Chapter 197 The Battle of Falling Horse City (Part 230, additional update [-] for Nuanyang Giant)

November [-]rd.

Lu Yonggang sent scouts to explore the surrounding areas of Chuima City and estimate how many people and horses there were in the city.

Each army has its own calculation method for estimating men and horses.

The most mainstream method is to look at the camp, which is the so-called camp calculation method, and determine how many soldiers and horses there are based on the number of tents in the opponent's military camp.

The second thing is to look at logistics and how to calculate cooking smoke. Soldiers in the army all use big pots to eat, and a single pot in a military camp can cook meals for several people. In this way, the scouts sent out only need to count the cooking smoke while the other party is cooking. The number can roughly calculate how many people the other party has.

The last thing is to judge how many people there are by looking at the amount of grain and grass delivered by the other party.

However, the last one requires going deep into the rear, and without knowing the specific time of the other party's food delivery, it will take time to wait.

The scouts of the Tianshi Army adopted the first two methods. They climbed up the mountains around the city of Zhuima and looked far into the distance.

This is not just about taking a glance, but keeping an eye on it and comparing it through multiple data, because things like military camps and cooking smoke are easy to fake.

The Tianshi Army couldn't go around to the back of Chuima City because there were mountains on both sides of the city. Only by passing through Chuima City could they go deeper through this route.

Night falls.

Chen Mo led his own barracks and divided them into several teams, responsible for exploring the perimeter of the battlefield and clearing out enemy scouts who had reached the perimeter of the barracks to detect their own troops.

It was almost winter, and the moonlight was not very bright. They held torches and patrolled the mountains and forests. Of course, doing so would probably scare away the enemy scouts.

But it doesn't matter, the main thing is not to catch them, but to drive them away.

However, Chen Mo's team did not hold torches.

Although they were said to be a team, it was actually just Chen Mo and Xia Zhining. With their strength, they could still see the road clearly with the help of the thin moonlight.

Chen Mo held a strong bow and glanced around. Like the scouts of the Yuzhou Army, they were most likely warriors, so there would be nothing to hide from him. He was staring at a series of red numbers on his forehead, even if he was lying in the bushes. , Chen Mo can also find it for him.

"It's so dark, you can't see far at all, how can you check? Maybe they will be attacked by a sneak attack, so let's light a torch." Xia Zhining said.

Naturally, Chen Mo would not digitize the power he could see of the warriors. He chuckled and said, "Relax, I'm here to protect you, and there are really scouts around, so I can find out."

If he is not a warrior, even if he attacks him secretly, he cannot be hurt.

If it was a warrior, he would have discovered it before the sneak attack.

The weak ones are killed or captured.

When encountering someone with higher strength than himself, Chen Mo ran away early. In this regard, he was still very confident.

"Who wants your protection?" Xia Zhining pouted and snorted, but she felt sweet in her heart and said, "When we discussed the attack on Chuima City before, why didn't you make suggestions to Lu Yonggang?"

"How do you know I didn't mention it?" Chen Mo turned around and frowned. She was not present in the handsome tent at that time.

"I just know." Xia Zhining knew that she had spilled the beans, so she put her hands behind her back and turned her head sideways.

"Sun Meng told you, I guess. It seems like he needs to be beaten because he can't keep his mouth shut." Chen Mo said. Xia Zhining stepped forward and bumped Chen Mo lightly with her shoulder, saying: "This is not an important matter. Let me know what's wrong?"

"Women should stop interfering in men's matters." Chen Mo put away his bow, put it on his back, and poked Xia Zhining's forehead with his finger.

"You're not missing either." Xia Zhining blurted out subconsciously. She bowed her head several times, but she quickly reacted and took back the second half of her words, her face turning red.

Chen Mo chuckled twice: "Have you thought about it?"

"Asshole." Xia Zhining kicked her in shame, but was grabbed by Chen Mo. Xia Zhining immediately felt a little unsteady and fell backwards. Chen Mo quickly put down Xia Zhining's legs, and then quickly hugged the other party's waist. limbs, pulled into the arms.

"Be careful, don't fall, otherwise I will feel bad." Chen Mo pinched Xia Zhining's delicate chin with two fingers, lifted it slightly, and blew hot air on her face.

Xia Zhining suddenly felt her delicate body tremble and feel numb. She pushed Chen Mo hard: "Asshole, let me go."

"Actually, I've thought about it too." Chen Mo kissed Xia Zhining on the corner of her lips. The pressure in the military was indeed greater than usual.

Xia Zhiningfang's heart skipped a beat, and she was a little bit embarrassed and a little proud at the same time. After all, this bastard was greedy for her body, which meant that the love words he told her before were true, and she was still a little panicked. In this wilderness, , in vain, even more exaggerated than last time behind Qingshi.

"Don't mess around." Xia Zhining patted Chen Mo on the shoulder.

In the evening, Xia Zhining did not wear armor. She was dressed simply in black clothes and had her breasts wrapped, changing from an apple to an egg.

Chen Mo directly pulled Xia Zhining from the mountain path to behind a big tree in the forest and asked her to turn her back.
  Xia Zhining couldn't resist Chen Mo and gave in half-heartedly.

After Chen Mo finished his work, he still answered the question Xia Zhining asked before: "I know very little about military matters, and I can't even command a large number of troops. What suggestions can I make? And although you can read military books, There are more, but less experience. It is better to follow and watch and learn. If Lu Yonggang can become the commander-in-chief of the five-party army, he must...hiss. He has two brushes. It is better not to cause trouble to him. Don't move around."

Chen Mo didn't think he had the ability at the moment. He showed off his "domineering spirit" in the military tent and asked Lu Yonggang to listen to him and then do whatever he wanted. If he didn't do this, he would lose the battle or something.

Even if he really had a suggestion that could [-]% break the city, with his current strength, he was not suitable for being in the limelight. He just needed to make a name for himself. He didn't want to be targeted by the court right now.

Hearing this, Xia Zhining wanted to be silent, but it was difficult for her to be silent. She always wanted to make some noise involuntarily.

But Xia Zhining agreed with this.

During these few months in the army, Xia Zhining did learn a lot of things that were not in the books.

"Remember, once the decisive battle begins, saving your own life is the most important. When you find something is wrong and you are defeated, you will retreat directly. At least for the sake of the Tianshi Army, you will not risk your life."

Chen Mo pulled Xia Zhining's face, pinched the bright and cold face, and warned. After finishing speaking, under the beauty's somewhat shy and angry eyes, he came close to the red lips and became greedy and intimate.

Feeling the young man's concern, Xia Zhining responded enthusiastically.

After various investigations and collecting a large amount of information, Lu Yonggang launched an siege on Chuima City on November [-], but it was a feint attack and a test.

On November [-], a full-scale siege was launched, and catapults were pulled to the front.

ps: I know that war scenes are a weak point, so I won’t write them in detail, so I will focus on the key points.

(End of this chapter)

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