Bankruptcy beast.

Chapter 127 My teacher is a general?

Chapter 127 My teacher is a general?
"Okay, it's time to go in."

At this moment, Cao Xiong interrupted everyone's behavior and said: "Colonel Xiao will be responsible for taking you to your respective dormitories later. Everything after that will be subject to his orders."

As he spoke, Cao Xiong looked at a noncommissioned officer beside him and said, "Colonel Xiao, I will leave them all to you."

"Don't worry, General Cao, I will make arrangements for them."

The man known as Colonel Xiao saluted Cao Xiong and said loudly.

"I am no longer a general, just call me Cao Xiong."

Cao Xiong shook his head and left quickly amid the surprised eyes of the students.

"Let me go, the head teacher is actually a general. How many hidden dragons and crouching tigers are there in our department!"

Seeing Cao Xiong leaving, Zhou Tao finally couldn't help but exclaimed.

"At least one-third of Kumokakure University students will choose to join the military after graduation, and some military non-commissioned officers will also join Kumokakure University to teach after retirement. Didn't you know?"

"There is still such a relationship. It seems that my intelligence work is still not in place."

Zhou Tao recorded it very carefully and asked questions again and again, and other students also came together, wanting to hear Cao Xiong's gossip.

Unlike other surprises, Jiang Chen felt it was very reasonable.

When there was a joint drill in colleges and universities, he found it a bit strange. One side was just a head teacher of a university, and the other side was a direct descendant of the four major families. It seemed a bit incompatible.

Now it seems that he actually has such an identity.

"But if the head teacher is not a good general, why would he come to be a teacher? He shouldn't be old enough to retire yet?"

Jiang Chen was a little confused.

"That's because General Cao...that is, your teacher Cao has been injured, so the army specially allowed him to return to the rear to recuperate."

Colonel Xiao answered Jiang Chen's doubts, suddenly straightened his face, looked at everyone, and said: "Although you are just students, since you are here, you must abide by the rules here."

"Everyone, listen to my command, run forward, and arrive at the dormitory in 5 minutes!"

After saying that, Colonel Xiao took the lead and ran towards the inside of the barrier.

"This really feels a bit like military training~"

Jiang Chen grinned and glanced at the towering city wall above his head and the special warfare department who also entered the barrier under the leadership of the sergeant, and he suddenly felt hopeful in his heart.


He is finally here! ! !

Barrier dormitory area.

Jiang Chen and the other three looked at the dormitory they were assigned to and fell into deep thought.

It’s not that the dormitory conditions are too bad, the conditions here are even better than their university dormitories.

It's just that there is an extra person in this dormitory who shouldn't exist.

"Master Yan, why are you here?"

Jiang Chen looked at Xiao Yan who was already lying on the bed, his eyes full of speechlessness.

"I remember that you failed the practical assessment, so you shouldn't be able to participate in the border interview class, right?"

"Yes, this young master cannot participate in the border interview class."

Hearing Jiang Chen's doubts, Xiao Yan admitted readily and said, "So this young master came in through connections again~"

"Master Yan, what are you doing here so well? Your seniors don't want it anymore?"

Jiang Chen looked at Xiao Yan with some confusion. He was not surprised that Xiao Yan could come here. What was strange was why Xiao Yan came here.

"How is it possible? I am here just for my senior sister."

Xiao Yan looked serious and said, "Don't you know, the sophomores and juniors will arrive here in two days, and won't the seniors be here by then?"

Jiang Chen: "...Master Yan, thank you for your hard work."

Xiao Yan: "This is what I should do."

Jiang Chen shook his head speechlessly. He came all the way to the border just to wait for the senior students. It was probably only Young Master Yan who could do this.

"It has to be you, Master Yan!"

Zhou Tao gave Xiao Yan a thumbs up and said, "Master Yan, can you take us around? For example, places where students are prohibited from entering?"

"If you want to die, you can try."

He Xia pushed up his glasses and poured cold water on Zhou Tao.

"Xiao Yan may be able to go in and out of these places at will, but if you go, I will try to weed your grave next year."

"It's a joke, don't take it so seriously. Also, monitor, when did your mouth become so poisonous..."

Zhou Tao looked frustrated. Of course he knew how special this place was, but it was just the instinct of the UP owner that made him curious about everything around him.


He Xia responded calmly, then dragged two oversized suitcases and started making the bed.

They would spend the next two months here, so He Xia brought all the luggage here.

But basically it’s a book…

"It is indeed a 'shrimp roll'. If you fail to pass the public examination, God will not tolerate it!"

Zhou Tao praised repeatedly, then took out his notebook and started working on it.

He also recorded a lot of news along the way, enough for several programs.

"It's really better than the other volume..."

Seeing the two people busy as soon as they arrived at the dormitory, Jiang Chen couldn't help but laugh and started to pack his luggage.

But before Jiang Chen could take out many things, he heard Colonel Xiao's voice suddenly coming from outside the dormitory.

"Everyone, gather!!!"

