Lord of Puro

Chapter 110 Madam, answer me

Chapter 110 Madam, answer me

Late at night, Li Banfeng and Ma Wu hid in a cave and looked at the entrance of the cave quietly.

Lady Hyde Moth was outside the cave, waiting quietly for the two people to come out.

Mrs. Moth can come in, but she doesn't want to come in. She likes to play hide-and-seek with her prey, although in her opinion, Li Banfeng and Ma Wulian's hide-and-seek methods are very childish.

After hiding for a few minutes, Madame Moth began to release worm threads into the cave, and Ma Wu collapsed completely.

In fact, he had already collapsed.

He was not a traveling cultivator and did not have that much endurance. Huan Xiu was already physically weak and had been running for a whole day without eating or drinking. Ma Wu could no longer stand.

The key point is that there is no result if he keeps running like this. Ma Wu has read in a book that once he encounters Mrs. Demi Moth, if he does not meet her requirements, there is no possibility of getting rid of him, unless his cultivation level is equal to or higher than hers.

How high is Mrs. Demi Moth’s cultivation level?

Almost reaching the eighth level, she is one of the most powerful aliens in the Xindi.

If you meet Mrs. Demi Moth while clearing out land, it means that the land clearing has failed. The land openers must escape separately. Whether anyone survives depends entirely on Mrs. Demi Moth's mood.

Da Boyens managed to survive under the hands of Mrs. Demi Moth. Most of the time, Mrs. Demi Moth didn't like to kill people. She liked to play with people, but after being played by her, whether he could survive or not depended on fate.

Since he couldn't get rid of her, Ma Wu could only follow the escape methods introduced in the book and satisfy Mrs. Demi Moth's request.

But the question is, can he withstand the demands of Mrs. Demi Moth?
Da Boyens can, he can't.

Da Boyens is a physical practitioner. Not only does he have superb cultivation, but he also has a physique that is different from ordinary people. These are beyond the reach of Ma Wu.

But even so, Ma Wu decided to give it a try. Even if he was trapped here, he still had to give Li Banfeng a chance to escape.

"Brother Li, run away, I'll fight her!"

Li Banfeng looked at Ma Wu and said, "What are you going to do to fight him?"

Ma Wudao: "She just wants to play, so I might as well play with her. I am Huanxiu. What have I never experienced before?"

Li Banfeng pointed at Mrs. Demi Moth: "Have you ever experienced this?"

"This kind of thing doesn't happen..." Ma Wuyi gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Li, I owe you my life, so I'll take it as repayment, so hurry up and leave!"

After saying that, Ma Wu rushed to the entrance of the cave and shouted loudly, "If you want to play, let's have a good time!"

Mrs. Demi Moth smiled and said: "Call the other one too, you don't have enough."

Ma Wu shouted: "I'm the only one, what else do you want?"

"Little baby, why are you so angry?" Mrs. Moth laughed loudly and waved the tentacles above her head to entangle Ma Wu.

She might have some fun with Ma Wu, or she might just eat Ma Wu.

She might also turn Ma Wu into her child and raise him slowly in a cocoon.

But Li Banfeng had already seen the trend. No matter what she did to Ma Wu, she would never let Li Banfeng go.

Li Banfeng took out a rust pill and hit Mrs. Demi Moth on her body.

The rust spread rapidly on Mrs. Demi Moth's body, and Mrs. Demi Moth felt severe pain.

She ignored Ma Wu and turned to look at Li Banfeng.

Ma Wu was still in shock when he heard Li Banfeng shout: "Run!"

Ma Wu didn't dare to delay and ran away.

If Madame Moth wanted to pursue her, Ma Wu would not be able to escape. Even if Li Banfeng was here to delay her, Ma Wu would not be able to escape.

But Mrs. Demi Moth didn't want to chase anymore, she was angry.

She ignored Ma Wu and her eyes stayed on Li Banfeng.

"You are very disobedient. I don't like children like you."

Li Banfeng kept staring at the rust stains on Madame Moth's body.

In his opinion, this piece of rust must be able to cause harm to Mrs. Moth.

At least it would allow Mrs. Moth to shed a layer of her skin.

But Lady Demoth didn't shed her skin, she didn't even shake the rust off her body.

The juice under her skin surged and formed a vortex, swallowing up all the rust on her body.

Ever since Li Banfeng got the first Rust Pill on the Bitter Mist Mountain, this powerful pill has been almost invincible. This is the first time that the Rust Pill has had almost no effect on his opponents.

Madame Moth used two tentacles to tease Li Banfeng's face, and said in a calm tone: "I can have a child with you, or I can turn you into my child.
I can turn you into one child, or I can turn you into three children,
I can cut you into 100 yuan and turn you into a hundred children,

I can also give birth to children in you, let them grow up eating your flesh and blood, and make you their home. "

their home.

Li Banfeng thought of the cocoon of the moth.

