Technology company, I will become the light of China!

Chapter 257 Ruthless Hunting, the copy of "Great Wall Watch" is opened

Chapter 257 Ruthless Hunting, the copy of "Great Wall Watch" is opened

As night falls completely, the bright moon tonight is obscured by dark clouds and looks so dim. Food stalls near Jinnah University and surrounding shops are also closed.

Merchants have also received information that there may be a terrorist attack nearby tonight.

For countries in South Asia, terrorist attacks are not uncommon, occurring once or twice every month.

When the merchants were surprised, they quickly closed their doors and windows, took out the "truth" and were on guard, not daring to relax at all.

It is no joke that all the people are soldiers.


There were slight footsteps.

Hiding on the second floor of their self-built house, the residents of Badie did not dare to check, so they could only let the footsteps go to the roof.

"Going to the roof."

There were people talking in the darkness, but these residents of Badie did not dare to turn on the lights.

When he heard that they were on the roof of the building, a female voice immediately lowered her voice and said, "Hurry and call the police. Tell them that terrorists are in our residential building."

"I'll report it right away."

However, before the man could take out his cell phone, they keenly heard the click of the lock being unlocked, followed by the shining of a bright flashlight.


The lady of the house was about to scream, but the man immediately covered her mouth.

If someone sneaks in and screams, doesn't that give away their location?

Normally, this would be silenced!

Seeing that the man was so sensible, the team that broke into the door immediately introduced themselves: "Don't worry, my friend, we are Pakistan Railway's special forces and we are here to perform a mission."

The pure Bati accent made the couple's eyes light up. They looked at each other and noticed the joy in each other's eyes.

After careful observation, they discovered that this group of "Pakistani Railway Troops" who broke in not only had tactical vests but also tactical helmets. They did not look like terrorists. Their image was very different from the special forces seen on TV.


Is it really the Pakistan Railway Troops?

If you observe carefully, you will find that the firearms held by this group of people are HK416 assault rifles, which are extremely expensive, costing 5 US dollars each, and they are not available in the market.

Not to mention the Pakistan Special Forces, even the United States' own SEALs cannot afford such expensive equipment, and this group of self-proclaimed "Pakistan Special Forces" are the top special forces that surpass SEAL Team 6. , Delta Force.

"Are you here to protect us?"

The man asked tentatively.

Because of the Ops Core cutting helmet and the barrier of the face mask, he couldn't see the faces of this group of people at all.

However, because of the Pakistani language filter, he was willing to believe that this was a special soldier from Pakistan.


The soldier at the front continued to respond.

After gaining trust, he reminded: "Okay, you go back to your room, we need to requisition your house."

"But before going back to the room, I need you to hand over your communication equipment."

They also noticed just now that these two people had the intention of calling the police, so it would be safer to remove their mobile phones.

Of course.

They can also be silenced.

But if they are silenced and there are civilian casualties, this is likely to arouse the anger of the Pakistani military, and it will be difficult to leave the country.

Combining various factors, their only target was Chen Xing's head.

The mercenaries and special forces who arrived one after another also had this tacit understanding. They did not want to cause trouble. The most rude Blackwater mercenaries only tied the hands and feet of civilians with ropes and had no intention of silencing them.

They are mercenaries and special forces, not terrorists. To a certain extent, they still have humanity. At most, they are a little greedy for money.


Mercenaries and special forces arrived one after another, and the residential buildings and shops near Jinnah University became strongholds.

When some special forces met mercenaries, even if they fought, they would only use fists and cold weapons, and no hot weapons were used.

As the time approached ten o'clock in the evening, more than thirty forces had already set up an ambush, waiting for the opportunity to attack.

On the outskirts of Islamabad, a soldier wearing green gloves neatly wiped the man's neck. Until there was no sound, he communicated through the headset: "Destroy a mercenary at location 4, whose identity is Grizzly Bear."

With the pure Mao Xiong language and the iconic green gloves, if there are military fans present, they will definitely recognize it immediately. This is the Alpha Special Forces from Mao Xiong.

The task they received was not to protect the hostages, but to hunt down mercenaries and special forces outside Islamabad.

In just three hours, as many as 15 people died under their hands, and there was no shortage of elite troops among them.

"Report the situation at each location."

When the radio sound came through the headset, they responded one after another.

"No. 1 is abnormal."

"No. 2 is abnormal."

"No. 3 is abnormal."


