I think you can't even imagine the happiness of a warlock.

Chapter 114: Cuili School?Thinking about the school of thought!

Chapter 114: Cuili School?Thinking about the school of thought!
It has been more than three months since he came to this world, and he doesn't know whether it is because he has adapted to his new body, or because he has become stronger and is more free to do whatever he wants. Chen Zhou feels that he is becoming more and more reckless.

The "Shadow Road" lasted less than 1 minute and soon ended. When the light curtain formed by the shadows faded away, what came into view were densely packed arrows piled up like a hill nearby.

Seeing that the spell lost its effectiveness, even though there was no one inside, the jackal still chose to fire the arrow without thinking.

At the same time, the "Shadow Road" prepared in advance took shape again, extending to the sky like a rainbow bridge and reaching the crown of a tree in the distance.

The invisible Aroselle, Geta and Lebet immediately ran onto the Shadow Bridge.

Stein, who is also invisible, uses the existence of the Shadow Road to try to block the rain of arrows shot from all directions.

As for Chen and Jerry, they stayed where they were unmoved, as if even the rain of arrows was nothing.

Just before the arrow was about to hit.

But when Chen waved his hand, the bright aurora spread around like a curtain.

The "Cuili Command" gave him the ability to control electromagnetism through the air element, which is why Aurora was born.

The moment the steady stream of arrows touched the aurora curtain, it turned into a bright paste as if burned by high temperature, and then turned into a transparent gas.

"What kind of druid spell is that?"

Lebet, who boarded the Shadow Road, was shocked. He had never heard that a druid had such magical power!
"What kind of spell is this?"

"I don't know, just call it the Aurora Curtain."

"Cuili Command" plus "Display Iteration" treat matter as elements to change their physical state, turning the incoming arrows into non-threatening electrified gas.

Chen Zhou just thought he could use it, so he used it.

This "Aurora Curtain" consumes a total of 5+5 points of magic power, which is more than a 5-ring magic power consumption.

The arrows used by the gnolls were also a bit ordinary. If they were magic weapons, they would never be affected so easily.

"I heard that there is a spell called Star Cloak, which can achieve a similar effect, but it is a 6th-level warlock spell and it uses Pik's wing powder as consumables. How can it be imitated so easily?"

"Star Cloak": Makes the wearer immune to attacks from any non-magical weapons and converts any non-magical weapons into harmless light.

"But my aurora curtain cannot move with me, it cannot distinguish between friend and foe, and its duration is very short..."

Just as he said that, the aurora curtain that blocked at least three rounds of arrow rain disappeared on the spot.

It lasted less than 20 seconds.

"The effect of the star cloak is more perfect, and it can last for several ten minutes."

He nodded, it was indeed a bit of a waste of magic power.

After the aurora curtain dissipated, the pungent smell of blood and the ugly jackal came into view again.

In order to prevent the opponent from firing another volley, Chen immediately rushed into the enemy's position brandishing a bronze wooden stick.

Cure Yeenoghu's endless thirst, one stick at a time.

The rushing water surrounded the side, and every time the enemy tried to fight or grapple, he was pushed away.

The hard and sharp ice blade extends from the end of the wooden stick, making it a cutting spear with an advantage in length.

Coupled with the roaring thunder, every time the ice blade stabs, an electric light will extend for more than ten feet like a poisonous snake.

Ultak, the leader of the gnolls, unexpectedly discovered that the war group could not easily defeat the Khajiit warriors.

In this case, a salvo will cause the battle group to suffer more heavy losses, and the opponent may be protected by that weird light.

As for Chen Zhou, he realized that when there were too many enemies, it would be troublesome to kill the pigs one by one, even if they were unable to fight back.

That's a bit troublesome. The key is that the Jackal begins to have a tendency to run away after realizing that the opponent is too powerful.

So after reaping the lives of the jackals in front of him again, he turned around and walked out of the battle with a "lost trace".At the same time, Aroselle, who had boarded the Shadow Road earlier, also drew her bow and fired downwards.

Occupying a high position, she has an absolute advantage and can easily shoot the gnolls who are attracted by the druids.

Stein, who was saved by the Aurora Curtain before the battle began, did not join the battle, but quietly approached the wreckage of the carriage where the baby's cry could be heard.

Regardless of whether Cen could kill this group of jackals (in his opinion, he obviously couldn't), the key was to first take advantage of the opportunity the other party caused to cause chaos to save the survivors.

But Chen was obviously not interested in wasting energy by dilly-dallying, so after a slight distance, he used the "Water Making Technique" to soak a large number of gnolls.

Realizing that the opponent might use magic, Ultak, the leader of the war group, fired arrows repeatedly, causing the gnolls to disperse immediately.

However, before he could finish his order, an arrow dropped from the sky and penetrated its cervical vertebrae and arteries.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen, who did not need to protect others this time, once again used the "Lost Track" to avoid the arrows, and at the same time broke into the center of the gnoll battle group.

Immediately after the "Cuili Command" was fully consumed (5), it aroused thunder and lightning to spread in all directions. The ferocious and bright electric current surged through the mountains and forests, severely injuring the jackals within a radius of more than ten meters around them.

Until then, the jackals began to disperse one after another. Those who did not escape all hid behind trees, rocks and even carriages, shooting at their opponents.

Looking at the Jackal leaning on the wreckage of the carriage using it as a cover, Stein, who was about to open the carriage and take away the baby, was thoughtful.

What's up with this?
Fortunately, Arosel's arrow from above came down again, nailing the jackal in front of him to the carriage.

After secretly thinking that he would cooperate, he immediately slowly opened the wreckage of the carriage and took out a baby from the bottom of the cargo box that was turned upside down.

However, the baby obviously does not have the invisibility spell, so it is really difficult to take him away.

Fortunately, the druid who was in a mess suddenly used his strength again, and connected all the jackals within a few dozen meters with a long stream of water like a long whip.

Immediately afterwards, the ropes transformed by the flowing water were filled with golden electric current, and their bodies were scorched in the blink of an eye.

Unfortunately, the diluted power was not enough to kill him, and the jackal who was seriously injured by the last two electric shocks still retained a weak vitality.

I saw them moving madly away from the Khajiit, knocking over everything in sight including cargo, carriages, and companions, trampling on them, and escaping with screams.

Although he was determined to track him, Chen Zhou was not a real druid after all. He did not have the ability to "walk through the forest" to move easily in the forest, so he had to sit back and watch the jackals escape.

"They shouldn't be given the chance to escape. Even if one gnoll leaves, there will be a chance to raise a new war group in the place where the corruption spreads. They may even have a chance to become stronger and become Yeenoghu Fang, Scavenger, and Wither. Elite units like those."

"It doesn't matter, that's what the lord here should consider."

 In fact, it is a monster with a very low challenge level.

  Medium humanoid (gnoll), chaotic evil
  Armor rating: 15 (hide armor, shield)
  Hit Points: 22 (5d8)

  Speed: 30 feet



  Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
  Language: Gnoll

  Challenge Level: 1/2 (100 XP)

  Rampage.When a gnoll reduces a creature to 0 hit points with a melee attack on its turn, the gnoll can take a bonus action to move up to half its speed and make a bite attack.




(End of this chapter)

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