Chapter 112 Traces of the Jackal
The rumors are not wrong at all, the druids are all crazy!


The four adventurers thought this as they looked at Chen using the magic berry technique to make chili peppers.

"Don't get me wrong, the druid can make the magic berry he creates to suit his own taste. I made it a random flavor just for fun."

As he spoke, Chen Zhou picked up a chili pepper, threw it into his mouth, chewed it, and swallowed it.

"This one is sweet."

Seeing that the tiger man looked the same after chewing dry chili peppers, the adventurer felt somewhat relieved.

No matter how crazy a druid is, he shouldn't torture himself like this.

But no one wants to be the first to try something new.

Until Geta stretched out his little hand... Halflings have always been a race that can't bear curiosity and hides amazing courage.

"This magic berry is salty, which is okay, but why is it still a little spicy?"

"I took out most of the capsaicin from the peppers, but left some on purpose so you would know you were eating peppers."

Chen Zhou is from Xiong Province and can eat spicy food.

Stein raised his forehead helplessly: "I think there is no need to keep the chili flavor..."

Regardless, Chen and Geta at least proved that this stuff is edible.

So the four adventurers divided the remaining 8 chili peppers equally, preparing to eat them after they were injured during the adventure.

It's great to have a druid as your teammate when adventuring, so you don't have to worry about survival at all.

"Say in advance that I am the employer. I will give you water and magic berries at most, and I will basically not give you any other help."

"No problem, we promise to escort you to the border of Gajelan."

As Stein officially took over the mission, Chen and the adventure team began preparations to go north.

Although some Star Folk would go out and kill wandering dangerous creatures, traveling long distances away from home in this era was almost like risking their lives.

The tide of magic causes ordinary animals to mutate into magical beasts, which are more ferocious and more likely to leave their original territories and enter the human world to hunt for fragile and abundant food.

In addition to bandits and deserters, magical beasts have also become one of the threats during travel.

In particular, they will not consider the gain or loss of robbery based on the appearance of the tiger man. Even an obviously difficult target like Chen will become the target of their hunting once he is alone.

If he didn't want to enjoy the scenery along the way, he would probably rather fly over from the air...


Two days later, Chen, the warrior Stein, the warrior Arossel, the wanderer Geta, and the warlock Lebet embarked on a journey north.

We didn't encounter many dangers in the first few days with our backs to the pass, but after leaving the pass for a while, desolate villages, potholed roads, bones thrown on the roadside, and magical beasts surrounding us began to gradually appear.

“The people’s living standards in Gajelan are average.”

Chen Xian, who has lived in Fanhua Port for a long time, has rarely seen the "normal" situation in this world.

Now that I see this, I have to sigh, no matter how bad the Flower Port under Baron Philia is, it is still at the level of a first-tier town.

"The main war faction has started to make trouble again." Geta, who has suffered losses in this regard in the past, sarcastically said, "Since there is going to be a war, then we can't impose taxes."

But that's just an excuse. Those lords who taxed the most people would generally not take the initiative to join the war until the earl asked.

"It's nothing more than a diversion from the growing internal conflicts, but such frequent wars between two countries are indeed rare."

"I just don't know if the Star People will participate in the war?" Chen asked curiously.

Stein shook his head. That was exactly the problem.

The previous people of the Star were extremely excited because the war was about to begin, and they signed up to join the battlefield one after another.

Immortal and becoming stronger through battle, the collective participation of such terrifying soldiers immediately made the voice of the main war faction unprecedentedly high.

War has become a definite fact, and supplies, combat preparations, mobilization of troops, and star people have all reached a war-ready state.

Seeing that the war is about to start this month, for some reason, most of the people of the stars have regretted and do not want to join the battlefield again.

Because he knew this was the real world, Chen thought to himself, knowing that there were living people on the other side would be very uncomfortable to kill.As a player, this is...

"Wait, most of it?"

Stein explained: "Not all Star People have the same views. While the vast majority of them are unwilling to participate in the war, the desire of other groups to participate in the war has only increased."

However, he didn't know the specific reason. After leaving the aristocratic life trapped in the city, his social circle also shrank.

But the war machine that has already started running cannot be stopped, and the war between Gajelan and Carlos is bound to break out within a month.

By then, having completed this mission, he might as well join the battlefield.

The battlefield is the easiest place to gain honor.

The question is, how can mortals like them gain military exploits and become the center of attention on the battlefield where the Star People are active?

Maybe this is not possible at all...

"Killing the red dragon will probably bring glory to the ancestors." Chen joked.

Stein immediately responded with a complaining look: "Being a dragon's dung is exactly the opposite."

"Stop chatting and look at the ground."

At this moment, the taciturn Arossel suddenly spoke out: "The ruts on the ground and the pace of the beast suddenly became a little hurried, as if it was being chased by something."

Hearing this, Lebet narrowed his eyes: "Are these traces fresh?"

"It's very new. It should have happened half an hour to an hour ago."

After hearing this, the adventurers became nervous and prepared for battle.

It's been quiet for so long, so it's time for some movement.

"Those fat-minded nobles have no regard for the safety of the territory!"

The halfling scolded the lord who only cared about collecting taxes but not providing protection, while he and Arosel investigated the traces on the ground.

After a while, the road ahead was blocked by trees across the road.

People on foot can easily get around it, but carriages cannot pass immediately.

It was here that the rutted tracks deviated from the dirt road and followed the trail toward the nearby mountains and forests.

At the same time, Arosel and Geta also discovered another disturbing footprint.

"These are the footprints of jackals and wolves. I'm afraid they are chasing the caravan!"

Even the trees ahead may be part of their arrangement.

If this is the case, even if they escape along the path into the forest, the people in the car may not survive.

"We have to, uh..."

Stein was about to act bravely, but he remembered that he was currently on a mission, so he had to look at his employer who was strolling behind him.

In principle, after accepting a task, you cannot drag your employer into danger without authorization, but...

"Go and have a look, but I won't provide treatment if you are injured for reasons unrelated to the mission."

Seeing his employer nodding in agreement, the adventurer immediately followed the direction of the caravan and the gnolls, followed by Aroselle.

 Interspecies Grace [Cats]

  You can charm humanoid monsters and giants with your extraordinary cuteness

  Prerequisites: paralyzed, prone
  Benefit: As a standard action, you can gracefully collapse to the ground, forcing all humanoids, monstrous humanoids, and giants within 10 feet of you to make a Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + your Charisma Adjustment value), otherwise you will be stunned for one round.The target must be able to see you.This ability is a mind-affecting effect.

  Writhe [Cats]

  You can make another creature want to pamper you, stretching gracefully in its sight.
  Prerequisites: Paralysis, Ultimate Grace

  Benefit: While you are slumped on the ground, you can use suggestion as a spell to cause a creature within 30 feet of you to use its next move action to move to your square and attempt a melee touch attack to pet you.The target can resist this effect with a successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier).If the affected target is prevented in some way, it still spends its next action on its next turn.Using roll is a standard action.

(End of this chapter)

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