Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 220 The calm before the storm

Chapter 220 The calm before the storm (4)

A cold beet and plum salad sprinkled with nut shards was presented in front of Ed, a thick barley venison soup with a golden texture, the incense of sweet bread, the cinnamon aroma of baked apples, and the frosting of lemon cake.
Eddard Stark sat at the log table in White Harbor, his hair wet and sticking to the sides of his face.

One glass after another, ice-cold fruit wine was served continuously. The White Harbor butler looked uneasily at Ed, who was drinking silently, and then at Lord Eel, who was sitting aside and twisting his hips hesitantly.

Although Lord Wyman Manderly was frightened, his hands and mouth were not idle. His thick sausage-like fingers grabbed the baked apple on the round table, opened his mouth and chewed the baked apple in his mouth. The apples crunch under the chew.

Ed glanced at everything around him. The room was very quiet. Only Lord Eel and his butler were beside him. Lord Eel's waist was still surprisingly thick, and the chair he was sitting on was at least four times as big as his seat.

The mermaid trident of the Mandalay family was painted on Earl Mandalay's body. A light green and thick sweater was wrapped around his body. When he glanced at him from the corner of his eye, the latter was unaware and enjoying the food with relish.

The butler kept passing the wine, and the sour and sweet fruit wine kept pouring into his throat. Ed knew that this was a famous wine from White Harbor, but he could not remember the name and was unwilling to recall it. When the fruit wine entered his mouth, Ed could not taste the sweetness. The taste is just endless sourness and hotness, like a fire snake scurrying between the throat and stomach.

"Duke," there was obvious hesitation in the butler's tone. He looked at Ed sadly, "You have drunk enough wine, you should"

Ed stretched out his hand to signal silence.

The butler looked at Wyman Mandler with worry on his face.

Weiman shook his head, with regret in his tone, "We have reviewed all the ships docking at White Harbor and found no ship that matches your description."

His opening was blocked again by Eddard Stark. The dejected Duke raised his head and said, "I know everything. I know everything."

He tapped the knife and fork lightly, and the metal clashed loudly. Wyman Mandler raised his eyes and looked at the Duke, "Lord Ed."

He swallowed. The defenders of White Harbor found Ed in a wine barrel in the Fishman Square. At that time, the Duke's head was covered with a black cloth. If he hadn't received a letter with the Stark family crest imprinted in time, With a souvenir, his own defenders would probably deport him like a fleeing fisherman and a wine barrel to the old mint that is now used as a refugee shelter.

Lord Eel just nodded slightly and asked the butler to go out. Only the Duke and himself, who drank silently and came back from the dead, were left in the room.

"In King's Landing," Eddard answered for him, "I pushed her to King's Landing, the abyss, with my own hands." The wine glass was raised in the air, his elbows firmly supported on the round table, and his eyes stared at the engraved figures on the wine glass. Mermaid, holding tightly, the veins and skin and bones are clearly visible.

Modi took himself on the ship and set sail from King's Landing, stopping briefly in Pentos, then turning back west to White Harbor. Along the way, he told himself everything that happened in Westeros in detail, answering everything he knew.

There is an uproar over fake death, Teen Wolf goes south, Osprey reconciles
The previous events were still within Eddard's knowledge and consideration. Robb had won consecutive battles and the situation was excellent.
Immediately afterwards, Robb regrets his marriage, the Wolfhawk breaks up, the sea monster attacks, and the Battle of the Red Comet.
There was sadness hidden in the simple sentences, and Wyman Mandler lowered his head slightly. He knew the impact these things had on the Duke.

Wyman Mandler didn't answer and stared at Ed.

"Lady Catelyn and Lady Arya are in the Eyrie, King Robb. Ser Robb is in prison at Harrenhal, and Lady Sansa is"

He looked at Eddard Stark's face. Compared to his sloppy hair, the Duke's face was well taken care of, neat and dignified.

Wyman Mandler took a deep breath, "In view of your arrival, I'm afraid you need to know the new situation in the north."

