Chapter 126 Winter Wolf Cub
People from modern society may be able to accept and even look forward to the decadent life in the feudal system, but slavery is somewhat unacceptable, especially when those slaves are basically of their own race.

Although [-]% of the people in the grassland at the beginning were orcs of various subraces, they did not intend to really regard themselves as another race.

Therefore, there is a major prerequisite for the people of the Stars to voluntarily support and support Jin Jianshi - he must not be an authoritarian racist, and must treat all races as equal citizens as much as possible.

"The population and labor force in the new territory are insufficient, and material support from the people of the stars may not be available immediately, so I propose to restore the status of all slaves to free citizens so that they have greater motivation to build the territory."

In any case, slavery was a minefield for them.

In modern society, it’s okay to be used as cattle and horses by vampires, but when you come to a different world, you still have to watch your own race being enslaved by other races?

This is unbearable. They must be given a taste of the iron fist of feudalism!
"I have considered what you said. In fact, I don't like the practice of enslaving humans."

Chen immediately understood. Even though Jin Kaila looked like a werewolf druid who made himself look like an Aras pig, he was still a human being after all.

“The territory in my mind is a place where everyone can live a stable life, where humans can become friends with orcs, elves and dwarves can compete on the same stage, gnomes and goblins can discuss the art of explosions, succubi and tieflings can Being able to work legally, even halflings can find a suitable place to stay.”

It was a peaceful and stable place that could be regarded as home by anyone, and it was also a place where Chen Zhou could be treated as a national first-level protected waste.

It sounds like a fantasy, but it is actually a goal that is destined to be unachievable, but people have to have hope.

Chen, who has been on the move since time travel, feels that the world does lack such a country without disputes.

"Jin Jian... Baron Chen, do you really think so?"

Jin Kaila was shocked by the scene described by the other party.

Not because this is such a great idea, but in this dark age, someone is actually willing to create such a territory!

It is indeed a golden legend!
Compared with those nobles who levy taxes on a daily basis, create people on a daily basis, party on Sunday nights, and do not regard the common people as human beings at all, such a slightly democratic baron is indeed worth the investment of the people of the Star.

"Why do we need slaves when there are undead beasts?"

"But it would not be appropriate to grant freedman status all at once."

Jin Jianla nodded repeatedly, understanding that he must also take into account the opinions of Jin Jian's fellow clan members, and he could not take too big a step forward.

"Let's do this. Later, you and the people of the other stars will set up an organization to monitor the progress of slave work, and every one or two days, you will select three or five people who have done the best work to restore their status as free people.

"In addition, you should also register the statistics and ability records of the territory's population, and use the abilities of the star people to mark their strength and potential for future development of the territory."

The ability of Star People is really convenient for management, and the detection effect based on color and level is simply a talent excavator.

It's hard to imagine why the Flower Baroness they assisted was so miserable.

Just when Chen was about to continue to give instructions on related matters, the guards led by Kyle who had gone to search the winter wolf's lair finally returned to the camp.

"Baron, we found a lot of things in the winter wolf's lair, and we also got a few unexpected gains!"

Looking at what Kyle and the guards were carrying, even if they didn't say anything, Chen could see what the windfall they were referring to was - winter wolf cubs.

Magical beasts naturally need to continue their descendants.

Winter wolf pups take about 2 years to fully mature, and their lifespan in the natural environment is about 15 years.Although their parents will raise the pups to some extent, as they approach adulthood they are driven off the territory of existing wolves.

Unless there are old, weak, sick and disabled people in the wolf pack who need to be replaced.

In other words, this litter of winter wolf pups are all under one year old and have not yet fully developed.

It looks similar to a young husky, but it won't take long to chew off the owner's head.

This magical beast that is naturally neutral and evil has a high degree of intelligence and is several times more difficult to tame than a husky that has never won a fight.

"Ten cubs, it turns out that winter wolves are so capable of giving birth."

"This was not the case in previous years. In a wolf pack, only one pair of parents usually gave birth, with a litter of two to four, and not many pups survived to adulthood."

Kyle explained that this kind of magical beast will intentionally limit the food provided to its cubs, and only those individuals that are strong and strong enough will be qualified to survive.

The reason why so many cubs appeared at once this time is probably due to the merger of wolf packs.

"Several wolf packs will occasionally hunt together for a prey as big as a giant, but this grouping often disbands because food cannot feed all the wolves for a long time."

According to Kyle's speculation, there may be more than one winter wolf pack attacking Frostfield Village - the cold-resistant orcs have a certain ability to resist the winter wolves.

Therefore, several wolf packs merged and attacked Shuangyuan Village, and paid a heavy price for this. In the end, only 7 wolves were left.

So the remaining winter wolves formed a group and collectively raised their cubs.

They are social animals, and even though they are naturally bloodthirsty, they will not completely give up on the next generation.

"What Kyle said makes sense, but it would be troublesome if the sacrifice and merger of the wolves were not due to the attack on Frostfield Village. This means that there are additional threats nearby - enough to severely damage the two winter wolf packs at least. kind."

Another possibility raised by Jerry made Chen wary, and he decided to seriously monitor his surroundings through the Holy Light Envoy.

The people of the star such as Jin Jiala and even some of the guards are focused on another matter.

"So are we going to raise winter wolves?" Jin Gaila was so excited that her tone of voice was much higher. Who doesn't want a powerful mount and baby?

Kyle said seriously: "This kind of creature is too dangerous. It depends on the Baron whether to raise it or not."

But he seemed serious and serious, but his thoughts were exactly the same as those of Jin Kaila and others.

"They can be raised, but we don't have enough food to feed them. Jin Kaila, you are responsible for providing them with magic berries. See if you can exchange stable food for their loyalty.

"But if they cannot change their cannibalistic and murderous habits until they reach adulthood, they will have to be disposed of."

The cruel habits of winter wolves are difficult to change. In order to prevent them from hurting people, special cages must be prepared and raised by dedicated personnel. If domestication fails, losses must be stopped in time.

Fortunately, their fur is worth more than what they paid for.

(End of this chapter)

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