I think you can't even imagine the happiness of a warlock.

Chapter 166 White Dragonborn Bipedal Dragon

Chapter 166 White Dragonborn Bipedal Dragon

Capital Knight's Blessing of Prosperity effect is a little too strong.

After hearing Lily's warning, the two followed the sound and found something flying towards them.

It was a white flying lizard-like creature with ferocious teeth, light blue pupils, and a huge tail spine.

And now this large predator with a wingspan of more than six meters is sprinting towards them!
"That's not a white dragon, it's just a white dragon!"

"Ah, isn't it White Dragon?" 』

You can hardly expect a young dragon who has been playing wildly in Elysium for two and a half years since birth to have any serious knowledge.

Hearing this, Chen Zhou murmured: "Blue-eyed Asia White Dragon..."

"No matter how nice you give it a name, it won't change the fact that this bipedal wyvern is just a stupid and biased distant relative of the dragon."

Not all dragons have powerful magic and breath.

Although the appearance of these distant relatives of dragons often causes panic on the frontiers of civilization, experienced warriors are enough to fight off or even tame them into mounts.

"Don't be careless, its venom can kill a person in just a few seconds!"

Bob, who seemed to have lost dozens of kilograms, quickly bent his bow and shot when he saw this. However, the opponent came so fast that he only had time to fire an arrow before he was bullied by the flying dragon!
At this moment, a violent stream of cold air mixed with boulders fell from the sky, slamming the flying dragon that dived towards Bob to the ground.

Not caring about being hit by the raised sand and dust, the lion warrior immediately stepped forward cautiously to fight.

However, the continuous strong wind never allowed the flying dragon to regain its momentum. At best, it could only flap on the turf with its frozen wings and tail.

While sighing that having a spellcaster to assist in the battle would save him trouble, Bob managed to deal with the sudden appearance of the predator with little effort.

"This winter is much more dangerous than in previous years. All kinds of monsters and monsters have emerged."

After a brief encounter, Bob was about to ask the caster what to do with the dragon's body, when he found that the caster was still preparing to cast a spell on him.

He subconsciously remembered that he was currently covered in mud and sand.

"No need to wash me anymore!"

Good guys, it turns out that the wyvern is just an appetizer, and the real danger comes from your teammates' spellcasters!
In this winter, you may get sick even if you are doused with hot water!
"It's too late." Chen said calmly. "I suddenly remembered that this trick can still be used in this way."

In the next moment, the "magic trick" cleared all the mud and sand from the opponent's body.

Bob finally breathed a sigh of relief, but felt that something was not quite right...

Taking advantage of the opportunity before the other party could react, Chen had already brought the Crouching Dragon and Phoenix chick to the dead Feilong to observe carefully.

Wyverns have scaly legs, sharp claws and tough wings.

Although they often have "bipods" in their names, in fact they almost only fight in the air and rarely stay on the ground, so their legs are showing signs of degeneration.

The powerful tail is its most developed part, and the sharp stinger at the end can inject deadly venom.

Many hunters, assassins, and adventurers crave their venom, and because the venom is highly perishable, the correct supply of highly toxic Wyvern Toxin is extremely expensive.

If the toxin can be dried, sealed, and placed in a low temperature, it can be stored for about a year.

"But this bipedal flying dragon seems to be different from the records."

After flipping through the temporary knowledge points in the illustrated book, Chen looked at the white and rough scales of the dead wyvern, which were inconsistent with the usual dark brown and gray wyverns.

"Although Lily has never seen a white dragon, I think it must have the blood of a white dragon in its body. 』

Wolong's knowledge is not as reliable as Fengchu's, but he still has a natural sense.

Basically, when it comes to dragons, if Lily says there is, then there must be.

She plays wildly all day long and has no skills, but like her owner, she has a high-intensity thinking style - she can become stronger or learn abilities just by playing.After confirming the ancestry of the flying dragon, Chen Zhou thought thoughtfully: "So it is a subspecies born from the mating of a white dragon and a flying dragon? This fits my stereotype of dragons very well."

"It also fits my stereotype of warlocks." Bob closed his eyes and meditated, as if recalling the rumors about warlocks in the tribe, "For example, some orc warlocks will even fall in love with humans, or use magic to transform into magical beasts. creature."

Chen Zhou: "?"

He had to emphasize that he was not a dragon-blooded warlock... It was undeniable that his aesthetics favored humans.

In any case, Chen had no interest in Yalong. He was only concerned about the position of Bailong, the other's parent, who was at least a teenager.

Dragons, like giants, were both disasters that could bring nightmares to mortals. He needed to ensure that this thing would not suddenly fly to the Great River Territory to hunt for food.

"What's wrong Baron?"

The captain of the guard was vaguely aware of why he was attacked by "hot water", and subconsciously added: "What I mean is that the mythical existence of the dragon has not appeared for a long time. There are legends of dragons in tribal stories and folk songs. But no one has ever seen or heard of a real dragon appearing."

Lily is an exception. Although the paladin is favored by the gods, I have never heard of any god who is not assigned to give the paladin a young dragon as a mount.

Paladins who can get dragons of young age as mounts are legendary figures, and they will not live in a small and broken plane like Asta.

"As you put it, I did hear the kobold's revelation mention something like 'The Return of the Saints' before."

As the magical energy in the environment increases, the ancient beings/remnants who were sleeping, escaping, and relocating are gradually waking up or focusing their attention here again.

"The white dragon is almost the shortest-lived true dragon. It is impossible to survive from the time of the Roland Empire to the present. I guess that a white dragon egg that was sealed decades ago hatched."

Dragons are far more sensitive to energy than ordinary species and can detect the slightest changes in the environment, allowing them to hatch in a safe environment.

During Shushu's analysis, Bob had also dug up the flesh and blood of the white dragonborn wyvern - without the magic crystal.

This means that it has not been affected by the mutation.

Lily, who was riding on Chen's backpack, was particularly proud when she heard this.

"Of course, dragons are very stable and will not mutate due to sudden changes in the environment. 』

"Just tell me, just being exposed to heavy magic can cause the descendants to mutate into soul dragons. Theoretically, they are almost the soul descendants of Azulin. If he knew this, he might be happy... …That’s not right, Le Si… doesn’t seem right either.”

Leaving aside the incident of a certain late, feeble-minded legendary mage, their unexpected encounter proves the return of the dragon.

I don’t know if it’s because of the “prosperity blessing” of the Capital Knights, or because their numbers have become so common.

This white dragonborn bipedal dragon indicates that in the not-too-distant future, the whole world will be shocked by the resurrection of those ancient and powerful beings.

  Large dragon type, no alignment
  Armor Class: 13 (natural armor)
  Hit Points: 110 (13d10+39)

  Speed: 20 feet, fly 80 feet



  Skills: Perception +4
  Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14

  Challenge Level: 6 (2 XP)

  MultiattackMultiattack.The dragon makes two attacks: a bite and a sting.While flying, it can replace one of its attacks with its claw attack.



  刺针Stinger。近战武器攻击:命中+7,触及10尺,单一生物。伤害:11(2d6+4)点穿刺伤害。目标必须进行一次DC 15的体质豁免,豁免失败则受24(7d6)点毒素伤害,豁免成功则伤害减半。

(End of this chapter)

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