Your notoriety is known to everyone

Chapter 191 The Sage Time of Logos

Chapter 191 The Sage Time of Logos (4k)

Logos didn't know why they were so energetic, like two predators fighting for territory.

The movements of the two girls were light and vigorous, their eyes were extremely firm, and their long, silky hair was fluttering in the battle, like a tide that seemed to last forever and never fade away.

However, Luo Gesi, who was under them and carrying the fight, didn't feel much appreciation.

He had to avoid the soft feet that would suddenly stretch out from nowhere, and he also had to move his body to prevent him from being squeezed and suffocated to death.

Apart from these disgusting feelings, he noticed in the lines of her nightgown that were tightened by the various movements that Alina seemed to be growing well, at least a little bigger than she looked.

Recalling the feeling he accidentally caught when he was woken up for the first time, he couldn't help but feel how time flies.

Although it seems to be quite inferior compared to the Saint Lady.


When the two girls clasped their hands and wrestled with each other, trying to push each other away from Loges, Alice suddenly looked down at her body in confusion.

Taking advantage of the moment when the two were distracted, Rogers pushed them to the side, then used his hands to get out of bed, and quickly got into the bathroom with cotton slippers.

Alice opened her mouth to say something after hearing this, but in the end she lowered her eyes slightly due to the unyielding guilt: "I'm sorry, I won't waste your time by conflicting with her like this again."

"The ethics shaped by society can never catch up with the natural pleasure. This is the inherent tragedy of all mankind."

"Did I guess wrong?" Alice's intuition immediately sensed this extremely obvious abnormality. She suddenly raised her head and looked at Alina, the guilt in her eyes gradually faded away, and was replaced by strong confusion.

"I thought you couldn't do it."

Alice's brows furrowed slightly and her lips tightened. Thinking of the serious look on Rogers' face before he left just now, her lowered eyes could no longer conceal her inner guilt.

Elena was confused for a moment as she followed the question, and then her cheeks turned bright red, and her earlobes turned into pink cherry blossom petals due to the blush.

"Go to sleep well, Rogers is indeed very tired."

When the two girls lay down on both sides of him silently, Rogers suddenly noticed that Alina's palm was rubbing his waist, wandering around and not knowing what she was doing.

Her delicate lips formed a mouth shape, and she silently said a very clear word to Luo Gesi.

"I didn't expect him to be so attentive, and I'm still causing trouble for him..."

"Is it the magic wand developed together with Professor Cooley? Or other magic props? Does he always carry his research with him when sleeping?

"You..." Elena looked at the self-reproaching face illuminated by the light with a little surprise, and suddenly realized that the powerful enemy in front of her seemed to be much simpler than Lufia, and her sincerity and indignation just now seemed a little funny.

When he glanced sideways in the darkness with his peripheral vision, he found that the other person's amber eyes were bright and showed no intention of falling asleep.

He climbed onto the big bed, glanced flatly at the two girls who were still sitting on the bed with no intention of lying down, and spoke with sincere emotion in an indifferent and wise tone.

Rogers waved his hand generously, got into bed and let out a long yawn, then flicked his fingers to extinguish the crystal chandelier.

"It's ok."

"Stop making such a fuss, I have to go to the bathroom."

Alina originally wanted to continue to guide her so that the other party could calm down, but she was afraid of backfiring, so she sneered and sarcastically said nothing more.

More than half an hour later, Rogers walked out of the bathroom slowly, holding up his pants and with a solemn expression like a sage.

There was an obvious vertical bulge in Luo Gesi's lower abdomen, where Alina's legs were pressing.

Seeing this, Rogers' face darkened, and when he curled his lips and was about to do something, he suddenly noticed the gaze from Alice on the other side.

"Sleep and sleep."

He clasped his hands behind his head and spoke casually. He no longer wanted the two of them to make trouble and waste this few rest time.

Alina didn't want Alice's trouble to continue to expand, so she made no further moves.

After the sound of the soft rubbing of cloth gradually stopped, the three of them slowly fell into a rare quiet rest.

The morning light gradually appeared, and a faint pink appeared on the skyline, gradually spreading in the darkness. Through the gaps in the clouds, the first ray of morning light fell on the surface of the building, lighting up the quiet street.

