Your notoriety is known to everyone

Chapter 149 I brought the best of times, but also the worst

Chapter 149 I brought the best of times, but also the worst (4k)

"Not all of the cultists were arrested. Three people who were stationed outside to observe the situation ran away. Two of them fled to Monarch Square and I believe they will be caught soon. The other one ran to Osei. Gram zone.

"Are you interested in catching criminals with me? Enjoy the time of fighting together."

As if on a whim, Pertus extended an invitation to Logos.

"Your Highness, I am a magician, and my magic power has been suppressed by the Imperial Capital's magic circle. Maybe it is not a good choice for you to invite me." Luo Gesi refused without hesitation.

Criminals can run away after committing crimes in the central circle. It is very likely that the police officers of the Imperial City are fishing for law enforcement, trying to follow this clue to try to catch a big fish.

He has no interest in such trivial matters, where the process can be seen with just a moment's thought, let alone doing unprofitable work.

"You have long been the focus of discussions and reports in the Imperial City newspaper. If you can help them this time, even if you just show your kindness, it will definitely be good for your reputation.

"As for the suppression of the magic circle, you can cast the spell again now to feel it. Is there still suppression?" Pertus seemed to have noticed Logos's lack of interest and continued to persuade him with gentle words.


A bright and hot flame rose from the palm of Luo Gesi's hand. He looked at the swaying flames and couldn't help but think about the Imperial City Newspaper Office.

He had no interest in improving his reputation, which was already in tatters, but he might be able to connect with the largest newspaper organization in the empire and pave the way for what he wanted to do in the future.

The reason for thinking this way is not because the prince proposed to be rewarded for his good deeds, but because these words came from the mouth of the first prince.

Seeing Logos nod slightly, Pertus smiled sincerely.

Then the carriage slowly turned around at Pertus's signal and headed quickly towards the Osek District.

After a while, the coachman firmly grasped the leather reins, tied his hands tightly together, and pulled the reins to make the carriage stop slowly.

"No need to bother you." When Rogers got out of the car, he looked at the hand offered by Pertus in an attempt to help him, and waved to indicate that he didn't need to bother him.

Although he did not release [Incomplete Praise] at this time, he also stopped activating this skill and restored his full ability to move.

When the dark cane hit the ground, he raised his eyes and saw a rather surprising sight.

At this time, he seemed to be standing on the dividing line between two worlds. On one side were clean and tidy streets and neat and tall buildings, and on the other side were narrow and winding brick roads and haphazardly stacked shacks.

"Devil's Stomach," this is the new name that the Osage District has just received. Many young people who wanted to come to the imperial capital to seek a future because of the Dawn Movement, and a large number of workers who had lost their jobs and could only rely on simple manual labor to make a living, in a few months It’s packed here in a short amount of time.”

Under Pertus' explanation and guidance, Logos followed him slowly into this place.

Both of them activated the runes that covered themselves, and there were no attendants following them.

Rogers looked up at the criss-crossing beams extending from the wooden shack, and then looked at the thin young men huddled on the narrow roadside, wearing dirty clothes, covered in dirt, and with numb expressions.

A bit of fishy smell appeared in front of his nose, and the arguments and noises of several drunken men came from not far away and rippled in his ears.

In this situation, he couldn't help but think of the city of London written by Dickens, that shining pearl of an empire on which the sun never sets, which is prosperous and rich because of industry, but also dirty and poor because of industry.

"Devil's stomach..." Luo Gesi looked calmly and murmured in a low voice.

"This is not your fault. There is no good or evil in technology itself. It is the people who use them who show good and evil." Pertus looked sideways at Logos's unclear expression and took the initiative to comfort him.

"No, Your Highness, only people who know nothing about the history of technology will believe that technology is completely neutral." Rogers refuted simply:

“For example, printing has expanded the medium for disseminating knowledge, allowing many people who were previously inaccessible to knowledge to enjoy the baptism of wisdom, and brought them a new path for advancement.

