Technology company, I will become the light of China!

Chapter 221: The whole nation is offering a reward, is Chen Xing the biggest anti-fan?

Chapter 221: The whole nation is offering a reward, is Chen Xing the biggest anti-fan?

With the global announcement of the "Tianxuan Operating System", the digital circle can no longer be described as exploding. Instead, all bloggers stood up.

Lin Xiaolong, the first brother of Huaqiangbei, who has three million fans across the Internet, exclaimed and shouted excitedly: "The Chosen!!!"


"Mr. Chen really held back a big move!!!"

The ultra-high decibels of his voice not only frightened the customers who were waiting for their mobile phones to be repaired, but also made their own employees use their hands to remove the screwdriver and directly hit the battery of the phone.

The sword flashed and the battery left traces.



The maintenance man and the customer revealed the essence of Chinese culture at the same time. Their expressions were equally confused, but their hearts were completely different.

Maintenance guy: "This is the top version of the iPhone 7. It costs three to four hundred to replace the battery with a new one. It's over. If I pay compensation, my work these days has been in vain. I must take responsibility for it!"

Customer: "My mobile phone! My mobile phone! My mobile phone!!!"

Just as the two looked at each other and the maintenance man didn't know what to say, Lin Xiaolong, the store owner, continued to cheer: "The chosen operating system, this is Longxing Technology. The rise of domestic mobile phones is far ahead!"

"That boss..." The maintenance guy really didn't want to pour cold water on him, but if he didn't say something about responsibility now, he wouldn't be able to explain it clearly later.

However, before he could speak, the customer had already taken the lead.

"My mobile phone! What kind of shabby repair shop you are, your battery has been scratched. You must compensate me for the original price!"

After hearing this, Lin Xiaolong noticed the angry expression of the customer in front of him. When he looked sideways at the Apple 7 battery in the hand of the maintenance man next to him, he couldn't help but froze.

How to fix this?

Remove a speaker fixing screw and dry up the battery?

Then he thought about it, Aqiang was an employee second only to him in terms of craftsmanship, and it was impossible for him to make such a stupid mistake. He probably guessed it, so he simply took the responsibility and said, "Compensate! We will definitely compensate you for repairing the damage. Don't worry. ”

"That boss..."

Aqiang hesitated to speak.

Lin Xiaolong waved his hand and said comfortingly: "I won't deduct your salary, but I'll give you an increase of 500 yuan this month. Don't ask why, just ask and you'll be happy."

As a blogger with three million dollars, he opened a mobile phone repair shop purely as a hobby.

If we talk about income, if there is an advertisement in any evaluation video, it will be hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue.

Although it is easy to make money by relying on reviews, he has not forgotten his original intention. He also refines his repair skills and tinkers with mobile phones.

After all, he dares to claim that he is Huaqiangbei's No. 1 machine maker. If Huaqiangbei doesn't have a store, it would be false propaganda.

Like Lin Xiaolong, the top five million bloggers in the digital circle are also going crazy at the moment, and everyone is publishing blog posts excitedly.

[Station B Huafeng Review]: "I declare unilaterally! The Tianxuan operating system is the ultimate trump card of Longxing Technology!"

[Brother Gaojiqiang]: "There is nothing to say, Mr. Chen is awesome! Longxing Technology is awesome! Longxing A1 is far ahead!"

[Maozi Playing Machine]: "One word, awesome, two words, awesome, three words, Mr. Chen is really awesome, don't ask me why there are four more words, because he is so far ahead that it is engraved in this man's genes , the rise of domestic products!!!”

The current digital world is like celebrating the Chinese New Year, with bloggers gathering together to post.

On Weibo's hot search list, the entry "Tianxuan Operating System" seemed to have dropped to the top of the list.

Millions of people spoke in the discussion square, including many well-known celebrities. Even Bai Shisong, the commentator of National Taiwan TV station, could not help but post comments.

[Tianxuan operating system, this is another breakthrough for Longxing private enterprise. Let us remember today and Longxing Technology. The small step it takes is a big step for the development of Longxing Technology. ]

When the host of the national TV station exits the show in person, it is destined to be a carnival feast, and countless netizens are also crazy about it.

[Shocking Jiuzhou]: "From the beginning of 2014 to mid-February 2015, Longxing Technology has announced cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements such as Kaitian baseband chip, Star Flash fast charging, Qingzhou chip, SOC God chip, and Tianxuan operating system. Loudly Tell me, what are those four words called?"

[Are you happy eating sweets?]: "Far ahead!"

[Quick as lightning]: "Golden scales are just a thing in the pond. When the storm changes, Longxing Technology really makes domestic mobile phones stand up!"

