Your notoriety is known to everyone

Chapter 161 Madness is often born from doubts

Chapter 161 Madness is often born from doubts (4k)

The Great Library of St. Helta is built of huge white marble, supported by several neatly arranged columns. Its outer walls are sparsely covered with soft vines, entwining around every corner of the building.

There are exquisite murals carved above the entrance porch of the Great Library. When the breeze blows, the details of the sculptures on the wall seem to come to life, giving people a solemn and majestic feeling.

Rogers held his cane and held up his monocle slightly, observing the murals on the porch. Beside him, St. Helte students wearing robes from various colleges were walking past.

"Is this your first time here?" Alice asked curiously, standing beside Rogers, watching him observe the wall carvings.

"Yes, to be precise, I haven't visited much of the east side of the school. Our college's Dashu Library is enough to meet the borrowing needs. There is no need to go all the way to the school library." Rogers nodded slightly, In response to Alice's words.

Generally speaking, each college will set up its own college library, and the credits required for students borrowing books from the college's library are far cheaper than those from large libraries.

The subsidy issued by Hilmi College is the highest among the five colleges. The price of borrowing most books is one-third or one-quarter of that of the big library.

Especially after Luo Gesi entered the school, he repeatedly improved the overall performance of Hilmi College in competitions. For a period of time after each competition, the borrowing price of Dashu Library was even one-fifth lower than that of the school library.

"Let's go in." Rogers observed for a while, then raised his cane and stepped forward, saying to Alice beside him.

The roof of the museum is a huge glass dome. When the sun's rays shine over it, it reflects a beautiful and fantastic spectrum, filling the entire hall with a bright atmosphere.

The hall is covered with fine and delicate carpets, and the faint scent of ancient books lingers on the tip of the nose.

Tall and majestic pillars extend from the ground to the ceiling, and stone bookshelves stretch as far as the eye can see. Endless corridors seem to be drawn between the rows.

Alice stayed by Rogers' side. She watched Rogers scan the various books on the bookshelf, including thick leather covers and ancient scrolls.

When Luo Gesi picked up a book with a title written in gilt font, touched the texture on the page and slowly started reading, she just watched silently and intently, as carefully as Luo Gesi studied.

"Is there something on my face?" Rogers watched for a while, glanced sideways at Alice, and asked.

"No, it's just that I rarely see you like this later." Alice slowly shook her head with a smile and replied softly:

"I remember that when the new bookstore was built in the Scarlow Collection, you excitedly pulled me over and the way you looked was very similar to now.

“It’s just that compared to before, I have become quieter, and there are many things hidden in my eyes that I don’t know.

"Oh, by the way, I've grown a lot taller. We were almost the same height at that time. It's not like you are more than half a finger taller than me now. It seemed like you were here..."

Halfway through her words, she stretched out her hand to show the height of the two of them a few years ago, which made Rogers smile.

"At that time, I thought that the books in every library or bookstore were completely different. It was silly and funny when I thought about it, but books are something that I can't help but love."

Logos closed the book explaining the basic element theory, put it back on the bookshelf, and said with emotion.

He liked books very much in his previous life, and even before he awakened his memory in this life, he still brought this hobby with him after finishing the entire book.

However, he only likes to read what he wants to read, and he is not yet able to love all books equally. This also leads to his parents not liking him for constantly reading "miscellaneous books", and in the end, he even wants to do his homework properly. Expand and put a lot of restrictions on him in this regard.

This was also the fundamental reason why he couldn't wait to drag Alice to run there after hearing that Daji had opened a bookstore.

"Aren't you going to continue watching?" Alice whispered as she watched Luo Gesi's movements.

"As I said just now, I have actually read this book in Dashu Library, but the binding of that book is different from this one. I guess this one is probably the original canon or a rubbing of the original canon.

"But the content is always the same. I just want to satisfy my curiosity a little. There is no need to read it again." Rogers explained a little and continued: "And it's time to get down to business."