In the distant sky, some sporadic stars are still twinkling. They look pale and weak against the morning light. They gradually fade away as the birds sing, leaving the stage to the new daylight.

When the dark blue turned into light blue, Rogers also got up from the bed. After a simple wash, he put on a white half-sleeved shirt and black trousers, with a black painter's hat on his head, walked out of the house with a cane, and went to "Luoguo" alone. Gesi Academy".

This morning, Elena went to talk to her parents, while Alice went back to Skaro to visit.

The color of the morning was not strong, and the increasing number of storefronts on the street had not yet taken off their rest signs. Rogers was walking in the relatively quiet environment, observing the changes in his territory.

Looking up into the distance, you can see many buildings supported by cement-cast stone pillars, many of which have obvious Baroque or Gothic facade decorations.

As the daylight grows, the outline of the building becomes clearly visible, like a gradient oil painting, indicating the city's awakening.

Not long after, Rogers came to a magnificent academy on the side of the municipal square.

He glanced at the stone tablet standing next to the gate with the slogan "Do not understand the language, please do not enter", and walked towards the academy's auditorium with the gatekeeper's respectful leaning.

Different from the quiet outside the academy, the campus has a busy and energetic scene. Occasionally, there are researchers or inventors with focused eyes walking back and forth. They wear distinctive robes and hold books and notes tightly in their hands. , there is still a lot of thinking on his face.

When they suddenly saw Rogers appear on campus, they immediately stopped, straightened their bodies, slowly bent down, and saluted to show their respect.

No one came up specifically to look for Luo Gesi for questioning, fearing that it would delay Luo Gesi's time, but Luo Gesi just smiled and returned the greetings one by one, and walked into the hall impartially.

The originally vast hall was covered with a thick velvet carpet, and the innermost wall was also hung with a picture of Luo Gesi wearing the appropriate clothes designed by himself, wearing a windbreaker, wearing a monocle, and holding a magic weapon in one hand. A huge portrait holding a guide book and a black wooden staff in one hand.

Looking at the face that was slightly more mature than his own, a sense of shame suddenly arose in Luo Gesi's heart.

However, the many great magicians or scholars who had been gathering in the hall thought it was normal. When they saw Luo Gesi's arrival, they stepped forward one by one to offer warm greetings. "The past six months have been really exciting. Every time I think you have shown an extraordinary talent, you always refresh my opinion again."

The great magician Kurien stroked his gray beard and spoke in admiration.

In the past six months, Logos has published an article on magic, language, mathematics or physics almost every week. It is not an exaggeration to say that his achievements are worth a book.

"You are exaggerating." Luo Gesi shook his head slightly and replied with a smile.

"Excessive humility is a form of arrogance, and you are fully qualified to receive such praise."

A middle-aged woman with a plump figure, wearing a blue and white magic robe and a wizard's hat on her head, responded with a slightly yin-yang tone.

Luo Gesi looked sideways, his eyes subtly observing the other party's obviously unhappy posture.

Sushmita is a solitary archmage who is close to the Three Sages School. The last time he came to the academy, the other party seemed to have said something bad about him.

"Ms. Sushmita, you still stay in the academy. After you ridiculed me for doing whatever you wanted last time, I thought you would have the guts to never set foot in Braidland again.

"Is this an order given to you by the Three Sages School? I didn't expect that even though you became a great magician, you still didn't get the pride and freedom you deserved."

Rogers raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise, his tone was a little hesitant and surprised, and his expression was slightly stiff, as if he was quite confused by Sushmita's appearance.

Sushmita's face turned red, her frowning brows revealed a strong sense of dissatisfaction, her eyes flashed with angry flames, and her expression of shame and indignation was obvious.

Faced with this humiliation, she clenched her fists with one hand, her knuckles turned white, and turned the resentment raging in her heart into a strong sense of oppression, which headed straight towards Luo Gesi.

However, in the face of this kind of coercion across ranks, Luo Gesi behaved like a spring breeze blowing on his face, standing quietly as if nothing happened.

