Chapter 52 Adjournment
As the judge temporarily leaves the courtroom, it enters adjournment time.

Wang Feng, who was in the prosecutor's seat, put his elbows on the table, clasped his hands to cover half of his face, and looked straight ahead, obviously lost in thought.

In the dock, Zhao Kai's forced state of confusion was not over yet, but his wife came closer with the child in her arms, which made him come to his senses.

"Honey, my son is fine these two days, right?"

He cautiously stretched his head and glanced at the child in Du Jingjing's arms.

Those big eyes were full of innocence, staring at Zhao Kai curiously, seeming to be wondering about something.

"It's okay. I have been discharged from the hospital for more than a week. I went to the hospital for a review the day before yesterday. The doctor said he is very stable."

Du Jingjing's eyes were still red. After the trial, she didn't know how many tears she shed.

Just after he said a few words, he didn't know what he thought of, and when he pursed his lips, he couldn't help it anymore.

"Don't cry, wife."

Zhao Kai quickly comforted him: "Maybe I will go home with you soon."

"Lawyer Ren is right. I think the judge seems to want to listen to Lawyer Ren."

Zhao Kai secretly glanced at Wang Feng not far away and whispered: "Look, the prosecutor's expression is not very good, which means the advantage is on our side!

Don't worry, and I just told the judge that even if I really have to be sentenced, get me a bail pending trial. I will definitely be able to go home and take care of you two! "

Not to mention, Du Jingjing really held back her tears when Zhao Kai comforted her like this.

Although she didn't understand the law, she could see some clues about the situation in the court.

And what Zhao Kai said made sense. They didn't know what the judge was thinking, but judging from the performance of the prosecutor and defense lawyer, the situation seemed really optimistic.

Seeing Ren Zhen open the lid of the thermos cup calmly, Du Jingjing and Zhao Kai suddenly felt inexplicably confident.

Look at my lawyer, he’s not panicking at all!
I'm still in the mood to blow some cold water.

Steady, steady!

If Ren really knew what Zhao Kai and his wife were thinking, he would probably have a flock of crows flying over his head, leaving ellipses all over the sky.

I opened the thermos cup because I was thirsty after talking too much.

I tried to blow the water cold because I had just replaced the thermos cup and the insulation effect was so good that I couldn’t drink it.

It’s really not because it’s stable.
Not to mention that Zhao Kai is still thinking about his release on bail pending trial.

If Ren really heard it, a mouthful of old blood would be sprayed on his face.

At this time, Ren Zhen just looked very calm.

But in his heart, he was still a little unsure.

Although the entire trial was developing in the direction he envisioned, everything that needed to be said was said.

But Ren Zhen is actually not sure whether it will be accepted by the judge in the end.

The first is whether the situation Zhao Kai faced that night was an ongoing danger, which is directly related to whether the emergency evacuation was established or not.

Ren Zhen searched all relevant cases that could be found in the city, and none of the judgments were similar to his ideas.

But it's normal to think about it. After knowing it for so many days, Ren Zhen is already very familiar with the judicial habits of this world.

The prosecutors' and judges' guilt and felony thinking are extremely obvious. Under such an environment, the defense of dangerous driving crimes by lawyers is almost satisfactory, and they look for reasons to reduce responsibility from all aspects.

After all, the penalty for dangerous driving is not too severe and can be reduced a little.

Counting the time between detention and the court session, you can reduce it as much as you like, and you might be released soon.

Who would have enough time to think about a plea of ​​not guilty?

It’s both laborious and thankless.

So Ren Zhen's idea, at least in H City, is unique to Scorpion Baba!
It is precisely because of this that it is difficult for Ren Zhen to judge the judge's thinking.

Secondly, there is the issue of conflict of legal obligations.

Compared with the clear provisions of emergency avoidance in the law, the conflict of legal obligations is actually more theoretical.

That is to say, there are more theoretical discussions in academic circles.

Even if Ren Zhen's experience in another world is added, the application of this aspect in judicial practice is very rare.Because different legal obligations involve different values, it is difficult to distinguish between values.

Some people may say that the right to life is above all else.

This is true.

But take Zhao Kai's case as an example. His son's right to life is indeed in danger to a certain extent, but Zhao Kai's drunk driving behavior actually endangered the right to life of others.

However, there was no specific traffic accident, so it seemed that his son's condition was more dangerous.

But fortunately nothing happened. If something happened during drunk driving, today's court hearing would not go so smoothly.

Therefore, the legal obligation sounds very reasonable, but if it is really applied to the case, it is even more difficult than identifying the dangerous situation in emergency evacuation.

So after careful consideration, Ren Zhen made a compromise.

The legal obligation is to carry it out, but you don’t have to bet all your money here.

Rather, it is an extension from the legal obligations, theoretically embodying the "danger" in this case, and promoting the identification of emergency avoidance from the side.

Thinking about it now, Ren Zhen himself felt that this choice was a bit risky.

But there is no way, this is the only way to fight for Zhao Kai's innocence.

It depends on what the judge thinks.

Just as I was thinking this, I finally took the first sip of water into my mouth.

Putting down the thermos cup, Ren Zhen couldn't help but complain in his heart.

It's so hot, if I had known I wouldn't have changed the cup!

Cover the lid, put your chin on the thermos cup, and watch Zhao Kai and Du Jingjing mumbling something.

Looking at the prosecutor's seat again, Wang Feng's eyes were dull and he was looking straight ahead.

Although she knew he was in a daze, Ren Zhen couldn't help but get some goosebumps.

Nana, can you change the direction of your daze?
I was sitting right across from this guy, and his look was so scary!

But Ren Zhen suddenly felt relaxed.

The prosecutor was obviously more uncomfortable than me.

So what do I have to worry about?
Do your best to obey destiny.

Not long after, Xu Yangfan pushed open the court door and walked onto the trial bench.

All eyes were on her.

Zhao Kai and Du Jingjing's eyes were full of hope.

This neat female judge will decide the next fate of their family.

Even Ren Zhen, who has experienced hundreds of battles, couldn't help but think about it again.

It's good to say that you try your best, but after so much effort, if you don't achieve the expected results, you will definitely feel a gap in your heart.

Ren Zhen did not develop blind confidence in himself because of the reversal in the Wen Xuan case last time.

As an experienced lawyer, Ren Zhen knows that he just does everything he can.

But the final result is really beyond your control.

There was a certain amount of luck involved in Wen Xuan's case.

Perhaps the most fortunate thing is that the case was heard in the Provincial High Court, and the judges were relatively bold in their decisions.

As for Zhao Kai's case, it is not a big case, and it is being tried in a grassroots court.

If the judge really adopts Ren Zhen's view, there will inevitably be some objections.

Judging according to previous practice seems to be a safer approach.

How will she judge?

(End of this chapter)

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