Technology company, I will become the light of China!

Chapter 219 King Zhou appears and draws the ring medal at the annual meeting

Chapter 219 King Zhou appears, the lucky draw session of the annual meeting

"Mr. Chen, please restrain yourself! Although I used the name "Friends and Businessmen", you just pointed at them and scolded them!"

"So this is how a billionaire boss denounces his business partners, hahaha!"

"Longxing Annual Meeting? No! It's so cool to curse at the Output Conference. As a computer player, when I hear a fire, I know which companies it is."

"Looking at what's on the menu, it should be Apple. Recently, all of their mobile phones come with headphones. In the past, you had to spend three to four hundred to buy them. It turns out that our domestic companies are behind this!"

"This is called a fight between manufacturers, and users follow suit. If no one forces them, can you believe that the memory modules will increase five times?"

Following Chen Xing's "cryptic roll call," the audience in the live broadcast room also made comments and complained to others.

As Chen Xing said, if the Geek X1 hadn't come out to disrupt the situation and seriously affected Apple's interests, would they have given away headphones? Will you send a family bucket of Apple accessories?


They just keep harvesting!

It is precisely because of the emergence of replacements that have touched their cake and brought this group of high-ranking companies down from the altar that they will cut prices and adjust their corporate strategies.

When Chen Xing was talking about friends and businessmen, a millionaire blogger in the computer industry couldn't stand it anymore and quit the live broadcast room directly, switching to his own Weibo to publish a blog post.

[My mother got mad. When I heard a fire, I knew it was Hynix and Korean Star. Once there was a fire, they dared to sell 128G solid state for 600, and they dared to sell 8G memory sticks for 900. I look forward to the rise of domestic products and put out the fire for them! ]

As soon as the blog post was published, a number of bloggers in the computer industry echoed it, all of them big bloggers with more than 500,000 followers.

[Uncle Wu of Zhongguan]: "We really need to support more domestic products. At least the price of Apple mobile phones has been reduced now. When other companies of ours rise, they will not dare to catch fire."

[Brother Jie]: “Let’s not talk about anything else, Chen Xing, I have to praise him for his courage to tell the truth!”

[Lao Xu makes a machine]: "Wait until Mr. Chen takes his Longxing Technology to get involved in the computer side. Then we can also say, it's not that big international brands can't afford it, but it's more cost-effective to replace it with domestic products, haha!"

This feast of face-riding output has made bloggers and users in the gaming circle crazy, and Chen Xing simply expressed their feelings.

"Those who are not from our race must have different hearts, and domestic products must rise!" 》The entry has also been ranked in the top 20 hot searches, all of which are "installers" and game users.

Chen Xing's few simple words also allowed him to successfully catch up with the opening atmosphere brought by Deng Ziqi. Whether it was the live audience or the audience in the live broadcast room, they were all amazed at Chen Xing's courage to tell the truth.

After riding on the face of several companies in a row, he did not continue to ride on the face.

If he wanted to, could TOK Tokyo Onka, JSR Co., Ltd., and Shin-Etsu Chemical in the neon island country escape?

The answer is obvious and easy to see and cannot be escaped!

Because Longxing Silicon and Longxing Chemical have mastered 16-inch semiconductor silicon wafers and photoresist with up to 7 nanometer exposure.

Chen Xing didn't want to show off his cards so early, so he didn't continue to ride on his face.

On the day of the real showdown, not a single company in the fields of photolithography machines, chip raw materials, or mobile phones or communications can escape, and he will have to take advantage of them all.

But now…

It’s better to be patient for a while!


After sending out a wave of "fellow businessmen" on his face, Chen Xing's mouth curved slightly and continued:

"It is precisely because of the pressure from our friends that we can continue to make progress and realize our shortcomings. At the same time, we are also very grateful to the scientific research team that has been working silently behind the scenes, as well as the workers who maintain the supply of mobile phones."

"thank you all."

Chen Xing bowed again to express his thanks.

His humble attitude earned the 20,000 spectators the most sincere applause.

When the place was completely heated up, Chen Xing made a quick decision and went directly to the reward link: "In order to thank you for your efforts, we will not play with lies and give them away directly..."

He paused for a moment, then solemnly said: "3000 million bonus."

The moment he finished speaking, the 3000 million annual meeting bonus screen popped up on the three large stage screens behind Chen Xing.

When the 3000 million bonus was announced, the audience at the scene and in the live broadcast room were shocked, and there was a lot of discussion.

"I'll wipe it! Thirty million!"

"There are only 20,000 people here tonight. Excluding the 10,000 that may be taken away, and because of the regular employees, this money can be divided into 3,000 by everyone! Mr. Chen is so generous!"

"Whip me! Whip me, whip me to death!"

"It feels like it has nothing to do with our ordinary employees. It is most likely an internal decision."

"You can't say that. The grand prize may be predetermined, but you can still get a small prize of tens of thousands of yuan."

When the audience was talking about it, Chen Xing didn't waste any words and directly gave up the stage and said: "Then, please give the warmest applause to welcome the lucky draw guest, King Zhou!"

