Chapter 151: Planar Synchronization
A game that didn't know whether to call it a battle or a frolic was over. The Star People were sent back to the ground to recover, and the non-stop Carnival Dragon finally felt tired and paused the plane synchronization.

Chen Zhou finally had time to have a good conversation with the young dragon, which was just two and a half years old.

He didn't think it would be a good thing to drag the entire Great River Territory into the Paradise of Paradise.

It is true that Elysian Fields itself is a blessed place.

But even if it is as perfect as a paradise with unlimited basic material resources and eternal joy, it is still an outer plane that mortals cannot understand, and it has special plane characteristics.

The inhabitants of the Material Plane call this trap.

In Paradise, non-otherworldly creatures will increasingly feel joyful and satisfied, the colors become vivid and bright, the world is beautiful and pleasant, and everything in Paradise is so unforgettable.

As a result, the weak-willed among them will gradually forget the past and will no longer be willing to leave voluntarily unless under special circumstances...

It is difficult to say whether these people are affected by the characteristics of the plane, or whether staying in Elysium is originally out of their personal free will. After all, Elysium is indeed so joyful and livable.

But the Aindra Great River Territory is a mortal country after all, and it is impossible to put aside all worldly things and enjoy bliss.

"Why not? 』

Lily felt that there was nothing wrong with building this place into a kingdom of gods. Although it was rare, there were indeed many gods such as Frann and Olidamara who established kingdoms on the material plane.

Hearing Lily's question, Chen Ye was stunned for a while, why not?
But soon he reacted.

In fact, I can move to the outer world and live in those leisurely places forever.

I just feel a bit reluctant to let go of the various steam magic technologies that are about to appear on the material plane, as well as the entertainment products such as mobile phones and computers that may appear in a few decades...

But as long as he stays around for a few more decades and expands the network cable to other planes, he can move his family to Elysium, Seven Hills Paradise or Endless Wilderness, the base camp of the good camp!
Then you will be surrounded by neighbors who are less troublesome, and there will not be disputes all day long like Fanhua Port, and you can live happily.

"I plan to move to Elysium or a similar place in the future, so the Great River Territory will still be a mortal country in the future and is not suitable to be completely an extension of Elysium."

Hearing this, Lily was overjoyed and excitedly swooped towards the other party like a car, knocking the latter back several steps.

Will she return to Elysium when she gets tired of playing on the main material plane?
Great, then you can have fun in the garden every day!

In fact, if Chen Zhen moved to Elysium, he would probably live on the second or fourth floor. He would go to Avalon to see if Merlin and the King of Knights were indeed real people, and then look for Emperor Guan Sheng to see his beard. What's so special about it?

I heard that some dwarves still believe in Guan Sheng Emperor.

"Huh? But Shushu wants to go to the star world in the future and find a huge hamster wheel to travel among the stars."

Scrat Probe, it has no plans to retire, and its destiny is to roam the multiverse like a legendary mini giant space hamster of its own kind.

"Okay, let's go together then!" 』

Lily immediately nodded and shook her head, completely agreeing with Shushu's plan, completely forgetting that just a second ago she had to take Herrscher to the Paradise for a carnival.

“We can be astral pirates, go to the Sargasso Sea and the Sea of ​​Chaos, go toe-to-toe with the Githyanki and the nasty red dragons, and then spread the songs of freedom, joy, and Elysium to every plane! 』

Chen Zhou was shocked when he heard this. When had his life after retirement been arranged by the two wise men Wo Long and Feng Chu?
"You two still want to be the pirate king?"

"Pirate King, Shushu is determined!"

"One Piece, Lily is determined!" ” He suddenly felt that like Sima Yi, his plan that persisted until the end might be over, and his future life would probably be very tiring.

"Forget it, let's talk about how to extend the state of bliss to the material plane first."

Crouching dragon and phoenix chick suddenly realized, yes, there is such a thing.

"The surface and nearby ground of the Great River Territory will remain unchanged, allowing me and ordinary people to live normally, but the Elysium can be extended upside down to one kilometer above the tree crown."

"Keep it upside down?" 』

Lily was puzzled.

"It's the other way around, retaining the influence of gravity from both planes..."

Considering that it was inconvenient to simply speak, Chen used the water-making technique to create models, namely two ordinary towns.

Then he turned one over and clasped it on the other: "Just like this, we and Elysium can see each other by looking up at the same time. The closer we are to the top of the tree, the closer we are to another world. After climbing the giant tree and reaching the critical point, we can see each other. Will be captured by the gravity of another plane and fall to the paradise."

※It is worth mentioning that the tabletop rules do not actually directly extend another world to the material plane, but transform the material plane into a paradise.However, some adjustments have been made to this ability in this book, and it is treated as if the dragon companion has been strengthened by the power of myth.

※In addition, the ability of "Plane Synchronization" requires the carnival dragon to reach teenagers before it can be used. The young dragon here can be used directly. It is based on the aerial garden of the spirit in the anger of justice.

In this way, both sides need to fly to go to the other side, and there will be no situation where fairies, celestial beings, or Gaidin suddenly invade the Great River Territory.

Although these guests are welcome, Chen actually does not want his peaceful life to be overly entangled with the disputes of the camp.

"I guess the Gedin Celestial Clan has actually noticed you and come to this world. Little kitten, didn't you feel that there are more cats in the Great River Territory when you used the Tree of Life to observe?"

There is a kind of civet cat angel. They look exactly like various cats, but in essence they are the Gaidin Celestial Clan, a native alien creature from the Paradise. They are often regarded as the incarnation of goodness.

Chen Zhou's scalp felt numb, but Gaidin is a kind celestial creature after all, so just pretend he didn't see it...

Meanwhile, Lily was thinking about Herrscher's proposal.

"It means that we and the people in Elysium live on top of each other's heads?" 』

This sounded very interesting. She had never thought that her ability could be used like this.

When the big tree blossoms and bears fruit, the petals are blown by the wind.

The petals stretching for several kilometers fall from this world into paradise, forming a rain of flowers. The scene must be very spectacular!
There aren't many trees that grow this tall and big in Elysium.

"That's it, leave it to Lily!" 』

The determined Carnival Dragon Hatchling immediately began to synchronize its planes. As Chen continued to use "passionate poems" to restore its strength, it gradually extended the scene from another plane to this world.

 Planar dragons originate from the Outer Planes, but they also travel to the Material Plane via portals or other means.There, they transform their lairs to reflect their home plane.

  Planar Assimilation (Su): Teenagers or older planar dragons can affect their surroundings as a full-round action, transforming the area into an extension of their home plane.Dragons can create assimilation zones with a radius of 30 feet per age group, and they can imbue the assimilated areas with the strong alignment tendencies and hindering/enhancing magic properties of their home plane.This effect also affects the targeting of spells such as banishment, which determines whether the target creature is considered an outsider or a native creature in the area.Additionally, it evokes some sensory effects similar to those on the dragon's home plane.This area of ​​effect cannot be moved, and it lasts for 10 days until the dragon dies or this ability is cast again.

(End of this chapter)

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