Your notoriety is known to everyone

Chapter 122 Another day to save the world

Chapter 122 Another day to save the world (4k4)

The dripping sound of rain hit the high and narrow window lattice of the classroom, and the noise in the room was gradually fading away.

Luo Gesi folded his hands and covered the handle of the cane, quietly watching the status of the students, waiting for the noise to be completely calmed down.

"You are lucky because you came to St. Helte; but you are also unlucky because the guy who taught you the first magic enlightenment class in St. Helte is me, who has basically no teaching experience and was taught by the class. A newly promoted lecturer.

"Although it is our first time, I want to work hard and do well, and I hope everyone can work hard to cooperate."

The warm voice surrounded the entire room like a breeze. He used a little magic to let his words reach the ears of every student clearly.

“Before the class starts, I would like to tell you one more thing, that is, there is a big difference between knowing a certain concept and understanding a certain concept.

"Laziness is our fundamental nature. It can even invade our thinking to trick us into not continuing to work hard. It causes us to be satisfied just because we know, and prevents us from making knowledge more clear.

"But there is a small way to help us recognize whether we are lazy. Only when we can teach others knowledge, does it mean that we have really learned that knowledge.

“So while I’m teaching everyone, I’m also testing myself and forcing myself to learn again.

"You can criticize and question me at any time. If anyone can discover my mistakes, I will teach him a magic skill that I built last semester.

"As long as the magic power is sufficient and the composition is stable, it can absorb attacks of any attribute. If it is mastered skillfully, it can also use the absorbed magic power and even magic spells for its own use..."

Logos first briefly talked about some common Feynman learning methods in his previous life, and then raised his left hand slightly and threw a magic ribbon into the air, turning it into a giant Möbius strip suspended above everyone's heads.

He slowly talked about how this curse can be practiced in bronze, and what kind of overwhelming advantage it can bring during the curse duel.

Since the true name became a symbol, magical techniques such as the Möbius strip could not be used to harm the creator of Logos himself.

As long as he wants, he can deprive someone of the authority to use this skill at any time, and he can also enhance someone's proficiency in using this skill.

The hatred of the little sword master towards Calamity is impossible to erase, and the little dragonborn girl, because of her own special characteristics, is afraid of her own bloodline, while at the same time she has a twisted attitude of extremely resenting Calamity.

It would be great if they, and more people, could spend time and energy practicing the magic skills they created, and use it as a surefire way to beat the odds.

Luo Gesi looked at the desire in the students' eyes, and a gentle smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He suddenly felt that he might be able to develop more magic skills to teach these lovely students. If possible, he might also try to create a new mystical language.

Anyway, there is Erina, a trial-and-error girl with the [Special Prediction], so I can ask her to help me more when the time comes...

"When it comes to magic, the first thing that comes to our mind must be magic spells, and what constitutes magic spells is the language of occultism.

"Before I briefly introduce to you a must-learn language such as Landona, I want you to know that language is not only a tool for communication, but also a manifestation of culture and way of thinking.

"Some languages ​​will focus on the tense of things, while others will be more inclined to describe the status, nature or relationship of things. This will directly affect your judgment of facts, so learning languages ​​is also broadening the boundaries of your thinking. , making the world in your eyes broader and more complex...

"Please note that I am just letting you know these few sentences, not asking you to figure it out now. I just need to let it be buried in your mind like a seed, and it will blossom and bear fruit as you learn... "

Later, after the magic ribbon dispersed, Rogers stopped talking about abstract things, and honestly began to teach the content about the language of occultism in the opening chapter of "The Basics of Magic".

However, in the process, he is less like a lecturer who simply imparts knowledge, and more like a storyteller, who will constantly mix rich events and interesting cases into his lectures.

In addition, he would occasionally use magic power to project fragments of the Sage's Codex from the magic book, allowing the students to copy them briefly so that they could be combined with what was being said and pondered over later.

As time passed, the rain gradually stopped and the sky gradually became brighter.

【inform! You have triggered the evolutionary opportunity of the enlightenment bonus. The process is difficult to represent digitally, so the specific progress cannot be shown. 】

The sunshine after the rain passed through the dense clouds and shined golden light through the classroom window lattice.

The light is refracted by the glass and jumps in the air, casting mottled light and shadow, bringing a soft atmosphere to the entire classroom.

