All players: I can choose my own dungeon rewards.

Chapter 244 The actual battle of the Black Giant Pirate Group

Chapter 244 The actual battle of the Black Giant Pirate Group

"There are many good things in this treasure chest, but it's a pity that I can only choose one."

Looking at the long list of reward options in front of him, Wang Zhifan felt a little regretful at the moment, because he wanted a lot of things, but he could only choose one.

"Excellent-level equipment on the combat side will improve me, but it will basically not bring about a qualitative change in my strength. I should consider the choice from a long-term perspective."

The battle that ended just now gave Wang Zhifan a lot of feelings, letting him know that his current strength is only very strong compared to most players, but it is not good enough for the truly high-end powers in the dungeon. Sometimes it is even as weak as an ant. He knows that this fact cannot be changed by adding an excellent piece of equipment. Only by obtaining a greater and more essential improvement can it be done.

"Just choose this faceless statue. Although it will not improve my current strength at all, in the long run, it will definitely help me reach a higher level."

After thinking for a while, Wang Zhifan made this final choice. His choice was entirely based on long-term considerations, in order to use this shapeless statue to launch new plans and tap the potential of the supreme blood he already possessed, so as to obtain more. Essential improvement.

Originally, he had already built a prototype of this plan in his mind. He had a rough idea but it was far from perfect. But now that the professional counterpart of the Wumao Statue appeared, he naturally wanted to seize this opportunity.

"One day, my strength will grow to the level of the ancient god in the sky, or even far surpass him."

Because of the real blow, Wang Zhifan's heart was burning with unprecedented ambition. He carefully placed the ordinary-looking stone statue in the treasure box into the portable space. This object is currently in a suspended miniature state. It doesn't take up much space in the space, but it makes a difference when you actually place it.

In this way, after the thrill of this day, Wang Zhifan's voyage to the Sea of ​​Storms returned to the boredom and calmness of the previous half month. However, this calmness was broken again after only two days, because this time they finally encountered a person on the sea. robber.

"Captain! There is a ship approaching us at high speed! I recognize their flag. They are the very vicious Black Giant pirates! We must stay away from them as soon as possible!"

At this time, what came to Wang Zhifan was a dark-skinned middle-aged man. He was a senior sailor and navigator they had recruited in Princess Harbor. As soon as he noticed an uninvited guest appearing on the sea in the distance, he hurriedly He came to report to the captain Wang Zhifan.

"Black Giant Pirate Group? Are there giants among this group of pirates?"

Facing this slightly nervous crew member, Wang Zhifan seemed quite calm at the moment, even a little cold.

"There are no giants among them, but their boss is a notoriously cruel man on this sea! Because he is tall and black, he is called the Black Giant! Captain, let's evacuate quickly! This is a powerful enemy!"

After explaining, the crew urged Wang Zhifan again because he was the captain of the ship and they could not change the route at will without his permission.

"Forget it, I don't want to waste time. Besides, I may not be able to get rid of the opponent and let the entire crew prepare for battle."

After giving instructions to the crew member to leave, Wang Zhifan then stood up from the deck chair, walked out of the captain's cabin, and came to the deck.

In fact, it is very likely that he discovered the approaching pirate ship on the sea earlier than the sailor just now, because his perception has already been powerful to a level that ordinary people can't imagine. It's just that he is too lazy to pay attention to such a target, but now the other party takes the initiative to come looking for it. He could only continue.

"There shouldn't be anyone particularly powerful on that pirate ship, otherwise I would have noticed it, and there are no huge sea beasts hidden around them. This shows that their strength should not be as strong as the Great Dogfish Pirate Group."

Staring at a large black ship on the sea that was getting closer and closer, and looking at the even darker flag hanging on the ship's mast, Wang Zhifan concentrated on his perception for a second or two, then turned and looked in the direction of the cabin.

This was because he knew that Chen Ming and Chen Can had come up to the deck. They were resting in the cabin when something happened and they were called out by the crew.

