Chapter 30 Who am I defending?

So, was I defending the rapist?
Huang Jing asked himself again.

Originally, he subconsciously wanted to say something about marital rape.

But Ren Zhen's next words immediately gave up Huang Jing's idea.

"Perhaps you are still considering the issue of marital rape, but have you ever thought that marital rape is difficult to identify, but if it is not identified, does it really not mean rape?"

Ren Zhen looked directly into Huang Jing's eyes, as if he wanted to see through his heart:
"Now that the verdict has been handed down, you still think Wen Xuan is a murderer. Have you not thought about how the judges considered this issue?"

"What if they are not husband and wife? Is Zhang Wenhai still a rapist? Is Wen Xuan still a murderer?"

Ren Zhen is gone.

Huang Jing stood there without moving for a long time.

That's right, how can it be considered rape despite such a clear standard?

What did the judge think?

Just as this thought flashed across his mind, Huang Jing remembered Ren Zhen's last words again.

What if they are not a couple?
If they are not a couple, it must be rape!
Huang Jing told himself this in his heart.

But they are husband and wife, so what are the criteria for determining marital rape?

Huang Jing's eyes were confused again.

"Brother Huang."

The assistant public prosecutor next to me came over cautiously, "Um, can I say a few words?"

The assistant was a young man. He heard the conversation between Ren Zhen and Huang Jing. Seeing Huang Jing standing there stunned, he took two steps closer.

"You said."

"Actually, this matter doesn't seem that complicated."

The assistant scratched his head: "Brother Huang, maybe you are struggling with the issue of identification standards, but standards are standards and they cannot replace the law, right?"

! ! ! !
Huang Jing suddenly realized.



Yes, the so-called identification standards only assist judicial personnel in making specific judgments.

But the ultimate goal is to get all parties involved the results they deserve in accordance with the law.

I pay too much attention to the identification standards, but I ignore that the identification standards are just a appendage of the law.

In other words, the law is also a standard, but at a higher level.

When the determination standard obviously does not apply to the case, it is clearer to look directly at the law itself!
Perhaps the public prosecution work has been done for too long and is too attached to certain things.

This leads to basic cognitive deviations.

Huang Jing's eyes were a little complicated and he nodded: "You're right, I was wrong."

Huang Jing was a little lost, and the prosecutor's assistant was confused.

It's okay if you figure it out, why does it still look so wrong?
Little did he know, as a newbie, that for Huang Jing, his thinking on public prosecutions was undergoing a huge change.

Certain perceptions formed over a long period of work are now suddenly overturned.

And it also got his own approval.

This is a very painful thing.

It's like, you always thought you were wrong, and now someone tells you what is right.

If you stubbornly think that you are right, this will be okay.

But if you realize that you are wrong, you will definitely feel great loss, guilt, and some inexplicable feelings.

But what Huang Jing has not yet realized is that such impact and change will definitely be a good thing in the long run.

Both for himself and for the role of prosecutor.

Of course, that's all for later.

Higher People's Court of Province C.

Outside the gate.Kaishan Shan, who was expelled from the court, was surrounded by a bunch of cameras.

"I knew this second trial wouldn't be that simple!"

"A murder must be punished with a life. Even a three-year-old child understands this principle. But now we have to go to a second trial. Isn't there something wrong with this?"

There was a lot of saliva flying in Kaishan Mountain, and a reporter took the microphone back without leaving any trace.

After Zhang Kaishan was kicked out of the court, he did not wait around outside the court, but came to the door of the court as soon as possible.

Reporters will not miss any interview opportunity.

Although Kaikaishan is not well-educated, it has been several months since the incident occurred, and he is fully aware of this.

You've all been kicked out anyway, and I won't let you have an easy time!
With this mentality, Kaishan squeezed out a few tears from his eyes and started his performance.

"I have long suspected that they were colluding. No, as soon as I exposed them, I was immediately kicked out!"

What Zhang Kaishan said was very convincing. If there wasn't a live broadcast of the trial that could be watched, he might not be able to fool some people.

It's a pity that everyone is not blind.

"Isn't it because you were so arrogant that the judge couldn't bear it and kicked you out?"

At the outermost edge of the crowd, someone without a microphone or camera said something mockingly.


The saliva wetted a shot, and he spread his arms and slapped his thigh:
"It's them who collected black money!"

"When there was no result just now, I said that the verdict of this case will definitely be changed!"

"Look, did you get what I said?"

“This is not a collection”

Kaishan Shan's eyes suddenly widened.

"You damn lawyer, how dare you make sarcastic remarks here!"

Kaishan suddenly took two steps forward, wanting to grab Ren Zhen's collar.

Unfortunately, there were too many reporters, and they all tried to avoid it, but they just happened to get into a mess, leaving Kaishan Shan with no chance.

"If you have something to say, don't do anything. This is the door of the court."

Ren Zhen took two steps back and distanced himself from Kaishan Shan.

"mud horse"

Kaishan Shan still wanted to say something, but the group of reporters had already surrounded Ren Zhen and pushed him aside.

"Lawyer Ren, do you have time to say a few words?"

"Lawyer Ren, regarding this case, we would like to schedule an exclusive interview with you. Do you have any intention in this regard?"

"And we, our station also wants to."

When they discovered that the lawyer in the live broadcast had appeared in front of them, the reporters immediately abandoned Kaishan Mountain and surrounded Ren Zhen.

This is the Lord!
Whoever watched the live broadcast of the trial wouldn’t know that this lawyer was indispensable for such a dramatic turnaround in this case!
He has much more interview value than Kaishan Shan.

Kaishan Shan circled the crowd several times, but couldn't find a place to break through, so he cursed anxiously.

But he couldn't really catch other people, so he could only scratch his head and ears outside the crowd.

"one by one!"

Ren Zhen dodged the two microphones that came straight to the door, and moved the hand holding the bag forward slightly to block the group of enthusiastic reporters and prevent them from getting too close.

These guys look like they have taken some kind of medicine to clear their meridians, but they have nowhere to vent their anger.

The impatient look made the battle-hardened Ren Zhen a little overwhelmed.

"I'm not in a hurry to leave. If you have any questions, ask them one by one."

Ren Zhen straightened his clothes and cleared his throat.

This is the first interview in this world.

The image of an elite lawyer must be maintained!
(End of this chapter)

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