Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 213 Martial Arts Tournament

Chapter 213 Martial Arts Tournament (10)


The cavalry in the valley shouted feebly and kept turning their heads to look around. The spears in their hands lost their deterrent effect, and the originally sharp and brand-new spear blades were temporarily reduced to flashy displays, just like the fragile spears specially made for the tournament.

"The Vulture Chief's men," the Riverland Knight beside David Destin said mockingly, "are they all just a bunch of sword-playing babies on horseback, by the Seven Gods."

Baron Destin took out a ball of rope from his leather sheath. "A rope with a hook and spikes on the surface." He handed it to the knight who was close to him. "It's enough for these valley bastards."

"The dagger is enough," another companion said with a slight grin. "Aim it at the horse's neck and make a splash. I expect to see a pool of blood pouring out, just like the rapids of the Green Fork River."

"Knights who have lost their territory, you can become a bard and live freely," Baron Destin said in a deep voice. He opened his arms to hug a few of his most trusted knights together, "But now," he said in a low voice. The voice warned, "We don't know what kind of opportunity Sir Theodore is waiting for. According to the plan, we need to create opportunities for him."

Baron Destin's palms were slightly firmer, and several heads lowered and moved closer together, "We originally had everything, all legal rights," his voice sounded like he was chewing a blade, hoarse but sounding vicissitudes of life, "Ours Castles, our subjects, mills! Farmland! Fishing villages! None of these have anything to do with us now."

"Kill them." A knight cursed in a low voice.

"Slice their flesh alive and send them to the river to feed the fish." Another knight pursed his lips and his cheeks trembled slightly.

"Don't be stupid," Baron Destin reminded them, hitting them on the head, "just stick to the plan."

Everyone nodded and got into the crowd.

Theodore lay in the dungeon, the mason's miserable wail gone, and when he opened his eyes the fallen flesh of the boy's squire had been cleaned away.

Evan Aylin was sitting cross-legged on the haystack on the opposite wall, pouring the exquisite wine glass. The crimson wine was poured from the pot into the wine glass. In Theodore's eyes, it seemed as if it was flowing between a boy and a mason. blood.

"I curse you," Theodore spat blood, "an accomplice of the heretics, a lackey."

"It's not as bad as the sinful assassin like you," Evan took a sip of the wine and blinked, "The wine for the banquet at Hundred Furnaces Hall has finally said goodbye to your sour wine from the Riverlands. It's still Dorne. The wine is even better.”

The corners of Theodore's eyes were red and swollen, and the sticky blood scab obscured his vision, so that his vision was blurry and he could not see Evan's face clearly.

His mind was full of the scene where he entered the blacksmith shop and was pushed to the ground by a group of stonemasons, carpenters, and blacksmiths. A boy wearing a horn mask was the first to pounce on him, pressing him down like a heavy rock. arm.

Then they were put on ropes and tied up, waiting for the valley soldiers to come and recognize them and take them into custody.

"I don't understand," Theodore struggled to keep his eyes open, trying to see the interrogator's face clearly, "I don't understand why he was discovered."

"The roster of Harrenhal is not a child's play. It can be decided with just a few words." Evan Arryn took a sip of wine and said to Theodore. "It is a luxury to know the cause of death before death. Just like in Dorne is as extravagant and delusional as the ice roses planted on the Great Wall."

Most of the craftsmen who came to Harrenhal to work were masters, apprentices or fellow villagers, and the dotted towns in the river area and the convenient Trident River navigation gave these craftsmen the opportunity to gather and connect, so their origins were clear.

After the Valley took over Harrenhal and issued a recruitment order, the origin information of these craftsmen was recorded on the roster for easy management, and access to Harrenhal was strictly controlled.

With the influx of people, in order to attract the enemy's bait, Evan Aylin specifically asked the Duke to loosen the city's defenses to expose gaps, and arranged special personnel to keep watch at the blacksmith shop and stables.

Strange faces, late at night, these are the key information that Evan Aylin handed over to his men. Theodore's capture was just a matter of course.

He spoke calmly and stood the wine glass in front of Theodore, "Where is the High Sparrow? Why are you going against the Valley?"

Theodore was stunned for a moment and looked at Evan Aylin in disbelief, "My men will not betray me."

"It seems that the young and old pair value each other's lives more than loyalty." Evan Aylin stood up. "The Seven Gods warned the world to care for each other. They are devout believers, choose the right loyalty, and die well. .”

Theodore leaned against the wall in silence, closed his eyes, and didn't want to pay attention to Evan Aylin anymore.

"Before the eagle hunts, it will first let its prey accept the fear of hanging in the sky." Evan Aylin took back the bottle and stood up. "The gods will bless you and your men through the difficulties."

Theodore's lips were tightly pressed together, and his eyes never opened.