"Brother Fan! I heard that I encountered pirates! Is there going to be a war?"

At this time, Chen Ming had already picked up the gun in his hand and ran over with excitement on his face. There was no trace of nervousness at all.

Only Chen Can behind him was looking seriously at the black pirate ship on the sea in the distance, and his face could be seen to be somewhat solemn.

"Yes, if nothing else goes wrong, the battle is about to begin, and it should be the pirates' favorite boarding battle. Here is an opportunity for you two to increase your actual combat experience."

Wang Zhifan first nodded to Chen Ming and then glanced at Chen Can who was further back.

"Brother Fan, what should we do? Should we assist you in fighting? Or should we find a corner and prepare ourselves first?"

When Chen Can saw Wang Zhifan looking at him, he immediately asked. He had wanted this kind of opportunity for actual combat for a long time, but he couldn't help but feel a little nervous when he faced the battle.

"You two just hide on the side of the ship and prepare to fire. I will draw the firepower and provide support."

Wang Zhifan touched his chin and ordered. Then in a blink of an eye, he saw a very tall figure coming to his side. It was the giant crocodile man who had no presence on the ship recently.

"Old Crocodile, you will be responsible for guarding our ship later and don't let any pirates get too deep."

He then raised his head slightly and said to this powerful foreign giant. He knew the opponent's fighting power well. It would be absolutely no problem for one to defeat ten ordinary pirates.

"As ordered."

The giant crocodile man responded immediately. He was currently fully armed and looked like a steel can, obviously ready for battle.

In this way, just a few minutes later, just as Wang Zhifan expected, the black pirate ship on the sea came closer to them. The pirates discovered that their ship did not even know how to escape, and quickly let out bursts of excitement. Yelling can be heard clearly from a long distance away.

"Hahaha! Thank you Poseidon! I met a big fish today!"

"This ship looks really good! It can definitely be sold for a good price!" "Brothers! Kill all their men! Steal their ship!"


Amidst bursts of pirate noises, the dark pirate ship quickly caught up to the side of the Great Dogfish, and then several pirates threw hook locks at the Great Dogfish, trying to secure the big fish.

But at this time, Wang Zhifan, who was standing on the deck, suddenly exerted his strength. He first slashed with his long sword, and then used the light of his sword to cut off all the hooks thrown at him. Then he jumped up and crossed more than ten people in the blink of an eye. Jumped to the deck of the pirate ship from a distance of meters.

But when he fell into the opponent's base camp, he did not directly start killing. Instead, he burst into the deeper part of the pirate ship's deck like a rocket, causing the pirates to be stunned for a while.

"The guy looking for death!"

"Everyone, please kill him!"

"Brothers, come together!"


Discovering that someone rushed into the center of their siege so defiantly, the shock on the faces of the pirates suddenly turned into anger. Everyone began to attack Wang Zhifan who had sneaked in. It seemed that the numerical advantage alone was enough to defeat this reckless man. Guy is completely overwhelmed.

However, with Wang Zhifan's current strength and his perception, he didn't take these pirates seriously at all. He had already judged that these guys were not very powerful in combat, and the strongest one was at the level of a giant crocodile man.

When all the pirates around him surrounded him from all directions, he kept turning his body with a long knife in his hand. He seemed a little out of control and didn't know how to deal with so many enemies. When a scimitar or a long sword attacked him, he seemed to have gone crazy and didn't care about these close attacks. He directly slashed the long sword in his hand at an enemy around him.

When the pirates saw his mindless fighting style, they felt ridiculous from the bottom of their hearts, and they all attacked him with their weapons. But at this time, they finally discovered something was wrong.

First of all, they felt that none of their attacks hit the physical body. The weapons all penetrated like phantoms. On the contrary, the weapons slashed by this weird guy were quite powerful. With just one blow, a pirate was decapitated along with the weapon he raised to block.

"No! This is a ghost! Use spells to attack!"

