Chapter 124 Newbie Package

To the north of the grassland is an area overrun by wolves, which troubled nomads. But after the energy tide passed, even winter wolves, which were originally extremely rare, became active.

This large white wolf-like magical beast, which is about 1.4 and a half meters tall at the shoulder in adulthood, is larger and smarter than ordinary wolves and even wargs. Its intelligence is close to that of humans, and it can master Common Language, Giant Language and their own language.

In addition, they also possess the ability to spit ice and are nearly immune to cold. They usually hunt in small groups and use strategies to ambush and sneak attacks. They are almost the most difficult animals or magical beasts in the north.

After using the Holy Light Archangel to scan the surrounding environment like a satellite, Chen soon discovered that this creature was ambushing near the road to Frostfield Village, and decisively called on Kyle, the guards, and the Star People to come forward. solve.

Every member of the population in the early stages of starting a business is crucial, and they cannot be left to chance by this group of predators.

"Baron, how many winter wolves have you seen?"

"Four, but I'm not sure there are more."

The white fur of winter wolves is extremely hidden in the snow, making it difficult to see the exact number.

Kyle thought thoughtfully. If there were only this number, it should not be difficult to solve it with the cooperation of the warriors of the Golden Mane clan and the people of the stars.

"Then we can try to kill them all." He suggested. "The fur of winter wolves is a natural cold-resistant material, and the cloaks, coats and shoes made from them are very valuable."

A complete winter wolf skin can be sold for several hundred gold coins in the south, and a rare silver winter wolf skin can even cost thousands.

In addition to fur, teeth, bones and meat also have their own uses. Even if they only hunt one winter wolf, the materials obtained can be enough to feed the 200 of them for half a winter.

"But then you won't be able to attack with fire, and you'll have to be extra distracted during the battle."

"Then try not to let them go while ensuring safety."

After realizing the value of Winter Wolf, Chen's heart finally settled.

I was just worried about the winter problems of so many people, but I didn't expect that such a pack of winter wolves came.

It’s simply a gift package for newbies.

I just don’t know if it’s possible to breed them?
However, when Chen led the crowd and approached the location where the winter wolves were ambush after the caster used energy resistance in advance, there was a slight problem in the process of extracting the novice gift package - there were too many winter wolves ambushing them. Up to 7 heads.

As soon as they penetrated deep into the wolf pack's encirclement, the winter wolf suddenly sprinted and surrounded more than ten people.

Then they all used their special skill - freezing breath.

A large amount of extremely cold ice and snow attacked everyone instantly. Even high-level warriors would inevitably turn into ice sculptures if they took this move without preparation.

Relying on the druid's "resistance to energy damage" alone may not be enough. Kyle was secretly frightened when he saw this, but fortunately the baron had other preparations.

Just before the blast of ice was about to freeze everyone into popsicles, a crisp bell rang, and a rainbow curtain protected them in the middle.

It is the path spell "Rainbow Dome" that can greatly resist the corresponding energy damage. If they didn't have this move that completely restrained the opponent, they would not have made such a risky (seemingly) plan.

The raging ice briefly obscured their sight, preventing the winter wolves from detecting the prey's reaction immediately.

For them, the rule north of the grassland is to eat and be eaten. Even the orcs are no better than humans.

This makes them miss the best opportunity.

After the ice spit, before the winter wolves could start eating like crazy as usual, they saw the lions roaring and charging towards them with weapons raised.

The Lion Charge pounces for the whole round, followed by a flurry of movements and strikes again. This is a must-try characteristic of the Lion Warrior.

After escaping from the threat of ice spitting, the elite warriors supported by Earl Robert quickly each severely wounded the winter wolf in front of them.

At this critical moment of life and death, the latter, who was well aware that the hatred between the two sides was irreconcilable, did not beg for mercy, but instead launched a desperate attack with increasing ferocity.

