Lord of Puro

Chapter 271 Fighting

Chapter 271 Fighting
The elders of the Qingshou Association are divided into two categories: elders Wen and elders Wu.

Tang Peigong was the elder Wen.

Wu Decheng is Elder Wu.

The main difference between the two is that Wu Decheng, the elder Wu, has cultivation.

Wu Decheng is a sixth-level Nianxiu cultivator and a top-notch master in the city of Heishipo.

Li Banfeng asked Ma Wu to conduct a detailed investigation of the Qing Guards. He knew that the Qing Guards in Heishipo would have a figure like Wu Decheng, and he was fully prepared for this person. However, he did not expect that Wu Decheng did not show up in front of the cinema.

There are some secrets that Li Banfeng doesn't know about.

At the beginning of the year, there was some quarrel between Tang Peigong and Wu Decheng. Tang Peigong reprimanded Wu Decheng in public. Wu Decheng couldn't lose face and rested in a mansion outside the city for a period of time.

As the elder of the Qingshou Association, Wu Decheng still had some cultivation skills. Why could Tang Peigong reprimand Wu Decheng?
This is a special tradition of the Qingshou Society.

There are differences in status between elders. What determines the status of an elder is not cultivation, but moral character and talent.

Wu Decheng sighed softly and said: "I am Nianxiu."

Zuo Wugang didn't understand: "Let's go together, why don't we let him say that there are more people and bully the less people?"

There was some movement around the factory.

Li Banfeng said in a very candid tone: "I am the only one here."

Wu Decheng didn't show any pretense. He asked what happened and went to the "Tuberose" newspaper office alone.

But when so many newspapers and magazines published the same news, why did Tang Peigong believe that the mastermind behind it was "Tuberose"?
Because this was the only newspaper to publish the news about the movie.

"It's just fighting in the ring, winning two out of three games, we played against each other three times,
Let me win the first game, let you win the second game, and let us tie in the third game.
I have earned enough face in the Qingshou Association, and you have earned enough li in Heishipo. Do you think there is any discussion on this matter? "

Unexpectedly, Tang Peigong had no choice but to ask Wu Decheng to come forward and deal with the "Tuberose" newspaper office.

Wen Xiu, De Xiu, and Nian Xiu are very close to each other, but the perception of Wen Xiu and De Xiu is not very strong, while the perception of Nian Xiu is very good.

"Then let's discuss the second thing. Let's play three games."

Wu Decheng sighed: "I come here with sincerity."

Ma Wu asked someone to clean out a factory building, and Li Banfeng and Wu Decheng sat in the room for an interview.

Wu Decheng said to Li Banfeng: "Boss Ye, I am here today to discuss two things with you, and I can only discuss them with you alone."

Li Banfeng was stunned: "Where do you start talking about this?"

Li Banfeng said: "I mean not to let him speak, but I don't mean not to bully him!"

Sensing that the distance between the others was far enough, Wu Decheng lowered his voice and said to Li Banfeng: "The first thing is, can you stop showing the movie "Blood Gun Detective", and can you stop showing the newspaper "Tuberose"? Don’t do it again?”

Li Banfeng shouted to the people around him: "Did you hear that? Elder Wu came here with sincerity, so stay away from us and hide where you can't hear us!"

The worker replied: "Just one."

Zuo Wu just left outside the wall.

You are all lying in wait in secret. If you watch me take action, then you all come together. You can’t let him say that we have more people and bully others than we have fewer people. "

Li Banfeng nodded and said: "The business has just started, and I haven't had time to visit Elder Wu yet."

I was assassinated in front of the theater, and this guy was obviously the one behind it. "

Wu Decheng could clearly sense the thoughts of the people around him: "Boss Ye, I really come here with sincerity and will never harm you."

"Ashamed, ashamed, this is what I did wrong. I will give Elder Wu a cup of tea."

Li Banfeng shook his head and said: "The movie has to be released and the newspaper has to be published. There is no need to discuss this matter."