"Back off!" The valley cavalry hit the civilians' backs with their spears in panic, "Go to the west, there is a large wilderness there, don't rush towards the stands!"

"Oh!~" Waves of exclamations came from the audience's stands again.

"Sir Robert Royce enters the battle!" The referee's voice could still be heard faintly, but it was completely covered by the voices of the audience at this time.

The knight was pulled up from the ground in embarrassment by his attendants, "I am definitely missing a leg!" He complained loudly as if he didn't care about his face.

"Which leg? The left or right one or the middle one?" Someone in the audience soon laughed loudly.

"If the knight loses his middle leg, what will happen to the little lover in the castle?"

"Sleeping in the cursed crypts of Harrenhal! Hey! Hey!"

Ridicules and frivolous and obscene taunts came from all directions. The knight pushed his squire away angrily and fled towards the ground without turning his head.

"I said stand back, damn it!" The Valley Cavalry put the obstructive spear on the back of the saddle. The blue ribbon tied to the head of the spear was pulled away at some point, and he drew his sword. "The people behind me are all Give me."

The war horse under his crotch suddenly let out a long neigh, and what immediately caught the eye of the cavalry was the blood spurting from the war horse. The war horse raised its front hooves and fell to the ground with two whimpering sounds. The soldiers in the valley felt that the scene in their sight suddenly turned upside down, and they never looked back. Shen Shi himself had already hit the ground hard.

"Attack! Someone is attacking!"

"The knight fell off his horse and died!"

The valley cavalry stretched out their necks and looked around, hitting the crowd blocking the road frequently with their spears, "Get out of the way! Let me go and take a look!"

A rope suddenly sprang out from the crowd in Wuyangyang and hit the cavalryman's neck like an arrow that had escaped from its string.

"Damn it!" When he was about to reach out and pull, the rope suddenly came loose. When he turned around and looked again, one end of the rope was held in the hands of a civilian with a confused face in the crowd.

He thrust the spear forward suddenly, and a bloody hole suddenly appeared in the civilian's chest. Before even a scream could be heard, he collapsed to the ground, making no sound.

"Dead man!"

The same thing seemed to appear everywhere in the crowd, and screams continued. The crowd was at a loss and was overwhelmed by the fear of the unknown, rushing in all directions.

The valley cavalry was pushed by the out-of-control crowd, and was even pulled off their horses and trampled under the feet of the crowd.

The sound of a long sword being unsheathed was also forced out, followed by unprovoked yelling, senseless beatings, and then the sword cutting open flesh and blood, and the crowd was covered in blood.

A large number of people fled around the high platform, and some even rushed towards the castle gate.

"Master Attis!"

An Gai and the blue-robed bodyguards rushed over quickly and surrounded the duke and nobles.

"There was a mob riot, and many cavalrymen died under their attack. It's not a good place to be here. We need to return to the castle immediately." Ange said to Attis hastily.

Before Attis could respond, a harsh scream interrupted his thoughts. ,

"The devil is in the crowd!" This was a sharp female voice. The voice penetrated through the crowd and the audience's high platform, pointing directly at Attis. "The red devil is hiding in the cursed castle!" A strong voice emerged from around the crowd, "The curse of Harrenhal, the devil attacks innocent civilians, attacks innocent believers of the Seven Gods!"

"Attis Arryn and his Vale people came here, and in the womb of the red-robed witch, the evil god named 'R'hllor' was born in the Eastern Continent!"

Long sentences are obviously not as effective as the chants that follow.

"City of the Damned!"

The sound of people's voices was like waves, and it was like the sound of hidden arrows in the Wuyang crowd.

"The accomplice of the Red God!"

The shrill female voice appeared again.

The crowd was being carried forward, some were singing hymns and praying for relief, some were swearing and had ugly faces, and more were following the crowd, but their faces were blank.

"Duke?" An Gai and the blue-robed guards looked at the crowd warily and asked tentatively.

Attis remained silent, sitting and watching the crowd coming in like the black waves of the deep sea.

"The incestuous bastards of King's Landing!"

"The black-haired king! The blonde princess!"

The short message eliminated a lot of unnecessary information and expressed the most controversial aspects through slogans that suddenly jumped out among the crowd.

Laughter and indignation suddenly appeared in the crowd, and some even followed suit and shouted "Princess born from incest"

"A wretch befits an infidel!"

"The Seven Gods don't allow it!"

Indignation was quickly mobilized, the excited sparrows, the emotional crowd, the monks and nuns who led the charge but were missing.

In just a few moments, the crowd rushed to the high platform, where Attis sat on the stage, shaking the wine glass in his hand.

He not only heard the dirty words that the blue-robed guards around him unconsciously gritted their teeth at, but he also heard the superstitions, hidden dangers of life, and religious fanaticism of the people in the Riverlands.

Attis stood up and looked at the crowded crowd. Most of these people must be civilians who came incited by a few words. They are the foundation of the valley to appease the riverlands.

