I think you can't even imagine the happiness of a warlock.

Chapter 118 Half-Day Elf Dragon Blood Azulin

Chapter 118 Half-Day Elf Dragon Blood Azulin

Realizing that there was a certain chance that Saidin would burn down the town of Xishuihe, everyone couldn't help but worry about this.

Although it was excessive to wipe out a town while the army was on an expedition, no one would comment on it as long as the results were substantial and the nobles could share enough profits.

So Chen, who was pretending to be a druid, had to claim that he actually mastered the technology of "detecting dragon's blood" and investigated the baby by casting a wild arcane spell in advance to simulate the spell.

A glance at the red dragon bloodline.

"He is not an ordinary dragon-blooded subspecies. This baby is Azulin, a half-day elf with red dragon blood."

After hearing this, everyone except the fox demon warlock was a little confused.

What is Azulin?
Seeing this, Lebet explained on his behalf: "Azulin is a soul descendant with the blood of the ancient arcane empire. Occasionally, soul energy talents appear in the descendants of humans. They are extreme and extreme, and they are born with soul energy." Power."

"Soul energy is raw unprocessed magic power, and it is also an amorphous magical substance composed of the soul energy of all living, dead, and even, theoretically, intelligent creatures that have not yet been born."

"When a certain arcane empire was not yet destroyed, it was called 'heavy magic'. It was discovered by a legendary mage who has now become a stupid god. This power is independent of magic and can be used without the magic network. Use it below."

"But in fact, the heavy magic power is a ritual prepared by Yergo, the descendant of the Spellweaver and the ancient god of death, to solve the problem of his approaching lifespan and to make his divinity complete - he plans to use heavy magic power to unify the origin of his divinity. Divided into six, reincarnated into six human gods with the consciousness and memory of the Spellweaver - and taught to the Ka fool."

"It turned out that the fool Ka had used the curiosity of the first-generation magic goddess to blow up the magic network, destroying the operation of all magic except heavy magic. Yerge also divided the divine power into six and passed it to the six selected people. As a result, one of the farmers The female Mystra turned out to be the chosen one of the first-generation magic goddess."

"So, during the god-making ceremony planned by Yerge, Mystra, who was in the state of absorbing divine power due to the effects of the ritual but did not know how to absorb Yerge's divine power, obtained part of the power of the first-generation magic goddess under the protection of Yerge, and became the first goddess of magic. The second generation magic goddess."

"At the same time, the Earth Prophet attracted the phaerinn demons to attack the god-making ceremony. The unruly ritual killed five spellcasters in one fell swoop, prompting Mystra to become a god. It also led to the failure of reincarnation, and Jergo looked at himself with only the remaining One sixth of the divine power is in a daze."

"The five spellcasters who gained divine power but died suddenly, Mystra who inexplicably became gods (died suddenly), and Jergal (died suddenly but was reincarnated once) have since been called the Seven Lost Gods by later generations."

※"Lord of the End of Everything" by official designer Eric L. Boyd is the official history recognized by Green Wood.

"My head hurts..."

The external brain instilled too much extracurricular knowledge at once, which made Chen a little confused. He asked Lebet with a headache: "How do you warlocks know so much knowledge?"

The latter was stunned for a moment, not understanding why Xiaode suddenly asked such a question.

"We warlocks usually awaken to the knowledge incidentally when we accept the power of blood or the origin of magic."

"Then how to accept the power of blood or the origin of magic?" Chen continued to ask.

"I can't tell. Anyway, just listen, feel, and don't think."

After answering Druid's confusion, Lebet continued to explain: "In short, this child has the blood of a sun elf who is a visitor from another world, and the blood of a red dragon, and has even awakened the ancient magic. With the empire’s soul power, his future will be limitless!”

"Sounds like some kind of Stitch Monster," Geta complained.

"So this child will be the hope of the Gajelan Kingdom?" Stein was so excited that he never expected to witness the rise of the kingdom.

As long as the Iron Princess's son is saved, his family will surely go to glory!

But he quickly realized that the five people present seemed to be of a foreign race except him.

This joy is not only difficult to share, but also requires guarding against.It is simply a matter of internal and external troubles.

Libet struck: "No matter how talented you are, you have to survive first."

Outstanding talent will only make Prince Saidin look forward to his death.

Now even Arosel, who had planned to disguise it as her own child, was a little worried.

But if you can find a fellow elf or a good priest to help...

"Why not try to find the people of the stars?" Seeing everyone's frown, Geta suggested, "I heard that they will accept any job. As long as we can talk to each other, it is no problem even to assassinate the king."

Stein and Arosel suddenly realized that there was indeed such a foreign aid that they could use!
The people of the stars are aliens from the sky. They trample on the royal authority and do whatever they want. Even Prince Saidin, who is powerful in the Kingdom of Gajelan, cannot order them.

"But if that's the case, I'm quitting."

Chen stood up suddenly and stopped getting involved in this troublesome matter that had nothing to do with him: "The escort mission is terminated. I will pay you back when I get the money, and I will find a way to continue going north on my own."

After that, he went back to his room.

"Are you really not going to join in the fun? It feels like it will become very interesting in the end?"

"If this continues, won't it be the same as that of Fanhua Port? It's too troublesome to intervene in the royal family struggle. It's better to think about how to win over the second prince who is blocking me and then leave."

With his current strength, mortals below level 4 spellcasters are basically no match for him.

Dragonfire Warlocks are just super soldiers who master the red dragon's breath ability and some sorcery. If they really encounter it, the Red Dragon Knights will be a greater threat.

After learning from the experience of the sudden death of two shadow druids, Chen did not intend to turn into an animal and run away.

He planned to wait for the Red Dragon Knights and other troops to station nearby and then find a weak point to break through. That would be much easier than running into the Knights' large army head-on.

Before that, he planned to refer to the experience of the nine-tailed warlock and get in touch with the power of his bloodline and the origin of his spells by listening and feeling without thinking.

"This is simple, just take a good nap, but since you learned the passionate poems, you haven't slept much, have you?"

"Let's sleep about once every three days. Passionate poems are really useful."

"No, how can a warlock work so hard? You should get more sleep! The higher the quality of your sleep, the better!"

So Chen thought about the sound of the roller ringing in his ears when he fell asleep and all kinds of troubles.

"Then I will use the wild arcane spell that I used to cast the Secret Pocket on you to cast the magic rope spell from now on."

"Magic Rope Technique": Opens the entrance to a different dimensional space, which is enough to accommodate 8 creatures. You can see the outside from the inside, but not vice versa.Unless it is a spell that can act on other planes, it cannot affect creatures in it.

Compared with "Magic Rope", Chen feels that this spell that can provide a relatively safe sleeping space is more like a certain country's "Tiantian Rope"...

(End of this chapter)

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