If you were asked to file a lawsuit, how come you were not found guilty?

Chapter 99: I have saved all the evidence, you can do whatever you want.

Chapter 99: I have saved all the evidence, you can do whatever you want.
Seeing that the popularity of the post was rising, with thousands of comments in just ten minutes, Zhang Ziyu couldn't help but ask: "Lawyer Ren, is this title really okay?"

There was another person next to her computer, and it was Ren Zhen who had been silent for many days.

"No problem, it's fine."

Ren Zhen nodded with satisfaction: "Thanks to your help this time, if I set up an account myself, probably not many people would be able to see it."

"Don't thank me so quickly, it might be a disservice."

Zhang Ziyu smiled bitterly and shook his head.

When she was replying to a private message a few days ago, when she saw the familiar words Ren Zhen, she thought it was a prank played by a certain netizen.

After chatting for a few words to confirm that it was indeed the lawyer Ren, the two of them talked on the phone directly.

After hearing the ins and outs of Shi Hao's case, he immediately did some homework and read some things sent by Ren Zhen. After confirming that what Ren Zhen said was true, Zhang Ziyu agreed to Ren Zhen's request for help without any hesitation.

"The current public opinion is very unfavorable to you. Even if you use this live broadcast, it may not be able to help you clear your name."

According to Zhang Ziyu's understanding, responding to the rumors on the Internet and posting some evidence should help Ren Zhen restore some of his image.

However, it is still somewhat difficult to use this to turn the tables and reverse the unfounded views of most people.

"Who said I was going to clear my name?"

Ren Zhen smiled.


You made the matter so big and you don't want to clean it up?
Wouldn't that mean taking the initiative to put yourself on fire?
As an up owner, she has a large number of fans, but in terms of the lawyer profession, she knows that she is just a newcomer, and the fans who follow her mainly like her relaxed style of popularizing science and law.

That’s why she has a nickname, “the top in the practice area”, not the legal area.

This is the first time Zhang Ziyu has encountered such a thing. To be honest, she doesn't know what will happen when the time comes.

Ren Zhen pondered for a moment and then said: "But this live broadcast is your responsibility after all. No matter what the result is, it may have some impact on your account, in this regard."

"As long as I can help you, it doesn't matter if you lose some fans."

Zhang Ziyu interrupted him: "Such a case should not have such an outcome. No one who pursues justice will just sit idly by and do nothing. What's more, I am still a lawyer."

If there are people who don’t look at the facts and make random comments because they are standing up for Ren Zhen this time, don’t be a fan like this!

This is what Zhang Ziyu thinks.

"Then I'll thank you on Shihao's behalf."

Ren Zhen nodded and stopped talking nonsense.

He has already asked for help, and now that everything is settled, any more words would be too pretentious and not his style.

And according to Ren Zhen's estimation, it's hard to predict the exact direction of the trend after this live broadcast, but there's a high probability that it will be completely different from now.

Even if there are negative remarks, most of them will be directed at him. It only provides a platform, and Zhang Ziyu should not be greatly affected.

19: 30.

The live broadcast room opened on time, with Ren Zhen and Zhang Ziyu occupying half of the screen respectively.

"Hello, Lawyer Ren."

Zhang Ziyu greeted politely, as if they were not familiar with each other at all.

"Hello, Lawyer Zhang."

Ren Zhen nodded towards the camera.

I'm not very used to being in front of the camera, so it always feels a little awkward to talk like this.

"I am very grateful to Lawyer Zhang for helping me send such a notice. There has been some news about me on the Internet recently. Today I am using the platform of Xiaopo Station to make some responses. At the same time, I am also answering several questions that some netizens are concerned about."

Although it has just started broadcasting, with Zhang Ziyu's number of fans and the advance preview of the live broadcast, Ren Zhen saw that the number of people in the live broadcast room has exceeded five digits, and the number is still rising.

"Death to the unscrupulous lawyer, you still have the nerve to broadcast live?"

"In reality, the society is dead, so they just go online to try to make a fortune. I see a lot of people like this."

"You can earn dirty money without worrying about losing your life. This kind of person is really amazing."

"Your horse is beautiful!"

As soon as the broadcast started, there were many comments greeting Ren Zhen's family.

Zhang Ziyu subconsciously felt worried when she saw these barrages.

Even though most lawyers are quite thick-skinned, she is very aware of the offensive power of netizens. When she first did up, she was able to break her defense both inside and outside the camera.

