Chapter 274

Besides, she can now learn from her master, right?
In the future, when you can no longer survive with your medical skills, you can use your juggling skills to make money, which is still pretty good.

The big man performed a few more shows, such as shooting darts while blindfolded and frying a pan with his hands.

Ye Zhiyu saw through all these tricks at a glance, which was really boring.

Just when Ye Zhiyu lamented that this juggling was too deceptive, a little boy came up.

The little boy's performance was actually lifting a rock twice the size of his body.

In order to prove that the stone was real and not a prop, the leader of the juggling class specially invited a strong man to try to lift it.

The man left with his big belly.

At first, he was full of confidence and said proudly to the class leader: "Just be careful, if you meet me today, you will be unlucky."

After that, the man squatted down and began to use his strength to lift the rock.

After just one set of movements, the stone remained motionless and showed no intention of moving.

The man was so suppressed that his face was red and veins popped out.

When the leader saw this, he smiled and smoothed things over, "This strong man doesn't have to try anymore. He just needs to prove to you that the stone is genuine."

The big man still refused to give up, unwilling to believe that his strength had been challenged.

But no matter how he tried, the rock remained unmoved.

After a few times, the big man lost his strength and had to give up.

The class leader looked at everyone with a smile, "Are there any strong men willing to give it a try?"

Everyone has different opinions.

Some believed that the stone weighed a thousand kilograms, while others believed that the man was just a supporter.

However, Ye Zhiyu could see clearly that the man was not pretending, but that he really couldn't lift it.

I don’t know if the stone weighs a thousand pounds. In short, it is indeed difficult for ordinary people to lift it. This is true.

Seeing that the atmosphere was in place, the class leader beat the gongs and drums to attract everyone's attention.

"Then let's ask Ronaldinho to perform for us next!"

After saying that, the little boy stepped forward.

Many people were worried about him and told him not to force himself.

After all, the strong man just now couldn't lift the stone, so how could an eight or nine-year-old baby?

Others simply laughed.

"If you ask me, this class leader is really crazy about money. He doesn't care about human life. And this kid, a clown, doesn't know his own abilities."


The comments from people around him did not affect Ronaldinho at all.

I saw him spreading his legs as wide as his shoulders, his breath sinking into his dantian, and then——


The little boy's legs and hands were shaking, and his teeth couldn't stop chattering.

But he actually lifted the rock.

Everyone could hardly imagine that such a small body could burst out with so much energy——

Ye Zhiyu couldn't help but be shocked and cheered from the bottom of his heart.

The little boy held on for a few seconds and then threw the rock down.Ye Zhiyu noticed that his ears were bleeding, but he was still smiling.

Just because his performance attracted more people to the team.

He is a good boy who is pure and kind, and he has some real abilities.It's different from previous performances.

When the class leader handed the gongs and drums to Ye Zhiyu again, Ye Zhiyu gave him a piece of silver this time.

The leader was hunched over, but when he raised his eyes, he saw an extra ingot of silver on the plate.I was so happy that when I looked up to find the sponsor, I couldn't find it at all.

At that time, Ye Zhiyu had already squeezed out and was going to buy something for the two little dumplings and go back.

Just when Ye Zhiyu was about to leave, a commotion broke out among the crowd.

"Catch the thief!"

"Don't run, stop!"


The shouting was endless, and Ye Zhiyu keenly observed a wretched-looking man running away with a piece of silver in his hand.

The class leader was squeezed into the middle of the crowd and shouted anxiously: "Stop him, stop him, he's stealing money! Report to the official——"

But there are really too many people separated, and most of the people who are officials don't know why.All they knew was that a robbery had taken place, and everyone tightened their wallets, but no one went to catch the thief.

Ye Zhiyu saw the man's escape route clearly and guessed that the silver was probably the one he gave him, so he chased after him.

That person was probably very familiar with the terrain here, and he turned left and right and ran into a small alley.

Ye Zhiyu seemed a little unable to move forward.

From time to time, a pedestrian would appear in front of her.

Fortunately, Ye Zhiyu was fast enough and was not thrown away by the man.

Until the man was blocked in a dead end.

Ye Zhiyu smiled ferociously and said, "Run, why don't you run away?"

Ye Zhiyu moved his hands and feet as he approached, preparing to personally teach this man who dared to rob in broad daylight.

"You have hands and feet, how can you be so shameless? This is the hard-earned money I gave to that child, and you want to take it too? A short-lived ghost."

Ye Zhiyu said this not as a sign of ridicule, but because taking ill-gotten gains would lead to a short life.

Only then did the man see clearly that the woman chasing him was just a helpless woman, and he immediately gritted his teeth and prepared to compete with Ye Zhiyu.

Of course Ye Zhiyu was also happy.

However, just when she was guarding the man to escape, he suddenly fell straight down.

Ye Zhiyu first said tentatively, "Don't try to escape sanctions in this way."

Later, she realized that something really happened to the man, so she approached him.

The moment Ye Zhiyu approached, a burst of black air came out of the man's mouth, and he tried to flee in front of Ye Zhiyu.

Fortunately, Ye Zhiyu's quick eyes and hands quickly caught the wisp of black energy.

Ye Zhiyu checked the man's condition and found that he was already dead.

Thinking of the juggling troupe just now, Ye Zhiyu felt something was wrong and quickly returned to the original route to try to find the owner of the black energy.

However, it was all in vain.

The place where many people gathered just now has mostly dispersed.The vaudeville troupe was nowhere to be seen.

Ye Zhiyu casually grabbed an onlooker who was about to leave and asked, "May I ask this big brother, where is the vaudeville troupe here just now?"

The man waved his hand, with a sad look on his face, "Forget it, people are rushing to leave in the middle of the performance. I really don't know what they are anxious about. It's too disappointing, it's too disappointing——"

Ye Zhiyu watched the man leave, thinking that the circus was probably not simple.

Just now, I thought that the child was either extremely talented or had to practice hard to achieve his current skills.

But unexpectedly, he got entangled with the black energy.

Although the person who stole the money committed a heinous crime, it was not unforgivable, let alone death.

This is simply disregarding human life!
Ye Zhiyu pursed his lips and returned to the house.He immediately wrote a letter to Fu Jingtong, explaining clearly what happened on the street, especially the appearance and characteristics of everyone in the juggling class and the content of the performance.

(End of this chapter)

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