her roughly!

"Uh~, Chuan! What do you want to do?"

"Hey, you! Are you crazy? Well, Xiu is right next to you! You will be discovered if you do such a thing!! Ah~! Uh--"

Mrs. Norika looked horrified as Shimatani Chuan suddenly pushed her against the wall. And the big enemy, Xiujun, is in the kitchen a few meters around the corner. As long as the other party takes a few steps, he can see the two of them clearly!

If Watabe Hide suddenly walked over at this time, I would never dare to imagine what kind of ending would happen next!

No matter how much she pursues excitement, no matter how obsessed she is, Norika Watanabe has never been able to accept such a crazy move!

Accept such blatant behavior!

"How about you come and enjoy it with me?"

“No, no”

Seeing Watabe Norika looking so nervous and scared, Shitani Chuan suddenly felt extremely excited and stimulated.

"I can make you feel more comfortable than before," he said.

"Kuan, you can't do this again."

"Xiuxiu is still here"

"Please stop it quickly."

This intense stimulation made Norika Watanabe's whole body tense up. The excitement and excitement caused her breathing to become rapid, her heartbeat to accelerate violently, and her whole body to be flushed.

(End of this chapter)

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