[Feng Xiaoxiaoxi]: "The hardware side and the software side are developing in parallel. Mr. Chen's strategic vision is indeed awesome. This time we can shout loudly that we are far ahead!"

The four words "way ahead" have fallen like a torrential rain, sweeping all the live broadcast rooms of Longxing Technology. Even the Shenzhen Sports Center site was occupied by "way ahead".

The workers on site may not understand the operating system or chips, but they know whether the price of mobile phones has dropped and whether technological development has brought convenience to them.

In 2014, the charging power of 10W and 15W commonly used by competitors was reduced to the current 60W, and Chen Xing was indispensable.

The Longxing series is positioned in the sinking market, workers, workers and student parties. They are the user portraits of the sinking market.

It is no exaggeration to say that 90% of the Longxing series were sold to workers and student parties, who have personal experience of the benefits.


Sports center main stage.

Chen Xing was shocked by being "far ahead". The shouts of tens of thousands of people gathered together, and the waves of sound seemed to engulf him.

His eardrums, his internal organs, his whole body and mind were all shocked!

Experiencing "far ahead" again and again has made Chen Xing more determined in his idea of ​​"localization".

Since ancient times.

He who wins the hearts of the people wins the world.

No matter which field you are in, as long as you win the hearts and minds of the people, you are not far from success.

Chen Xing also knows very well that the Longxing series is positioned as a national mobile phone. It does not need an expensive price or extremely high profits. It exists to build a brand reputation, serve the people, and provide technological convenience.

When the shouting subsided slightly, Chen Xing pressed his hand to signal.

Not a moment.

The tsunami-like shouts at the scene gradually subsided.

With a smile on his face, Chen Xing said jokingly: "You are so enthusiastic that you seem to have asked me to do it. Although you are all your own employees, you still have to pretend. Next time, don't shout for so long. Just be a little more interesting."


There was constant laughter.

They are shouting so hard, which is indeed due to the employees of Longxing Technology, but they are also happy for the birth of the domestic system.

Users in the lower-tier market are very naive, and they only want to reduce the price of mobile phones.

The better the development of Longguo's local products, the more benefits they can enjoy. This is the hope. However, Chen Xing did not get carried away because of being "far ahead". Instead, he first undermined himself and said modestly:

"Although everyone is looking forward to Tianxuan, in order to avoid attacks by black fans out of context, I still want to explain that domestically, Tianxuan system is indeed far ahead, because this operating system is not as good as foreign iOS and Compared with Android, we are still young and do not deserve to be four words ahead."

Longxing Technology has a huge fan base, and it certainly also has a huge anti-fan base.

If Chen Xing hadn't made a statement in advance, when some bugs appeared in the Tianxuan system, or if it couldn't be compared with iOS and Android, black fans would probably make a fuss about it again.

Chen Xing's words to prepare for a rainy day also received unanimous praise from the audience in the live broadcast room, who commented one after another in praise.

"As expected of Mr. Chen, he did not lose himself in the praises. This man's determination and thinking are too strong!"

"Wonderful! Block the way of the black fans in advance, leaving the black fans with no way to go. Is it better to criticize Tianxuan than Android? That really can't be compared, hahaha. Mr. Chen takes retreat in order to advance. He has read the art of war."

"As the first mobile operating system in China, if any anti-fan dares to criticize it, I can fight with him for three days and three nights!"

"Speak to the anti-fans!"

"There is really a dissident who points out the Land Rover Yamo Brother mechanic. Are you guys going to charge?"

When the latest barrage appeared, a large number of celebrity fans flocked to Huya’s “Mo Ge Mechanical Repair” live broadcast room.

At this time, Brother Mo saw that he was slapped in the face, and said sarcastically: "It's all written in the underlying open source code of Linux. To put it bluntly, isn't this just Android with a skin on it?"

As soon as the words "scamming Android" came out, more than 20,000 new people who flocked to the live broadcast room were laughed out of anger, and those in the digital circle even directly popularized science.

"Let's use Goubapi. Do you know what Android skin is? The so-called skin is a redesign based on the Android operating system, which is equivalent to house decoration."

"Yes, Mr. Chen also said just now that the underlying open source code of Linux is the foundation. Both he and Google build houses on it. On the same foundation, some people build duplex villas and others build ordinary bungalows. How can this be the same?"

"The case has been solved. The anchor is from a kindergarten culture. If according to what he said, we are both human beings, and I also said that Brother Ma has taken advantage of me, can I take over Penguin Company?"

When the popular science barrage was flying across the board, even the supervisor, who had been watching silently, couldn't help but give up. He was directly banned for 7 days because of sensationalism and vulgar content.

Brother Mo, who originally wanted to argue, was confused. Why was Hao Duan Duan's live broadcast room blocked?

