Chapter 263 Seeing Old Friends Again

Hitsugaya Toshiro never imagined that he would already be on Aylin's mind after he questioned him about Captain Shiba.

After parting ways with Hitsugaya Toshiro, Aelin returned home and continued to sit by the fish pond.

In the past, Aylin would have entered his own inherent barrier to draw his sword.

But now, Aizen has been released, and the clone that was chopped off by Aylin is left in the inherent barrier by Aylin and keeps drawing his sword.

Over the years, Aylin's spiritual pressure has improved almost as much as in the previous decades.

Moreover, Aelin's clone is almost equivalent to the "sword spirit" of Aelin's Zanpakuto within the inherent barrier.

Before, Aylin, the spirit skeleton, wanted to contact the inherent barrier, but he successfully contacted the Infinite Sword System of the inherent barrier only after being agreed by Aylin's clone.

At the same time, it is also because Aelin's clone has set usage permissions in the inherent barrier, so that the spirit skeleton Aelin cannot use the Zanpakutō that has appeared in Bleach.

Stretching out his right hand, the blue spirit condensed in Aylin's hand, stretched, and finally turned into a fishing rod more than three meters long, with a fishing line and a fishhook on it.

The ability of "Unlimited Sword Making" allows Aylin to create all elements related to "swords".

However, for Aylin, the other ability brought to him by the "Unlimited Sword System" is also very important to Aylin.

"Analysis", "Projection".

One of these two abilities allows Aylin to analyze all things.

One that allows Aelin to project everything.

Although, because many things in "all things" are not in the category of "sword", the level of the things produced by Aylin's projection will be one level lower than the prototype.

However, in addition to analysis and projection, the ability given to Aylin by the Infinite Sword System also has an "enhancement".

After using the "enhancement" ability on a projected item, the item can have a power comparable to the original one while the ability lasts.

In Aylin's view, these three abilities have "creative" potential.

When he has nothing to do, Aylin will analyze everything in the Seireitei.

Then, use the projection ability to create these things.

Finally, use "enhancement" to strengthen the things you project to the level of authenticity.

During this process, what Aylin focused on most was the changes to the projected objects during the "strengthening" process.

What is made with the "projection" ability is, after all, just a "projection". Once the spiritual power is exhausted, the item will turn into spirit particles and dissipate.

And once Aylin elevates "projection" to the level of "genuine", the things Aylin creates are no longer "projections" but truly "genuine".

When the time comes, if Aylin projects a real "world", will he be promoted to a "god" like the "Spirit King"?

At that time, he will be able to truly fight against the perfect Yhwach!

In addition to Aylin, Kuchiki Byakuya, Ichimaru Gin, Hitsugaya Toshiro, Rukia and others also worked hard to practice under Aylin's intentional or unintentional guidance, and their strength increased rapidly.

As for Zaihou, she has grown to her limit now. Only by slowly increasing her spiritual pressure can she bring about a stronger increase in strength.

A year later, as expected, Shiba, the captain of the 10th division, did not return to Seireitei. The acting captain, Toshiro Hitsugaya, successfully passed the captaincy examination and became the youngest captain in the history of Soul Society.

In addition, Renji Abarai, the eighth seat of the 11th Division, transferred to the 6th Division. A year later, he succeeded Gin Ginjiro and became the new vice-captain of the 6th Division.

Izuru Kira of the Fourth Division transferred to the Third Division and became the deputy captain of the Third Division.

Momo Hinamori of the fifth division was also successfully promoted to the deputy captain of the fifth division.

Seireitei seems to have regained its calmness.

However, many captains have a premonition in their hearts that the peace in Seireitei may not last long!

Flash forward, six years.



On this day, Ai Lin suddenly felt something in his heart.

It was as if someone was calling him through some channel.

And the location is in this world!

After speaking to Haruko in the room, Aylin opened the world-traveling door to the present world.

"This is Karakura Town?"

Although he has not been to the present world in person for decades, Aylin does not know where Karakura Town is in the present world.

But when Aylin appeared from the world-traversing gate, he knew immediately that this was the place where the real-life plot in Bleach took place, Karakura Town!

Not only because Ailin sensed a strong concentration of spirit seeds here, but also because as soon as Ailin appeared, he saw an old man surrounded by more than a dozen virtual beings.

The concentration of spirit seeds Aylin senses now is several times stronger than the concentration he and Qingzi sensed when they were living in this world.

In other words, this is the place where the living souls of this era are highly concentrated, and it is also called the "Place of Heavy Spirits" by the Soul Society.

In recent decades, as far as Aylin knows, there is only one "Chongrei Land" in the world, Karakura Town.

In addition, the old man who was besieged by more than a dozen Hollows, the spiritual pressure Aylin was also somewhat familiar, he was someone he knew.