"It's more like the clock you ordered the master craftsman to make according to my ideas. The hours, minutes and seconds are not the creation of nature, but the result of our consciousness. It has nothing to do with the sun or the moon.

"I have fundamentally strengthened this new natural law. You may not realize it at this time. Sooner or later, such convenient and precise timing will spread to the entire world. At that time, the Pantheon may all choose according to my clock. When to preach.”

He took out the pocket watch that Pertus had given him, and felt the faint clicking sound from the hands of the watch, as well as the faint magical light in it.

【inform! The gods of the Abyss cast their gaze upon you, expressing great interest in your words, and wishing to occupy the symbol of the clock for a period of time. 】

"This is really... a power I have never imagined." Pertus didn't care about Logos's refutation, but his eyes looked at him brighter, and he continued:

"But things will always get better. We can work together to implement the New People's Protection Act. After materials are prosperous, people will definitely be happier, just in the time you create."

Logos also turned his head and looked at Pertus as he walked forward. He stared at the other person's unpretentious smile, and suddenly understood why he had become disgusted with the other person after hearing his deeds.

This is a guy who is completely opposite to him in many aspects. It is the resistance and dislike brought by his nature.

He hates the other party's extremely arrogant naivety, and also hates the other party's optimistic attitude.

"But people will also be bound in time, nailed between minutes and seconds. I have brought about the best of times, but also the worst." Rogers looked back at the shadow cast from between the broken boards. Liang Liang replied in a calm tone.

Even after continuous refutations and denials, and even his own good intentions were ignored, Pertus still did not show any displeasure on his face, but said with emotion:

"I have never had such a strong urge to become friends with someone.

"I have decided that I will abandon my previous thoughts. As long as you do not harm innocent creatures, even if my father gives you a death sentence, I will do my best to protect you."

Logos put the pocket watch back into his pocket. He did not pay attention to Pertus's nonsense, but kept thinking about the application of this situation.

For people who are struggling to make a living, the most precious thing is bread. After meeting the most basic survival needs, they can be induced to learn knowledge and then know what dignity is.

Apart from the gift of childbirth, this is probably one of the greatest favors a person can receive.

That Addis who madly believes in himself is a noble of the imperial capital. He happens to be able to bestow favors, and then the soil for the organization he envisions will be there. Finally, the talented and qualified among them will be selected to join the real group. , to form the backbone. There was also the request made by the gods of the Bottomless Pit just now, and he was thinking about what kind of reward he could exchange for it that would be beneficial to this matter...

Just as he was thinking about it, he stopped walking and turned to look at a drunken man who was lying beside the diamond-shaped wooden window, holding a wine bottle in his hand.

After the big man looked at him, the drunkenness in his eyes under the greasy brown messy hair suddenly dissipated. The big man's eyes widened, his pupils expanded rapidly, and he stared ahead in disbelief.

"I saw you were thinking, so I didn't bother you. I didn't expect your intuition to be so sharp. You immediately spotted this guy who was pretending to be pretty good."

Pertus stood beside Logos and said in an appreciative tone.

Logos was noncommittal about this. This was not a matter of sensitivity. It was the intuition brought about by him as the Son of the Abyss walking on the earth and the king of the earth.

"My name is Conwayas, from the Harvest Association. I just went to the Imperial City Newspaper Office with my brothers from other sects to teach a few rude guys a lesson.

"The reason why I can see you is because I have a low-level [True Sight Special] prop, and your low-level concealment runes have no effect on me."

Conwayas quickly climbed out of the window. After standing up straight, he tried his best to suppress his wine burp and continued to tell the information like a servant reporting.

But when he spoke, he no longer looked directly at Logos. Instead, he stared at Pertus, as if he knew this famous prince, and he quickly admired him.

"You really know how to assess the situation. I wanted to experience the fun of hunting with my friends, but your performance is good and it can save us from causing losses to this place."

Pertus was very satisfied with Convias's attitude. However, in the next second, Convias suddenly swelled up his muscles. He didn't know when a small knife glowing with green light appeared in his hand, and he slashed it with extremely fast speed. With such speed, he stabbed Pertus directly in front of him.

