Entertainment: Dominate domestic entertainment through host competition

Chapter 353 The Spring Festival Gala tune and positive energy will be carried out to the end tonight

"It's still CCTV's interest. It's so rare for so many big guys to gather together!"

"Nowadays, songs have become vulgar. I don't know whether it is because young people have become vulgar or because the national team is not popular?"

“Back then, the songs contained sincere emotions!”

"Ten years from now, many singers and songwriters will have passed away. It makes me sad to think about it."

"Sun Yue: NBA and CBA double champion, singer of "I wish you peace" [funny]"

"Classics are eternal and music has no limits. I am born in 95, so I wish you the best (⌒▽⌒)"

"I was very moved after seeing it. Artists are artists, and what is left behind by the passage of time is the essence."


Amid countless praises, the first program ended with the singing of "My Chinese Heart" sung by Zhou Zhen and Zhang Mingmin.

After the two people waved to sign off, Zhang Lin strode onto the stage.

On such a grand stage today, he put on a Chinese tunic suit.

With his middle-parted hair, tall posture and handsome face, he is very handsome. Especially when he turns sideways, he is so handsome. He can be said to be an unparalleled handsome man in the world!
When he wears the Chinese tunic suit, he has the air of a melancholy male god. A more appropriate term should be "unparalleled in elegance and splendor in the world."

Standing still in the middle, looking at the camera, Zhang Lin said loudly: "In the east of the world, there is an ancient country, beautiful and broad."

Li Sisi added: "There is a great nation, hardworking and strong."

Without changing his expression, Zhang Lin said the closing words in a very CCTV style in a natural tone: "The endless Yangtze and Yellow Rivers are her blood, and the majestic Wuyue Mountains are her backbone."

After the words fell, the two of them said together: "This is our motherland - China."

A little embarrassed, but very CCTV style, Li Sisi said: "In the past 40 years since the reform and opening up, China has embarked on a characteristic modernization path and strode into a new era of development with head high!"

Nodding in agreement, Zhang Lin said loudly: "Today, China has become the second largest economy in the world!

In today's China, people's living standards have been greatly improved!

Today's China's scientific and technological level is getting closer to the current level of developed countries in the world!
In China today, cultural undertakings are prosperous and developed, society is harmonious and stable, and people's happiness has been greatly improved! "

Watching her lover's frustrated voice on TV, Wang Bingbing, who had just taken a nap, couldn't help but rub her arms.

I am used to Zhang Lin's talented, solemn, and humorous hosting style, but when I suddenly saw this Spring Festival Gala accent, I was not used to it for a while.

But if asked to rate it, she would give her lover full marks.

Because even if he speaks in Spring Festival Gala accent, his voice is still full of magnetism and has unique charm, catching everyone's ears as soon as he opens his mouth.

Like a mellow guitar, every note is played with emotion and power, making people moved.

It is also like the richness of fine red wine, leaving people with endless aftertaste, as if it is whispering in the ear.

Wang Bingbing likes her lover's bubbly voice very much, and when she thinks of the bass, she can't help but think of the previous episode of "Screening Room Six".

The last issue only reviewed the first part of Westward Journey, and today I seem to be reviewing the second part.

Thinking about it, Wang Bingbing picked up the remote control and clicked on CCTV 6.

"The most beautiful thing is to stare into the eyes with infinite meaning, as if we have known each other before."

A person you have seriously loved will still be moved by your heart when you meet again, even if you have been reincarnated for thousands of years.

When the Supreme Treasure lied that he was the reincarnated Sun Wukong.

Bai Jingjing's heart was so happy.

After five hundred years of persistence, those Feng Qingyun Dan that I thought I had let go of, turned into an unforgettable moment the moment I saw him again. 】

Accompanied by the poignant melody of "The Love of My Life" and listening to her lover's refreshing voice like a clear spring, Wang Bingbing found her favorite feeling.

Not only Zhang Lin found it, but Liufang fans also found it.

For a time, the comment area was full of feelings about the movie, which added to the over-interpretation of Westward Journey.

[But not all reunions after a long absence can be exchanged for a safe separation.

After all, the Supreme Treasure is not Sun Wukong. Lies will never hurt people. Only the truth is a sharp knife.

After learning everything, Bai Jingjing collapsed and threw herself into the arms of Zhizunbao.

Even though she knew better than anyone else that the person in her arms was no longer her lover.

We always seem to meet such a person, she amazes youth and softens the years.

He is very much like you, but not you.

That's why Bai Jingjing murmured in her sleep that she found someone who looks a lot like you.

In order to undo the poison in Miss Jingjing, he returned to Pansi Cave alone to find the antidote.

But when Bai Jingjing woke up, she found that Zhizunbao left without saying goodbye again.

At this time, she was completely desperate.

The story of lovers finally getting married did not happen to her after all.

There are many things in this world that can be obtained through hard work, but love is the only one that cannot be achieved.

How can the person who has disappointed us only disappoint us once?

So the jade pendant that had been rubbed for five hundred years was abandoned in the desert.

In fact, no one is afraid of waiting. What is really scary is the ending that we can never wait for. Everyone who decided to turn around may have stood in the wind for a long time.

With the appearance of the Bull Demon King, the scene fell into complete chaos.

But all this has nothing to do with Bai Jingjing.

