I think you can't even imagine the happiness of a warlock.

Chapter 148 Emergency Team Mission: The Ambition of the Dragon of Catastrophe!

Chapter 148 Emergency Team Mission: The Ambition of the Dragon of Catastrophe!
As the Planar Dragon (Havoc) from Elysium, Lily can connect a larger area with the mythical power of Chen Zhou and the Tree of Life to transform a larger area into a blessed land of Elysium.

※Havoc, n. Great destruction, catastrophe; ravage, destruction; great chaos, great commotion.

Elysium is also called Asgard, Olympus or Valhalla in different countries. It is one of the base camps of chaotic, neutral, good-side gods and creatures from the outer world.

It has unlimited space and 4 levels.

The outermost layer is the paradise realm of weak positive energy and strong chaotic goodness, also called the love realm.

It has a riot of colors, the flowers are as bright as stars, the green land is as bright as the ocean, the pond is as deep blue as the ocean, the clear blue sky is filled with silver clouds, and the ears are surrounded by the wonderful and joyful spiritual sound.

This place is very similar to the physical plane. There are sweet-smelling trees with lush flowers and leaves on the river banks, and open and rolling green fields everywhere. It is a blessed land of freedom and kindness.

"Chaos" and "good" magic and people are strengthened here, and vice versa are weakened.

Bursts of positive energy abound, and all creatures will continue to receive a boost of healing and life energy.

After being connected by the Poseidon River, you can go from the outermost layer to the second layer of the Deep Love Realm, which is rugged and mountainous, with numerous rivers and turbulent waterfalls.

Here the chaotic tendencies weaken and only positivity and kindness remain.

If you continue to go deeper, you can reach the world of fraternity full of rivers. The chaos is no longer there, but the weak positive energy and kindness are still retained.

Finally, you can reach the deepest Sea of ​​Eternal Love, which is the source of the Poseidon River. Retired heroes live on the islands, enjoying eternity and tranquility.

"But if Lily comes from the Paradise Wilderness, she will definitely transform this place into the outermost wilderness. Although it is a beautiful place, it is too noisy!"

Chen Shen believed that as far as his personal wishes were concerned, appropriate joy was necessary, but life could not be a carnival every day.

And once the Great River Territory is influenced and changed by the forces of chaos and kindness, it will lead to people everywhere who are noisy and struggling with freedom and democracy.

"Lily, come back quickly!"

He shouted hurriedly, but it was a pity that the young Carnival Dragon had flown too far and could not hear the Herrscher's words.

This bear boy!

Fortunately, the other party cannot use the ability of "Plane Synchronization" to change this place without Chen's permission.

So he wasn't too anxious.

"It is indeed a good thing to flood the Great River Territory with the positive energy of Elysium. This will make the fertile land of the alluvial plain more fertile. Just bury the seeds in the soil and you can produce [-] ounces per acre. .”

※About 1046 kg.

"Can't you just use the kilogram unit? And once the power of Elysium is introduced, the food output will not only be this little."

The positive energy that overflows the paradise will promote the growth of plants, while keeping them in a luxuriant state.

The fruits picked today can grow again next week, and the grains sown today can be harvested next week.

This is a huge resource that country people on the main material plane can never imagine...

"Yes, but we must stop Lily. We cannot allow her to simply transform this place into a paradise."

He couldn't bring back Lily who was already over the moon, so he had to find some coolies to help.Then Chen used the giant tree to observe the Great River Territory, and found that some brave Star People had come online again after learning that nothing happened.

It's Gunshou Pagoda to suppress the river demon. This international student from an unknown country is looking at the huge mysterious tree with curiosity on his face - in fact, he is taking screenshots, recording videos and posting in the forum.

Pagoda Town River Demon: "I understand the truth, but why is this tree so big!" 》

I have to regroup my forces: What happened to the Great River Territory?What is the condition of this tree? We walked north for three days and could still vaguely see it!

Maple Leaf: Hey, such a big tree must be at least several hundred meters wide and over a thousand meters high!
Repeater: What happened?What happened?What happened?
Who can't fly yet: please stop transforming this Kamen Rider.

Xuanji: I just went online and asked. It seems that Jin Jianlayer became a paladin of a certain god, so the territory was blessed?
Stewed Frozen Dried Tofu: His charm is really outrageous to be a paladin of God.

I must regroup the troops: The paladin is good, his character and morals are worthy of assurance, which god has chosen him?
Pagoda Town River Demon: I’ll go over and ask.

So he turned on the live broadcast and came to the assembly hall of the barony, and saw the other party in the messy wreckage of the igloo that had been shattered by the power of myth.

"Um, Baron Chen, it seems I came at the wrong time." The Pagoda Town River Demon secretly cursed in his heart, why did this god bring about forced demolition?

"No, you came just in time."

Seeing that the coolie he wanted to catch was delivered to his door, he said happily: "Pagoda, something bad has happened! The Dragon of Catastrophe from the outer world has come to the Great River Territory and wants to transform this place into its territory!"

"Then Baron, why don't you look worried at all?" Pagoda Town River Demon didn't take this at all, "Someone must have given you some advice on "NPC Self-cultivation" again."

Thinking about it now, at that time in Fanhua Port, this golden gradient layer occasionally looked like an NPC. It must have been the trick of the grandson who taught him transmogrification and card drawing.

"Well, actually, the mount given to me by the gods is a little disobedient. Now she is going to the canopy to pull the entire territory into another world."

Hearing this, the Pagoda Town River Demon panicked instantly. The severity of this matter was completely different from what was just said!

Just summon the fourth uncle but not stuck: No, why are you so slow? The most important thing is not that his information at the golden level is not displayed at all?
In the past, even if Chen used some illusions and protective spells, he could only prevent their detection to a certain extent, or it would appear as "???".

Nowadays, there is no even a "???" on the opponent's head, as if it is an inorganic object... No, even a stone has properties in their eyes!

Maple Leaf: Ah, you are right. The Golden Gradient Layer has completely blocked us.

Stewed frozen dried tofu: I guess it’s a benefit for some paladins. Ask him what kind of god he is?

Being commanded by the audience, the Pagoda Town River Demon could only ask in shock.

"I can't reveal his name..."

"Lord of Cats, this is more important than Bastet. What about the God of All Machines? The Father of All Machines?"

"...In short, he is the god of machinery and industrialization. You can probably call him the father of all machines?
"But now is not the time to talk about this. I need your help to bring my mount back from the Tree of Life. She looks like a young dragon with butterfly wings."

Pagoda Town River Demon nodded, roughly understanding the current situation.

A god of machinery and industrialization chose a golden gradient as a paladin, gave birth to a towering tree in his territory, and gave him a dragon as a mount.

It sounds like this dragon mount is still a female baby dragon?

The composition of this god is a bit complicated, and his style is a bit devilish!
(End of this chapter)

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