"Boss Ye, I heard that you just came to Heishipo?"

The scolding woman who pretended to be cleaning also left.

Li Banfeng explained: "The medicine was just given and was not stirred thoroughly."

Arriving in front of the newspaper office, Wu Decheng first asked the workers to go in and announce: "Qing Shouhui Wu Decheng, come and see Boss Ye."

Ma Wu reminded: "Elder Wu is here."

Li Banfeng nodded and said: "The rules of the world are about fairness. Since he came alone, I will follow him alone.

Not long after, a waiter brought another cup of tea.

Wu Decheng smiled and said: "I don't think you are in this business."

Li Banfeng asked: "How many people did he come?"

"It was this man named Ye who bought the Sanfu Cinema and showed those immoral movies. He also spread rumors and slandered me in newspapers.

Aqin on the beam is gone.

Following this clue to investigate, Tang Peigong found a mysterious figure - Boss Ye.

Li Banfeng asked in surprise: "What does playing three games mean?"

Although Tang Peigong had no cultivation and no other specialties, he had both ability and political integrity, and his status was above Wu Decheng. It was appropriate for him to give Wu Decheng a lesson.

Wu Decheng felt his mouth was dry, so he picked up the tea cup, smelled it, put it back on the table, looked at Li Banfeng and said, "This tea is poisonous."

This was expected by Wu Decheng.

Li Banfeng thought for a moment and said: "We have discussed it, but I have to win the first game."

Wu Decheng frowned and said, "We are gentlemen, so why do you care about this?"

Li Banfeng said: "Since you don't care, just give the first game to me."

Wu Decheng said: "I invited myself to fight in the Qing Shou Association. If I fail to win, it will be difficult to explain in front of others."

Li Banfeng said: "I had just the right momentum, but suddenly suffered a disastrous defeat, and my morale was severely damaged!"

Wu Decheng looked unhappy and remained silent for a long time before saying, "Okay, it's up to you. You win the first game."

Li Banfeng nodded and said, "Shall we sign a contract?"

Wu Decheng waved his hands repeatedly and said: "I won't sign the deed."

Li Banfeng knew that he could not sign a contract, fight in the ring, make a tacit understanding in advance, and fight fake matches. This kind of thing could not be known to others.

"Then let's have tea instead of wine, and the matter is settled." Li Banfeng raised the tea cup.

Wu Decheng also raised the tea cup: "A gentleman's appointment, a gentleman's tea, drink it all in one gulp."

Li Banfeng drank a cup of tea in one gulp.

Wu Decheng drank the tea and spit it out again.

"Is this tea still poisonous?"

"No!" Li Banfeng was very surprised.

Wu Decheng sneered: "I have been in the world for decades, and I have seen every scene. I drank it all, and you still don't admit it?"

Li Banfeng was still shocked: "When I bought the poison, they said it was tasteless and colorless. Logically speaking, you shouldn't be able to drink it!"

"I..." Wu Decheng was so angry that he didn't speak for a while.

Li Banfeng comforted him: "Don't be angry. I'll ask someone to get you another cup. You can try this cup again to see if it's poisonous."

Wu Decheng laughed angrily: "Young man, I like your temperament very much. We can't go back on what we have decided."

"Don't worry, I won't regret it." Li Banfeng stood up to see the guests off.

After leaving the "Ye Lai Xiang" newspaper office, Wu Decheng went to Tang Peigong's mansion.

"Pei Gong, I met with the shopkeeper of "Tuberose" newspaper, and I fought with him twice and beat him up.
I had the intention to beat him to death directly, but I was also afraid that others would say that I bullied the juniors and ruin my reputation.

I softened my heart and gave him a break, but he still refused to accept it, saying that I relied on the strong to bully the weak, and insisted on making an appointment with us in the ring, and the appointment was still with Wen Lei. "

"When will the war start?" Tang Peigong was very excited.

