Rebirth of top photographers

Chapter 279 Works that eliminate perspective (colorful)

Chapter 279 Works that eliminate perspective (colorful)

Chen Pingsheng hasn't seen the system interface for a long time.

In fact, after his attributes reached full points, he no longer paid attention to the benefits that the system could bring, because there were none.

The monthly lottery is nothing more than a process. Apart from some fitness coupons and promotional coupons, there is nothing else.

Even the golden items are gone, and they don’t seem to exist in the prize pool.

Chen Pingsheng looked at the blue sky and white clouds in front of him, and no longer had much desire to draw the lottery.

The only thing he wants to know now is how to achieve the SSS level evaluation, and what he can get after achieving the evaluation.

And he still has a master experience ticket in his hand, and the name on it is Stephen Shore.

The works shot by this master have always been committed to breaking the rules. His understanding of photography is based on the essence, and his works are also obscure and difficult to understand.

But precisely because of this, if you can understand his works, you will gain more sense of accomplishment and recognition.

And the understanding of photography will once again reach a new level.

The reason why Chen Pingsheng has not used it is because he feels that he has not reached the ideological level required for shooting this work. Yes, shooting this work requires giving up some of the obsessions that the photographer is most proud of.

If you are stubborn, you will only make yourself doubtful about photography.

But now he feels it's time and he's ready to start filming a new album.

Two days later, Huang Liao took off from Shanghai and went straight to a remote town in Florida.

When the vehicle arrived at the town, she looked out the window and felt as if she had traveled back to the 90s.

The styles of houses and signs here seem to be fixed in that era without any change. Even the vehicles are mostly retro flat models.

After Huang Liao got out of the car, he thought he had arrived at a TV series filming set.

And Chen Pingsheng was already waiting for her at the roadside cafe.

"Sit down, take a rest, and drink a cup of coffee." When Huang Liao approached him, she found that he was wearing sunglasses and a brown leather jacket, only missing a cowboy hat.

"This place looks so retro." Huang Liao took a sip of coffee.

It tastes slightly bitter in the mouth and then becomes sweet afterward. It is her favorite coffee flavor.

"Yeah, I spent a lot of effort to find this place." Chen Pingsheng pointed to the red signboard not far away: "Seeing these reminds me of watching American movies when I was a child. It seems to be the same scene."

Huang Liao glanced back, then laughed out loud: "Yes, it's exactly the same pizza shop."

"Don't tell me, this place is really a filming location for many film crews." Chen Pingsheng tapped the armrest of the chair with his fingers, looking like he was enjoying such a leisurely time.

"But why are you here, a new work?" Chen Pingsheng's call came in a hurry, and Huang Liao didn't ask in detail.

"Yes, a new work." Chen Pingsheng did the math for her: "There are still seven months until October. I plan to shoot here for one to two months."

"So long?" Huang Liao was a little surprised. This was the first time she saw Chen Pingsheng's arrangements for the album take such a long time.

This was completely different from the speed she had imagined, and she couldn't help but become curious.

Chen Pingsheng smiled: "Because this album is very dependent on weather and luck, it is difficult to shoot. Coupled with a large-format camera, it is even more troublesome to capture some specific moments."

"That's it." Huang Liao nodded, and then tasted coffee with Chen Pingsheng calmly.
The next day, Chen and Pingsheng walked outside an open-air parking lot, which was the junction of several shops. Vehicles of various colors were parked in two rows along the white car lines on the edge.

Putting the large-format camera he had prepared on the ground, Chen Pingsheng looked around and found a place suitable for shooting.

It was a half-overpass, one of the few decorative buildings in the town.The two people came to the top with cameras in their hands and stood up the cameras in their hands.

After adjusting the focus and aperture, Chen Pingsheng and Huang Liao began their long wait.

"What should I shoot in this place?" Chen Pingsheng did not communicate with Huang Liao in this work like "Blue's Long Vacation". It seemed that he was completely immersed in his own world and had no intention of sharing his creative ideas.