"No. 9 is abnormal."

After confirming that there was no reduction in personnel, the operations leader of the Alpha Special Forces immediately commanded: "Stay alert."

They didn't know how many people came tonight, but they had killed 15 desperadoes in their area alone, which meant that the number of "bounty hunters" should have exceeded a hundred.

And at the same time.

Pakistan Railways high-level conference room.

"According to rough statistics, the number of teams that sneaked in has reached as many as twenty. This is just what we discovered. The real number may exceed fifty teams, and the number may be two to three hundred people. Can it really be solved?"

"The strength of the troops is too disparate. There seems to be only a dozen people. If they die here, how should we explain it?"

"Do you want some support?"

"Nothing can happen to Chen Xing. Pakistan Railway's domestic economy has just improved. General Marcus, please make a decision quickly."

The voice just fell.

The whole audience's attention was focused instantly.

The middle-aged man who was being watched was holding a cigar in his mouth. His eyes were deep and he was staring at the map of Islamabad in front of him.

After he decided to "show his sword", he withdrew all the soldiers deployed, leaving less than 500 soldiers lying in ambush in the residential area near Jinnah University, responsible for guarding and supporting.

but! Although he has withdrawn his troops on the surface, in fact he has continuously mobilized soldiers to surround Islamabad.

If it can't be solved, he will help solve it himself.

After organizing the words in his mind, Marcus closed his eyes and said: "I have my own plans, just wait for the situation to develop."

If he wanted the king to attack and shock Xiao Xiao, he could not intervene rashly. The two parties had already communicated on the phone.

Seeing what Marcus said, other senior officials of Pakistan Railways stopped talking and waited nervously for the development of the situation.


Delta Force stronghold.

After occupying the three-story self-built residential building, some soldiers have skillfully reached the top of the building and used binoculars to observe the Jinnah University campus.

"It's so quiet, so quiet, I smell something unusual." His fluent English has the smell of the neighborhood. From the exposed skin, you can tell that he is a black man.

Arranging sniper rifles next to him, the thin soldier immediately responded: "Not only the campus, but also the streets are too quiet. Maybe other mercenaries have arrived."

"What did the captain say?"

"Just wait and see what happens."

"He wants others to explore the truth?"

"That's what it means."

The two were talking quietly, but what they didn't know was that about 130 meters above their heads, a black drone was filming. Because dark clouds obscured the bright moon, they couldn't find it unless they looked carefully.

Jinnah University Campus.


This is a place where students took refuge from air raids and was built according to official regulations of Pakistan Railways.

In the air-raid shelter, Lin Li was filled with equipment and display screens. Chen Xing stood beside him, witnessing the importance of technological development.

The mercenaries and special forces outside may not know that their every move has been recorded.

What concept?

Two words to explain, perspective!

Anyone who has played CrossFire knows that there is a plug-in that can see through the enemy, allowing you to set your gun in advance.

The gun game has perspective, so what does it matter no matter how bad your marksmanship is?

Your movements are fully understood, and there is no guarantee that a cold shot will come from any corner. This is the advantage brought by cheating.

With the "clairvoyant reconnaissance drone", it is equivalent to seeing through, and the enemy's position is clearly known. If Lin Li was not afraid of hurting innocent people, Lin Li could already use the hive drone to target and bomb.

"Delta is here too, it's interesting."

Lin Li showed excitement.

The moment he saw the HK416 assault rifle, Ops Core cutting helmet, and JPC tactical vest 2.0, he recognized that this was America's ace special operations force.

If they can all be wiped out, then their goal will be achieved.

The military game is actually very simple, which is to compare whose fist is bigger.

Just like mushroom bombs, if you really don't have one, you can't even make one. Once discovered, the Mushroom State will use all its strength to threaten or persuade you to give up research and development.

But if you really develop it, the important task of protecting world peace and maintaining world order will be added to you.

A weak country has no diplomacy, and military industry is the truth. Only by showing strong military strength can the young people dare not move.

"Delta Force, this is already the ninth special force. It seems that the West hates me very much."

Chen Xing smiled lightly.

Most of the people who are famous in the Western world are here now. In addition to the special forces, there are also mercenaries from various companies.

Only after such close contact with the war did he understand how much the West hated him.

But this is understandable. After all, Longxing Technology Company, run by Chen Xing, has continuously broken through the U.S. technology blockade.