Because of the misunderstanding, she drew her sword and killed herself.

In order to save her, Zhizunbao activated the Moonlight Treasure Box, but he didn't want to travel back five hundred years ago and met Fairy Zixia.

In order to get back the Moonlight Box, the Supreme Treasure endured humiliation. Amidst the laughter and curses, he became a dog willing to give up his dignity for love.

But Zixia in front of her didn't understand that all Zhizunbao wanted was to get back the Moonlight Box and save his wife.

So Zixia deceived Zhizunbao and said that she was going to find her sister.

When I look at the person I love, I think of someone else.

It seems that we can only do this, find an excuse that we think is suitable, and then leave without saying it sincerely, gradually drifting away with our lonely back.

At the Bull Demon King's mansion, they met each other again.

But their identities have undergone earth-shaking changes.

She became the concubine of the Bull Demon King, and Zhizunbao became the Bull Demon King's brother-in-law.

Everyone thought this was a lost outcome, but in fact it was just repeating the same mistakes again!
In order to get back the Moonlight Treasure Box, Supreme Treasure told a lie that has been passed down to this day. 】

When Wang Bingbing heard this, she couldn't help but recall that classic line in her mind.

At the same time, Zhang Lin said his final farewell: "Forty years of courageous march forward, ninety thousand miles of success.

The journey of reform started 40 years ago has allowed China to go global and integrate into the world, developing from a relatively closed, poor and backward country into one of the irreplaceable powers in the world!

The 40-year reform process has strengthened the Chinese people's will for great rejuvenation.

Cultural self-confidence has laid a solid foundation for the realization of the Chinese Dream, making us even more proud of ourselves as Chinese people!
Next year will be the 69th birthday of our great motherland!
At this moment, let us sing our blessings to our motherland together with our singing voices. "

As the words fell, the classic melody of "My Motherland and Me" sounded.

[My motherland and I cannot be separated for a moment. No matter where I go, a hymn flows out~~]

After singing the song, this live broadcast comes to an end.

After holding it in for a while, Zhang Lin hurried to the backstage to release some water to relax.

After finishing the matter, he came out of the men's room and saw Li Sisi applying eyebrows and makeup in front of the mirror. He felt a toothache from looking at it.

Walking to the sink and washing his hands, Zhang Lin couldn't help but complain: "I'm going home soon, and I still need to touch up my makeup!"

After saying yes, Li Sisi said that girls are actually very simple creatures, and it is very simple to make them happy.

Looking at their exquisite selves in the mirror will make them happy all day long.

As he spoke, he smiled and said, "So, putting on makeup will make women feel happy. Putting on put on will also increase a girl's self-confidence and allow them to discover a different version of themselves."

Without commenting on this fallacy, Zhang Lin rolled his eyes and turned away.

Unexpectedly, I saw CCTV reporter Xiaowen waiting at the door of the bathroom.

Now that they were familiar, Zhang Lin said wordlessly: "There are so many talented singers, but you blocked my toilet door."

"I don't want to either, but who told you to have high traffic!"

Shrugging her shoulders and spreading her hands, Xiaowen smiled and raised the microphone, came closer and said: "We are like ape dung when we meet, just talk about it, let me go and rest quickly."

Hey, you really don’t see anyone outside!

Rolling his eyes inwardly, Zhang Lin raised his chin to indicate that she could ask.

When talking about the series "Singing Over", Zhang Lin briefly talked about its past and present.

In 1980, the famous lyricist Zhang Meitong published "The Glorious New Generation of the Eighties" in the third issue of Ci Magazine.

Written in the first person, the young friends meet in the joyful and bright spring day, and extend to the future of "the sky is new, the earth is new, and the spring is brighter", and expresses "for the motherland and for the brighter spring". The theme of "Four Modernizations, How Much Sweat I've shed" finally sang the ideals and aspirations of "Glory belongs to the new generation of the 1980s".

“This song’s lyrics with novel themes, distinctive images, beautiful language, and strong musicality attracted the attention of composer Gu Jianfen and inspired her.

Soon, Gu Jianfen wrote a bright and smooth melody and lively and changeable rhythm based on the song and dance music of the Yi area. At the same time, he changed the first line of the lyrics "Young friends come to meet" into the name of the song..."

After talking for a while with a sense of story, Zhang Lin said with emotion when talking about this era: "Forty years have passed. In this era, it is really not easy to do such a program.

It’s really even more difficult to invite so many big names.

The original intention of this program, as the host, is not only to reawaken the memories of generations, but also to review history and to hope for the future.

All in all, it is of great significance and rich in content, so please look forward to it. "

When talking about the Chinese Dream, Zhang Lin said that one person’s dream is like a drop of water, and the dreams of hundreds of millions of people across the country merge into the great Chinese Dream.

At this time, Li Sisi walked out of the bathroom.

She is beautiful with exquisite makeup. She couldn't help but burst out laughing after seeing the interview scene. She has quite a charming temperament.

Xiaowen naturally couldn't let her go and asked similar questions.

After thinking for a while, Li Sisi said: "Our Chinese Dream is the most powerful force in the world. Driven by this powerful force, the sleeping dragon of China is slowly awakening, traveling in the nine heavens, and standing erect in the world." (End of Chapter)

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