Hearing Huang Liao's question, Chen Pingsheng looked at the distant town scenery. Directly opposite, he could see an overpass that was exactly the same as the one they were on. It seemed to be a mirror image and an echo.

"Do you know what perspective is?" He asked instead of answering her question directly.

"You know, it's two parallel lines in the three-dimensional world, and their projection in the two-dimensional world must intersect at one point."

"What is this point called?"

"Vanishing point, or vanishing point."

"That's right." Chen Pingsheng nodded and asked, "Then how to remove the vanishing point in the photo?"

Huang Liao frowned, thought for a while and said: "It should be possible to use specific scenes, such as avoiding deep streets or messy lines, and choosing some relatively clean places so that the lines of buildings and the lines of people do not intersect."

"This is just one of the methods. Look here." Chen Pingsheng pointed to the camera. Huang Liao came closer and discovered that the large-format camera was shifting its axis to shoot. This will remove the original distortion and make the lines parallel again.

"There is another way." She said thoughtfully.

Seeing that she understood, Chen Pingsheng pointed to the scene in the distance and asked, "Do you think there is a vanishing point in this picture now?"

Huang Liao began to look at the parking lot carefully. From a close distance, the vehicles were arranged in a figure-eight shape. The adjacent vehicles were like two parallel lines in the picture, but their lines had no vanishing points.

The buildings further away are all horizontal and vertical, and even the telephone poles maintain a completely parallel posture without any vanishing point.

The whole picture has visual guidance, but there is no vanishing point. If Chen Pingsheng had not said it, Huang Liao would not have realized this at all.

"Is this?" She was suddenly confused as to why she was doing this. What did the vanishing point mean? Did Chen Pingsheng want to express something, or was he just having nothing to do?Of course, after being together for such a long time, she has a thorough understanding of Chen Pingsheng's character. Everything with him is targeted, and there is no such thing as a blind cat and a dead mouse.

Seeing that Huang Liao was confused, Chen Pingsheng did not rush to explain. Instead, he let her think for a long time and expressed his thoughts before explaining.

"Is it because of being anti-traditional?" Huang Liao thought for a long time before coming up with an explanation that fit Chen Pingsheng's approach.

After hearing this answer, Chen Pingsheng laughed: "You're right, it's just a little simpler."

"Do you know the development of painting?" Chen Pingsheng held his hand on the railing and said: "In the Middle Ages, all art served religion. Human beings in Europe had to obey the church and obey God. Paintings at that time had to show a flat surface , showing divinity but lacking human dignity and subjectivity.

"Later, after the Renaissance, painting was freed from the shackles of religion. Artists began to realize the importance of the human subject, so the Italian architect Brunelleschi first invented the perspective method, which is a world that is completely faithful to the human eye. , and copy it down.

"When the perspective method spread, it was immediately sought after by artists, who applied this method to their works one after another. For example, The Last Supper. Nowadays, the first thing to learn painting is to master perspective. Perspective painting cannot Well, then the basic skills are not considered solid.”

"Yes." Huang Liao leaned next to Chen Pingsheng, listening to his impromptu photography class.

"But those who study photography don't need to learn perspective." Chen Pingsheng pointed to the camera: "Because any photo we take will conform to perspective. But because of this, we can easily ignore the essence of photography and fall into the trap of the camera. Come into the trap."

"Trap?" Huang Liao tilted her head.

"That's right." Chen Pingsheng explained: "After all, the camera is a man-made product. It has subjective attributes and will continue to change with the progress of the times and the development of science and technology. Photographers should realize that it is not the truth, nor the Criterion. Although we control it, its impact on us is also very significant.

“To put it simply, don’t let tools limit your thoughts. Especially when it comes to art, if you are not aware of the limitations of the tool and its own deceptiveness, and you just know how to shoot according to its planned program. Then Art cannot develop.

"The same applies to other fields. When it comes to painting, it also owes its thanks to photography. It was photography that freed it from the responsibility of recording the real world. After being freed from this layer of responsibilities, more and more people Artists began to explore the expression of people's hearts. They opposed perspective and fixation. In short, painting changed from recording religion and life to recording the heart today, and began to pay more attention to the spiritual world.

