Chapter 262 Insufficient success
Hearing this, the woman in red smiled sheepishly, "I have something important to report, otherwise I wouldn't bother you in the middle of the night, right?"

"Just say what you want, don't waste time." Wen Yufu's attitude was not a good one, but compared to the disgust of others, it was much better.

The woman in red knew that she had failed in this matter, and she was very worried.

"This... the hideout at Qianmian Villa was destroyed."

After the woman in red finished speaking, she lowered her head and did not dare to look at Wen Yufu.

Wen Yufu frowned, but did not blame him. He only asked about the situation in detail.

The woman in red reported everything.

"A porter was brought up in the evening, and he had already paid tribute to the evil god. Everything was going as usual, but who knew that two cheap maids sneaked in and stopped me when I was about to kill the next boy. I got into a fight with those two ...Invincible.”

"So you let them run away? And you also asked them to bring back helpers to destroy Thousand Faces Villa in one fell swoop, right?"

Wen Yufu held back his anger and finished explaining what happened next for the woman in red.

The woman in red almost didn't dare to look at Wen Yufu.

For some reason, this noble lady gave her a great sense of oppression.

This sense of oppression does not come from her appearance, expression or behavior.It's more like a bloodline suppression.

This noble lady is either not a mortal, or has another soul in her body.

"A bunch of trash, can anyone get caught?"

"The majority of the troops have evacuated, but there are still a few slow-footed ones who have been caught."

When Wen Yufu heard this, he threw away the candle in his hand.

However, it only passed through the woman's body and did not cause any substantial harm to her.

"Don't worry, miss, they are all the most devout believers, and they will definitely not betray the evil god or you." The woman in red quickly begged for mercy.

"Idiot! This matter is so important. If something goes wrong, how many lives can you afford to pay for it?" Wen Yufu squinted at the woman in red, who was so frightened that she trembled.

"Even if they all die in battle, they should not fall into the hands of those people." At this point, Wen Yufu seemed to have thought of something.

She said: "The Thousand Faces Villa has always been hidden. How was it discovered?"

The woman in red also couldn't figure it out, and her face was full of resentment, "I don't know this, I only know that an ordinary-looking woman took a flower demon and took away the boy who was about to be sacrificed from my hands. What followed was A group of officers and soldiers came. The leader..."

"The rest call him Minister of Dali Temple."

"Prince of Dali Temple?" Wen Yufu chewed on these words repeatedly and asked, "Is that person young or old?"

"Young and handsome." The woman in red replied without hesitation.

It seems that it can only be Fu Jingtong.

As for the plain-looking woman...

Wen Yufu didn't know who it was for a while and didn't think much about it.

Seeing Wen Yufu's hesitation, the woman in red thought she was still concerned about the captured believers, so she asked tentatively: "Do those captured believers need..." The woman in red wiped her neck. The meaning of the action is self-evident.

"No need." Wen Yufu said: "During this period, you should avoid the limelight, don't go out to arrest people, and take care of the people under your command. As for other things, I will take care of them myself."

"Just don't cause me any more trouble."

The woman in red lowered her head in response.

Wen Yufu glanced at her, a little impatiently, "Is there anything else? If nothing happens, go down and rest early."

The woman in red hurriedly left after hearing this.

Little did they know that Wen Yufu was standing behind her, looking at her back with disgust.

Those who fail to achieve success but more than fail can only wait until dawn to see the Queen Mother.


On the other side, Ye Zhiyu rushed to the palace without stopping.Rong'er was left on the carriage by her.

First, she wanted to say something to Xiao Qingrang alone, and second, she had indeed been tired from work recently.Take advantage of this time to take a good rest.

At this time, it was almost dawn. With Fu Jingtong's waist badge of Dali Temple Qing, Ye Zhiyu was able to enter and leave the palace.

Because he was walking too fast, he collided with an eunuch at the corner.

The little eunuch screamed.

Ye Zhiyu wasn't much better either. He grimaced in pain and took two steps back.

Normally, she would have felt nothing.

In the final analysis, this injury is still causing trouble, thanks to the Queen Mother.

The little eunuch held a bunch of scrolls in his hands, and they were flying all over the place.

The young eunuch was probably new here. Seeing such a scene, he was immediately frightened and stayed there for a long time, speechless.

It was Ye Zhiyu who reacted and picked up the nearby scroll and stuffed it into the little eunuch's arms.

"Don't delay your affairs. I'm really sorry. I have to take a step first. If you feel uncomfortable or this delays your affairs, go to the Imperial Master's Palace to find me."

Ye Zhiyu said that and left neatly.

She really couldn't afford to delay.

The little eunuch came back to his senses only after the Ye Zhiyu man had walked far away. He looked at the mess on the ground and was about to cry without tears.

These are arranged in order by the painter, and I have been warned not to mix them up before sending them out.

I still messed up the job now.

The little eunuch patted his head in annoyance and shouted twice in the direction Ye Zhiyu left.


Ye Zhiyu didn't even pause.

Seeing this, the little eunuch could only pick up the scrolls scattered on the ground and thought about how to deal with them.

The man just now said that if he had any questions, he would go to the Imperial Master's Palace to find her.

Not to mention that the Imperial Preceptor is busy with everything, how can a young man like him meet the Imperial Preceptor?Even if he saw it, how could such a superior person care about his own life and death?
Otherwise, he would go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to admit his mistake in exchange for a severe beating...

The little eunuch shuddered when he thought of that feeling.

I'm afraid he will die if the plank comes down.

For now, we can only make mistakes and hide this accident.

The little eunuch looked around nervously to make sure no one had seen him, and then he picked up all the scrolls.

When Ye Zhiyu came to Xiao Qingrang's palace, the fish's belly happened to turn up on the horizon.

The Taoist boys hadn't woken up yet, so no one informed them.

Ye Zhiyu couldn't just sit and wait outside, so he gritted his teeth and pushed open the door of Xiao Qingrang's room.

It's really intrusive and disrespectful, and disturbs people's dreams.But this matter cannot be delayed.

Unexpectedly, what he saw was not Xiao Qingrang in his sleep, but Xiao Qingrang standing by the window wearing only a single suit.

In this way, he is a little less alienated and condescending than usual, and a little more humane.

There is a unique sense of closeness, and it also makes people feel a little closer.

"That's abrupt." Ye Zhiyu dismissed the thought in his mind and immediately turned his back.

Xiao Qingrang was calm and composed, without the slightest fear of being offended.

(End of this chapter)

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