"The North needs you, Lord Eddard, the true Prime Minister of the Seven Kingdoms."

"That ship," Eddard Stark interrupted what Wyman had just started to say, "Moody, that northerner, his ship."

All he got in response was a sneer, and Eddard shook his head. "Going to the south was my biggest mistake." He put down his wine glass and looked at Wyman Manderly. "I need to know the situation in Winterfell."

Wyman Mandler looked at the Duke, his usually serious and cold gray eyes seemed to have a different temperament that was not easy to detect. Ed stood up, his body still upright.

Lord Eel breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't know exactly what Duke Eddard went through when he went south, but now the only one who can truly bear the title of Stark is the "resurrected" Eddard. The Red Keep was quickly put under martial law. Sansa clung to the wall with her four claws and looked at the Lannister army slowly leaving King's Landing. The scenery of the eastern suburbs of King's Landing was unobstructed.

This was her favorite thing to do after entering the lady's body. She traveled back and forth in the secret passages of the Red Castle, finding rooms and darkrooms that she had never heard of before, and now she found a high place, which seemed to be an abandoned tower, the Red Castle. The royal craftsmen often walked back and forth under the tower.

Darkness obscures most people's vision, except for direwolves.

Sansa looked through the lady's golden eyes. Apart from the lady's elegant sitting posture, Sansa's favorite thing before was these beautiful eyes. When she looked at them, she always felt a sense of unknown joy welling up from the bottom of her heart.

But the lady has completely changed. Sansa has witnessed and experienced this change personally. Her eyes are no longer innocent, but have become ruthless. This is the look in her eyes when she is hunting prey in the woods and the suburbs of King's Landing. Her posture is no longer as elegant as before. , but has grown stronger, and the stretched muscles are very conspicuous.

She looked to the other side, and saw the bells ringing from the towering church, "Ding dong! ~Ding dong!~" The distant voice made the lady a little irritable, and her eyes slightly glanced down. The crowds of people were crowded, like a ball of running water. He walked forward in a grand manner and turned into an unknown street.

The urge of a wild beast surged into her heart, and the lady darted back to the secret passage of the tower, crawled down, hit a ball of soft straw, and rushed out with all her limbs.

"What a big dog!"

"Bastard! Get away!"

"My butcher shop!" The lady picked up a piece of meat and knocked the butcher shop over. The smooth, soft meat immediately fell to the ground. The butcher's eyes widened, and he held the machete at a loss as he watched the lady's retreating figure.

"Go and call Jinpaozi! Damn it, I saw this wild wolf again!"

The loud sound in the distance made Sansa a little uneasy, but this thought did not affect the lady's movements. The direwolf walked as fast as flying, heading straight for the scene she saw in the distance.

"The wealthy businessman with a pile of flesh on his belly button has forgotten the teachings of the Seven Gods. The extravagant and depraved church has completely forgotten its commitment to the Seven Gods!"

The lady took the meat in her mouth, stopped on the stone on the roadside, and ate happily.

Sansa felt satisfied, but she wanted to listen to the monk's preaching.

The direwolf hid in a dark corner, turned his head, and looked at the high platform that was piled with piles of firewood. Standing on it was a monk with a pockmarked face, a brown robe, and a skinny figure.

"They took away the water and rivers given by the Seven Gods, occupied our wives and daughters, and embezzled the copper coins treasured by every family!"

"Disobey the king's laws and betray the teachings of the Seven Gods!"

The voice was loud and loud, and the sound waves in the crowd seemed like boiling hot water, constantly beating towards Sansa's ears.

"Follow the waterways! Seize the wells that belong to us and drive away the infidels and fallen devils!"

Sansa turned her head and looked into the distance. The various flags of the nobles were flying among the houses. This was late at night when the nobles were sleeping soundly.

"Seize the well! Seize the well!"

The crowd didn't even notice him in the corner, and rushed towards the noble house in the distance crazily.

(End of this chapter)

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