Seeing this, Sushmita frowned, her eyes flashed with anger, but also revealed a hint of surprise and disbelief.

"That's enough! This is not a place for your factions to fight and cause trouble. If you don't like it, just leave early. There is no need to find discomfort here."

Kurien noticed Sushmita's increasing pressure and scolded her coldly.

Immediately, many great magicians and even scholars from various fields on the periphery also gave similar advice or sarcasm, causing Sushmita's chest to rise and fall, and she gritted her teeth to force herself to calm down.

"I'm very sorry. I was a little excited and overstepped my bounds."

She used extremely stiff words, and after dissipating the pressure, she apologized.

Luo Gesi was still calmly and silently observing the attitude of the crowd in front of him. Most of the forces that originally belonged to the Three Sages School were no longer there, and the remaining ones seemed to be completely standing in Luo Gesi's perspective, and they were also crusading. Sushmita's faux pas.

When the hall returned to calm, Rogers cleared his throat slightly and began to answer everyone's accumulated doubts.

Due to his two semesters of teaching experience, his experience in answering questions has also grown sufficiently. He can often use very concise and simple words to get to the point of the problem, which has won him constant admiration.

The sun gradually reaches its peak, and the sunlight shines directly on the earth, illuminating everything brightly.

Many onlookers had gathered outside the door of the hall. They looked at the tall colored windows in the hall, which were decorated with colorful lights and shadows like a dream, showing various rich colors, and Luo Gesi was in it. Talking eloquently against the background.

For example, a kind-hearted mentor teaches a group of devout apprentices, but the mentor looks too young, and the apprentices are all too old.

"I plan to write textbooks myself and include some knowledge about magic in ordinary public schools. Except for magic and mysterious knowledge, all knowledge will be made public to teach the world."

After Luo Gesi answered a question, he paused for a moment and then revealed his long-planned plan.

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and then some people directly praised Luo Gesi's greatness, while others showed surprise.

"Child, not everyone has the talent to learn magic. Even if many people try to make them realize what mystery is, they are still unable to drive the elements to form a magic spell."

Kurien carefully considered his words and took the lead in interrupting Rogers' statement, wanting him to think more about it.

Sushmita, who had been staying in the hall, could not help but show sarcasm on her face.

Distributing advanced magical knowledge to the common people may sound like a generous move, but what it touches is the interests of magicians and their schools who are deeply involved in the secular world.

In particular, Rogers's theory is obviously superior. If it is widely spread like this, it is unknown what significant impact it will have.

"The world has a mysterious nature. If we want people to better understand the world, the knowledge of mysticism is indispensable.

"Even if unfortunately you are unable to embark on the path of magic, it is still a good thing to have a deeper understanding of all things."

Logos firmly declined Kurien's kind reminder. With the formation of the Demonic Community, he has gradually discovered that his academic theories will only be spread among the various schools in the Demonic Community and will not reach the outside world at all. The idea of ​​widespread coverage.

If there was no plan to fake his death, he might still have taken care of many things, but things are different now. There are already countless people who hate him, doubt him, and even want to eliminate him. It doesn't matter if there are more or less.

This increasingly accumulated contradiction just gave him a reason to die generously.

A sage and prophet with a lot of notoriety embarks on a desperate journey for this reason, which is not a bad script.

"Do you know what you're doing?"

Kurien stared at Luo Gesi's resolute expression that seemed to have been carefully considered and not at all reckless, and asked softly with his lips moving slightly.

"I know that this is what I should do, even if I have to face millions of people on the road ahead."

Luo Gesi caressed his chest and leaned forward slightly. Before saluting and saying goodbye, he smiled and spoke warmly to the old man in front of him who showed deep concern.

At the same time, he also glanced at the gloomy smile on Sushmita's face with his peripheral vision, knowing that his most important goal here should be considered achieved.

After all, most of the people currently staying in Logos Academy would not betray him or exaggerate his threat.

To keep up with the tight schedule, Sushmita happened to be a good sounding board.

Looking at Luo Gesi walking out of the hall door alone, and the crowd gathered in front of the door to escape, Kurien couldn't help but murmured: "Great Sage..."

(End of this chapter)

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