Technology company, I will become the light of China!

Chapter 280 "Project Scythe", the Rothschild family takes action

Chapter 280 "Project Scythe", the Rothschild family takes action

After bringing together the four laboratories of chips, cooling, batteries, and fast charging to develop new energy vehicles, Chen Xing looked at Qian Yu, chief of the information and communication laboratory on one side, and said:

"Chief Qian, you just heard that the company is now going to carry out industrial upgrading and create a complete product ecological chain. Mobile phones, cars, and future smart homes will all involve the concept of the Internet of Everything, so how is our 5G network prepared? ?”

Chen Xing’s desire to build a “product ecological chain” was not just a whim, but an idea that he had already had in mind. This is also the ultimate goal of Longxing Technology.

The reason is also very simple. If any company wants to become a giant, it cannot do without the four words "food, clothing, housing and transportation".

Take "food" as an example. Walmart, which is deeply involved in this field, has always ranked first among the world's top 500 companies.

Then there is “clothing”. E-commerce platforms such as Amazon, Alibaba or Wangdong have been able to rise rapidly. To a large extent, they started with cheap clothes and then gradually extended to full-category shopping.

Not to mention living, "living" means housing. Real estate has created as many rich people as there are stars.

"Travel" means travel. Cars, airplanes, ships, and high-speed rail are all ways of travel. No matter what kind of travel you are deeply involved in, you can bring hundreds of billions or even trillions of market profits.

It is not difficult to see that the most basic aspect of social wealth is food, clothing, housing and transportation.

In the morning, he was still wondering why the 5G network only had a download speed of 4MB/s. It turned out that the network algorithm was not optimized well.

Chen Xing was a little surprised.

Facing Chen Xing's question, Qian Yu was already prepared. He picked up a document and stood up and said: "After our internal testing, the 5G network has been initially implemented. This is a scientific research report document."


Chen Xing opened the scientific research report and roughly understood the research and development progress of his own 5G network.

Chen Xing became interested and asked, "Is it possible that our Tianxuan system can be adapted to new energy vehicles?"

"That's right." Pei Hui nodded and responded: "Slightly changing the code can be applied to new energy vehicles, and we can also use high-speed network speed to detect vehicle information in real time and perform calibration to make the vehicle intelligent. Just like the concept of the Internet of Everything you mentioned, President.”

Although I don’t know what it is specifically, it is definitely about 5G network.

"Chief Pei?"

The current 5G network of Longxing Technology is like a rough house that has just been built. It is definitely liveable, but if you want to live comfortably, it will definitely need further decoration.

Pei Hui responded quickly.

This is just like the 4G network that just came out. Its network speed was about 1.2MB/s. After a year of development and algorithm optimization, the network speed has reached 3MB/s, and this network speed is still rising rapidly as time goes by. With.


Ten times that of 4MB/s…

Optical lens laboratory, this is an area that has been burning money but has no "return". It is too difficult to catch up.

Chen Xing couldn't help but spit out the word "good".

He left his seat and quickly came to Chen Xing and handed over the scientific research report documents.

Putting down the 5G network scientific research report, Chen Xing glanced at the other chief executives and asked: "Are there any substantial progress in other laboratories?"

As soon as he finished speaking, someone responded immediately.

"it is good!"

"Tell me."

"Okay CEO."

I thought that building a car would be difficult, but I didn't expect that my company's foundation was so rich, and it felt like a natural and smooth process.

Furthermore, Chen Xing is a reborn person. He has seen the peak speed of 5G network, so he does not think that 5G network has no development potential.


"After our testing, the download speed of the 5G network has reached 4MB/s, which is nearly 4MB/s faster than the 1G network. Although the current network speed improvement is not obvious, the 5G network has huge potential, and the 4MB/s network speed is only limited by Limited to the network algorithm, once the network algorithm is further optimized, the network speed may reach more than ten times."

Is it possible that the operating system also has a breakthrough?

Before Chen Xing could ask, Pei Hui stood up and said: "The "Tianxuan Operating System" has been developed to 90%, and it is expected that it will officially enter the final testing stage in ten days."

Chen Xing was a little surprised.

Immediately afterwards, he returned to his seat and described the scientific research results: "After our communication technology team and Professor Deutschman's team worked day and night, the basic algorithm of the 5G network has been rewritten."


For example, Canon launched the 1936mm focal plane shutter camera "Hansa Canon" in 35.

"Are there any scientific research results to report?"

It is none other than Pei Hui, the golden quality talent responsible for the research and development of "Tianxuan Operating System".