It turns out that the cocoon is also made of living creatures.

The tentacles were rubbing on Li Banfeng's face faster and faster, which meant that Mrs. Demi Moth's mood was getting worse and worse.

"I think the last way out is the most suitable for you, because you are neither gentle nor cute." As soon as the words fell, Mrs. Moth ran headlong into the cave.

Li Banfeng quickly backed away, opened the doorstep, and threw the key out.

In this case, returning home and taking refuge was his only option.

As for how to get out, we can only find another way.

The door slammed shut, and Li Banfeng let out a sigh of relief.

Now that this disaster has been escaped, what should we do next?
It would be okay if Mrs. Demi Moth left. If she had been blocking the door, how could Li Banfeng get out?It would be even worse if she took the key away.

You must be prepared to evacuate for a long time.

Check the belongings first.

There are a lot of edible things at home, including canned food, compressed biscuits, and sausages...

Where did the sausage come from?
Why is this sausage still moving?
what is this?
This is a tentacle!

Lady Demoth's Tentacles.

She followed!
How did she follow?Did I not close the door tightly?
Li Banfeng swung his Tang sword to cut off the tentacles.

With a gentle wave of the tentacles, Li Banfeng was flicked far away.

By the time Li Banfeng struggled to get up, the door had already opened.

The huge caterpillar rushed into the living room and occupied the entire main room.

"What kind of place is this? Why is it so strange?" The room was so narrow that Mrs. Moth couldn't turn around for a while.

chi chi chi~
The record player woke up and sang cheerfully: "Husband, you are back from shopping for groceries! You buy, you buy, what did you buy..."

Mrs. Demi Moth turned around, looked around and said, "This house is nice. Leave it to my children. It can accommodate many children."

Li Banfeng took out the Tang knife and threw it at Madame Moth.

Canglanglang!The Tang sword was unsheathed, and he slashed the moth's head three times, then returned it to Li Banfeng's pocket.

The three cuts were completed, and Mrs. Demi Moth didn't break her defense at all.

Not even a mark was left on her head.

No wonder Tang Dao ran so fast, the gap between the two sides was a bit big.

Li Banfeng took out a bloody pendulum and tried to chop it at Mrs. Demi Moth, but the pendulum retracted: "Master, no, spare my life!"

If the pendulum dares not move up, it will be in vain.

Where's the teapot?
Is the teapot useful?
She has nowhere to hide in this small room, let's see if we can burn her to death!

Li Banfeng was looking for a teapot.

A ball of worms rushed towards Li Banfeng. In the narrow room, Li Banfeng did not have much room to dodge.

A cloud of steam flew over and burned the worm silk into ashes.

The record player shouted: "My lord, please wait in the outer room. Today's ingredients are a bit tricky, so I'll wait for the slave to deal with them first."

Before Li Banfeng could speak, a ball of steam pushed Li Banfeng into the outer room, and the door of the outer room was immediately closed tightly, sealed tightly by the steam.

Mrs. Moth roared at the record player: "What are you?"

chi chi~
The record player sneered: "You are so brave. I am in such a state of despair now that even you, an insect, dare to talk to me like this."

Hot steam filled the room.

Mrs. Demi Moth opened her huge mouth, stood up, and swallowed up all the steam in the room.

The record player emitted a high-pitched chant, and the steam in Madame Moth's body began to expand rapidly.

Mrs. Demi-moth roared repeatedly, spitting out worm threads, which entangled the record of the record player and blocked the horn of the record player to prevent the record player from making any sound.

Two huge fangs bit through the case of the record player and embedded themselves in the body of the record player.


After a few minutes, the sound of fighting outside the door gradually subsided.

Li Banfeng rushed to the main hall and saw Mrs. Demi Moth's body became much smaller, curled up on the ground, motionless.

The record player was covered in bruises and had no sound.

The front door panel was broken and the horn was deformed. What worried Li Banfeng the most was that two gears fell out of the record player.

Li Banfeng panicked. He had never been so panicked before.

He stroked the record player and called out again and again: "Madam, madam, promise me..."

there's noise.

The lady has a voice.

Although it was very small, Li Banfeng could hear it.

He looked at the speaker of the record player and found that it was blocked by worms.

The mouth of the bell was burning hot, but Li Banfeng ignored the pain and struggled to pull out the worm threads.

squeak~ squeak~
The speaker mouth is unobstructed, and the record player can only make a strange friction sound.

Many gears in the chassis were also stuck by worms.

Li Banfeng took the tools and carefully cleaned them. After more than an hour of tidying up, the gears began to turn slowly.

Huchi~ Huchi~
Steam began to puff out rhythmically.

"Madam, please answer me!" Li Banfeng looked at the record player eagerly.

"Hey, sir, why are you so anxious?" the record player responded.

PS: The record player is injured, Shala is very distressed. Dear readers, if you feel distressed, just vote for Shala and talk to Shala again.

(End of this chapter)

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