While raising his hand and gently holding his monocle, Rogers informed the students that it was time for lunch break.

He sat on the seat behind the podium, resting his elbows on the edge of the podium, lightly pressing his temples with his fingertips, thinking about why the prompt box popped up at this moment.

If this can be considered an opportunity now, wouldn't the previous linguistics, gear structure, etc. be more prominent than they are now?

Could it be that [Enlightenment Special Edition] also distinguishes between "informing" and "enlightening", just like the difference between "knowing" and "understanding".

Thinking about it this way, in the past, I had indeed been simply explaining and informing others. Even if I asked questions, it was guidance with a strong purpose and utility, rather than trying to truly teach and inspire.

[Enlightenment Special] is indeed a gift from a sage. This is forcing me to teach everyone with my heart...

Rogers leaned back in his chair and let out a tired sigh.

During the lunch break, Princess Ilyas came to him specifically and asked him why he didn't go to the cafeteria. Was it because he didn't want to face his classmates in his free time and was afraid of being treated strangely during class.

This made Luo Gesi feel troubled. He had already guessed that Ilyas was probably the ordinary-looking maid. Only in this way could he explain this abnormal behavior.

He felt that although the personalities of the emperor's heirs were quite different, they all had one very obvious thing in common - arrogance.

However, this also brought some unexpected benefits. Because of Ilyas's actions, some first-year students would have the courage to come up and say hello to Logos, instead of avoiding him like second-year students.

This can be considered a good phenomenon, Luo Gesi thought silently in his heart.

At noon, he took out a few apples from the magic book to satisfy his hunger. In the afternoon, after he had almost completed the scheduled teaching tasks, he used magic to draw several choices, fill-in-the-blanks and questions in the sky of the classroom, as random questions. Students are required to complete the quiz in class.

Rogers stood up from his seat while holding on to his cane. He stepped off the podium and walked slowly forward along the aisle at the far end of the classroom near the window lattice.

When he reached the first row, the little priest Miyala, who was sitting by the window, frowned and stared at him closely.

[Miara activated the divine detection spell on you, and the special code of ignorance was passively triggered. The judgment of the divine divine spell was invalid, and the activation was aborted. 】

Rogers looked down at the child condescendingly. He suddenly remembered the second prince's violent reaction when he saw the succubus in the library. He waved his hand to summon the magic book, and took out "Study on Succubus:" from the magic book. "Their One Hundred Hidden Secrets", he specially pulled out the page with the vivid illustrated book, held it with one hand and placed it in front of Miyala.

"It's so blasphemous! Get it away! My eyes are going to be dirty!" The first moment Miyala saw the picture, she closed her eyes tightly, her cheeks turned red, and her face was full of shame and anger. She could not think of herself in any case. This will happen.

"Don't you like to see it? If you dare to come to find out again, I will let you see it all at once."

The corner of Rogers' mouth curled up slightly. Before he took out "Succubus Research", he set up a soundproof and visual barrier. After putting everything away again and the magic book melting back into the void, he removed the magic power. Ignoring Miyala who kept rubbing her eyes, she continued to climb the stairs.

Until the last row, he looked at the little girl with messy scarlet hair. There was no one around her, and she looked very deserted.

No one would come to sit in such a remote location. Among the students in Rogers' grade, he, Alina and Lufia were the only ones who would squeeze into the corner of the back row.

"Velediya, is this the right name?" Rogers raised his hand and gently held the frame of the mirror, asking softly.

Viledya didn't reply. She stared blankly at the light and shadow reflected by the golden chain on Rogoth's monocle, and the sight of the manuscript paper in front of her swaying slightly.

The powerful spiritual sense brought by her blood kept telling her that the man next to her was dangerous!

Unlike the power displayed by those professors due to their great strength, the aura exuding from this lecturer only made her feel pure heart palpitations and a desire to escape.

She raised her hand wrapped in gray linen strips and pressed down her messy hair. There was a tendency in her posture to curl up.

"I...I am answering the questions seriously..."

A timid and soft voice came out of Viledya's mouth, and there was a sense in her tone that she expected Logos to leave quickly.

"I mean no harm, and I know the bloodline you carry." Rogers raised a sound barrier and continued to speak patiently.