One pirate reacted quickly. After a round of fighting, he loudly reminded others to give up physical attacks and use spells with special effects on non-entities. But before he finished speaking, two other "ghosts" appeared on the deck. On the ground, a multi-point synchronized high-efficiency killing began, confusing the pirates.

"These people are too weak, so they are suitable for me to practice controlling Yume's clones in battle."

What the pirates don't know is that Wang Zhifan is not actually killing people on the deck. He has jumped to the mast to overlook the chaos below. The three "hims" who are killing randomly on the deck are actually his dream self clones. That's why it didn't show any entity.

"After the Dream Sword Sutra was upgraded to Level 4, my dream self clones have become a lot stronger. Any one of them can easily kill all these pirates. This kind of strength is not possible with the previous clones, but they are still not strong enough. Facing a strong enemy, I can only act as a support."

Wang Zhifan, who was squatting on the mast, looked at the pirates below who tried to use spells to attack his Mengwo clones, but were tormented by the sudden disappearance of the Mengwo clones one after another, causing the spells to hit their own people, and he made an objective judgment in his heart.

When he fought with the mysterious woman two days ago, he used the trick of "Dream Transformation", which shows that his Dream Sword Sutra has been improved. This improvement is naturally not only as simple as acquiring new sword skills, but also for him. The swordsman's strength has been improved in all aspects, but he still feels that he is not very strong and still needs to improve and improve.

"Forget it...there's no point in killing these guys...leave them to Chen Ming and his two brothers."

Controlling the three dream self clones, the situation on the deck of the pirate ship was confused, making the pirates too tired to deal with the situation and unable to take care of the other people on the Great Dogfish. Wang Zhifan then deliberately drove the pirates towards the side of the ship close to the Great Dogfish. .

Like a shepherd driving her sheep, he had three clones kill the pirates quickly from one side of the deck. The pirates found that they could not defeat these three "ghosts". After encountering a huge threat to their lives, they would naturally move towards the other side of the deck. He ran away frantically until he reached the side of the ship.

At this time, Chen Ming and Chen Can, who had already been told by Wang Zhifan to find positions and prepare for battle, began to exert their strength. Both of them had rare-quality firearms as weapons, especially Chen Can, who himself was still A gunner profession, although the current level is only level one, the accuracy of his marksmanship has already been revealed.

I saw this novice player hiding behind a large wooden box on the deck at this time. His face was stern. As soon as he showed up, he fired a rifle in his hand at the people running close to him on the deck of the pirate ship opposite. Not to mention the bullet hit rate. One hundred percent, ninety percent sure, he had it. Before one magazine was emptied, almost twenty pirates died under his gun, and about half of them died from headshots. The scene looked quite bloody and crazy.

Chen Ming, who was hiding on the other side, did not have such a dazzling record as his brother. Although this boy previously claimed that his marksmanship was among the top three among all his friends, you can see that he fired continuously for a while before he hit. Two or three pirates, and none of these pirates were killed directly by him. They all died from the precise firepower added by Chen Can.

"The output ability of professional gunners is indeed not bad. Even if Chen Can is only Level 1, he can still use the firearm in his hand to deal fatal damage. Not only is it very efficient, but it is also safer because he keeps a distance."

Wang Zhifan, who was still staying on the mast of the pirate ship, witnessed all this and immediately admired in his heart. He felt that if he could start his career as a player again, he would probably choose to work as a gunner. After all, the way of fighting to defeat enemies from a distance is really refreshing.


"Poseidon above!"

"I'll fight with you!"

After a while, a black and strong black bear-like leader on the pirate ship finally fell into madness under the huge casualties. He can't even command his ship to escape because three unsolvable "ghosts" have killed them all. The person who controls the ship, he can only bite the bullet and rush to the enemy ship to see if he can open up the situation.

Fortunately, the two ships were already very close. He used a special armor on his body to withstand the firepower from the opposite side and jumped over. But before he could start to cause trouble for the two gunmen, one of them had no body shape at all. The giant man in steel armor rushed towards him and almost knocked him into the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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