"Gather? Didn't you just arrive at the dormitory?"

Zhou Tao, who had just jumped in, was a little surprised when he heard this.

"It's normal. My third nephew likes to do this the most." Xiao Yan waved his hand and said: "But I suggest you, you'd better get out quickly, otherwise you will suffer."

"Third nephew? You? Colonel Xiao?"

Jiang Chen was stunned when he heard this, and it took him a long time to react.

"Uncle is in great health."

"It's not bad, it's like this for all the old men."

Xiao Yan shrugged and ran out first.

"This young master will take the first step, so hurry up."

The three of them looked at each other and quickly followed.

Colonel Xiao was seen standing in the aisle in the middle of the dormitory with his head held high, his expression serious, quietly waiting for everyone to gather.

The students who had just arrived at the dormitory looked confused and walked out of the dormitory unsteadily. Some of them had even changed into pajamas.

By the time everyone was gathered, 5 minutes had passed.

"A bunch of trash!"

Suddenly, Colonel Xiao shouted loudly, startling everyone.

"As students of General Cao, you only have this kind of quality. If you were on the battlefield now, you would be dead!"

Hearing Colonel Xiao's words, some students instinctively wanted to refute, but when they were stared at by Colonel Xiao's cold eyes, their faces suddenly turned pale and they suppressed the words that were about to come to their lips.

Colonel Xiao's eyes looked like he wanted to kill someone...

"Very well, you are not stupid enough to contradict me."

Seeing that no one refuted, Colonel Xiao's expression became slightly better.

"Remember, your border interview class has already begun from the moment you cross the 318 barrier. Forget your identity as a college student and treat yourselves as a soldier."

Colonel Xiao looked around and said: "Now I give you one minute to prepare your interview tools, and then follow me!"

"Go? Where to go?"

After hearing this, someone finally couldn't help but ask.

"Your course is a border interview course, of course going to the wilderness."

Colonel Xiao grinned, his white teeth reflecting the cold light.

"You still have 55 seconds."

As soon as Colonel Xiao said this, everyone was in an uproar and started to prepare hurriedly, with sorrow on their faces.

However, there are exceptions.

"Finally...the wilderness series is finally launched~"

Zhou Tao's eyes were shining, and he wished he could go to the wilderness right now.

"Don't be too happy too early. What you record may not be broadcast."

He Xia pushed up his glasses, his expression extremely calm, but his clenched fists betrayed his inner thoughts.

A journey into the wilderness = gold plating!
"Why are you so excited? The wilderness is not as fun as you think."

Xiao Yan was a little speechless when he saw this, and said: "If you don't believe me, ask Jiang Chen, this is what they tested in the joint drill of colleges and universities, Jiang Chen?"

Seeing no one responded, Xiao Yan couldn't help turning his head to look at Jiang Chen, but was almost blinded by the starlight in Jiang Chen's eyes.

The wilderness, his lifelong pursuit, could finally go there!

"Well, it seems that I am the only one who is an outlier."

Xiao Yan shrugged helplessly, and his eyes that were originally squinted slowly opened.

"Sometimes seeing the truest side is really not a good thing."

Perhaps intimidated by Colonel Xiao's power, the students moved a lot faster this time and rushed to assemble before the end of time.

However, Colonel Xiao did not say any words of praise and just led Jiang Chen and his group forward quickly.

Soon, the group came to a military garage and saw that the students from the special warfare department had gathered.

Are you taking classes with students from the special warfare department?It seems different from what he learned before...

Jiang Chen was a little surprised, and so was the special warfare student opposite.

Border courses are a tradition of Kumogakure University, and they are compulsory courses for both the Special Warfare Department and the Journalism Department.

But in previous years, the journalism department stayed behind to record, and there was no need to go out at all.

"Give me peace!"

Colonel Xiao roared and suppressed all the discussions in the garage.

"Next time you speak without my permission, you will be dealt with according to military regulations!"

Colonel Xiao looked unhappy, took out a list, and said: "The students whose names I will report next will get on the bus immediately, and don't let me remind you a second time!"

"Car No. [-], special warfare department Han Li, Shi Hao, Wang Lin... Xiao Zhe, journalism department, Xiao Yan, Jiang Chen."

"Car No. [-], special warfare system..."


"Eight from the special operations department, two from the journalism department, and ten soldiers. Do you plan to separate operations?"

Jiang Chen boarded the No. [-] armored vehicle and was stunned when he saw the personnel configuration inside.

Xiao Yan, who got on the bus first, glanced at Jiang Chen and said, "It's been like this all the time, but before, there was only the special warfare department. This year, your news department was added."

"But with your strength, it doesn't hurt to join."

“Are the reforms happening this year?”

Jiang Chen's eyes narrowed slightly. It was difficult for Jiang Chen not to think too much about such intensive changes such as actual combat assessments, joint exercises with colleges and universities, star rankings, and the reform of border courses.

Could it be related to that weird flesh-and-blood plant?
(End of this chapter)

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