In this world, dragons not only symbolize strength, but also have the image of going their own way, doing whatever they want, and being moody.

Most of the dragon descendants who inherited the dragon bloodline inherited these perceptions as a matter of course.

Among the dragonborn, those who appear in human form, such as Veredea, are even more feared and resented by the world.

Since their birth, they will be called disasters, just because occasionally some of them will cause irreparable disasters because they cannot control the power of their blood.

But neither the Empire nor the Pantheon has any special restrictive provisions for these existences.

Because high-level officials understand that existences like Viledya themselves will not cause any disasters. Those who run rampant are basically strong men above the high level of silver. Existences at this level will be recorded. , there is no need to deal with the weak humanoid dragonborn specifically.

But at the same time, citizens are completely incapable of screening, or have little ability to screen.

The dragon pupil in Veredea's left eye is a symbol of disaster, an existence that must be defeated.

She was adopted and sheltered by a kind-hearted grandmother since she was a child, and has been hiding in her home.

Every time she couldn't help but go out because of curiosity, she would be beaten severely by the villagers and even her life would be in danger. If it weren't for the old lady's prestige in the village, she might not be able to survive until now.

“When I first came to St. Helta, a group of classmates would surround me and beat me just by looking at my face.

“I have seen a lot of subsequent discrimination, making things difficult, verbal insults, and mental bullying, and it has never stopped until now.

"There are many people in the outside world who say that I am the devil who brings trouble to the world, and there are countless big shots who want to get rid of me..."

While sighing, Rogers took out a green apple from the sleeve pocket of his uniform windbreaker and gently placed it on the table in front of Viledya:

"This is a fruit carefully cultivated by Professor Idrul. I specially kept it from last semester. For some reasons, I no longer dare to take the fruits he planted. These apples are worth eating one by one.

"You can come to me at any time if you have any difficulties. If you find the question difficult, don't rush to do it, and don't be ashamed to ask..."

He knew that it was impossible for Viledya to keep up with the course progress of ordinary people, because the vocabulary she knew was limited to daily use, let alone learn the occult language based on it.

If things develop normally, the opponent's identity will be exposed sooner or later, and then due to the superposition of blood, isolation and poor grades, some obvious plots will also occur.

The little sword master would stop bullying on several occasions and ignite hope for Viledya several times. However, the hatred between the two of them made the relationship between the two extremely awkward.

The end of Viledya is also very cliché. In the process of her hopes being raised and shattered again and again, she completely went berserk because she could not suppress her emotions.

The rampaging Viledya is quite difficult to defeat. It is not only a numerical monster, but also a mechanical monster. Logos thinks that it would be good if it can be nipped in the bud.

"We are all people who have been fooled by fate, so I can somewhat sympathize with you and want to talk to you more..."

Viledya listened blankly to the silver-haired boy's gushing words of care. She had no idea that the golden vertical pupil in her left eye was slightly revealed under the cover of messy hair.

Her spiritual sense was telling her that the other person really sympathized with her and really wanted to help her.

Even for some reason that she couldn't know, she couldn't instinctively sense whether Rogers had good intentions or bad intentions toward her.

But the sincere expression on that handsome face should not be deceptive.

Tears quietly filled her eyes, and then slid along the corners of her eyes, slowly sliding down and caressing her complicated face.

Then she gently touched her face with both hands, trying to wipe away the dripping tears. However, the drops of crystal tears became more and more violent as she wiped them away.

Looking at the other party's state, Luo Gesi shook his head slightly and sighed. He didn't think that a few words of comfort could open the heart of a person who had closed his heart for a long time. Anyway, it would take a long time, so he could just take his time in the future.

Just when he turned around and wanted to return to the podium, Viledya suddenly threw herself into his arms, causing him to stumble involuntarily. If he hadn't been able to lean against the window, he would have been thrown to the ground at this time.

Fierce cries suddenly resounded throughout the classroom. Rogoth held his cane with one hand while comforting Viledya.

The dragon's roar has penetrating properties. Luo Gesi didn't expect that the other party would be able to awaken it. He also regretted that he was too casual when setting up the sound barrier. It would be nice to strengthen it a little more.

"Ah, the first class made one student burst into tears. I hope there won't be any weird rumors spread..."

He glanced at the strange looks from the students in the class and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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