With a sweep of his spiritual sense, Aylin discovered that around the old man, there were more than a dozen Death Gods quietly hiding in the darkness without taking any action. Farther away, a five or six-year-old boy with glasses looked worriedly at the fight between the old man and Xu.

Soon, based on these things, Aylin began to conjure long-lasting memories from his mind.

In the current situation, it should be that Niryuri, captain of Soul Society's 12th Division, is eyeing the only exposed Quincy in the world, Ishida Sogenu.

Nirvana wanted to dissect and study the Quincy, so he released a virtual bait to attract Hollows in Karakura Town and lured Ishida Sogenu to a remote place.

According to the agreement signed by Ishida Sogenu and the Seireitei Shinigami, when a Quincy encounters a Hollow, he cannot use the power of Quincy to destroy the Hollow. He can only delay the Hollow and prevent him from attacking ordinary people.

During the Quincy's delay, a signal can be sent. After seeing the signal, the Shinigami stationed in the present world will rush over to purify the void as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, this time due to the intervention of the 12th Division, Ishida Sogen's distress signal was intercepted.

Now there are only two ways in front of Ishida Munexun.

The first one is to tear up the agreement signed by the Quincy and the God of Death, and use the power of Quincy to destroy the void.

But in this case, the members of the 12th Division hiding in the dark can arrest Ishida Sozuru on the grounds that Ishida Sozuru violated the agreement.

The second way is to kill the Hollows without using the power of annihilation. When his spiritual power is exhausted, he will be killed by these Hollows.

At that time, Nirvana and others came out to clean up the mess. They not only eliminated the void, but also obtained a dying Quincy experimental body.

However, Nirvana might never have imagined that Aylin would have crossed paths with Ishida Sogenu as early as two hundred years ago.

The agreement signed between the Quincy and the God of Death was also successfully signed on Aylin's suggestion.

At that time, Aylin knew that if there were no changes in the future, Ishida Munexun would be in trouble, so he gave Ishida Sozuru an item that could contact him.

Apparently, Sozuru Ishida used that thing when he found that his signal could not be sent out.

Originally, according to Ishida Sogenu's idea, that thing would be passed on to Ishida Uryū as a life-saving trump card for Uryū.

But unfortunately, he found that what he encountered this time was extraordinary. There was clearly the spiritual pressure of the god of death around him, but they actually sat back and watched so many virtual beings besieging him without doing anything.

To say that this matter has nothing to do with the Shinigami, Ishida Sogen himself doesn't believe it.

Now, he put all his hopes on that man.

If that man breaks the promise, not only will he die, but his grandson, who is actually the last Quincy, will probably be eliminated by these gods of death.

He himself didn't care, but Uryū...

Ishida Sogenu was not disappointed.

He just crushed the object that contacted the man. In less than thirty seconds, a huge amount of spiritual pressure was instantly suppressed from the sky.


Obviously nothing happened, but everyone in the area instantly felt as if they and others were being pressed down by a heavy mountain.

"Thump thump thump..."

The Shinigami who were watching around Ishida Sogenu, including Niryuri, were all suppressed by this huge spiritual pressure and fell to the ground.

And those who besieged Ishida Sogen were even worse.

Under Ai Lin's huge spiritual pressure, these voids were instantly shocked to death by Ai Lin's spiritual pressure, and turned into spirit children and dispersed.


Nirvana, who was half-kneeling on the ground, gritted his teeth. His plan was obviously about to succeed. Why did this guy suddenly appear here?

At this time, Nirvana secretly swore in his heart.

After returning home, he must invent a spirit son for surveillance.

As long as there is a conflict with him, this surveillance spirit must be placed on the enemy.

In this way, if you win, you can still keep track of the enemy's whereabouts at any time, so that your plans will not be destroyed by the enemy who suddenly breaks in.

Aylin's figure slowly fell, and the heavy pressure dissipated as Aylin completely restrained his spiritual pressure.

However, everyone, including the Shinigami including Niryuri, Sogen Ishida, and Uryu Ishida, looked at Ai Lin quietly, not daring to move.

It felt like an ant ran in front of the evil dragon. The air flow generated by the evil dragon's breath could tear the ant into pieces.

"It's really lively here."

"There is Hollow, there is Death, and there is Quincy."

"What? Are you preparing for a new Three Realm War?"

After hearing Ailin's question, everyone near Ailin breathed slowly.

Nirvana stood up from the ground and led his team members out of the woods.

"Captain Aylin, if I remember correctly, anyone above the vice-captain level who comes to this world from the Seireitei must have a limited seal that seals spiritual pressure engraved on their body."

"Captain Aylin, I don't know what kind of crime it would be in the Seireitei to enter the human world privately without imprinting the limited spiritual pressure seal on your body?"

(End of this chapter)

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