He narrowed his eyes. This group of believers who claimed to believe in the Seven Gods deliberately chose to stir up black and white among the civilians who came to have fun. They used the people of the Riverlands as a shield and cast a layer of the will of the Seven Gods. Mystery.

The people who want to be on the Sivas chess table are not good people. When Attis guessed that the Knights of the Riverlands were colluding with the civil society of the Seven Gods, he put the people behind it on the chess table. Although he was cautious, he still did not expect it. This is the strategy.

He has never seen the priests of the Seven Gods preaching. At least the church in Seagull Town is the center of the Seven Gods' faith in the valley. Although its status is not low in the territory of the Seven Gods' faith, it seems to be restricted by the strong religious atmosphere in the valley. There are few The action of taking the initiative to preach and preach.

Moreover, most places in the valley are threatened by mountain tribes in the Mingyue Mountains, and the Seagull Town Church rarely takes the initiative to send monks to the countryside to preach.

But this time, he saw the power of the powerful missionary.

"Master, arrest or encirclement and suppression?" An Gai asked bluntly, his face turned red under his half-helmet.

This is a question, Attis asked himself. He held the hilt of his sword and looked at the surging civilians critically.

"The evil princess! Heretic Aelin!"

The swarm of civilians almost knocked down the high platform that the craftsmen had worked so hard to build. The "creak" sound of broken wood came from the high platform.

Attis frowned and slightly drew his sword.

Suddenly, when Attis was about to swing his sword, the high-pitched voice of the Steward of Harrenhal miraculously drowned out the noisy crowd.

"Princess of the Iron Throne!" The word princess quickly attracted the attention of the common people. "The fiancée of Lord Attis Arryn, Princess Myrcella Baratheon!"

Myrcella slowly walked up the steps of the high platform with some weak legs.

Sir James's words were still in his ears, "It's too dangerous there. There's no need for you to take risks. Attis Arryn can handle it himself."

"The duke ends the conflict with sword and strife," Myrcella responded, "the princess resolves the conflict with motherly ceremony and words."

She stood on the high platform and walked to Attis Arryn's side. Her long curly hair was as black as deep iron.

"I am Myrcella Baratheon, the daughter of King Robert and the sister of King Joffrey," Myrcella said loudly to the crowd. Her black hair successfully silenced the murmurs. She turned to look at Attis, "also the Duke's fiancée."

Myrcella swallowed her throat, but the crowd in front of her still made it difficult for her to breathe. "If the deception spreads, the kingdom will only fall into the chaos caused by traitors and clowns," she shouted at the top of her voice, "Think about Sancha The tragedy of the Halberd River is due to the betrayal of the North and Riverrun, which makes you trapped in farmland with no farming, no fishing, and no way for you to sing, dance, and knit freely!"

"And my betrothed," Myrcella continued to shout, "the Warden of the East in Westeros, the Warden of the Trident, is going to spend a lot of money to hold a grand party to comfort Harrenhal, a city plagued by lies and superstition. Your wounds from the war! This is him fulfilling the obligations entrusted to him by the king. He is the Eagle of the Valley, and you have heard of his name in the tournament! He is invincible, and the arrogant Young Wolf Lord was defeated by the Eagle!"

"My white knight will not allow me to be framed and slandered," Myrcella said. The excitement of the crowd had long since disappeared, and the chattering monks and nuns did not dare to say anything, because speaking out at this time meant that their identity was confirmed. , "But I won't let him draw the sword," Myrcella's voice turned soft, "You have suffered enough, why not continue the competition?"

"Bad breed!"

Sparrow stood out from the crowd and said, "You are a scoundrel!"

"She is a black-haired princess!" Someone immediately retorted.

"Black-haired princess!" The short slogan became this again.

Attis waved his hand gently, and the blue-robed bodyguard stepped forward angrily, hit the sparrow's joints hard with the scabbard, and dragged him over.

"In the name of myself, the Princess of the Iron Throne, and the betrothed lady of the Vale and the Riverlands, I declare that the contest will continue!" Myrcella waved her arms and announced loudly.

The audience cheered again.

"Black-haired princess! Black-haired princess! Black-haired princess!"

I don’t know whether someone composed an improvised music or the crowd in front of her turned into a minstrel. The words Myrcella heard in her ears seemed to have a rhythm, and they were sung along with the melody.

"The contest continues!~" the referee shouted loudly.

Just as Myrcella was savoring her joy, she was held behind by a hand.

Attis leaned close to her ear, "If a hidden arrow had just hit you, such a wonderful speech would have disappeared silently, my princess and my fiancée."

"I'm not afraid," Myrcella's lips slightly raised when she heard the word "ma'am", "because I know there will be a shield in front of me."

Myrcella looked at Attis and smiled again.

 4000 words per update



(End of this chapter)

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