Qingshouhui is a moral model and pays attention to fairness in doing things. They generally do not use dirty tricks, and making appointments in the ring is their common method of resolving conflicts.

But Tang Peigong had no cultivation, so why was he excited?
Because Wu Decheng said that the two parties had arranged a literary competition, which was equivalent to a debate.

Wu Decheng said: "Pei Gong, you know that I am not good at eloquence. This young man named Ye is eloquent. I am afraid that I will suffer a loss in the ring and lose face."

Tang Peigong got down from the bed.

He had been lying in bed for several days and couldn't get up. Today he got out of bed.

"Decheng, what you said is a heretic. Do you still need to take action when it comes to fighting in the ring? Am I, Tang, still afraid of him?"

When he said "fear", Tang Peigong spat out some saliva, which drifted down the wind onto Wu Decheng's face.

Wu Decheng resisted vomiting, adjusted his steps, tried to stand upwind, and sighed: "Then this matter depends on you."

"What kind of friendship do we have between us? Why do we have to be so polite when we talk!"

Wu Decheng smiled and nodded.

You are right, he is indeed not very good at eloquence.

It was he who helped Tang Peigong do something, and in a few words, it turned into him asking Tang Peigong to do something.

He had suffered similar grievances countless times. You don't have to suffer it now.

He and Shopkeeper Ye agreed to fight in a ring, but the date he made was not a Wen ring.

Tang Peigong was so arrogant that he could not put down his dignity and take the initiative to contact Shopkeeper Ye.

Things here are interesting.


Tang Peigong found four of his most eloquent disciples, and together with him, there were five of them, preparing to challenge him.

This was a good opportunity to make a comeback. Tang Peigong specifically asked his disciples to contact the newspaper office to build up momentum.

Black Rock Slope becomes lively again, someone wants to compete with Qing Shou in the ring!

"Do you know what this night shopkeeper does?"

"I heard that it was made by a newspaper company, so "Tuberose" was made by them."

"The newspaper owner is having a fight with Qing Shou, how brave you are!"

"We have to go take a look. I don't think those bastards from the Qingshou Association are really capable of beating up old ladies in the street!"

"No, don't talk about your abilities first. Are they doing literary or martial arts?"

"The newspaper didn't say anything about it, whether it's literary or martial arts, "Tuberose" is full of bad luck..."

The day before the game started, Wu Decheng took a list and gave it to Tang Peigong.

This group of people are all celebrities from Heishipo and are also witnesses to the arena.

For Wen Lei, witnesses are of great significance, because Wen Lei is not like Wu Lei, the outcome is not so obvious, and witnesses have to act as referees in many cases.

Tang Peigong has read the list. He knows all these people and must be respectful when meeting him. As long as the scene is decent, Tang Peigong will definitely win in the end.

"Old Wu, things are going well. You don't need me to greet these people alone, right?" Tang Peigong was quite satisfied with the list.

"No, the greetings are all done."

"Okay, I'm still at ease with your work."

Wu Decheng smiled bitterly.

The situation changed so quickly.

He was the one who begged me for peace before.

Now it's me doing errands for him.

I even gave him a few compliments in exchange.

How shameless this person is.

Okay, let’s see if you can bear it in the ring tomorrow!

The next day, the beating begins.

Tang Peigong held the banner of the Qing Shou Association and led four disciples to stand on the ring first.

Li Banfeng didn't understand the rules.

Five people come together, is this a gang fight?
The key is that the arena is not big, and it seems that it cannot be used.

Bai Qiusheng felt something was wrong, so he lowered his voice and said to Li Banfeng, "Master Qi, is this Wen Lei?"

"What is Wen Lei?" Li Banfeng was confused.

"Wen Lei is a competition of words, not a competition of fists!"


Li Banfeng didn't prepare according to this.

While he was talking, Wu Decheng had someone sound the first whistle, which was to remind both sides to prepare for war.