Their only hope is to delay the time to accumulate ice breath again, but the opponent's spellcaster has no spell that can block the breath for the second time.

The Winter Wolf, who had been strengthened after the arrival of the energy tide and could even destroy an entire village, was extremely puzzled.

Damn it, how could there be a powerful spellcaster among such a group of orcs! ?

After Kyle and the guards led the charge, the Star People, who were slightly slower to respond, also joined the battle.Chen Ze, on the other hand, remained in the middle of the crowd, holding the second shot of "Rainbow Dome", always ready to block their most powerful weapon.

The identities of hunter and prey are instantly reversed.

With the help of spellcasters, the choppers exerted their full combat power.

Not long after, the lion warriors, with the help of the Star People, killed this group of winter wolves and turned them into start-up funds for the new territory.

Even since the money from selling winter wolf materials is not taxable, you might be able to avoid some troublesome things...

"As expected of the elite warriors of the Golden Mane Clan, I will give you some simple healing first and let others deal with these winter wolves."

The guards were very excited. A lord who knew various spells could solve many problems in the territory.

The only druid in the team, Jin Jialu, was a little worried. Most of his spells were used to help provide energy protection to prevent warriors from being frostbitten by the winter wolf's minions. It was difficult to use the "Magic Berry Technique" to reduce material consumption.

"It's okay, winter wolves can eat it too." Kyle patted Jin Jialu's back, "Although it tastes a bit unpalatable, at least it's still meat."

An adult winter wolf weighs at least [-] kilograms, and the edible portion is around [-] kilograms, which is enough for many people to share.

After hearing this, similar logic emerged in Chen and Jin Kaila's minds at the same time:

The winter wolf ate people from Shuangyuan Village. If people eat winter wolves again...

"You guys can eat, I'll just use the magic berry as a cushion, and then I'll take advantage of the good daylight to investigate the landscape."

Seeing that the Baron seemed to have a special way of investigating, Kyle didn't pay too much attention and instead led people to search the winter wolf's lair.

This magical creature has the ability to ruminate and will spit out excess food and bury it in the snow. At the same time, its intelligence close to that of humans also allows them to collect treasures for exchange.

If this group of winter wolves were really the ones that attacked Frostfield Village, they might be able to find valuable treasures in their lairs.

Those are also indispensable things for developing new territories.

After Kyle took the people away, Jin Jiala also found Chen who was trying to prepare a map.

"Baron, I have something to ask you. Do you mind if we Star People come to your territory too?"

If anyone is the most worthy of support and investment, Chen from Golden Legend is obviously the best choice.

As the news that Jin Jianzhi established a home in Frostfall continued to spread, the people of the Star soon had the tendency to bring supplies to the north for support...

 A cold and a stiff neck are all illnesses when the season changes.
  Winter Wolf Winter Wolf
  Large monster, neutral evil

  Armor Class: 13 (natural armor)
  Hit Points: 75 (10d10+20)

  Speed: 50 feet

  Strength 18 Agility 13 Constitution 14
  Intelligence 7 Perception 12 Charisma 8
  Skills: Perception +5, Stealth +3
  Damage Immunity: Freeze

  Senses: Passive Perception 15
  Languages: Common, Giant, Winterwolf

  Challenge Level: 3 (700 XP)

  Keen sense of smell and hearing.A wolf has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks made that rely on hearing or smell.

  Swarm tactics.The wolf has advantage on attack rolls made against a target creature while at least one non-incapacitated ally is within 5 feet of that creature.

  Snow camouflage.A wolf has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made while hiding in snowy terrain.

  Gnaw.Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., single target.Damage: 11 (2d6+4) piercing damage.If the target is a creature, the target must make a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

  冷冻吐息(充能5~6)。狼呼出冰暴并覆盖一处15尺的锥状区域,该区域内的每个生物都必须进行一次DC 12的敏捷豁免,豁免失败者将受到18(4d8)点冷冻伤害。

(End of this chapter)

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