Chapter 64 Thinking Inertia

Shi Hao was found at the corner of the corridor, and the three of them left the court.

Ren Zhen recounted the conversation with the judge to Shi Hao, but Shi Hao was expressionless and did not speak.

"Ren Lu, are we acting a little bit?"

Chang Jiahang was a little cautious.

"Too straightforward?"

Chang Jiahang nodded.

Although he has never done a case, based on his experience as an intern in the court, all communications between lawyers and judges are polite and negotiable.

No matter how good a lawyer is, he will choose to have a good relationship with the judge to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Although the conversation between Ren Zhen and Liu Lin today was not long, it broke his inherent cognition.

Wouldn't that anger the judge?

Recalling Liu Lin's unhappy expression when he took the application form, Chang Jiahang felt that he might have been irritated.

"Most of the time, you should be tactful and obedient when communicating with the judge."

The taxi hadn't arrived yet, so Ren Zhen stood on the roadside and started teaching Leng Tou Qing:
“But that’s not the only attitude a lawyer should have.

Like we are now, when we are not even sure whether the case can be retried, we need to adopt a different strategy.

Especially this Judge Liu, the tendency he showed from the beginning is inconsistent with our purpose. If you are a good lawyer at this time, do you really want to listen to him and pack up and go home to sleep? "

It turned out to be the case.

Chang Jiahang nodded.

The reason is not difficult, but the common communication mode between lawyers and judges has formed a habit of thinking, which makes him feel that Ren Zhen's conversation with the judge today is not appropriate.

Now that I think about it, if the retrial process cannot be started, they will not even have a chance to deal with the judge.

Why are you so worried?

It is better to have unpleasant communication with the judge than to have no communication with the judge at all.

"Lawyer Ren, shall we go back and wait now?"

Sitting in the car, Shi Hao asked dully.


Yawning, Ren Zhen looked out the car window: "But while waiting, write another application. We will go to the public prosecution office tomorrow."

Public Prosecution Office?

Before Shi Hao could be confused, Ren Zhen continued: "The court will most likely reject our application, so the public prosecution agency must also make a trip."

Nodding, Shi Hao said nothing.

The joy that Ren Zhen took over this case had not faded away. The first sentence of the judge today poured cold water on him.

Only then did Shi Hao remember that finding a lawyer and starting a complaint was just his first step.

But for this case, successfully opening a retrial is the first step in the process.

But now they can't even take the first step.

Let alone overturn his verdict?

Ren Zhen naturally couldn't notice the loss in Shi Hao's heart.

Now he is calculating the possibility of the public prosecution taking over.

In the final analysis, Liu Lin is just a messenger, he himself is not important.

But the message and attitude conveyed by his words are very important.

From today's communication with Liu Lin, the tendency of the G City Intermediate Court is quite obvious.

The case was decided without any problem, and the application for retrial will probably not be accepted.

This is Ren Zhen's judgment.

Actually understandable.

After all, this case was the final judgment made by the G City Intermediate Court a few years ago.

Now you say that the judgment was wrong, of course they are not willing to do so.

Of course, this does not mean that we will not admit there are problems.

It’s just that judges are also human beings, and humans have inertia of thinking.

The same thing, my opinion was this last time. If you ask me again after a while, my opinion will not change much.This is like learning mathematics when I was a child. I missed a question once and the teacher taught it once. I dared to make a mistake next time.

The so-called falling twice in the same place is the magic power of thinking inertia.

Therefore, according to legal provisions, one of the grounds for filing an application for retrial is "there is new evidence that is sufficient to overturn the original judgment or ruling."

But the problem they face now is that there is no new evidence sufficient to overturn the original verdict.

Therefore, it is not so strange that after the court studied the case, it followed the previous train of thought and came to a similar conclusion.

But the public prosecutor's office is different.

The first instance of Shi Hao's case was heard in the Xincheng District Court of G City, and the case was hosted by the Xincheng District Public Prosecution Agency.

In other words, during the second instance, the Public Prosecution Office of City G did not have much involvement in this case.

The younger brothers have already done most of the work in front of them, so as the older brother, there is no need to participate.

But this also means that the G City Public Prosecution Agency will not have any preconceived ideas about this case.

Thinking from this perspective, perhaps if you file a retrial application with the public prosecution agency, the chance of success will be a little higher.

Thinking of this, Ren Zhen feels that hope is not so slim?

Back at the hotel, I communicated this idea to Shi Hao.

On the one hand, as a lawyer, you must let your client know your next actions.

On the other hand, it can be regarded as a small reassurance for Shi Hao.

Although it wasn't enough to clear away his gloom, it at least allowed him to see some light.

A good lawyer doesn't just focus on the case.

Sure enough, after listening to Ren Zhen's analysis, Shi Hao instantly became excited.

"Lawyer Ren, why are we coming back? Let's just go there!"

Seeing Shihao being so active, Ren Zhen felt helpless:

"I only wrote an application to the court last night. Although the content is quite different, I still have to write a new application to the public prosecution agency."

"And I'm hungry."

Chang Jiahang on the side nodded wildly.

I'm hungry too!

Realizing that he was a little anxious, Shi Hao chuckled: "Yes, you are right, eat first, eat first."

By the time I finished writing another application, it was already getting late.

Looking out the window at the falling night, Ren Zhen felt a little helpless.

In fact, it is not difficult to write an application for retrial. However, Ren Zhen did some searching on what work the G City Public Prosecution Office had done in this case, and then adjusted some wording accordingly.

Although the changes were not major and were just details, Ren Zhen still did not dare to be careless at all.

If the judge rejects their application for retrial, the public prosecution is almost their only hope.

Therefore, Ren Zhen had to carefully consider every word and carefully consider the impact of each sentence on the prosecutor.

By the time I finish polishing the application, I'm already at this point.

Then just wait another day.

Shi Hao had no problem with this.

I have been in prison for several years, not less than this day.

After preparing all the materials, I mentally reviewed what I had prepared last night.

Ready to go.

Different from the conversation with Liu Lin, today's communication with the prosecutor is crucial.

Every word may affect the outcome of the application, and there is no room for imprudence.

Just when he was about to go out, the phone rang.

After taking a look at the caller ID, I couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Li Shuo?

Why is he calling me?

(End of this chapter)

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