"Oh, that's good." Zhou Tianwang, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately answered, and several spotlights also shone on him.

All of a sudden.

The whole place was boiling again.

"King of Zhou Tian! Ah! King of Zhou Tian!!!"

"Wow! It's really me, but why have you lost so much weight? Your face has become more angular. Isn't it because you lost weight?"

"King Zhou! King Zhou!"

As the absolute top figure in the Chinese music scene, Zhou Tianwang's influence is unquestionable.

Even the songs he composed ten years ago can still be played now, even those that are ahead of others.

However, it cannot be ruled out that there is really no successor in the Chinese music scene.

The sparkling Zhou Tianwang, dressed in black and decorated with bricks, came to the stage, waved his hand and said: "Thank you very much, Mr. Chen, for inviting me to be the lucky draw ambassador for the annual meeting. Let's just announce the rules."

"That would be troublesome."

Chen Xing smiled faintly and walked to one side.

Regarding the lottery, he decided to leave it to the guests. If he had done it himself, he would have had the words "prize determined by default" engraved on his forehead.

Zhou Tianwang also had no ink marks, and read out the rules of the lottery: "Everyone in the audience, please pay attention. The seats you are sitting on now have an exclusive number on the back. The number will be randomly selected on the screen later to be the lucky audience."

"If you become a lucky viewer, you will get a chance to draw a lottery. You can choose a number from the 1-100 number grid. Each number corresponds to a corresponding bonus. The total bonus of 100 numbers totals million. "

With the announcement of the lottery rules, the audience has begun to get excited.

The two random amounts meant that everyone could potentially draw money. Those who came in by buying scalper tickets were also shocked and began to imagine that they had won millions.


But Zhou Tianwang added: "The lottery is limited to Longxing Technology employees."

As the words fell, countless people wailed.

They had just imagined that they would be lucky enough to get rich overnight!

When the lottery rules were announced, a grid of numbers from 1 to 100 appeared on the screen behind King Zhou, and there was also a random number area.

"Let's roll the numbers up." As soon as Zhou Tianwang finished speaking, the random number area on the screen began to scroll.

"Who is the first lucky person?"

While throwing out the suspense, he immediately called out: "Stop! 5421, where is the friend with the number 5421?"

Since each seat was marked, the director quickly found its location, which was an outfield seat.


This is an ordinary employee.


“I won the lottery???”

The middle-aged male worker couldn't believe it. He was actually not interested in the Longxing Annual Party. He came here just because he couldn't get a ticket to go home, so he simply came to join in the fun.

"Holy shit! Liu Demin, this is a coworker who sleeps in the same dormitory as me, an ordinary employee with a monthly salary of 3,000!"

"Hey! Ordinary employees! So, is Mr. Chen's lottery really for real?" "I will sacrifice ten years of my five roommates' lives in exchange for my winning the next one. Please, I don't want to drive screws anymore!"

Liu Demin's winning of the prize made the audience couldn't help but marvel. It turns out that ordinary employees can really get bonuses at the annual meeting.

The staff in Liu Demin's area immediately ran over and handed him the microphone.

King Zhou Tianwang saw him get the microphone and immediately asked: "Okay, this lucky guy, which number do you choose from 1-100?"


Liu Demin hesitated.

This is a grand prize worth hundreds of thousands or even millions. If you draw the right prize, you won’t need to work for the rest of your life.

He didn't believe in ghosts and gods, but at this moment, he had prayed to all the gods he could think of and said resolutely: "No. 88."

"No. 88, fafa, has a very good meaning. Let's see what the bonus is for this number." Zhou Tianwang looked sideways.

As he finished speaking, the number 88 was flipped over, revealing the bonus amount of 20000.

"Oh, that's good. Congratulations to this brother for winning a bonus of 20,000 yuan."

The bonus of 20,000 yuan made this middle-aged man excitedly shout: "Thank you Zhou Tianwang, thank you Mr. Chen, I love Longxing Technology!"

For an ordinary worker with a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan, 20,000 yuan is equivalent to the amount of savings that can be saved in a year.

Liu Demin's winning the prize also made other workers look forward to it, and they all began to silently pray for the blessings of various gods in their hearts.

In the Weibo live broadcast room, millions of viewers saw the sign that had not been flipped back and couldn't help but marvel at Chen Xing's generosity again.

Because there is no flipping back, it means that the remaining 99 numbers will share the total prize of 2998 million.

This means that there will definitely be lucky people who are extremely European.

Zhou Tianwang did not stop the rhythm of the lottery and continued: "Let's see, who will be the next lucky winner?"



"Where is No. 14?"

Such a number at the front must be the first square in the infield. Sure enough, Yao Nana stood up.

Although she expected that Chen Xing would reward her, she didn't expect to be so rude and enter the lottery directly without knowing how much the amount would be.

"Ma'am, what number would you choose?"

"I'll choose No. 1."

"Is it No. 1? Let's open it and see how much money is behind it."

When the No. 1 number was revealed, the 200 million mark immediately shocked the audience. How arrogant is this? I'll give it to you if you ask for 200 million!

