Rebirth of top photographers

Chapter 167 Chinese and Foreign Comments on "The Crow"

Chapter 167 Chinese and Foreign Comments on "The Crow"
With the opening of the "Crow" film festival, the Feimu Art Museum in the Magic City ushered in a traffic peak, with an influx of 2 people in just two days.

According to statistics, only 1 pre-sale tickets were used, which means that [-] of them came on a temporary basis. This result is far better than expected.

It also makes people look forward to what the performance of "The Crow" will be after the ten-day exhibition in the Magic City is over.

And the very next night, various heavyweight critics expressed their opinions on "The Crow".

The first must be Feng Yisheng, Teacher Feng.

He published a long article on the film circle to analyze the various meanings contained in the work "The Crow", but unlike foreign critics, he focused more on the connection between the land and the work.

Of course, he has corresponding comments on composition and color.It wasn't until the end of the review that he expressed his understanding of "The Crow".

"We cannot deny that what an artist expresses is often an extension of the land that gave birth to him. In other words, the core of most of the artist's works is surprisingly consistent. This is not only an abbreviation of what happened to him in his childhood, but also his experience. The influence of the environment is subtle. Although I don’t know whether Chen Pingsheng’s future works will follow such a law, I can see from the work "Crow" that it is closely connected with the land of Northeast China.

"Desolation, chaos, gloom, and indifference are the most intuitive feelings that the work "The Crow" gives people. We seem to be standing on that deserted land, watching the crows perching on the branches and minding their own lives. They are out of tune with the world. And this is also the chaotic scene that emerged in the Northeast after the wave of layoffs in the 90s.

"Facing life, everyone is confused and at a loss, just like a train bound for the future, but got off the train in the middle. It fits the sentence in the TV series, distant things will eventually be shaken by the snap of fingers. It's broken, but people today still don't know it.

"So much chaos, too much joy and sorrow was born on that land, and even now it has not been completely eliminated. Those old scars not only remain on the earth, but also stay in everyone's heart, becoming The pain shared by all.

"And the black land, which originally meant a good harvest, has now become a hometown that young people are rushing to leave. The black color is like the appearance of a crow, and it looks like it exudes an ominous omen and is uncomfortable. It's an escape.

"This is also what I think is the most exciting part of the work "Crow". The chimneys and dilapidations in it perfectly explain the current situation of the land. It not only expresses the relationship between people and crows, but also expresses the relationship between people and crows. It expresses the hidden pain of the entire Northeast region. Therefore, I think there is no doubt about the gold content of this work winning the award.

"Even if you put aside the connection between the land and the work and bring yourself into it, you will find that the crow is not a concrete animal, but represents some kind of obscure darkness in your heart, it is like a dream , a completely unpredictable dream, where you will see countless hazy scenes. It is not only another world in this city, but also another self in your heart."

Compared with foreign interpretations, there is no doubt that Fengyisheng, a Chinese, has a deeper understanding of the work. This is an angle that no one else has thought of, from the work to the land that gave birth to the creator.

As soon as this comment came out, it exploded the traffic in the film industry, and a large number of fans and passers-by rushed to forward this comment.

Suddenly, people who were not interested in "The Crow" began to pay attention to this work either actively or passively.

People who have seen the exhibition have also posted comments in their own film circles. Basically, there are no negative comments, and they are all full of praise.

Of course, there are a few people who say they don’t understand it at all.

This has also led to more and more people starting to look forward to the "Crow" film festival, and even came to the Feimu Art Museum account to petition for it to be held in their hometown.

And just later, Zhou Wenyuan also made his own comments.

In his comments, of course it is indispensable to start with a few basic elements of the photo.

But similar to Feng Yisheng, he discussed the poetry and beauty in the work at the end.

"I watched the work "The Crow" three times. During the first time, I focused on the composition and shooting techniques. I saw wonderful snapshots. The photographer used a very stylized and bold technique without any consideration. The rules and regulations of photography are just to show the picture in your mind wholeheartedly. I think from this point of view, it is very rare in China.

"Too many photographers look forward and backward, putting their thinking at the end for the sake of neatness and framing. In this way, the works that put the cart before the horse are naturally worthless, but there are still people who continue to preach that this kind of shooting is correct. This is useless. This is different from misleading others. If you really want to learn photography, I suggest you read the work "The Crow", and then you will know what it means to use technology to express content.