Qian Yu nodded.

As soon as he finished speaking, he changed the subject again: "I heard just now, President, that you want to build a new energy car. As far as I know, a car not only needs chips and energy, but also develops a control system. Maybe we can help. A little busy."

Chen Xing glanced around.

At present, Longxing Technology is deeply involved in the field of mobile phones and has indirectly obtained the profit value generated in the two fields of "food and clothing". Once the remaining "housing and transportation" are also completed, Longxing Technology will become an absolute corporate giant.

After a brief understanding, Chen Xing nodded slightly and said, "Yes, Chief Qian, you can stay here later. I have something to discuss with you alone."

The chief executives in the conference room all flashed a hint of surprise. With the 40MB/s network speed potential, no wonder they dared to say the words "Internet of Everything".

After a slight pause, he also assigned a task to Pei Hui and said: "Then your operating system laboratory will also join the ranks of new energy vehicle manufacturing and be responsible for the research and development of vehicle systems."

Just when he thought it was gone, Song Zhan, the chief of the optical lens laboratory, stood up and reported the situation: "I think our laboratory can also join the car-building plan."

Another example is Carl Zeiss, which began researching optical glass in 1866 and has accumulated technology for a century. How can Longxing Technology surpass them in just one year?

You know, semiconductor chips have lagged behind for only twenty or thirty years, but the optical field has lagged behind for a hundred years, so Chen Xing actually doesn't have high hopes.

Song Zhan did not hesitate to talk about the new products developed by his laboratory: "Building a car is indispensable for reversing images and driving recorders. Although our optical field is not as good as Carl Zeiss, Sony and Canon, we have developed an AHD The lens is still fine.”

Just after he finished speaking, he explained: "The AHD lens is clearer than the CCD lens, and the resolution is above 720P, but our vehicle needs to support the AHD signal."

They can't make high-end lenses, but Song Zhan thinks he can make AHD lenses.

Chen Xing nodded slightly and responded: "Since we can make it ourselves, then the optical laboratory should also join the car-making plan."

The words fell.

The chief of the speaker laboratory also stood up, looked at Chen Xing and said, "Cars must also have speakers. I think we also need to join the car-building plan."

"Our laboratory can also study the central control's LED screen."

"Then everyone has said this, why not add NFC close-range unlocking to our cars? This is our area of ​​expertise."

One after another, chief executives stood up and spoke, wanting to join the new energy vehicle manufacturing plan.

Even though Longxing Technology has always been deeply involved in the field of mobile phones, technology is often related.

For example, solid-liquid hybrid lithium batteries, who stipulates that they can only be used on mobile phones?

Another example is the smart operating system. Who stipulates that it can only be used on mobile phones?

Semiconductor chips, optical lenses, speakers, NFC and other field technologies can all be used in automobiles and are not limited to mobile phones.

This is like Mayinglong Hemorrhoids Cream. It was originally used to treat eye diseases, but who can say that the butthole is not an eye?

Now that he has the foundation, Chen Xing also glanced at the leaders and said in a deep voice: "Then it's decided. Chips, batteries, fast charging, operating systems, optics, wireless connections, and speakers will all seize the time to develop products suitable for new products." For energy vehicle products, I will come to you personally to inspect the results in a while."


"Roger that!"

All the chiefs stood up one after another.

Chen Xing also nodded slightly, stood up and said, "The meeting will end here. Except for Qian Yu, you can go back to your posts first." "Okay CEO."

The chiefs left one after another.

When Qian Yu was left in the conference room, Chen Xing did not beat around the bush: "Chief Qian, I have a question I would like to ask you."

"President, please speak."

Qian Yu cheered up.

After Chen Xing organized the speech, he got straight to the point: "I am just wondering whether we can build 5G base stations in the sky."


"Well, in the sky, similar to a satellite."

Originally, Chen Xing had no such idea, but the arrival of Masik and the bombing of the Kunpeng base station by the Angsa military-industrial complex forced him to make temporary changes.

If you can blow up a ground signal base station, how about blowing up one in the sky?

Masik's Starlink in his previous life supported global communication signal coverage, which was also the source of Chen Xing's inspiration.


Qian Yu fell silent and kept repeating.

He already had a rough idea of ​​what Chen Xing wanted to do, but the low-orbit satellite was a full 500 kilometers away from the ground, and even the lowest altitude was about 200 kilometers.

Although there are no buildings blocking it, the straight-line distance is 200-500 kilometers. Can this really achieve signal coverage?

