Chapter 174 Life is life!
Jinghai High-tech Zone.

Thanks to the release of new high-energy batteries, the prosperity here has once again reached a new level.

The speculators who came and went finally found a new speculation point.

However, the battery this time seems different from before.

In the past, as long as they spent money, they could get a lot of resources and connections.

This time, the money they spent was thrown back into their faces.

In the conference room on the ninth floor of Dynamic Infinity Group, the newly arrived chairman of the group, Qin Zhong, looked at the people in front of him.

An unnatural smile appeared on his face.

He wanted to laugh, but the person in front of him kept him from laughing.

Because these people are from America, to be more precise.

Behind these people is America's Army Defense Chief, Falson!

It came very suddenly.

He arrived directly on his own territory and found Yan Feihong, the head of Jinghai.

Then, they were brought to him.

Two people sitting opposite each other.

Like two chess pieces.

All actions must be obeyed by the people behind.

In the end, Tan Zhong still showed a very natural smile, his smile was like a spring breeze.

He spoke first.

"Mr. Matthews! I wonder what kind of cooperation you are planning to discuss when you come here this time?"

The handsome Matthews called over his secretary and took out a stack of documents from his suitcase.

Smooth gently.

Take out the first document and give it to Secretary Qin Zhong, who will forward it to you.

After doing all this, Matthews opened his mouth to explain:

"I came here this time to obtain the exclusive sales agency rights for high-energy batteries outside the Dragon Kingdom."

After saying that, he put his hands flat on the table, looked at Tan Zhong quietly with a formulaic smile on his face.

Tan Zhong didn't speak, nor did he read the documents conveyed by the secretary, holding a pen in his hand.

After hesitating for a moment, he asked a question.

This question was what Yan Feihong asked him to ask before coming, and it was also a question he wanted to know.

"Don't you publish articles criticizing me every day? Why do you want to cooperate?"

On the opposite side, Matthews prepared a lot of words to counterattack one by one.

But this question caught him off guard after all.

The smile on his face disappeared, he pressed his temples with both hands, and responded calmly:
"Opposition is work, cooperation is life!"

"Work is work, life is life, and the two cannot be confused after all."

"For making money, as long as you can make money in the end, it can cover the cost! And make money!"

"Then no matter how much you pay, it's worth it!"

“Not shabby at all!!”

This explanation made Tan Zhong unable to hold back, and a smile appeared on his face.

It's a smile from the heart.

He raised his right hand, tapped his forehead lightly, and reached out to open the document in front of him.

[Letter of Intent for Business Cooperation]

[Article [-]: The supplier's price shall not exceed other prices of similar products. If it exceeds, the supplier must compensate for the difference. 】

[Term [-]: The supplier’s price is the CIF price. 】

[Article [-]: The supplier shall not establish additional sales channels in the sales area of ​​the seller. If the supplier establishes additional channels, Party A is eligible to claim compensation for the loss of corresponding goods. 】

[Article [-]: The supplier needs to provide relevant technology for the product so that the seller can maintain the sold product!Provide corresponding warranty services! 】

[Article [-]:...]

The letter of intent is only a dozen pages long, but each page contains a dozen clauses.

Looking at these terms, Tan Zhong had an illusion.

He seemed to be back to when he was just working.

Thirty years ago, he entered the electronics bureau just after graduation.When you follow your leader to negotiate, the other party will throw out similar documents.

Then he sat on a chair and looked at them with contempt.

Wait for their reply.

MD, you have been going around for decades, why are you back?

After taking a cursory look at the document, Qin Zhong put it aside, sat up straight, intertwined his fingers, and looked at Matthews calmly.

"If Mr. Matthews thinks this is cooperation, then we can go get ready for dinner!"

Faced with the question, Matthews did not panic. He leaned back and responded calmly:
"This is cooperation!"

Tan Zhong didn't respond. He stretched out his hand to call his secretary, "Come and reserve a table and let the chef come up with his craftsmanship!"

After the explanation, Tan Zhong stood up directly and was about to leave when Matthews's voice sounded again.

"Mr. Qin, do you want to know where my confidence lies?"

"You have no confidence! You guys came in too hasty!" Tan Zhong responded as if muttering to himself, then called to the secretary, "Let the chef move faster."

"I won't go there! Just go there and pay when the time comes!"

"It doesn't matter whether the invoice is issued or not, I will make it clear to the accountant!"

After speaking, Tan Zhong left the conference room without waiting for the secretary to speak.

The secretary stayed where he was, not putting down his outstretched hand.

He wanted to say that accountants hate people who don’t have invoices for reimbursement.

With a sigh, the secretary turned around, only to find that Matthews' face didn't look a little disappointed.

On the contrary, I still have a little expectation!
Seeing his secretary looking at him, Matthews smiled and asked, "Can I add some food?"

Hearing this, the secretary raised his hand and prepared to slap himself.

But when he reached his face, he slowly turned towards the door.

"Please! You can add more food!"

On the other side, after walking out of the conference room, Tan Zhong went directly to the top floor.

In the elevator, he rewarded himself with a cigarette.

Very cool.

This feeling of wanton contempt for others in negotiations is really refreshing!
As soon as the elevator door on the top floor opened, Qin Zhong saw Zhang Zhong, the spokesperson of the Bureau of Strategic Deception.

After exchanging glances, Qin Zhong said with a smile: "There's no way to talk! The other party is asking for a price, so my suggestion is to just let it go!"

"As for us, let's do whatever we have to do."

Zhang Zhong did not answer directly, but asked: "Isn't it great?"

After being stunned for a second, Tan Zhong's tense face melted away and he smiled very wantonly.

"Very cool!"

"I've been waiting for this day for a long time!"

"But if I do this, will it disrupt your plans?"

"Plan? No!" Zhang Zhong shook his head repeatedly, turned around and asked Qin Zhong to go inside.

As he walked, he said: "There is another wave of people in Meicheng! Moreover, this kind of high-energy battery has no worries about sales!"

"The Industrial Development Bureau is already planning to replace the old new energy vehicles with batteries!"

Hearing this, Tan Zhong's heart dropped into his stomach and he stepped forward to follow Zhang Zhong, "That's good!"

It is more than 1000 kilometers southwest of Jinghai.

It's Baa City.

While Yan Feihong was waiting for the results, Yang Qiuyue was also waiting.

Only this time, he was the one negotiating in person.

Opposite him was a negotiating team from America.

However, behind this negotiating team is another group of people.

Although I don't know what kind of trouble or conspiracy there is between them.

But Yang Qiuyue didn't care.

Just give me money and there are no pitfalls.

The negotiation scene was quiet.

The negotiating team that had just sat down took out a document, passed it through the secretary, and sent it directly to Yang Qiuyue.

(End of this chapter)

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