Bai Qiusheng asked: "Master Qi, what should I do? Who should I let in?"

Li Banfeng said: "According to the previous preparations, the people we selected are also quite talented."

In "Tuberose", Zuo Wugang is on board, and two new supporting actors, Cao Zhida, Zhen Jincheng and Ma Wu, are on board.

Bai Qiusheng was very nervous: "Master Qi, how can these people be the material for a quarrel?"

Li Banfeng said: "They are all materials for verbal fights, especially Zuo Wugang, who is very good at verbal fights."

Bai Qiusheng was still worried when the second whistle sounded on the stage.

The second blast of the whistle means the selection of personnel, and no one can regret it.

Bai Qiu turned around anxiously, and in the blink of an eye, the whistle sounded for the third time.

According to Heishipo's rules, this is the official start of the war.

Tang Peigong was the first to step out and stood in the middle of the ring. He glared at Zuo Wugang and said, "You are so arrogant and arrogant. You are talking nonsense. You are spreading rumors and causing trouble. You are shameless..."

Look at this person's eloquence. He speaks four words to a sentence, so neatly.

Several witnesses in the audience held their noses and praised:

"The elder said it well."

"It just tastes too strong."

Zuo Wugang was stunned by these words. He turned back to look at Li Banfeng and asked, "Has the fight started yet?"

Li Banfeng said: "The fight has begun!"

Zuo Wugang turned his head and saw that Tang Peigong was still cursing: "A red-mouthed poisonous snake has such sinister intentions and cruelty, and its behavior is so..."

Zuo Wugang punched Tang Peigong in the mouth, knocking out his front teeth.

Tang Peigong bared his teeth and looked at Zuo Wugang and then at Wu Decheng.

Wu Decheng looked blank and said nothing.

The disciples were all dumbfounded and shouted: "Wen Lei, why are you still beating people?"

A group of witnesses were stunned for a long time, looked at Wu Decheng, and asked: "Elder Wu, is today a literary or martial arts competition?"

Wu Decheng's expression was complicated.

A little surprised, a little confused, as if something went wrong.

Tang Peigong didn't want to fight. He felt that he could no longer stand.

"Wait..." He wanted to argue with Zuo Wugang for a few more words, but Zuo Wugang punched him in the face, kicked him in the chest and stomach, and lifted him off the ring. Go down.

This time the beating was severe.

Zuo Wugang could have knocked him down with one punch, but he was annoyed by him just now and used some tricks to make Tang Peigong receive two more kicks.

"The smell is so strong, you can't stop talking about it!" Zuo Wugang spat at Tang Peigong.

Tang Peigong lay on the ground with his jaw broken, his sternum broken, and his ribs broken. He was speechless.

The remaining four disciples are still reasoning: "Wen Lei, you can't hit people!"

There was a roar of applause from the audience, drowning out the voices of the four disciples.

"Okay, good fight!"

"These birdmen deserve to be beaten!"

"Elder Tang, give me some of your concubines, you won't need them anyway!"

Amid the cheers, Cao Zhida, Zhen Jincheng and others pressed down Tang Peigong's disciples, blasted them with hammers and punched them in the mouth.

Li Banfeng said to Bai Qiusheng, "Did you see that they are all quarreling?"

Bai Qiusheng didn't know how to evaluate it.

Li Banfeng slightly cupped his fists towards Wu Decheng.

Elder Wu is a good person. He just gave up the first competition to us.

It's just that it's a bit too obvious. At least, find a few people who know how to fight. What are you doing with these trashes?
Wu Decheng also hugged his fists towards Li Banfeng.

Housheng, are you having fun this time?
Let you win the first battle.

In the second battle, I should win.

As for the third battle.

There is no third game.

Housheng, you are still too young, don't blame me for being cruel.

PS: This Elder Wu is very insidious, but Bian Feng is a loyal person and should not hold a grudge against him.

(End of this chapter)

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