I think you can't even imagine the happiness of a warlock.

Chapter 121 Every family has a hard-to-read scripture

Chapter 121 Every family has a hard-to-read scripture
A month later, Chen, who was no longer entangled in worldly affairs, took Jerry to the prairie north of the mainland.

The Great Grassland is just a general term. In fact, it consists of several adjacent but different grasslands. However, after the establishment of the Lionheart Empire, it was generally called the "Green Fields of Karak".

Alien people, nomads and orcs live together here, supporting each other and attacking each other, and this becomes more frequent as the Lion King weakens.

When he first entered the grassland, he did not remove his "misleading skills", but cautiously stayed at the edge to gather the required information.

The gateway to the Grassland Empire is a bad land between Grassland, Norton, and Gajelan.

There is no grass growing here, no danger to resist, easy to attack and difficult to defend. It has changed its owner many times in history, and was finally abandoned by the three countries unanimously.

So under the spontaneous organization of a small group of people, people occasionally gathered here to trade, and even occasionally businessmen from the Western Great Sand Sea stayed here.

With the passage of time, the junction area has developed into a trading town, a neutral town where multiple races live together and maintains a fragile peace.

Although any of the three countries could immediately conquer this place by sending troops, for some reason, everyone tacitly ignored the existence of such a bad land...

"Food, weapons, daily necessities, medicines, construction materials, etc. If you think about it carefully, it is quite difficult to establish a territory from scratch."

Walking in the trading town where people came and went due to the war, and looking at the various materials that people traded, Chen couldn't help but feel a headache about his future.

He is rich, but he can't afford such trouble.

Personal prosperity is often insignificant when faced with state-level budgets.

"How about just removing the misdirection and finding someone after the operation?"

"Warlocks are just very attractive, but they are not succubi. They can get these things before they can even move their mouths."

Unless there is a marriage or marriage, the entire tribe belongs to him, but Chen's XP system has not yet been developed to this extent.

If you want to start a business, someone must have money and materials.

In the past month since he decided to become independent, he has been thinking about how to quickly gather these conditions, but the final answer basically cannot bypass the people of the stars.

Asking for their help is like drinking poison to quench your thirst and must be carefully considered.

But before that, the two methods most worth trying are still...

"Donating an official position?"

Looking at the Khajiit Druid (self-proclaimed) in front of him, the tavern owner Owl Manta shook his head repeatedly: "This is something that a tavern owner in a border town can know. You have to go to a big city to ask someone to ask."

But the only place on the grassland that can be called a big city is the imperial capital. The road is long and difficult, and the price of buying an official position must be high.

Chen, who wanted to give it a try and hit a wall, was not discouraged. Xiaoren's words at least proved one thing, buying an official position is indeed a real practice.

As long as you can raise funds from the people of the Star, you will have the opportunity to become rich overnight and buy a title and territory... No matter what happens, you can still get a development order.

"But there is no suitable land left for people to open up, right?"

There are not many good lands in the green fields of Karak, and most of them are occupied by warlords. Even if he does get the title and land, he might be immediately attacked by the people nearby and demand vassalage.

"Who is vassaling whom?"

"Is there anyone in the world who can beat me just to do me a favor?"

Although it does not seem absolutely impossible to withdraw the "Misdirection"...

"Don't have sweet dreams. Fortunately, the prairie is the territory of the orcs after all. They don't pay so much attention to legitimacy. Whether you have a title or not is not really a big problem."

Force, blood, and the blessing of ancestors are the orthodoxy, and title is just a copy of the human system that deprives tribal leaders of their rights.This means that Chen can "get" other people's territory by defeating his superiors or wearing a yellow robe.

As long as you make use of your supernatural charm, the spellcasting abilities of a 3rd-level sorcerer, a 2nd-level druid, and the golden template's attraction to the people of the stars, it seems possible to do all this.

Not glamorous, but certainly more effective.

After taking this method into consideration, he began to temporarily stay in the trading town where caravans and adventurers communicated, and inquired about suitable partners.

In the end, he chose the earldom of the lion-man Robert Golden Mane, a powerful faction that owned the largest pastoral area in the green fields of Karak.

There are many barons (former tribal leaders) under his command, but one of them can be easily replaced.

Besides, it's useless to think too much before the empire is divided. Just treat it as a public exam.

Just when Chen made the decision to take the imperial examination in the earldom of the Golden Mane clan, whispers from adventurers from the Kingdom of Gajelan reached his ears.

The druid, who was entrusted with the important task by the second prince, lived up to expectations and started to cause trouble. The magical beasts that had been corrupted and mutated by them were spread in the Kingdom of Gajelan and the Kingdom of Kalos at the same time.

Although the disaster of corruption was prevented by the activities of the Star People, a lot of corrupted land was still left in the two countries.

Since then, Saidin Draka's reputation has plummeted, and the druid has become a target of beatings.

At this time, the Iron Princess's offspring was born, and the nature-side organization called the Greensingers finally began to take action to purify the extreme druids and the natural environment destroyed by them.

The Greensinger, Coast, and Nature Church began to exert their efforts, and a purge operation against the Shadow Druids began.

The baby who returned surrounded by star citizens and adventurers was recognized and canonized by the king on the spot. All the babies, big and small, gave up their plans to re-train from the grandson.

The Kingdom of Carlos, whose national power was somewhat weakened, launched a brand-new means of transportation-the airship in order to reverse its decline.

After many experiments, the Star People finally abandoned the idea of ​​a magic crystal-like internal combustion engine and instead used conjurers to summon air elements combined with steam spells to provide lift for the airship.

For a time, the trade within Kalos was unprecedentedly prosperous, and they quickly achieved rapid development by using three-dimensional transportation of goods by sea, land and air.

However, this also exposed three problems:

1. The airship model impacted the manor economy and led to opposition from the nobles.

2. The poor productivity of the Kalos Kingdom is not enough to reach the limits of the sea, land and air modes.

3. This thing is like a mobile coffin in the air. If it dares to be beaten, it will crash.

In addition to the two feuding countries, the Kingdom of Norton, which has been at odds with the orcs all year round, is also having a hard time.

The changing environment under the magic tide makes the by-products of alchemical technology increasingly dangerous.

Originally, after the contaminated waste reached a certain amount, they would open a small portal to another world and throw all the garbage to other worlds.

However, as the magic power of the natural environment increases, the accumulated waste materials will occasionally give birth to "pudding monsters" that wreak havoc, and they are also types that can swallow alchemical waste and magic to become stronger.

This resulted in them having to increase the frequency of throwing garbage into other worlds, which greatly increased the cost of alchemy...

"It can only be said that every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite. I wonder what the situation is like in the grasslands and the Northland?"

 I saw some readers asking why people who went crazy during the closed beta didn’t attract attention. This was mentioned at the end of Chapter 2 of Volume 25. Players in the closed beta have never heard of any player having an accident.

(End of this chapter)

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