Technology company, I will become the light of China!

Chapter 276: Bombing the signal base station, the foundation of the Angsa Consortium

Chapter 276: Bombing the signal base station, the foundation of the Angsa Consortium

"You mean, if we don't agree, your Angsa consortium will destroy the signal base station built by Kunpeng Company?"

Chen Xing's tone turned completely cold.

I thought it was a business negotiation, but I didn't expect it to be a "commercial threat."

Gaotong was threatened in 2014, and Renato Marotta threatened it in early 2015. Unexpectedly, in April, the West was still playing this trick, and it was more direct, threatening to destroy information base stations.

"Perhaps it collapsed naturally."

Masik responded with a shrug.

The Angsa Consortium and the Jewish Consortium are the two most fundamental forces in the United States.

Compared with the Jewish consortium's admiration for economy, the Angsa consortium advocates force more and believes that everything can be obtained by using force.

In fact.

And they did get it.


Of course.


That night at Jinnah University, the news of "Fifteen Dragon Kingdom Soldiers Killed Three Hundred Top-level Mercenary Special Forces" had already spread throughout the US Army. Everyone who watched the video was frightened. The top management also issued a message called "Crows" "Military industrial plan.

Whether it is a brain-computer interface or a drone, development requires connection technology. The task given to Masik by the Angsa Military-Industrial Complex is to get as much of the core of this technology as possible.

The crow is an ominous symbol in the West.

At the Geek X1 press conference, Chen Xing's concept of "brain-computer interface" caught his attention, but he never found a suitable opportunity to come to Longguo for negotiation.

Masik took out another mobile phone and pressed it a few times. The mobile phone placed on the table suddenly made an explosion sound, and the live broadcast screen became thick with smoke.

With the West’s urinary attitude, as long as they master the connection technology and create drones, they will dare to come back the next day.

Just imagine, when the brain-computer interface breakthrough becomes official, soldiers can already remotely control aircraft, tanks, and even nuclear submarines. What kind of disaster will that be for weak countries?

The most critical thing is that the hive drone hovering in the sky at Jinnah University that night was, to the eyes of the Western world, a terrifying scene of crows circling, waiting for food.

However, this is also in line with the behavior of the Angsa military-industrial complex. This consortium gathers warmongers.

As a "war consortium", the Angsa military-industrial complex does not allow other countries to have such war preparations alone.

Whether in movies, TV series or literary works, crows are often associated with death, and the god of death’s companion is also a crow.

"This technology has been classified as top secret. If President Masik wants it, he can probably talk to the relevant person in charge of Long Country. I don't have this authority for the time being." Chen Xing declined casually, thinking of a reason.

Why is it called "Crows"?

Very simple.

And he wants to develop a brain-computer interface. Perhaps most people think that Masik wants to help patients regain control of their bodies, but this is not the case. The brain-computer interface is actually a military industry project.


The voice just fell.

"Isn't it obvious?"

What you have, I want.

"You refused?"

"Mechanical natural disaster" is completely achievable with human technology.

For example, the joke "Oil can breed rice fungus" is called the rice fungus. In fact, it is the Angsa consortium, which is also called the Angsa military-industrial complex.

"Natural collapse?"

Masik also volunteered.

"Mr. Chen, you are a smart man, you are just a connection technology. As long as you share the core technology with us, Angsa Military Industrial Complex can also guarantee you that Longxing Technology can open offline stores in the United States and even the world in the future. , there is no need to succumb to Asia anymore.”

What you don’t have, I want even more!

This is the Angsa military-industrial complex!

at the same time.

"I'm just saying it's possible." Masik picked up the teacup and drank a little, then put down the teacup and continued: "If Mr. Chen agrees to the conditions we proposed, maybe the base station can stand for a hundred years, just like the Eiffel Tower."

Shared connection core technology?

Will Chen Xing agree?

Not a moment.

At this time, somewhere in the suburbs, thick black smoke shot straight into the sky, accompanied by bursts of fire. The burning area in the middle was equipment that must be used for base station construction.

Outside Islamabad.

This is why Masik came to the Dragon Kingdom urgently, because the Angsa military-industrial complex is too eager to develop drones.

However, the huge explosion also attracted many nearby residents, who were curious to explore the explosion point.

For the sake of national security, Chen Xing really couldn't talk about military-type technologies. Besides, he was used to Western sanctions and so on, so he couldn't agree to such conditions.

