I think you can't even imagine the happiness of a warlock.

Chapter 104 Reasons for Failure of Internal Combustion Engines

Chapter 104 Reasons for Failure of Internal Combustion Engines
That evening, the troubled starry night celebration finally officially began.

Fishmen, star people, beast tides, pirates, all kinds of disasters took turns, and then ended neatly, and Fanhua Port ushered in unprecedented prosperity.

Products from all over the world fill the market, and the specialties of the Star People with different world styles also attract everyone's attention. Magic items made from magic crystals bring magic closer to ordinary people.

It seems that everything is going smoothly and for the best.

Walking in the market filled with festive atmosphere, Chen Zhou and Jerry were ready.

The delayed-casting Holy Light Envoy is ready, the flying mount Hippogriff is parked at the hotel, and the ice elemental armor is already on his body.

The magical energy that was rested after summoning the creature in advance has been restored, and the mythic power is only expended once to detect the Thief of Joy in Olidamara and once to connect with the summoned object's vision.

Chen Zhou was ready to fight to the death or run away from any enemy that might appear.

"I always feel that the Starry Night Celebration will not simply end."

Chen Zhou seconded the suggestion, but he really didn't know what other enemies might suddenly appear.

There can't be primitive life forms falling from the sky, right?
"Be more open-minded, maybe the enemy will emerge from the ground?" Feng Ye, a street runner whom he met by chance while shopping, said with a smile of relief.

"That's wrong, the enemy that may have appeared from the underground has been dealt with!"

"Anyway, you Star People will charge forward when the time comes."

Chen Zhou looked at the night sky with relief. A tiny ball of light emitting dim light was hanging in the sky, using that inconspicuous figure to act as a scout.

Jerry will use the extra vision brought by the wild arcana to monitor the entire Flowery Port and be on guard against any possible changes.

If even such a formation can't defeat the enemy, then he can consider running away.

It's still some time before Ms. Flowers takes the stage to speak, and he can still have some fun.

Suddenly, there was an explosion sound from above.

Then the gorgeous firelight spread wantonly, rendering the night sky into gorgeous colors.

It was something called "fireworks" invented by the Star People.

"By the way, I heard you talking about an internal combustion engine before. What is that?"

He suddenly remembered that some people among the Star People had whispered about the failure of the internal combustion engine.

Can this thing fail?

"Well, actually I don't really understand either."

The Tiger Warlock's question touched on Maple Leaf's knowledge blind spot: "An internal combustion engine is a thing that puts fuel into a sealed container, ignites it, and then explodes."

Chen Zhou realized that he might have asked the wrong person.

"I understand, the explosion and heat cause the air to spread, eject from the container outlet, and then use this energy to accomplish something."

I feel like Maple Leaf’s IQ is not as good as that of a hamster…

Without blurting out this guess, Chen Zhou continued to inquire: "Then why did it fail?"

"Because the explosion of this world doesn't necessarily provide thrust."

Maple Leaf browsed the forum urgently and copied it word for word.

First he gave an example:
Everyone knows the 3rd level spell fireball. The effect of this spell will cause a roaring fire explosion, causing fire damage to things within the range.

While it might seem intuitive that the spell's explosion would cause pressure, blowing everything within its area of ​​effect, in reality its explosion would produce almost no pressure at all.

"Of course not. The explosion of the fireball technique is caused by the diffusion of excited fire elements, causing burning. Why do you think it can blow things up? That is the effect of the air element."

This involves the difference in underlying logic between the two worlds.

In the blue star where the people of the star are located, the theory of elements is a simple philosophical concept, and the world is composed of microscopic particles.

On Asta's side, elements are real things, and they are the cornerstone of this world.

It looks like the same explosion phenomenon, but the underlying principles are completely different.Because of this, when the time travelers ignited the gunpowder here, the gunpowder simply exploded and failed to push the piston like the earth.

Although there are muskets here, the principle of their firing is actually alchemy technology.

After realizing this, they focused on two super magics: "Steam Spell" (0) and "Explosion Spell" (1).

The former can convert fire spells into steam in water, which is the principle of the steam magic machine. The latter can add the vibration of the air element to fire spells, and its effect is similar to the explosion of a blue star.

After thinking about ways to improve technology for a long time, in the end I had to stick to the path of magic.

However, after calculation, it would take a massive amount of magic energy to recreate Blue Star's grand plan here, and even the magic power of hundreds of spellcasters would not be able to meet the requirements.

At this moment, the mutated magical beasts and magic crystals bring new possibilities...

"So you used magic crystal to make this."

Playing with the fire dragon fireworks in his hand, Chen Zhou was filled with emotion. It was quite difficult to live a modern life here.

"It's not just fireworks, there are also larger machines." Maple Leaf smiled mysteriously, but he gave it away.

They are teaming up with the alchemists of Fanhua Port to create a steam airship with magic crystal and magic version of steam engine and internal combustion engine as its core technology - a type of transportation that was once active in World War I.

This kind of vehicle has low technical content, low difficulty in reproducing, large carrying capacity, and low production cost (relatively). It can be built by handicrafts even before the industrialization era begins.

Once it is successfully manufactured, it will be like a leap from the age of sails to the age of steam.

In terms of theory, the Star Citizens and Alchemists have thoroughly understood it. The biggest problem currently troubling them is mainly safety - the air force in this world is much larger than that of Blue Star at the same time.

Chen Zhou had no intention of finding out, but instead thought about whether "Steam Spell" could bring benefits to his spell system.

Conclusion: No.

His main attributes are cold and brilliance (although he has not learned any spells yet), and the fire element will weaken his magic.

"But what if we think about it from the perspective of practicality rather than power?"

"That way I can continuously launch ice balls and ice cones, which can cause quite pure and intensive physical strikes."

In addition, as a master of conjuration, he can also use solid ice to make various instruments and components, and integrate them into various items.

Like building a car?

Recalling the hippogriff tied up in the hotel stable, Chen Zhou shook his head. There was no need to insist on completely replicating life on earth.

Almost got it.

Just when he began to think about how to make better use of past knowledge, the magic pet in his pocket suddenly gave a reminder.

"I have seen the true appearance of the Flower Baroness. Should this be considered good-looking or ugly?"

As a hamster, Jerry cannot understand human appearance.

So Chen Zhou, who was curious, also took over the senses of the Holy Light Envoy and looked at the Baron who was on the podium in the center of the town from above...

 It has been on the shelves for a whole week. There is no sudden death or sudden death, which is worthy of celebration. There is nothing to say, I can only add more updates.

  Also, I would like to thank RudBo and Whiskie for their tips, but they feel unnecessary. This makes me very stressed... I really can’t add more.

  Official information (April Fool's Day special)

  Over the years, cats have developed a variety of techniques to manage the humanoid creatures in their lives.In this highly confidential document, a brand new skill, several feline specialties, and even new cat spells and new cat fields, new cats and exclusive magic items are mentioned to assist them. Humanoid pets.

  new skill

  Many cats have levels in the Bluff skill, but this skill is used differently than before.In addition, cats have developed a new skill called "Humanoid Taming", which allows them to effectively manage humanoids as their servants and pets.New skills, as well as new uses of Bluff, can only be used by felines with that skill level.
  Bluff (Bluff; Charm; requires training; felines only)

  New usage: "I did it on purpose!"

  When you fail a Balance, Climb, Jump, or Perform check, you can immediately (as a free action) make a Bluff attempt against the Sense Motive of any witness. A success means you fooled the witness, and they You will believe that this is what you wanted to do; if the confrontation fails, witnesses will know that you failed to achieve your goal.

(End of this chapter)

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