"200 million, congratulations!"

King Zhou Tian congratulated him and cast an envious look.

Yao Nana didn't expect that Chen Xing would actually give her a bonus of 200 million yuan. With the performance bonus and year-end bonus, she made at least 240 million yuan in profit this month.

Although as the second princess of Kunpeng, she is not short of money, this money is of great significance to her. It is Chen Xing's affirmation of her. At this moment, she sincerely thanked:

"Thank you, Mr. Chen, and Longxing Technology for nurturing me. I will work harder in the new year and burn out my last bit of energy for the company."

Her speech brought continuous applause from the audience. Liang Xiaonuan, who was sitting next to her, had his eyes widened. Two million! How many lawsuits did she have to fight to earn two million?

If she didn't win the lottery at the annual meeting, she decided to harass Chen Xing tomorrow, and she had to let him arrange a bonus for herself!

Just when she turned into lemon essence, Zhou Tianwang had already announced the next number: "No. 15."


Before Liang Xiaonuan could react, Yao Nana quickly reminded: "Xiaonuan, 15 is you."

"I knew my cousin hadn't forgotten me!" Liang Xiaonuan was overjoyed and took the phone and said, "I choose No. 8."



The continuous lottery draws also made countless viewers say they were very satisfied, and some even forwarded it to Foxconn's small group to let supervisors learn from it.

The supervisor saw it and said on the spot, “I want to smoke too!”

Standing on the edge of the stage, Chen Xing watched silently. 100 of the 60 numbers were predetermined and 40 were random. The maximum bonus for randomly selected employees was 20, while the maximum bonus for predetermined employees was 1000 million.

"number 1."

When Zhou Tianwang announced the number, Gao Zhengqian, who was sitting at the top of No. 1, was stunned for half a second, then took the microphone and stood up and said: "I will choose 24."

When the 24 number plate was turned over, the 1000 million bonus mark made the audience gasp, and the live broadcast room exploded.


"Sitting in the first place on the 1st and receiving a bonus of 1000 million, who is this man?"

"Damn it! I'm so jealous!"

"I can't stay at Foxconn for a moment longer. After the New Year, my brothers from Dayu will follow me south and join Longxing Technology!"

When the 10 million bonus appeared, not only the entire network was amazed, but also businessmen who were paying attention to the Longxing Annual Meeting also began to investigate Gao Zhengqian.


They all got nothing!

Gao Zhengqian's files seemed to be encrypted by SSS. No information could be found at all, and we didn't even know what he did.

However, there is also a business owner who knows Gao Zhengqian’s background, that is Ren Guofei. He has witnessed the academician clinging to the Longxing Chip Laboratory.

"The chip chief of Longxing Technology should get these 1000 million." Ren Guofei muttered to himself.

Not to mention 1000 million, if Gao Zhengqian can recruit him, he is willing to give him an annual salary of 10 billion. This is no joke at all.

Kaitian, Qingzhou, and God chips have proven his strength.

As the winning process progressed, insiders received prizes ranging from hundreds of thousands to millions.

Lin Tianze, who contributed slightly less than Gao Zhengqian and created multiple exposure technology and was building a photolithography factory, was not rewarded.

Of course.

It's not that Chen Xing is partial, but out of protection.

From time to time, this guy goes to places like bars and nightclubs where good and bad people are mixed. If the whole network publicizes him in a high-profile manner, then he will be in danger in the future. Who can guarantee that there are no rats behind the scenes?

Although he did not participate in the lottery, he got a gold card from Chen Xing with an annual quota of 1000 million, which was considered to make up for him behind the scenes.

"The prize for the last number is 1 yuan. Congratulations to this friend." Zhou Tianwang raised his arms and shouted.

100 numbers.

All 3000 million bonuses were divided up.

Such a "sincere" lottery made the Weibo hot search explode, and countless workers complained about their company in the square.

[Mengxin Braised Pork]: "After watching the Longxing Technology Annual Conference, and then looking at my company, how can they be so different if they are both companies with hundreds of billions of dollars? They sent me away for only 200 yuan."

[Past Sui Feng]: "I've resigned. I can't stay in this shitty company for a moment longer. I want to join Longxing Technology."

[Shengzi of Civil Engineering]: "I don't want to work in civil engineering anymore. I want to go to Longxing Factory to drive screws! I also want to take out 1000 million!"

They have never seen such a generous company.

Even when Internet giants such as Alibaba and Penguin held their annual meetings, they did not directly award 1000 million yuan. Chen Xing can be regarded as the first to set a high bonus.

As the 100 numbers were turned over, Zhou Tianwang also looked at Chen Xing on one side and said: "The exciting lottery session is over. Congratulations to these 100 friends for winning a total of 3000 million in prizes. Let's return the stage to Chen Xing. total."

"Thanks for your hard work."

Chen Xing responded with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, he walked quickly back to the center of the stage, looked at the live broadcast camera, and said with a faint smile: "The song has been listened to, the money has been paid, let's get down to business now and briefly talk about the new flagship Longxing A1, which is about to be released. What characteristics."

(End of this chapter)

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