"Then after you finish your business, do you want to continue shopping? There are many original texts in the alcoves of the big library, which are probably not found in the library in our courtyard." Alice suggested enthusiastically with her hands behind her back. .

"It seems that the books in the alcove cannot be taken out of the big library, and the borrowing branch is very expensive, right?" Rogers said after pondering for a moment.

"I'll pay," Alice replied immediately.

"That's no problem." Rogers nodded simply.

However, while he was saying this, he was thinking that the recent "business" was really too much, so much that he didn't even know when he would be able to finish it all.

The reason why he and Alice came to the Great Library this time was to find Thackereson, who had not yet become the Son of the Chaos Abyss, to see if Alice could find out more about this.

As a student of the Morost Academy, Thackeresin, like his fellow students, the academy's library could not fully meet his borrowing needs.

In many cases, students of the Morost Academy will first find the books they need in the big library, make a list, and then return to the library of the academy. They will borrow books from the academy's collection that are not too cheap, and then return to the big library. Come and borrow books that are not available in our library.

Therefore, in the big library, the students from Morost College were the most frequented, while the students from Hilmi College where Luo Gesi was located were basically missing.

In the corner of the hall, there is a row of long tables, covered with ancient and gorgeous velvet tablecloths. Quills, ink bottles and scratch paper are placed on the tables for students to use as self-study areas.

When Rogers and Alice arrived here, they also deliberately walked slowly and did not talk wantonly to avoid disturbing the students who were studying at their desks.

Following Alice's prompting, they consciously walked towards the corner within the corner.

A young man with brown-gray hair was reading intently. He was sitting on a quaint oak chair, flipping through scrolls and books, seemingly looking for clues to some kind of knowledge.

"Student Sackreson?" Rogers tapped the edge of the table with his finger, and at the same time raised a soundproof barrier around the study table in the corner, and asked tentatively.

"Ah, it's me." Sacredson responded subconsciously. When he slowly raised his head, he was startled at first when he saw Luo Gesi, and then he was even more stunned when he saw the saint beside Luo Gesi. Luo Gesi did not urge him, he just waited for the other party to come back to his senses, and at the same time, he also looked at the other party in a subtle way.

Thackeresin's appearance was quite delicate, and he exuded a bookish air. Luo Gesi felt that if he could add a pair of thick glasses, he would be able to highlight his temperament more harmoniously.

The other party was born in a remote countryside in the Western Region. When he was five years old, he was suddenly found by a baron, who identified him as the baron's bloodline that had been lost for many years.

After enjoying three years of aristocratic education, the baron suddenly discovered that the appearance of Saxon was completely misled by someone else's conspiracy, causing him to admit his mistake.

Only a month later, the original bloodline returned to the family. Thackeresin was not abandoned and was treated far better than a servant. However, he was often beaten and insulted by the original young master, but the baron did not intervene to stop it.

When he relied on his talents and hard work to finally resolve the bullying of the former young master, became a close friend with him, and enjoyed the closeness of the baron again, his family was once again involved in the fight between the two viscounts.

After a series of hardships, the baron, the original young master, and even the family led by the baron were swept into the dust of history, with no bones left.

Similar ups and downs filled Sacraesen's life, with hope and despair intertwined, dawn and dark night repeated, until he received a notice from Saint Helta, which ended his ups and downs.

Luo Gesi combined the other person's life experience and looked back at the other person's posture and temperament, and suddenly felt an inexplicable weird feeling.

"Saint, chief, do you have anything to do with me?" After regaining consciousness, Sacrasen quickly stood up, stroking his chest and leaning forward to salute.

"Sit down, let's talk slowly." Rogers motioned for Sacratson to take a seat, and then sat opposite him with Alice:

“My original intention in establishing the Rutgers Club was to solve the difficulties of students and provide them with the convenience they deserve.

"You have been taking credits frequently recently. Have you encountered any trouble?"

While explaining, Luo Gesi's eyes glanced at a rather quaint tome among the many books in front of Thackeresin, titled "Studies in the Age of Gods".

