Chapter 83 Lure

Facing Di Ming's question, Shi Hao glanced at his lawyer subconsciously.

"Just tell the truth."

Ren Zhen glanced at it from the corner of his eye and whispered.


Shi Hao felt relieved and gave a brief reply.

Originally, it was a fact. Looking at Ren Zhen, he just felt that this might be detrimental to his own side.

However, the lawyer didn't seem to care very much, so he naturally answered truthfully.

"Okay, so regardless of whether the reasons for Shi Hao's claim against Youen Company are real, or whether Shi Hao wrote them under the instruction of Youen Company, Shi Hao's claim for 200 million from Youen Company exists objectively. of."

Taking a piece of evidence prepared by his assistant, Di Ming took a look at it:
"According to the recording provided by Youen Company, Shi Hao mentioned in the recording of his conversation on June 20, 6XX, 'If you take these 29 million, you will no longer be able to use the media to put pressure on us in the future.'

Combined with Shi Hao's behavior of asking for 200 million and the huge pressure from the media that Youen Company received in the early stage, it can be determined that Shi Hao's behavior is a coercive behavior under the criminal law.

That is, behavior that causes fear in the victim and forces him to hand over property. "

After thinking for a moment, Zhai Ming originally wanted to continue to make inferences about Shi Hao's subjective aspects, but then he thought again. According to the style of the lawyer opposite him, it is estimated that [-]% of them would also raise objections on the point of blackmail.

At that time, the inferences he drew on this basis would be questioned, so he gave up the idea.

Let’s solve them one by one. Once this point is solved, the subsequent subjective problems will naturally fall into place.

As expected, Ren Zhen immediately raised objections:

“In the recording materials provided by Youen Company, only the person in charge of Youen Company clearly mentioned this statement, but Shi Hao did not give a clear response.

According to the words of the person in charge of Youen Company, can it be concluded that Shi Hao used the media to put pressure on him? "

Ren Zhen hit the nail on the head: "Based on what Youen Company has done before, the defender believes that it is more appropriate to interpret his statement as an inductive dialogue."

According to ordinary people's logic, when hearing the statement "You can no longer use the media to exert pressure after taking money," the first reaction must be "This person has used the media to exert pressure."

This is also part of the logic of the first-instance prosecution.

When Zhai Ming was sorting out the first-instance opinions and opinions, he didn't find any problems, so he took them over and used them directly.

But what he didn't expect was that as the trial progressed, many things were already different from the first trial.

Including Shi Hao’s criminal intent.

Including Shi Hao’s subjective purpose.

Including the behavior of Youen Company, completely different interpretations appeared in this trial.

The criminal intention was not something that Shi Hao had long ago. On the contrary, it was the criminal intention that Youen Company actively seduced.

The facts that Shi Hao made up were not what he wanted to make up, but what Youen Company asked him to write.

Continuing along this line of thought, it seems a bit intriguing that Youen Company said such words in the recording, but Shi Hao did not respond.

When Di Ming thought of this, his expression was no longer as calm as before.

Other thoughts appeared in my mind.

Why does this Youen Company look less and less like a victim? "The defender believes that based on everything we have discussed before, Shi Hao does not constitute a so-called 'threat' at all."

At some point, Ren Zhen seems to have become the protagonist of the trial.

This is a very rare situation in criminal proceedings where the status of prosecution and defense is always not equal.

"On June 20, 6XX, the whole thing can actually be divided into two stages.

In the first stage, Youen Company took the initiative to find Shi Hao and invite him for an interview in the form of an 'invitation to offer' and asked him to put forward conditions. "

Invitation to an offer?
Ren Zhen mentioned another civil concept. Everyone present was considered experienced and realized what Ren Zhen wanted to say almost at the same time.

"At about 20:6 on June 29, 17XX, Duan Fang, the person in charge of Youen Company, made the first phone call to Shi Hao and said on the phone, 'Do you think there are any matters that have not been handled well for Youen? You can tell me anything, no problem at all.'

About an hour later, the two had a second phone call, and Duan Fang said five times in a row that he could make any requests or conditions he had.

It was under such circumstances that Shi Hao said, "If you say that, I have to consider how well you can represent them, and then we can have a chat." '

From here we can see that Shi Hao first had the idea of ​​continuing to communicate with Youen Company. "

Ren Zhen's last words were a bit abrupt, but both the judges in the trial court and the prosecutor understood what Ren Zhen meant.

It was Youen Company who took the initiative to find Shi Hao and asked Shi Hao to put forward conditions.

Although what is being discussed now is Shi Hao's threatening behavior, Ren Zhen's emphasis is linked to the previous criminal intent and illegal possession.

Shi Hao was so excited that tears filled his eyes.

Mudd, the evidence provided by the other party turns out to be so favorable to me.

I didn't even notice it during the first trial.

Even if I didn't notice it, the lawyer didn't notice it either.

This lawyer is still reliable!
Ren Zhen didn't know what Shi Hao was thinking at this time. Even if he knew, he would probably only be able to offer three seconds of silence to this colleague who was hated by Shi Hao.

After all, the evidence provided by the other party sent Shi Hao to the detention center. Who would have thought that he would find loopholes in the other party's evidence?
Isn't this gold mining?

If this was not a retrial case, I am afraid that even Ren Zhen might not have looked at it so carefully.

In fact, even Ren Zhen himself didn't think of it. He originally just wanted to look for any loopholes in the other party's evidence.

But who knew he would find such a crucial thing!

"Then at 19:17 that night, Duan Fang called Shi Hao again and informed him that a senior leader of Youen Company would come tonight, 'Let's work hard, seize the time to talk, and resolve this matter as soon as possible. "Hey, he's here. There's no need to ask for instructions and report some things. It will be more convenient."

When Shi Hao asked if it could be postponed to the next day, Duan Fang asked Shi Hao to meet him that night on the grounds that the senior executive would be leaving early the next morning. "

These facts were actually spoken in only a few sentences, but they were scattered in different places in the recorded materials.

Especially after the recording was converted into text, there were many places that were difficult to read. It took the judge and prosecutors a long time to read them all.

Fortunately, Ren Zhen spoke unhappily, and seeing the expressions on their faces gradually softening, Ren Zhen continued:
"It can be clearly seen from the three phone calls between Duan Fang and Shi Hao that it was these phone calls that gave Shi Hao the illusion that he could talk about anything he had in mind and put forward any conditions he had.

And when Duan Fang informed his senior management that they didn't have much time, Shi Haocai agreed to meet with them for negotiations that night. "

(End of this chapter)

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