This is a naked threat and an undisguised threat.

Fortunately, it was in the suburbs and did not cause any casualties.


Chen Xing's eyes darkened.

Pakistani residents and police arrived.

Looking at the burned-out communication box and the deep pit in the ground, Police Chief Jed Carter analyzed:

"This was a malicious attack on a signal base station. It was surrounded by wasteland and had no bombing value."

"But someone bombed this area, and the air defense siren sounded, which means they may have installed explosives, or dropped bombs from the air. This may be someone who wants our information and communications field to go back to ten years ago."

The voice just fell.

A policeman quickly shouted: "Fragments of suspected missiles were found here."

Upon hearing this, Jed Katis immediately went over to check the fragments of the missile. While taking pictures, he also sent a message to his friends in the army to verify the model of the weapons and ammunition.


There was another loud noise.

To the east of the outskirts of Islamabad, a base station that had not yet been put into use was blown up.

Continuous police dispatches and continuous photos confirmed that they were all the same type of missile fragments. Many police officers looked up at the sky and did not find any fighter planes throwing them at all.

As the head of Pakistan Railways' Military and Civilian Dual-Use Communications Department, Bullard was furious when he heard the news: "Someone else bombed the doorstep with precision, but our air defense system didn't even detect the other party's shadow. The annual funding allocation What are you doing for food?”

He is not in charge of the air defense system. If he were in charge of the air defense system, he would have found someone to hold him accountable by now.

And at the same time.

the other side.

Assef Fattah was also informed.

As the original planner of the "Thousand Soldiers Reception", he was now very angry. Chen Xing and Ren Guofei had just invested in the Pakistan Railway, and in the blink of an eye, their investment was wasted?



He shouted at the top of his lungs, and someone immediately ran into the office in a hurry, asking quickly: "What instructions does the general have?" "Immediately take off the fighter planes. I want to see who is causing trouble in my territory of Pakistan. As long as I see the enemy The machine, shoot it down immediately!" Assef Fatah suddenly slapped the table.


The adjutant immediately trotted off again.

In various military districts of Pakistan Railways, various "old-model" fighter jets soared into the sky, using radar to search for suspicious flying targets.


They didn't find any red spots.

While the fighter planes were busy searching, another explosion occurred. It was still a signal base station built by Kunpeng Company.

The third explosion also accidentally injured a staff member who was undergoing maintenance, and he was rushed to Islamabad Hospital. This news made the top management of Pakistan Railway take it very seriously and immediately informed the general manager of Kunpeng Company in Pakistan Railway.

The moment Ren He learned that someone had been injured in the explosion attack, he quickly shouted: "All construction at the Pakistan Railway base station has stopped. No one is allowed to approach the base station without my notice!"

All of a sudden.

Hundreds of engineers received the message.

They knew there was an explosion and all cooperated with the company's arrangements.

After all work on the infrastructure project stopped, Ren He wiped the sweat from his forehead and called Ren Guofei's number.


Shencheng Longgang.

Kunpeng company headquarters base.

Ren Wanzhou held the document and described the content to Ren Guofei who was sitting in the office: "Recently, the consultation news for the construction of international base stations has been declining. Originally, the prince of Qatar wanted to visit the Dragon Kingdom, but he suddenly canceled the trip. It may have something to do with the United States' international infrastructure team. .”

"In the past, the cost of building a 4G signal base station for the U.S. international infrastructure team was twice as much as ours. Now the construction cost is almost the same as ours, and they even spend money on infrastructure construction. This is a bit unusual."

"Give me money?"

Ren Guofei was stunned.

What kind of virtue does the United States have that would make it give money away?

It’s good if it doesn’t steal money!

Ren Wanzhou: "According to the insider information from the informant, it is not that the American infrastructure team has a conscience to subsidize the construction, but that every time a base station is built, capital giants such as Buffett will provide financial subsidies."

"I see."

Ren Guofei suddenly realized.

He knew that the United States would not build infrastructure in vain, it would only build it if it was profitable.

As for why Buffett subsidized, Ren Guofei had a guess.

At their age, one thing that is particularly painful is that the person may die and the money has not been spent.

There is a saying that goes well, when you have no money, you exchange your youth for money, but when you have money, you want to exchange money for youth.

If Buffett can spend hundreds of billions to build base stations for small and poor countries, there must be greater benefits in exchange for him, and what is exchanged is most likely a "youth pill."