"I'm not sure."

Qian Yu shook his head.

The millimeter wave in "Millimeter Wave Communication Technology" is easily affected by clouds, and he is not sure whether it can be realized.


Suddenly he changed the topic and responded: "Perhaps we can ask Professor Deutschmann for advice. Maybe he has a solution."

"Then let's take a walk."

Chen Xing packed up the scientific research documents and said.

Qian Yu didn't hesitate and opened the door to the conference room for Chen Xing with a single stride, and the two of them walked towards the R&D building.


And at the same time.

the other side.

Across the ocean, Washington, USA.

After Chen Xing rejected Masik, the senior officials of the Angsa military-industrial complex received the report. They were not surprised at all and directly issued the order to destroy it.

On the US aircraft carrier far away in the Arabian Sea, several B2 stealth bombers instantly took off from the deck and headed straight for Pakistan's Islamabad.

In the face of absolute technology, Pakistan Railway's radar did not even detect the red dot of the aircraft.

"Boom boom boom——"

There were constant explosions and flames.

Faced with such humiliation, the senior officials of Pakistan Railway were completely helpless. Now their radar was completely useless. In other words, they did not even know where the enemy fighter planes were.

"Damn it, it's bombing all our 4G signal base stations in Islamabad!"

"Evacuate! Organize personnel to evacuate immediately!"

"Hurry up!"

"This is too much!"

The senior officials of Pakistan Railways can only be incompetent and furious.

Because of their backward technology and military strength, they knew where the enemy's base camp was, but they just didn't dare to launch a counterattack.

In the blink of an eye, all the base stations built by Kunpeng Company on the Pakistan Railway were destroyed and engulfed in flames.

People in Pakistan who originally bought Longxing A1 mobile phones are also angry. They have just enjoyed the convenience brought by the Internet for two days, and now they are being beaten back to primitive society?

The protests continued and gradually developed into a demonstration, and Longxing Technology's offline stores also received a large number of refunds.

at the same time.

In an English manor somewhere.

I saw a middle-aged gentleman wearing a tuxedo and slightly balding sitting on the sofa, his eyes gloomy, and he asked in a deep voice: "You didn't tell him about the Rothschild family?"

"I said it, but Chen Xing said that the Rothschild family is nothing. He dared not even reject the Onsa military-industrial complex, let alone the Jewish ones." Bill Valles responded with added jealousy.

After returning to the consulate, Bill Valles did not go to get a haircut immediately, but made a video call to his boss behind the scenes.

In order to make himself more embarrassed, he even trimmed some of his own hair.

The middle-aged gentleman looked at Bill Valles' bald hair, took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down and said, "Chen Xing is really brave. He is the first businessman who dares to scold me, the Rothschild family. "

“He didn’t just curse Rothschild, he cursed the TNC.”

"Why did you curse?"

The middle-aged gentleman's eyes darkened completely.

Bill Valles' brain was very fast and he immediately compiled a lie: "He said that the TCS is a dead thing that is neither male nor female. He would rather join the Angsa military-industrial complex than join the TCS. And he also said Jewish..."

"What do you mean Jewish?"

"He said that all Jews are..."

Bill Valles lowered his voice. After hearing this, the middle-aged gentleman became completely angry. He hammered the table and said, "He will pay the price."

The middle-aged gentleman did not think that Bill Valles would deceive him, because he knew very well that Bill Valles cherished his long golden hair the most, and cutting his hair was really the same as killing him.

Since Chen Xing didn't take them seriously, he had to use the sharpest knife to cut the flesh of Longxing Technology himself.

Don't think that Longxing Technology can escape sanctions without going public. The energy contained in the Rothschild family, known as the "shadow cabinet", is beyond imagination.

After hanging up the phone with Bill Valles, the middle-aged gentleman made another phone call. He said firmly: "Start the sickle plan and execute it immediately!"


Renato Marotta was stunned.

He swallowed and confirmed again in disbelief: "Old Speaker, are you sure it's the "Scythe Project"?"

Renato Marotta, as the current Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, certainly knows all the contents of the "Scythe Plan".

This plan is very simple, that is, to raise interest rates on the U.S. dollar, fill up the financial system around the world, and complete the harvest of wealth.

But this also has side effects. Once the U.S. dollar interest rates are raised, the return of a large amount of U.S. dollars will easily cause inflation of the U.S. domestic currency.

This is a double-edged sword!

The middle-aged gentleman's tone became colder and he said calmly: "I don't want to repeat it a second time."

(End of this chapter)

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