Once the military industry and civilian industry are surpassed at the same time, they will officially get the big and small kings, and they can combine the kings and explode the cards.

Lin Li glanced sideways at Chen Xing and responded with the same smile: "It's good that you know. After all, semiconductor chips and information and communication technology are the two trump cards of the United States, but now that Longxing Technology has mastered them, they must be eager."

"It seems that we need to increase research and development efforts to make them more urgent."

Chen Xing continued to tease.

Now only he knows how much black technology Longxing Technology hides.

Not to mention the photolithography factory under construction and the fifth-generation communication technology developed, as far as 16-inch semiconductor silicon wafers are concerned, as long as the news is announced, the entire semiconductor silicon wafer industry will be reshuffled. The island country next door is living a good life. The company is expected to face disaster.

Listening to Chen Xing's confident tone, Lin Li also read useful information. He knew that Longxing Technology must have something that was not exposed.

He didn't ask any more questions about the company's secrets, but continued to stare at the screen in front of him, waiting for the enemy to lose control.


Early in the morning.

Finally someone couldn't hold it any longer.

This is a five-man team, and their bodies are covered with all kinds of equipment. At first glance, they may appear to be some special forces, but in fact they are a team of bounty hunters from the black market.

Their actions instantly attracted the attention of mercenaries and special forces from other strongholds.

Everyone is waiting for the result, because they all know that an ambush must have been set up inside Jinnah University, waiting for them to attack by force. This is their only chance.

Once Chen Xing returns to China, it will be difficult for them to move forward.

The outer wall of Jinnah University is a fence, two meters high, with spikes on the top. This may be a threat to ordinary people, but for mercenaries, climbing over it is child's play.

The five people easily climbed over and walked toward the campus with guns in hand.

When they disappeared, some mercenaries couldn't hold it any longer, fearing that Chen Xing's head would be snatched away by his competitors.

Not a moment.

Another team of ten people crossed over.

Other mercenaries and special forces continued to wait and see, waiting for the sound of gunshots to be heard from inside so they could judge the opponent's firepower.


Twenty minutes passed...

No gunshots were heard from the Jinnah University campus, it was still dead silent, and the fifteen mercenaries seemed to disappear out of thin air.

At the Wild Boy Special Forces stronghold, Captain Antonio Barreca couldn't sit still and murmured to himself: "Is there no ambush inside? Otherwise, why would there be no gunshots for so long."

But what he didn't know was that far away on the roof of the campus teaching building, Zhao Siqiu and others had already set up sniper rifles and equipped them with silencers.

The outer edge of the school is thousands of meters away from the main teaching building. It is normal for them not to hear the sound of gunshots. Even the dead mercenaries don't know where the bullets came from.

"A total of fifteen people have infiltrated. They are divided into two groups, one at your nine o'clock direction, one at your one o'clock direction, and one group in the cafeteria area. They will be killed immediately after entering the sniper range."

Lin Li's voice came out from the headset.

Someone reported the order, and Zhao Siqiu and others easily discovered the mercenaries who had sneaked in. Zhao Siqiu also assigned tasks: "Five people, you assign them in turn, and I will replenish the guns for you."


The five of them all have their own tacit understanding.

When the mercenaries came to the side of the building at nine o'clock, and the mercenaries in the one o'clock direction lost sight of them, they heard only a few dull sounds, and five bullets hit the head accurately.

At one o'clock, the mercenaries walked to the corner of the building. When they noticed that the other team did not come out, they vaguely felt that something was wrong. Before they could react, there was a blood hole in their forehead and they fell straight down.

The mercenaries on the outer wall of the cafeteria and the ten dead people were not from the same company, but as they witnessed the collapse of their "comrades", they hurriedly thought about leaving here, but as soon as they walked out of the cafeteria area, they also became dead souls shot by guns.

"How...we were exposed..."

They never understood why they were discovered even though they were hiding so well.

Long-distance killings were ruthlessly harvesting lives. The "clairvoyance" hanging high in the air gave Zhao Siqiu and the others the "clairvoyance ability". They had never fought such an easy battle in their lives.

After the fifteen mercenaries were killed, "ground staff" immediately came out to clean up and found a place to cover up their bodies. The blood stains were also destroyed with a special solution.

as if…

They have never been on campus.

 I went to the hospital today to get an intravenous drip. I updated a few hours late. There are still two updates today. This is the first chapter. The second chapter will be before midnight.



(End of this chapter)

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