What are youth pills?

To be honest, Ren Guofei didn't know either.

He only knew that when he was sixty-nine years old, someone sent him the contents of the "Youth Pill" via email, and also informed him of the principles and introduced many ways to become younger.

Ren Guofei asked someone to verify it, and it was confirmed that the "youth medicine" would indeed increase the activity of cells in a short period of time, similar to the return of light, but it lasted longer than the return of light.

People are afraid of death, and Ren Guofei is no exception. He thought about joining, but when he saw the conditions sent by the other party, he backed down because the first thing he did when he joined the organization was to dedicate Kunpeng Company to the organization. Mei said: "Hand over your most precious things to get what you want."

Is Ren Guofei stupid?

It's obvious that he's not stupid.

If he handed over Kunpeng Company and sought to extend his life by a few months or weeks, he would rather die with the money.

It is said that physical death is not death, only being forgotten is the real death. Ren Guofei also agreed with this view, so he rejected the so-called "dedication".

It can make Buffett busy and spend thousands of dollars to snipe Longxing Technology and Kunpeng Company. Ren Guofei can only think of "youth pills". He knows very well what his peers are thinking about.


Ren Wanzhou thought of something, closed the document and said: "In addition to the infrastructure, there is also the stock price of the rice company. Not long ago, Chen Xing issued a document saying that he would control the stock price. Look at our stock..."

The Domestic Alliance has bought 60 billion stocks at the bottom. If they sell them all now, each of them can make three times the profit.


Ren Guofei waved his hand.

"We cannot sell this part. If we sell a large amount of goods, it may destroy the confidence of retail investors and cause panic flight."

"Now we don't know if the Wall Street giants have finished their buybacks. We would rather make less money or make them pay a heavy price."

After being bullied for so long, he would rather not earn this money than lower the stock price, thus giving Wall Street financial giants a bargain. This is a counterattack by the domestic alliance.

Moreover, in terms of funds, their companies are actually not short of money. The things they lack most are often things that money cannot buy, such as technology or equipment.

Just a moment after Ren Guofei finished speaking, the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang, which made his right eyelid twitch subconsciously, giving him a bad premonition.

Taking out his phone and checking the notes, Ren Guofei murmured in his mind: "Ren He?"


He clicked answer.

Ren He on the other end of the phone spoke in a hurried tone and said in short words: "Sorry, Mr. Ren, the signal base station we built in Islamabad is being bombed by unknown forces, and a base station construction engineer was injured."

"What did you say? Where are the senior officials of Pakistan Railway?"

"I heard that they have taken off fighter planes to meet the enemy, but they have not found the target. The opponent's technology field is completely crushed!"

"Comprehensive crushing..."

Ren Guofei was silent.

Ancient Xiang Kingdom?

This can basically be ruled out.

Its fighter planes and technology cannot crush Pakistan. Now there is only one possibility, and that is what Mi Xixi did.

Because there is a US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier parked in the Arabian Sea. Taking off from the aircraft carrier deck, it is completely possible to attack Islamabad's communication base station.

But why do they do this?

Ren Guofei didn't understand.

Even if Kunpeng Company is Mingzi, it is impossible to directly carry out intensive bombing, right?

When he couldn't figure it out, Chen Xing was the first to know the news than Ren Guofei and the senior officials of Pakistan Railway, and he watched the live broadcast.

"Mr. Chen, you saw it too. We really weren't joking." Masik put away his phone and waited for a reply.

Faced with the bombing of the signal base station he finally built, although Chen Xing was extremely angry inside, he remained indifferent on the surface.

He knew very well that Masik and the Angsa military-industrial complex behind him wanted to compromise.

But once the "connection technology" is handed over and they develop drones or even brain-computer interfaces, it will be a disaster for mankind.

Anyone who understands the history of the development of the United States knows that the reason this country is rich is because it was built on the concept of plunder.

The driving force behind the scenes is the Angsa military-industrial complex, also known as the Angsa consortium.

When the interests of the Jewish consortium and the Angsa consortium are consistent, they will plunder oil or other rare metals to fill the country. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are a robber country.

Chen Xing did not want a repeat of the incident of "saving Maxim's life and helping the wounded, and Gatling by hanging the pot to help the world", so he responded calmly: "What you bombed was the base station of Kunpeng Company. What does it have to do with me, Longxing Technology?"

(End of this chapter)

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