"Monet, Matisse, Picasso, Kandinsky, Mondrian. They are all artists who oppose perspective. But does this delay their works from being popular around the world? No, because this is the trend and the development of art. trend."

For the first time, Chen Pingsheng expressed his vision for the future of photography: "The same goes for photography. Sooner or later, it will change from faithfully recording life and the world to recording people's spiritual world. In other words, it can combine the two and combine the two. Life and the spiritual world are condensed together.”

Huang Liao's head felt swollen after hearing this, because no matter how much she fantasized, she could not imagine what it would be like to photograph the spiritual world in the real world?

As strange as it sounds.

However, as Chen Pingsheng thought more and more clearly as he spoke, an outline of his own works finally emerged in his mind: "I think photography in the future will be more focused on personal expression, and those works that capture the emotions and thoughts of contemporary people will be influenced by Buzz. The iconoclastic will become mainstream.”

"Is it the kind of shooting that makes a surreal decisive moment?" Huang Liao asked.

"It's even more magical and exaggerated than that." Chen Pingsheng watched the traffic flow in and out of the parking lot, but he never reached a good balance.

“What does this have to do with what we’re shooting?”

"Of course there is. Since painting does not have to bear the responsibility of recording the real world, what about photography? Doesn't it also need to be bound to the reality in people's eyes." Chen Pingsheng brought the topic back: "So first of all, I plan to shoot a film, Works that eliminate perspective.”

Huang Liao cheered up and listened to Chen Pingsheng slowly express his thoughts.

"There are three types of perspective, linear perspective, color perspective, and clarity perspective. For example, in the first linear perspective, when we want to take a picture of a road, because the near side is large and the far side is small, then things in the distance will inevitably shrink and become smaller. There will be an intersection, a vanishing point. So, if you want to avoid linear perspective, the first thing is to avoid the vanishing point. That’s what this work is about.”

"So you chose this place specifically." Huang Liao looked at everything not far away and fixed it in his mind, forming a photo.

It is indeed a picture with no vanishing point. Combined with Chen Pingsheng's expression, she understood everything instantly and felt that her own view of photography was challenged.

This is also the reason why Chen Pingsheng did not explain the work to Huang Liao first.

Because only when she sees the pictures with her own eyes and understands the trend of artistic development, can she understand what Chen Pingsheng is photographing.

This is the threshold of art.

It is also something that many ordinary people cannot understand. Without corresponding knowledge reserves, it is impossible to make an objective judgment on the work.

This cannot be explained by the saying that art should be public art.

Art never belongs to the masses, nor does it belong to the niche. It belongs to individuals. It is a display of personal emotions + understanding of the world + personal techniques.Many arts are popular because they resonate with everyone.

But this does not mean that niche art should disappear. Art that is not understood is still art.

You must separate the hype of the art market from the art itself, and look for things in art that resonate with you. This is the correct way to view art works.

If you can’t understand it, it means it’s not the target group, just like the film and television industry.

If you are not interested, you are not interested. No matter how good your photography is, it is just toilet paper to me. There are a thousand Hamlets out of 1000 people.

Therefore, what Chen Pingsheng said is destined to be something that only a small number of people in the photography world can understand and realize.

But that’s okay, being ahead of the curve doesn’t mean it’s ugly.

Although Chen Pingsheng's new work may be difficult to understand, it will definitely make people feel comfortable, so he is not worried that his ideas will not be understood.

After Huang Liao thought about all this, he asked: "What about the remaining color perspective and clarity perspective?"

Chen Pingsheng walked behind the large-format camera, put his head in front of the viewfinder, and pressed the shutter.

"Click!" With the crisp sound of the shutter, he said with a smile: "I'll tell you those things when I meet them. Now, we have completed the cover shooting, and we have finally taken the first step."

Huang Liao lowered his head and looked at his phone. He had been waiting since one o'clock at noon, and now four hours had passed unknowingly.

This also explains why Chen Pingsheng said it takes one to two months to shoot a work.

Because it's really hard.

(End of this chapter)

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