I think you can't even imagine the happiness of a warlock.

Chapter 177 Preparations before the station

Chapter 177 Preparations before the station
The old druid Tia mentioned was in Randall. He accidentally obtained a perception amulet from ancient ruins during his early adventures. The two parties might be able to get what they needed through a trade.

But before heading to Randall, it is still necessary to eliminate the aberrations driven to the walled city by the druids.

Late that night.

The aberrations came to the vicinity of the coalition forces of the grassland tribes at a speed exceeding expectations, and were about to attack the encirclement network built by five temporary cities.

Standing on the wall, Chen Zhou looked into the distance. All kinds of twisted creatures that were disgusting just by looking at them were rushing towards them like crazy.

Randall's druids can create these warped aberrations and drive them to multiply and spread to other countries. Druids from various countries can also gather them and drive them away for strangulation.

Unexpectedly, the way the Shadow Druid put them into dire straits for the second time in Blossom Port actually helped.

"But on the other hand, if the coalition forces in the grassland are not enough to kill them, we will be the ones who die."

Jerry was quite resistant to this approach. Fortunately, Chen, whose intelligence returned for a limited period of time every day, made rapid progress as an occultist and had initially mastered the spell-casting skills of combining arcane and divine magic.

No matter whether this battle succeeds or fails, they can at least ensure that they have strength and remain useful.

"Tom, we're ready for a fight."

When the battle was about to begin, Gan Doufu, as the commander-in-chief of the large-scale group of the People of the Star of the River, did not participate in the battle, but worked with him to coordinate the overall situation from a high place.

"Each 25 star citizens form a team, which is divided into close guard, ranged, treatment, auxiliary, and countermeasure groups. This ensures that the battlefield is illuminated while also allowing auxiliary abilities such as singing to cover all members.

"There are only 5 groups (125) of people fighting on the front line at the same time. If the condition is not good or the losses are too great, they will retreat and receive treatment from the logistics team. After accumulating enough experience, they will collectively upgrade and recover to fight again."

Just like in the coastal caves, Star People can accumulate XP and upgrade when needed. When upgrading, the status will be refreshed and all resources will be replenished.

This is completely outrageous.

It's a pity that the XP gained by the star citizens after reaching full level last year was not accumulated. Otherwise, they would all be promoted to level 30 (level 6) on the first day of spring after being ordered by Chen Zhou all winter.

"But considering that they will recover as they become stronger, it would be a good thing to advance to the next level when needed."

"Is this strange? Didn't I recover all my magic power every time I deepened my spell's origin and awakened?"

"But you have to know that most people can't do this."

Moreover, in its view, the origin of the other party's technique is very strange. It appears to be radiant, but its core is something similar to air and fire.

"We dragons can do that!" 』

Rather, it would be strange to say that the dragon couldn't do it.

But at this moment, Chen, who was already in the "Cunning of the Fox" state, vaguely felt something strange.

From a game perspective, it is normal for players to not gain experience after reaching full level until a new version.

But from a real point of view, where did the XP gained by Star People after that go?
Escape is unlikely. A more reasonable explanation is that it flowed somewhere along the connection of legendary magic...

I hope that a large group of powerful and crazy legendary monsters will not suddenly pop up out of thin air in the future. They have obtained a large amount of foreign XP and become powerful and crazy.

Putting aside his inner doubts for the time being, Chen looked at Gan Doufu, who had already begun to dispatch the people of the star as a team commander.

"Why don't you go to the front line and use the spells of the Analytical School to kill the aberrations to get what you call experience points?"

Hearing this, Gan Doufu looked at him deeply: "I like a safer and more secure method, and I am the only one in the Great River Territory who has the combat experience to command a large group."

There are indeed professionals from Blue Star who have come here to explore, but they are not often exposed to this kind of formal super-system battle, and they have not adapted yet.On Blue Star's side... Currently, money-burning drone bombing is generally used as the main form of warfare.

In terms of destructive power and maneuverability, a single drone can surpass level 5 or even stronger warriors, and is comparable to level [-] to [-] spellcasters (when plane movement is not involved).

But as long as you are willing to spend money, dozens, hundreds, or thousands of drones can appear in a battle at the same time.

It's a pity that it is difficult to replicate this spectacular scene here.

Activating magic items is relatively complicated, and simple machines have no corresponding capabilities.

According to their speculation, the future direction of war in this world may be in the direction of mechas - integrating magic and alchemy technology to comprehensively strengthen the combat capabilities of professionals.

Warriors focus on magic to assist combat, and mages focus on strengthening their own spellcasting abilities.

You can even combine mecha with golem technology, giving the latter's magic immunity to warriors for close combat.

But in contrast, there is also another different view - high-level spellcasters are nuclear deterrents from each other.

The powerful magic is enough to strike at regional and national scales, and is far more powerful than nuclear bombs. Such humanoid self-propelled nuclear bombs can not only transmit, but can even self-charge and fire continuously...

A strong man of this level is already like a god to the kingdom of the material plane.

Once one appears, no one in the world can express the slightest objection to it until the second appears.

Not all planes are like Faerûn, where quasi-gods are everywhere and legends are not as good as dogs. Normally, a ninth-level spellcaster is enough to make an entire plane his back garden.

Of course, people who can actually reach this level no longer focus on the main material plane, and often go to the star realm to open up a new demiplane to create their own favorite experimental environment.

But even if they are not at the 9th level, starting from the 6th level, casters already have the ability to destroy cities individually, and can appear mobilely in enemy countries to kill civilians and weaken their war potential.

Classic question - Why didn't the ** heroes go out of the city to harass the ** army and had to stick to ** and wait for the city to be broken?

Mutual deterrence between nuclear-armed countries may be the only way the world will go in the future.

This speculation also makes the Blue Star people suspect that the water in the world called Asta may be deeper than they imagined.

Don’t have a level 6 or above spell caster?
Could it be that all those who showed up have been incorporated or beaten to death by the hidden organization...

Anyway, this is often written in various novels.jpg
Whenever they think about this, they all wonder why the happy thief of Ollidamara can be so playful.

Ignoring Gan Doufu's doubts, Chen, who was looking at the aberrations approaching the walled city, suddenly felt that someone was calling him with the "spiritual technique".

"Meow, I'm sleepy, can you go back to sleep?" Speaker Sanhua's words were conveyed to him with the help of magic, "It will definitely be noisy here later and I won't be able to sleep."

So Chen Zhou turned around and looked at Sanhua, who was lying on the railing pretending to be dead, only three steps away from him.

"Can you do something serious with your once-a-week spell? Believe it or not, I will throw you into a wave of aberrations later?"


 It’s time to update the character card when I find an opportunity. After reaching level 6, it becomes overpowered without realizing it, and the strength of the card begins to explode. It is indeed a stitch monster based on version 3.

  But to be honest, there is still a big gap between the protagonist's strength and the cards in the full expansion group. He may have been killed several times before his turn.

(End of this chapter)

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