When he went to appeal, he was told by customer service that he could not appeal.

Just as he was calling to continue his appeal, the ban date in the live broadcast room disappeared, which made him confused.

"What's going on? What's the countdown to the end of the lockdown?"

He panicked and quickly called customer service.

I originally wanted to gain traffic and start an offline maintenance business, but I didn't expect to get involved.

He would have never imagined that Chen Xing had invested in Penguin Company and was closely linked to the popular mobile game "Honor of Kings". Penguin Company had also invested in Huya Platform and was their second shareholder.

Spray Chen Xing?

Impact on Longxing A1 sales?

This is not just about destroying the jobs of Longxing Technology, but also destroying the jobs of Penguin and Huya.

It was precisely because of the binding of interests that at the moment Mo Ge started to complain, before Penguin Company came to the door, Huya's own internal executives panicked and quickly issued a ban order.


Chen Xing, who was still introducing the Tianxuan System, had no idea about the incident that happened on the Internet, but even if he knew, he wouldn't care. After all, the two of them are not on the same level.

After he was self-deprecating and modest, he also entered the focus of the Tianxuan system.

"As an operating system developed based on the underlying Linux open source code, we pursue a simpler and cleaner system interface, and we have also slimmed down the system files. The entire system file only occupies 2.7G of memory. Compared with Android The 3.4G is 0.7G smaller, saving more memory space for users."

When Chen Xing talked about the Tianxuan System, he pressed the remote control in his hand.

The three large screens behind him also switched, followed by a demonstration screen of the operating system.

Entering the desktop, except for the time, date and temperature of the current region, there are no other messy functions. As Chen Xing said, it focuses on simplicity.

After a pause, Chen Xing continued: "Because the Tianxuan system is a seedling, lags or bugs may occur during use. For this reason, we have specially launched a nationwide bounty campaign."

"As long as you encounter unknown bugs or poor experience while using the Tianxuan system, you can open the built-in Longxing community to give feedback. We have dedicated personnel to collect information and make timely repairs."

"We will receive varying degrees of cash rewards for every participant and the first bug finder. We also hope that everyone can be tolerant and explore the Tianxuan system together. Thank you!"

When the words fell, Chen Xing bowed to the front again to express his thanks.

After all, Tianxuan is trying to trick Hongmeng. Even Kunpeng Company itself has not used an operating system, and he does not dare to talk about it fully. Therefore, it is very necessary to get vaccinated in advance.

Facts have also proved that his trick is very effective. While the cheers continued, the digital audience in the live broadcast room also began to gear up.

"Now that Mr. Chen has issued a reward, I, a big player who has been playing video games professionally for ten years, will go out to find trouble."

"Put aside looking for bugs in the Tianxuan system. Mr. Chen, you have to ensure that we can get the goods. It will be difficult without a mobile phone!"

"Okay, okay, let's work together to develop Tianxuan!"

"If you don't understand, just ask, if I participate in this project and find a bug, can my profile say that I have cooperated with Longxing Technology Company on major projects?"

When the "National Reward" campaign was proposed, almost no one thought it was inappropriate.

First, Chen Xing did not brag about how powerful the Chosen One was.

Second, he also expressed that Tianxuan is a seedling and may have bug problems. When the Android public beta was looking for bugs, there was no money to get it. Chen Xing can simply say that he is the winner of the two approaches.

After continuously announcing "domestic parts" and "Tianxuan System", Chen Xing talked about the shortcomings of the Longxing A series.

“Now that we’ve talked about the innovations, let’s talk about the shortcomings.”

After saying these words, not only the audience was shocked, but also the CEOs of domestic manufacturers such as Guofei Guofei and Rebus also cheered up.

They didn't know what Chen Xing wanted to do. At the Longxing Annual Meeting... no, it should be considered half of the new phone launch conference now.

Are you talking about the shortcomings of your new phone at a press conference?

I wonder if you, Chen Xing, are Longxing Technology’s biggest fan?

However, Chen Xing was also helpless. He had no way to cover up the blocking of Bluetooth technology. Users would naturally find out.

Rather than being discovered by users that there is no Bluetooth, it is better to tell them first.

The first shot of vaccination has been taken, so just take the remaining shots to avoid the subsequent collapse of word-of-mouth.

After sorting out his thoughts, Chen Xing smiled helplessly and confessed to the user: "Due to some force majeure factors, Longxing A series does not support Bluetooth connection for the time being. If the worst happens, I am afraid that even the WiFi function will not be supported. .”

 Thank you to all the readers who have been waiting for a day, and I also want to thank all the readers who donated monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, and read every day.

  Thank you all!



(End of this chapter)

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