I think you can't even imagine the happiness of a warlock.

Chapter 156 Chen Zhou still doesn’t know where his priest’s magic came from that day.

Chapter 156 Chen Zhou still doesn’t know where his priest’s magic came from that day.

"Is there anything that will not disappear after I share it with others, but will be owned by two people at the same time?"


"Smile!" 』

"It's magic."

Chen Zhou still doesn't know where his priest's magical skills came from that day - he obviously didn't lack anything.

The "Source of Divine Power" is turned on but the blue bar does not increase. Granting divine spells to others does not reduce the blue bar.

He suspected that the reason why the power of myth was consumed in "times" instead of "quantity" was actually because he used it all the times in a day and did not consume the stock at all.

"Life Plan" is really an incredible artifact. If he hadn't been able to turn to the title page, he would have really wanted to know the origin of this thing...

In the early morning of the next day, he rarely got up early and took Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Hatchling to the assembly hall, and announced to the tired-looking Star Citizen Cabinet:

"The population of the territory has grown to the point where it can no longer be managed by just a few people. I decided to accept Jin Kaila's proposal and establish a bicameral parliament to help manage the Great River Territory."

In order to avoid serious disputes between the travelers and the natives, the former also mentioned the plan of making concessions when negotiating the law.

That is, in the upper and lower chamber model, only some people participate in the Senate as representatives to balance the interests of the people of the Star and the indigenous people, as well as the various countries of the Blue Star.

Junzi Liuyi frowned slightly when he heard this, and hurriedly suggested: "Baron Tom, in fact, we can also support some management talents. We will definitely be able to manage the Great River Territory and even the larger country in an orderly manner."

Blue Star, which has already proven that some supernatural abilities can be effective across dimensions, urgently needs to deepen its cooperation with the friendly people of the earth in order to strive to occupy the mainstream in the next era.

"No need. After solving the mastermind behind the scenes, the Star People will leave this world sooner or later."

However, Chen did not intend to let the time traveler take on too important responsibilities.

In order to prevent a large number of Star People from leaving in the future and making the operation of the Great River Territory unsustainable, it would be better to let the indigenous people manage it from the beginning.

"The Great River Territory is a staunch ally and supporter of the Star People, but I think your most urgent thing is still to find the person who summoned you with the scroll of transmission."

"It's true, we can't cause trouble to the operation of the territory." Junzi Liuyi nodded, as a councilor, a guild member, and an adventurer.

"But even if we find him, we will definitely not be able to defeat him..."

The Pagoda Town River Demon sighed, but he hoped that everything could continue as it was.

But here even Junzi Liuyi has spoken, and the rest of the people who know who the other party is cannot object, and his opinion is not important.

This made him realize that as this place is no longer pure, there will be disputes among the people of the stars in the future.

Everyone agreed, and the Great River Territory adopted a system in which the Senate and the House of Representatives simultaneously negotiate policies and laws.

Before the parliament can officially function, Chen, as the lord, still needs to finalize the core Basic Law.

Fortunately, there is an entire world and other countries here copying it. The Basic Law can be set very quickly, and it only needs to be slightly better than the laws of this era.

In the future, when all aspects of productivity, technology, and economy are developed, it will slowly improve from era to era.

But even so, the restless Carnival Dragon still felt a little bored.

While everyone was deducing the basic law of the next era, she was idle and stared at Chen's tail, which was still a little longer than her current self, and planned to tie it into a beautiful bow.

However, before the operation started, Shushu discovered it and notified the owner. "What's wrong with Lily?"

Chen, who had already reached the selection part of the council members, looked at Xiaolong who was a little embarrassed at the side: "Do you also have any proposals?"

"ah?Yes, Lily is also going to become a member of the Senate. 』

In this way, she can make suggestions for everyone to accept and help her transform the Great River Territory.

"Okay, you and Jerry add up to one congressman, and they will be my representatives."

Chen also wrote Wolong Fengchu's name on the Senate list.

Generally speaking, the members of the Senate include people who are more prestigious among the people of the Star or who have a relatively high status on the Blue Star side, as well as a small number of professionals of level 4 or above and spell casters of level 3 or above among the indigenous people, including Kyle. , or someone who is crucial to the entire territory (Wolong Fengchu).

There is no representative from the noble side. After all, the grasslands almost only recognize clans and not nobles. Now that the emperor is seriously ill, no one cares about this anymore.

The House of Representatives covers the currently non-existent guild presidents, representatives of professionals, representatives of citizens of various races, etc. It is currently tentatively scheduled to be airborne by lords and voted by the citizens, with a term of two years.

"Let them choose like this. It may be a bit perfunctory the first time, but it will be on track in the future."

Chen knew it might be difficult to get others to adapt to the new system, but it would significantly reduce his workload.

With the development of the times, the future pattern and system are still unclear. It will be much easier to continue along the path of "existing" reference objects after modifying them.

"It's time for the administrative side to start recruiting people, and there is a need to continue to explore talents from all walks of life..."

Since the Star Citizens used the player system to conduct census and household registration, the people with green or above templates among the citizens have been marked.

Chen once thought this meant their talent.

But since he could observe from the perspective of the Tree of Life, he realized that the judgment of the template depends on the strength of the soul.

The stronger ones are easy to grow or have special characteristics, while the weaker ones are not hopeless.

Therefore, improving the comprehensive quality of the residents through education in literacy and mathematics has also been put on the agenda.

Finally, after a lengthy discussion, the topic finally came to trade with Randall.

"I will leave a substitute to work in the Great River Territory, and then go to the Randall Kingdom to personally negotiate a trade agreement with them."

After struggling for so long, it finally almost developed successfully, and Chen couldn't sit still.

Apart from going to Randall to swipe their faces in the hope of getting a discount (no shame in that), there are only two unsolved thieves of joy on this continent.

He planned to go there in person and let them die completely to end the conflict he had made in Fanhua Port.

"How does this work!"

Kyle immediately objected: "The lord is basically the head of the clan, how can he go to another country's land alone?"

This is very dangerous, even if it is discussed with the Star People over there - they are also not worthy of trust.

"I still have a think tank and a dragon here." Chen disapproved of this, "If it doesn't work, let the guard chief lead two people to protect me."

It's just hard to say who protects whom...

(End of this chapter)

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