"I told you, I want to enjoy hunting with my friends."

Pertus looked at Convias, who was in an attacking posture, but suddenly stiffened, and a line of blood on his throat, and said with a little boredom.

"I'm willing to accept the punishment."

A figure wearing a black robe and kneeling on one knee appeared out of thin air beside him, speaking humbly.

"You chose my father between me and my father. It's not your fault, but as you wish, there will still be necessary punishment." Pertus waved the opponent away, and then said to Luo Gesi. Apologize.

After taking the initiative to sense carefully just now, Luo Gesi could clearly detect that there were a large number of believers with the aura of the bottomless pit deep under the ground here.

He calmed down slightly, glanced at Pertus beside him, hesitated for a moment and asked: "Are you always so nosy in the Imperial City?"

"You mean, this cultist attacked me not just because he wanted to escape, but because someone..." Pertus frowned, and he understood the meaning behind Luo Gesi's words in an instant.

Without saying another word, Rogers returned to the carriage outside the area with the silent Pertus, and headed towards the magician's mansion.

A minor incident that Alice will encounter during her stay in the imperial capital is the assassination attempt on Pertus. She helps the prince find out the real murderer step by step, and goes through a series of near-miss battles during the process.

Logos felt that there weren't many rewards worth pursuing in this plot.

But it would be nice to be able to use this matter to entangle Pertus so that he would not come to bother me for nothing.

By the time he said goodbye to Pertus and returned to the villa in the mansion, it was already afternoon.

Rogers leaned back on the sofa and glanced at the progress of the document report in his hand until he saw a page of paper sandwiched in it, and his eyes slowly narrowed.

Among the Chaos Abyss believers in the imperial capital, the person in charge of running the "Endless Millstone" is a man named Hohai Rossello.

In addition to introducing life stories, the believers also specifically mentioned that Hohay seemed to have a different plot against Logos.

The other party was once a minor nobleman who was robbed by a group of bandits when he was young. During the period of being robbed, because of his handsome appearance, he was taken care of by many bandits day and night. Later, animals even joined him.

As a result of this encounter, the other person's personality completely collapsed, and he began to harbor great malice towards men with outstanding looks, trying to make them all suffer the same tragic experiences that the other person had.

Luo Gesi didn't quite understand how Hohay came up with such wonderful logic, but since the other party believed in Disorder Abyss, he couldn't use common sense to deduce it.

"I need to go out tonight, please help me make some preparations..."

After gathering his thoughts for a moment, Rogers said to Alina, Lufia and Alice who were sitting on the sofa together.

On the one hand, he went to see the cultists because he wanted to push the division of time symbols to the various sects. After all, he didn't want to get into trouble for ranking the gods.

The second aspect is because he has accumulated an opportunity to make a wish to the gods. If he can complete this mission, coupled with the contribution of the symbol of time, with such achievements, he will be able to get a high-ranking bonus, and even if he changes to a high-ranking With the special bonus, I should be able to continue to ask for more.

The third aspect, and the reason that made him determined to do this, was the unstable factor of Hohai.

The stars began to twinkle and the moonlight shone on the imperial capital. Rogoth was wearing a black robe and a silver mask. He activated the hidden runes in the magic book with unprecedented strength. Next to him was Lufei, who was also dressed in the same way. Ya.

Because of the magic circle in the Imperial Capital, the magic props that could be used to guide the way in the southern border could not take effect, so Lufia, who was extremely familiar with the Imperial Capital, had to lead the way, so as not to waste time finding the way on the map.

The other two people stayed in the villa. Alice needed to hold the silver ring to guide Rogers and Lufia, while Alina helped process the documents in a timely manner, creating the illusion that Rogers would be working in the villa all night. The illusion is finally supplemented by the occasional appearance of the Shadow Demon.

"When I used to sneak out to play, I would often meet the night watch team on the street in front. Let's go that way."

Lufia leaned against the wall and poked her head around the corner for a moment, waving and whispering to Logos behind her.

(End of this chapter)

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