"I haven't encountered any trouble. Thank you for your concern." Saxon raised his hand to scratch his head and replied with a dry smile.

However, after he replied, they found that both Rogers and Alice were just looking at him quietly, as if they were still waiting for his answer.

"Do you two have any other questions?" Thackeresin asked doubtfully.

"I just want to ask, have you encountered any trouble because you have been taking credits frequently recently?" Rogers frowned slightly and repeated the question just now.

"I just answered that I didn't encounter any trouble..." When Saxon spoke, he looked at Rogoth's strange eyes and the saint's concentration and silence, and suddenly felt that the current atmosphere was a little inexplicable and strange.

"Are you really not in trouble?" Luo Gesi raised his hand to touch his forehead and glanced at Saxon without any concealment.

Thackeresin was about to answer for the third time, but suddenly forgot the answer to this question, and looked at Logos in a daze and confusion.

After a moment, he suddenly woke up and unconsciously wanted to stand up again, but he stiffened his body and stopped his movements. He spoke actively in a low and slow tone:

"Excuse me, how many times have I answered your questions just now, and how many times have I answered them without any trouble?"

When Luo Gesi heard the question, his expression was full of strangeness, and he slowly raised two fingers towards the other party.

"Then why did you ask again just now..." Sacraesen's voice became smaller and smaller as he spoke, his eyes gradually widened, and he said in disbelief:

"You mean, I just answered your question? This is my third answer. No, it could be the second time, but which second time..."

While mumbling to himself, he put his fingers in his hair, rubbing his head and thinking about the scene just now.

He thought that Luo Gesi might be teasing him, but when he saw the saint beside Luo Gesi, he felt that this possibility was slim.

Even though there are rumors that the saint was bewitched by Logos, many students can conclude that apart from the establishment of the credit policy, the noble character of the saint has not changed at all.

"The glory of the gods shines in the sky, the trials of the gods fill the earth, and the mottos of the gods must be implemented..." Luo Gesi flipped through the "A Study of the Age of Gods" and recited the content describing the age of mythology.

Seeing this, Thackereson was startled again. He had no idea when Rogoth took the "Age of Gods Study". The time and space he perceived seemed to have a crack that he didn't know existed out of thin air.

Luo Gesi was very satisfied after seeing the other party's reaction. He had just used [Ignorance Bonus] and [Time Stop Bonus], and [Ignorance Bonus] was still blocked by his and Alice's double [Enlightenment Bonus]. Blessed by Alice's unique [Hidden Special Code].

"It's okay if it's the gods enshrined in the Pantheon, their blessings are often harmless, but it's much worse for the gods in the Abyss and the Abyss of Anarchy, especially the Abyss of Anarchy, where you can't even tell Is what the other party sends down a blessing or a curse?"

Luo Gesi pushed "A Study in the Age of Gods" back in front of Sacred Sen, but Sa Cresen was silent. He originally wanted to ask Luo Gesi why he suddenly opened the book and started reading, and what happened in the middle, but I was afraid that my secret would be involved, so I endured it forcefully.

"Classmate Reza? Are you okay?" Alice raised her hand and waved it in front of Thackereson's eyes, asking with concern.

"My Lady Saint, my name is..." Sacratsen wanted to correct his name, but suddenly realized that he didn't know what his name was.

"Sacreson-san, I think you might be able to find time to go to the healing center, which would be good for you." Alice spread her fingers widely, releasing the radiance of healing to the other party:

"My God-Guardian Special can only temporarily stabilize your mind. Only a professional mentor can really help you. I may not be able to help you like this next time you encounter such troubles.

"This is not only good for you, but also reduces the worries of the students around you."

Alice's words floated in Saxon's ears. He wanted to ask why going to the healing center would reduce the worries of the classmates around him. Why did the saint show an attitude as if she was here just to trouble her?

After the light dissipated, Rogers tapped his finger on the table, trying to call out to the dazed Sacratson, and said in a tone as if he had just met him for the first time:

"Good morning, are you in any trouble?"

(End of this chapter)

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