Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 206 Martial Arts Tournament

Chapter 206 Martial Arts Tournament (3)

The banquet tormented Attis so much that he had long forgotten how much yellow spleen and summer red had entered his stomach. No matter where the knight came from, drinking heavily would be favored.

When he opened his eyes, his head was swollen and painful, and the stench of alcohol filled the room.

The bedroom and study room remained quiet. Ange and his blue-robed guards stayed silent in the spiral staircase of the tower. Only the eyes of the guards were exposed through the vent holes of the giant arc-top helmet with a visor, guarding the Duke meticulously. outside the room.

Piles of letters sent from the Eagle's Nest and the Gates of the Moon early in the morning were placed on the table in the study by blue robes. Most of these knights were like Angei and were illiterate. Naturally, they could not understand the contents of the letters. What's more, What's more, the sealing wax on the letter remained intact, preventing anyone from making the slightest move to open the envelope.

This does not mean that Attis does not trust the personal guards around him. On the contrary, this group of knights from the new fiefdom of the Green Fork River is the group of people Attis trusts most at present. However, the complete protective measures cannot be ignored.

"Ange." The Duke's voice came out from the bedroom like an erratic voice.

An Gai opened the door, walked in, lowered his head and said, "Master."

"Princess Myrcella," Attis looked at the sky outside the window, "she should arrive today."

Ange nodded, "The princess has arrived at Harrenhal," he looked up at Attis, "The princess's luggage and servants have been placed."

"I can't be rude and call the servants in. I have to take a bath, change my clothes, and go to see the princess decently." Attis rubbed his forehead with his hand and said to Angei.

An Gai hesitated for a moment, "According to Sir Weimar, the princess will go to see Mrs. He'an first. She should be at the city wall on the side of Shenyan Lake at this time."

The movements of Attis' hands stopped slightly. He took a long breath, nodded slightly, and murmured in his mouth, "As a princess, in order to avoid unnecessary talk, this is indeed the way to go." He waved gently, "Let the servants prepare Get ready, I'll be up soon."

Attis moved away and walked to the table piled with letters. Under the high-hanging tower, the knights from the valley or the riverlands had already started to compete with each other.

The face of Princess Myrcella has been blurred in the memory, but I only vaguely remember that she is as beautiful as her mother Cersei. It is said that her conduct is extremely kind, which is completely different from the current behavior of the Lannister family.

I hope so, Attis thought to himself. He was not sure what Cersei's daughter was like. After all, it was all hearsay.

"Mrs. He'an." Myrcella bowed slightly and lowered her head to salute the last descendant of the He'an family in Harrenhal.

Sheila He'an, Myrcella secretly recited the lady's name in her heart. She raised her head and looked at the lady, who was sitting alone in the center of the tower, looking out at the beautiful view of the God's Eye Lake through the window.

Mrs. He'an turned to look at the princess. Thin wrinkles covered her face, and a kind smile appeared on her face.

"Long time no see, Your Highness Princess." Mrs. He'an said with a smile, her words gentle, like a spring breeze in her ears.

Joffrey was indeed deceiving. Although the lady's face had aged, her former beauty could still be seen from her appearance. Myrcella thought to herself, she walked gently to the lady's side, and whispered: "The complicated etiquette is not enough to express my respect for you, madam, you have managed this castle for King's Landing for a long time, which makes the people who live in the palace very happy." I can't imagine the hardships involved." Her eyes showed reverence. This was not hypocrisy, but the true thoughts in her heart.

Hunting, castles, and fighting have always been what men should do in her eyes, but the lady in front of her is really in charge of such a large castle alone.

"It's very tiring, child." Mrs. He'an shook her head gently. She reached out and held Myrcella's white hands, pulled her to her, and looked at the princess's face. "You are young and beautiful. I have been fortunate enough to see the queen's beauty. face, but I believe you are more attractive to men than she is."

Myrcella smiled brightly, "Will Duke Attis like me?" She felt a little uneasy in her heart. Mrs. He'an did not answer, but gently squeezed the princess's soft hand, "But I don't envy you, princess."

What's the meaning? Myrcella was puzzled in her heart, but she just listened quietly as she listened to Joffrey's complaints.

"Attis Arryn is a hero that the Seven Kingdoms see once in a thousand years. His name is destined to be alongside Aegon the Conqueror." Mrs. He'an did not pay attention to the smile on Myrcella's face and continued, "He is an eagle. But unlike Aylin in previous generations, he not only wants to conquer the mountains, plains, hills, lakes, and even the yellow sand and golden caves in the valley, he also wants to soar and spread his wings there."

Myrcella frowned slightly after hearing this. She didn't quite understand what Mrs. He'an's words meant.

"I don't envy you, princess, because I know myself. If I exchange with you, there will definitely be no good ending." Mrs. He'an's eyes were full of love, and she seemed to regard Myrcella as her own daughter, " But you are still young, have time, and appearance.”

Myrcella shook her head slightly. Mrs. He'an did not answer what she wanted.

"Also." Mrs. He'an stroked the princess's golden hair, and her brows finally furrowed. Your bloodline has been questioned. "The blood of the lion flows in your body. Your whole body or half of your body is as tall as the glorious Aylin." , hate or love, the choice will be different, child."

Myrcella broke away from the lady's hand, bent down and raised her skirt, "Thank you for your kindness, Mrs. He'an. I think it's time for me to see my fiancé. Please allow me to say goodbye." She turned and walked towards the stairs to the side.

The further we walked down, the softer our steps became, and Myrcella's breathing became messy. Is she questioning my life experience? She covered her increasingly stuffy chest, and the uneasiness inside gradually turned into waves rolling in her heart.

"Princess?" Ser Arys asked softly, "Are you feeling unwell? Do you want me to call the maester of Harrenhal?"

Myrcella raised her head, with the innocent smile still on her face, "Of course not, Ser Arys, I am in good health." She held the Kingsguard's iron glove, stood up, and faced the tower. Go down.

Joffrey put on the exquisite breastplate, took the reins handed over by the attendant, and ordered to the guards around him: "Let's go!"

The procession was huge, heading towards the gate of the Red Fort.

The moonlight was bright, the night was silent, and the hoofs of the war horse under Joffrey's crotch clicked.

When they arrived at the entrance of the Red Castle, the gate was tightly closed and all the guards were missing.

Joffrey frowned, "Where is Ser Meryn? Why didn't you open the gate of the Red Keep for me?" He asked the guard on the side loudly.

"Ser Meryn is a qualified Kingsguard who knows how to truly serve the king." Tywin's voice sounded behind him, and Ser Meryn Trant stood beside the Prime Minister with his head lowered.

"You" Joffrey was a little shocked, "You dare to reveal the king's secrets, you are the Kingsguard!"

Merlin Tran looked at Joffrey's lineup and strength, and he couldn't help but feel bitter in his heart.

"You are the king, the guardian of the seven kingdoms," Tywin said loudly, "you should stay in King's Landing, ready to defend against enemies at any time."

Joffrey raised his head and saw Grandpa Tywin's face as cold as ice.

(End of this chapter)

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