"The second time I read it, I started to read the content and ideas. To put it simply, this work requires you to experience the crow's perspective. From the crow's perspective, human beings are completely chaotic, and their behaviors are unpredictable and illogical. . They don’t like nature and only want to live in the cold concrete they built themselves. Even the city is full of violence, lies and poverty.

"This is a very shocking perspective. When you really take it in, you will start to think about their attitude towards nature and animals. And what humans have left to the world. It is not civilization at all, but Abandoned statues and a lot of garbage filled the wilderness, destroying all the so-called beauty. "The third time, I put these aside and started to look at the beauty in this work.Whether it is the flocks of crows from the human perspective or the hazy mountains and rivers from the crows' perspective, they all express classical poetry.It is also like Impressionism in art, which is an extreme personal romance that replaces clear pictures.So when watching this work, please throw away those old concepts and imagine yourself as a crow, and then you will understand its meaning.

"In my heart, "The Crow" is not only the best photo album of the year, but also one of the best photography works in the past. If you are a photography lover, don't miss it."

Like cooking oil in a raging fire, as soon as this comment came out, the popularity of "The Crow" at the film festival suddenly increased.

In the ticket purchasing software, its ticket sales volume has surpassed that of a large number of performances in the same batch, becoming the TOP3.

At the same time, William's comments on "The Crow" were also released in foreign media.

He wrote in his usual witty tone: "All the most ardent fans of photography, your good days are coming! The best photo series of the year "The Crow" from the East is being launched in London, and I have already watched it. Rating Yes... 9.5 points.

"Yes, it's that high. I know you can't believe it. But obviously, my rating is not based on nothing.

"Compositionally speaking...

"From a visual point of view...

"Besides these basic things, what I like even more is the beauty of the oriental artistic conception it expresses. It's really, really charming. Those hazy mountains and rivers and the backs of human beings that are almost blurred into one are simply too imaginative. It seems to be very emotional for the audience.

"What's more important is its creativity, which is simply perfect. Every picture is for the expression of the photographer. When I watched it for the first time, I couldn't believe it and found that I had turned into a crow, a wandering bird. A crow in the street. But in my opinion, it is more like a ghost, a ghost that can break into human society without being wary.

"From the woods to dilapidated villages, from lake fronts to old train stations, crows walk through every corner, witnessing the changes in human life. They don't understand the rules of human society, so in its field of vision, human beings Behaviors are all disordered. But when we replace its eyes, we can discover the absurdity of human behavior.

"Yes, absurdity is the deepest hidden thing in the whole work. Only when you see the contrast between the airplane and the crow, the dead crow lying on the ground, and the ship like a tombstone, will you understand that everything is like this Absurd, just like life. The world is fair to every species. This absurdity is simply God’s art. Even a crow cannot escape the absurd life.

“So don’t hesitate, just go and see it, if you are still a person who likes photography!
"In addition, I also saw a small installation art at the film festival. I have to say that Chen really knows how to mobilize emotions and knows what art is more popular. I can't wait to see his next work ”

When Chen Pingsheng returned to South China, he has been paying close attention to the Chinese and foreign exhibitions of "Crow", and Shah has been communicating with him these days.

According to her, after the comments from William and other critics came out, a large number of citizens flocked to the gallery, and everyone was obviously more enthusiastic about this work from a foreign country.

Especially when many people said they couldn't understand it, more people who were willing to study it came to watch, and at the same time, many curious people came here.

But correspondingly, many people have begun to discuss which faction or style this work should belong to.

The reason was that a photographer, after reviewing "The Crow", said in the film industry that the work looked very landscape-like, probably drawing on the artistic conception of ancient landscape splash-ink paintings, and he saw the warehouse in it. The shadow of Teacher Ruan Ping.

Cang Ruanping's works are also mainly black and white, but they are more of village scenery. If you put aside the crows, there is indeed a similar feeling in some photos.

And this photographer happened to use these few photos for comparison.

It's hard to say he didn't do it on purpose.

When Chen Pingsheng saw this shadow circle, he immediately realized that Wang Yiguo and the others were starting to "touch porcelain" again.

(End of this chapter)

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