Just as he was about to speak to calm the barrage, Ren Zhen continued as if he hadn't seen it: "First of all, why didn't you respond to those voices on the Internet when they first started?

Because some people scold me just for the sake of scolding me, and it doesn't matter whether I respond or not.

But if I respond, these blind insults will cover up the voice of reason and make it even more unclear.

So wait until things calm down a bit before reappearing. It won’t make any difference just because I responded a few days late. "Maybe it's because he didn't get a response when he scolded Ren Zhen, but there were obviously a lot less barrages at this time.

"Does it make sense?"

"Transparent! These trolls on the Internet are trolling just for the sake of trolling. You explained what should be trolled and they trolled again."

"Haha, black is black, no matter how much you wash it, it will never turn white. Do you think you can cover up the shameful things you have done by saying something nice?"

"You're just a passerby, what's wrong with this lawyer?"


"Then next, I will briefly explain a few things, and the comment area will be temporarily banned."

Seeing that the serious question received no reply, Ren Zhen felt a little funny:
"I will put the relevant evidence in the comment area, and then synchronize it under the updates of this account."

Ren Zhen moved his mouse a few times and temporarily closed the comment area.

"First of all, have I ever used any dirty tricks in my case?"

After reading these days, Ren Zhen found that this is an issue involved in most conspiracy theory essays:

"Those who question me are from two cases. In these two cases, my clients are named Wen Xuan and Zhao Kai respectively.

The current public opinion on the Internet has also had a certain impact on them, so I only appeared here today after soliciting their opinions. "

I stacked a buff for myself in advance so that I wouldn't have to worry about it again later.

"First of all, Wen Xuan was sentenced to death with a two-year suspension of execution in the first instance, but was acquitted in the second instance. In this case."

Ren Zhen briefly talked about the general situation of the two cases.

Although there were many comments criticizing him, not everyone in the live broadcast room knew about it.

There are definitely many people who eat melons, so an explanation is still necessary.

After all, it is much easier to convince neutral groups to believe in you than to reverse those who follow the trend and criticize him.

"This is the case with these two cases. The results of the cases may be different from what some people expected. Some people wonder if I have taken some shady path."

Ren Zhen smiled bitterly and shook his head: "But in Wen Xuan's case, there was a problem with the trial thinking. I just dug out the key facts that were buried in the past, so there was a not guilty verdict in the second trial.

Those who think that people are responsible when they die should think about it. In fact, it is not that no one is responsible.

But the person responsible for this incident happened to be the deceased himself? "

Zhang Ziyu sighed inwardly, don’t you know how bold your defense idea is?

It's so easy to say, I also want a few of these!

"As for the other drunk driving case, which was eventually found not guilty, it is more troublesome to explain. I believe that everyone is not here to listen to my lectures.

I have excerpted the two most critical parts of the original defense opinion. You can take a look. "

The next second, Ctrl+V.

The pictures that had been prepared were sent out.

The judgments and defense opinions of the two cases were all scanned.

Ren Zhen also thoughtfully prepared a supplementary explanation in vernacular, just in case some people wouldn't understand.

After Ren Zhen carefully considered his words, he determined that any ordinary person with a normal IQ would definitely be able to figure out that in this case, every link was clear and there was absolutely no doubt.

As for those who have objections to the defense line of defense and the reasoning of the verdict, that is because everyone has different views and does not involve factual issues.

If you still insist on scolding him after reading this, you are either stupid or bad, and the opinions of these people don't matter.

Ren Zhen opened the comment area at the right time.

"Why does it seem to be different from what those articles on the Internet say?"

"Tch, he won't reveal those shady things, so you won't just believe him, right?"

"But if the court's judgment is placed there, can it still be fake?"

"Nowadays even breasts can be fake, so it's no surprise that the verdict is fake."

"This is a bit unreasonable!"

"Only leave out the untrue part, even half-truths and half-truths are also lies!"

"I kind of understand why the lawyer said there was no rush to respond. The evidence was thrown in his face, and he still kept saying this. I really won over you idiots."

The trend in the comment area has begun to change. Although there are still many dissidents, compared to the one-sided situation before, many people are obviously starting to take things seriously.

"By the way, there is one more thing."

Ren Zhen seemed to suddenly remember something: "I have saved the evidence of those who scolded me and spread rumors about me before, especially those up owners who have many fans."

(End of this chapter)

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