Entertainment: Dominate domestic entertainment through host competition

Chapter 357 should break the Guinness World Record, right?

After a bunch of jokes, the best men’s ordeal began~~
They skipped rope on the acupressure board, did push-ups, and drank a glass of wine. Li Yan and the four of them were exhausted.

Especially Li Yan, who has been pampered for more than a year, and his figure has gradually changed from a strong man to a plump young man, with a big belly that even the Hanfu can't cover.

After only doing a dozen push-ups, I was exhausted and sweating all over, and my physical weakness was clearly revealed.

Looking at his friend's tired look, Zhang Lin's eyes wandered, knowing that this guy had slept with many female celebrities this year, and he had gone too far!

Of course, Fanxing's projects are deeply linked to CCTV, so the well-known female stars Li Yan are not yet able to get involved, and those who can are basically 18th-tier and Internet celebrities.

The only person Zhang Lin knew was a teacher from the hard drive in his previous life - Brother Feng.

According to Li Yan's afterthought, the woman who had lived a good life as a child was indeed a professional, really powerful, and she had fooled him for the first time in her life.

Quickly withdrawing his thoughts, Zhang Lin was concerned about the difficulties set by the bridesmaid.

Fortunately, Long Yan and the others still knew how to be reserved and didn't do anything like catching flour mouth-to-mouth or the best man holding the bridesmaid in his arms.

Otherwise, if the news spreads, netizens will definitely criticize Zhang Lin and Wang Bingbing both verbally and in writing.

My own wedding was, on the whole, like the weddings of all celebrities, lively and civilized, without any elements of wedding fuss.

Of course, none of his relatives and friends dared to interfere with Zhang Lin's wedding.

After making a fuss for a while, Zhang Lin found the high heels as he wished.

He knelt down in front of Wang Bingbing again, looked at her pretty face, and said with a warm smile: "Will you marry me or not?"


Without hesitation, Wang Bingbing nodded in reply.

The smile on his face became even bigger. Zhang Lin raised his red high heels and asked, "Would you like to wear them?"

"Put on."

Nodding, Wang Bingbing's smile became sweeter.

Pointing to the door, Zhang Lin raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you leaving or not?"

In response to him, Wang Bingbing suddenly opened her eyes wide, raised her eyebrows, and said with a funny smile: "Let's go."

Next, I said goodbye to my father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Although I had been mentally prepared for it, I was very satisfied with Zhang Lin's golden son-in-law.

But being moved by the scene, Wang's mother couldn't help but shed tears on her cheeks, and Wang's father's eyes were also a little red.

The daughter they have raised for more than 20 years, they are proud of, will get married on this day and become a member of the Zhang family!
This scene made the farewell couple Wang Bingbing feel complicated.

Glancing at Zhang Lin, Wang Bingbing forced a smile and said, "Don't cry, Mom, it's not like you're not coming back, right?"

"Yes, yes, yes~~~"

Mother Wang burst into laughter and quickly adjusted her mentality.

While Zhang Lin smiled warmly in his heart, he suddenly felt a burning gaze from the corner of his eye.

Turning around, he saw Uncle Jiankang staring at him without blinking, and next to him was Jiang Jiang, who was grinning from ear to ear.

My heart couldn't help but skip a beat, and I hurriedly offered a flattering smile.

I'm so angry!

I think of him as a patriotic, upright and upright boy. At the wedding, everyone, regardless of seniority, would look at his face.

Unexpectedly, he was pinched by a "village guard"!

After marrying the bride, the group went downstairs amid the blessings of the neighbors.

After arranging everyone to get into the car, the motorcade slowly drove out of the color TV community.

The wedding car drove out first. Zhang Lin, who was sitting in the back seat and was about to breathe a sigh of relief, heard Wang Bingbing exclaim and looked at the roadside. He followed the sound and couldn't help but widen his eyes as he looked at the scene outside the car window.

The sidewalks on both sides of the street were filled with onlookers, some holding banners to wish them a happy wedding. There are countless media pups, mingling among the crowd as far as the eye can see, with professional camera equipment as far as the eye can see.

"I kept it secret, but no one hid it!"

With a sigh, Zhang Lin lowered the car window with complicated emotions when he saw some young girls with tears streaming down their faces and blessing them all the time.

When they saw him waving, the fans on both sides shouted even louder~
"Zhang Lin, Zhang Lin, you must be happy!"

Hearing these throat-breaking words, the only thing Zhang Lin could do was smile and nod to them.

Wang Bingbing next to her felt complicated and proud for a moment.

Her husband was the beloved of countless people, but he married her without hesitation.

Thinking about it, I feel so proud and yet still walking on eggshells!
Compared with Wang Bingbing's complicated mood, Ma Mianshu and Guo Ruotian in the second car also had complicated moods.

Because they can feel their feelings just like the female fans on the roadside.

Long Zhan sighed: "Zhang Lin's fans are considered to be of high quality. If fans like Hua Tsai and Big Brother commit suicide by jumping off the building, that would be fun~"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the three women.

You, Hei Haohao, are slurring your words, saying such unlucky words on a big day!
The words were running ahead, but Long Yan, who was chasing after him in the back of his mind, woke up and stuck out his tongue. He put his head in his hands and looked like I was wrong and I would never dare to do it again.

The motorcade drove slowly for nearly three minutes, until it turned a corner and was surrounded by onlookers.

Zhang Lin bowed to the traffic policeman on the roadside and thanked him. After receiving a salute from him, Zhang Lin climbed up the car window.

Looking back, Wang Bingbing smiled and said: "Tens of thousands of people have come to bless you, maybe they have set a Guinness world record. How do you feel?"

"It's a blessing to both of us."

After stating this, Zhang Lin sighed and said: "I'm so scared!"

With a slight smile, Wang Bingbing joked: "I don't blame you, who allowed you to marry me young at the most glorious moment of your life."

"With you as my wife, I will definitely have more glorious moments."

As they spoke, the two of them intertwined their fingers and kept silent.

More than half an hour later, in a gorgeous Jiangnan garden, this grand wedding kicked off.

Colorful flowers, simple pavilions, 囍 characters can be seen everywhere, and dining tables decorated with ribbons. Every detail seems so exquisite and elegant.

The sun shone lazily, casting a golden halo on the culturally rich wedding.

Guests came from all directions, with happy smiles on everyone's faces, adding endless warmth to this unique wedding.

Shen Tai and Wang Xiaozhen were sitting in the front row, with happy smiles on their faces.

At least their status is as high as theirs, so they admire Zhang Lin's single-mindedness.

Obviously so popular, you can change your girlfriends one after another and experience the prosperity of the world.

They didn't expect that he would settle down for life so early and be so affectionate that they would admire him.

All the leaders were chatting and laughing, and Guo Tong clapped and said, "Here we go, let's begin."

As the words fell, festive music played.

In the wedding hall, on a long stage intertwined with flowers and ribbons, a young and beautiful couple slowly came into view.

They walked hand in hand on the red carpet, happiness filling every smile.

The voices of blessings came one after another from both sides of the stage, which was extremely romantic.

In the solemn wedding march, the bride and groom responded with happy smiles on their faces, holding hands side by side.

The morning sun shines through the phoenix crown woven with gold threads, creating a dazzling brilliance. (End of chapter)

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