I think you can't even imagine the happiness of a warlock.

Chapter 153: Magical Medieval Feces Disposal Methods

Chapter 153: Magical Medieval Feces Disposal Methods
Are all Star People ordinary people?
Chen originally thought so too, but after using the perspective of the Tree of Life to explore the Great River Territory last night, he discovered an interesting phenomenon.

Star citizens with dual souls and bodies (not game characters) have extremely high three-dimensional literacy, and almost [-]% of them have the potential to become priests or paladins.

This means that their identities in another world should also be good enough.

He hasn't had time to see the Star People who are too far away, but if this ratio of more than [-]% can be maintained, then the people behind the scenes may not be just random, but there is some kind of pattern.

For example, only recruiting strong souls?

At this moment, he wanted to immediately create a large-scale art element to fly around the world to observe the overall situation of the other party, but he was too troublesome to bother and planned to just look at the quality of the star people in large-scale gathering places.

If the Northern Expeditionary Force, the Golden Mane Clan, the airship, and the Blossoming Port can really maintain a similar proportion...

"Then Baron Jin, someone asked me to ask for help."

After being disillusioned, Jin Kaila asked: "He said he believed in other gods on our Blue Star, but is he an expert in materials science? Can he become a priest of the God of Industrialization?"

"It doesn't matter who can be the pastor, so what's the use of asking me?" Chen Zhou was annoyed. Moreover, he dared to compete with the righteous God for the pastor, so he was probably tired of living.

Jin Jianla had a look of resentment on his face. It seemed that the blessed paladin didn't expect it to be special. Fortunately, they thought Jin Jianlai was the chosen one of the God of Industrialization.

In any case, after the Tree of Life rose from the ground, everything in the Great River Territory began to move.

The sown seeds quickly broke through the soil and sprouted, and they grew extremely strong in less than half a month.

After telling Lily that she would not be able to get along happily with mortals if she exposed the power of myth, Chen assigned the task of taking her out to have fun all day long as a routine task to the Star People.

Kyle, who returned to the Golden Mane clan, began to recruit troops under his instruction, and Chen also successfully bought suitable tents and other living supplies at extremely low prices.

Preventive facilities against wild beasts around the Great River Territory began to be built, and a wall blocked them from the town and giant trees.

The surge in vitality attracted a large number of creatures to migrate nearby. After repelling those too ferocious predators, the territory acquired a large number of livestock worth domesticating.

Some orc druids who were living in the wild came to the Tree of Life as a pilgrimage and were willing to join the Great River Territory to assist the lord in its development. At the same time, they also brought news about the Shadow Druids planning to launch an attack...

But that is still not the most embarrassing threat facing the Great River Territory.

In fact, this land has begun to face huge threats and difficulties - the construction of toilets, sewers and excrement disposal problems.

"We must start building public toilets and sewer systems immediately!"

In the assembly hall, Master Yuansu proposed frantically: "It's so cold in the north, and it's easy to freeze when excreting everywhere. Even if you build a specially built toilet, the temperature will make it impossible to shovel it away!"

“Since the positive energy from Elysium poured into the Great River Territory, we don’t need compost at all, and almost no one will deal with these things specifically!

"We must solve this problem and establish a good system while there are few people, otherwise it will be too late to consider it when there are more and more people!"

Do you know that when you and Xiaolong were playing in the river, you found that the other person suddenly flew out of the river and said that something dirty was coming upstream? How harmful it was to a 57-month-old girl!
Everyone present nodded, probably understanding, but a bit puzzling - it's already late autumn and you're still playing in the river?

"Ahem, although someone later used magic tricks to help her solve the hygiene problem, we really need to pay attention to this issue." Jin Jiala said sternly, not planning to just let the people of the star have adjustable senses, so they can play like summer all year round. There has been too much discussion about water.Since the emergence of the Tree of Life and the harvest that can be harvested by burying seeds in the soil, few people have started composting. In the current livestock industry, there are no animals like pigs that can handle excrement.

The hygiene of the Great River Territory and the health of its residents need to be paid attention to, otherwise it is easy to cause diseases.

"Let a dedicated person take charge of these tasks first. I wonder what public toilet you are talking about?" Chen Ming asked knowingly.

"It is an urban facility that allows people to conveniently dispose of excrement collectively to avoid polluting the surrounding environment."

Following Jin Kaila's explanation, everyone quickly understood the concept of public toilets.

"What's so urgent about that thing?" He Lin, the dwarf blacksmith, didn't care. "The top priority now is that there are not enough metals. Building toilets and sewers is a waste of resources."

Even if the Flower Port and the Traveling Bird Chamber of Commerce are on good terms with this side, it is impossible to negotiate and trade a large amount of metal at once. The last batch of raw materials is almost consumed by the lord's domain capabilities.

"Then how do you dwarves usually solve this problem?" Jin Gaila was a little curious.

He Lin said without hesitation: "It's mining, how else can we solve it?"

By the way, dwarf priests don't actually channel divine power to directly create things through "Blacksmith's Blessing".

To them, that was a simple trick, not the art of forging favored by soul forgers.

Therefore, most dwarf priests use their abilities in this field to test the optimal ratio of various metal combinations, or there is an emergency and they cannot make it in time, or they re-convert and split the iron tools obtained from other races into different raw materials. .

Archmage Yuansu curled her lips. That was obviously not what they wanted to know, so she went directly to the forum to ask the players who started the dwarf game.

It didn’t take long to find out what the dwarves do——

It turns out that useless things such as feces, garbage, and waste materials are re-decomposed into earth elements and other things through rune magic.

It really has the characteristics of the magical world and the dwarf-style processing method. She thought that the Great River Territory could also use such a super-fast degradation method.

"Turning garbage into earth elements?" Chen said thoughtfully, "If it is so simple, why don't the people of the Principality of Norton deal with alchemical waste in this way?"

"Hmph, at least it must be a natural thing to be decomposed like this."

Although He Lin was no longer hostile because of the warlock's high charm and being a believer in the blacksmithing god, she obviously had no intention of revealing too much about the rune technology of the dwarves.

But her implication is straightforward enough. Alchemical waste is the residue left after the alchemist manipulates elements, and it can no longer be regarded as a natural thing.

The cost of converting those alchemical wastes into basic elements is far higher than opening a portal and throwing it into another world.

"Druids' magic can actually do this."

Bell, the druid representative who joined the Great River Territory after witnessing the miracles of the natural gods, suggested: "Since the Great River Territory does not need these excrements, let's give them to the druids. We will take them to the wild and break them down into Nutrients that plants need.”

(End of this chapter)

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