Chapter 173 Plan

Tyrion lit candles everywhere in the cabin, covered them with lampshades, blew the candle flames through the holes in the lampshades, and adjusted the size of the flames.

Pod stood aside, tinkering with candles and lampshades as Tyrion did.

"Do you really need so many candles, sir?" Pod asked this question anyway, looking at the swaying hull of the ship uneasily.

"Of course, Pod." Tyrion took out a book from his cloth bag. The title of the book was very long and Pod could not understand it. "It has been so many days and we are almost at Salt Farm Town. The boat will go along the shore and will not encounter any To the big storm, these candles. Oh, my God!"

The hull of the ship suddenly shook, and the candle lamp that had just been covered with a lampshade almost rolled off the table. If Tyrion hadn't reacted in time and reached out to hold it, he and Pod might have been busy dealing with it for a while.

Pod looked at Tyrion dully, and Tyrion smiled back.

"Sometimes," Tyrion stroked the lampshade, the candle inside had been extinguished, and took a long breath, "life is full of surprises, haha." He smiled awkwardly and held the book behind his back.

Pod didn't know why, he frowned, "Do you need me to leave, sir?"

"Seven Hells, Pod, you need to be smarter." Tyrion shook his head. He did not look back, but swayed his left hand backwards. "Quickly, before the master you serve turns around, kill him." Take away these useless and dangerous candles and leave only one."

Pod suddenly understood, and quickly put out the extra candle lamps, threw the useless lampshades and candles into the cloth bag, and walked out of the cabin.

Tyrion exhaled. Fortunately, his squire was not too clumsy to clean up the debris. Pod had many shortcomings, but fortunately, the skill of cleaning up the debris left by the nobles was not one of them.

He stroked the soft mattress. Fortunately, he had brought this from King's Landing, otherwise his small body would not have been able to withstand the bumps along the way.

Lord Tywin's words seemed like yesterday, and Tyrion fell on the bed, recalling them carefully.

"You have two tasks, Tyrion," Tywin stopped Tyrion after all the important officials on the royal council left, and looked him directly in the eye, "before you go to Dorne."

Tyrion's body stiffened on the spot, curling his lips and rolling his eyes upwards. He turned around helplessly, "Why haven't I felt that you value me so much before?"

"Every Lannister should serve the family." Tywin said so hard that Tyrion didn't know how to respond.

He moved back to the bench and sat on it, "Does my youngest son, who has always been regarded by his father as a disgrace to Lannister, also have this honor?"

A joke was met with harsh words from Lord Tywin, "You have always been a disgrace to the family, and this has never changed." There was no false praise or gratitude in Tywin's words for Tyrion's hard work and hard work in garrisoning King's Landing. Instead, it was still filled with contempt and disdain.

Tyrion froze on the bench and looked at Tywin incomprehensively, "Why, me."

"You helped me win over the Vale and Attis Arryn, who has a good relationship with you, and stabilized the situation in King's Landing for me. Of course I can compensate you," Tywin continued without waiting for Tyrion to respond, "But Compensation will be given to you after you complete these two tasks." Tyrion looked at his father who was expressionless and even a little indifferent, and forced out a bitter smile. He wanted to accuse his father in his throat, but it just turned into nothing. Make a query, "What task?"

"Use your relationship with Attis to persuade Attis Arryn to come to King's Landing to serve as Lord Advocate," Tywin said calmly, leaning behind him with his limbs stretched out, not caring about Tyrion's true feelings. and thought, "Second, of course, is the negotiation with Dorne. This is well known and is not important. Dorne is too far away. Let's satisfy Varys's desire for achievement."

"Conditions," Tyrion's tight lips parted slightly, "You didn't give me any conditions to offer."

"Even the children of Flea Bottom know that Attis and Prince Doran do not need to agree to these things. A knight of the Vale who has just won a great victory and has more than 30,000 men. If the Riverlands are integrated and utilized, the Arryn family will be seven There is no one of the most powerful families in the country. Dorne is far away. They have just won a victory in raiding the Reach. The Red Viper only needs to block the castle at Prince's Pass. No matter how many flowery troops there are in the Reach, it will be useless. Besides, their homeland is twice as big. If you are tortured, I’m afraid no one will be willing to attack Dorne itself.”

Tyrion stared into Tywin's eyes, and he once again discovered that there was not much actual strength behind Tywin's strength, and he was extremely weak.

"A seat on the royal council means having the right to speak in this country. Attis Arryn must know it," Tywin said. "King Joffrey wants to personally reward Lord Arryn for his contribution and personally appoint him as Lord Advocate. Governor of the Trident, confirm the legal status of the Eagle's Nest to rule the Riverlands." He looked at Tyrion and pointed at the Twins, Harrenhal and Riverrun. "He needs the Iron Throne to help him solve this problem. Three places, no doubt about it.”

"Tell him clearly, and when we exchanged ice before, Attis Arryn also promised to come to King's Landing to marry Myrcella. Remember, when you mention this opinion in front of the princes of the valley, the noble families of Royce value their promises. , don’t forget, they just captured a king called the ‘Oathbreaker’.” Tywin said this in a calm tone, revealing all the strategies.

Even Tyrion had to admire Tywin's sophistication. This was equivalent to making something out of nothing, borrowing the endorsement of the Iron Throne, the nobles of the valley and the marriage agreement to force Attis Arryn into King's Landing.

"What if Attis Arryn brings tens of thousands of Vale soldiers at the same time?" Tyrion asked, "Wouldn't that mean giving King's Landing to others?"

Tywin murmured, "Lady Olenna sent a raven to contact me."

"The Queen of Thorns? Isn't Renly still here?" Tyrion said in surprise, "It's incomprehensible. How could she."

"Most of the Stormlands surrendered to Stannis after the Battle of the Hills," Tywin said. "Alester Florent's army led King Renly. It was a wonderful fate. How can they break through the storm?" land?"

Tyrion nodded knowingly, "Tens of thousands of cavalry were defeated by less than 5,000 Stannis. Stannis, what should we do?"

"Stannis will not let Renly go. He must deal with his brother before he goes north to King's Landing. This is the first thing the two brothers have to do," Tywin said calmly, "Unless Renly wants to abdicate? This is not possible at all. It's impossible. Highgarden is unwilling to face Stannis and Dorne alone. Renly's failure in the Stormlands may have made the princes of the Reach even more discordant. The Golden Tree City had spent all its winter supplies on Renly's banquet. "

Tywin looked at Tyrion, "If Attis comes to King's Landing, Tyrell will come to King's Landing, my army will return to the West, and so will Tommen. We just need to stir up the conflict between the Eagle and the Rose and balance each other." .”

Tyrion nodded silently, Lord Tywin's political sense was still sophisticated.

(End of this chapter)

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